Hollow gamer (Highschool dxd...

By SpudlordMaster

339K 4.6K 5.2K

Y/n L/n, typical delinquent with issues against anyone and anything, then he was killed.... Now, reincarnated... More

Harem Part 2
Game Start!
School yay....
It's the date
First confession
Blood sucker
Familiar forest
Delinquent Warfare
Masked battles
Hollow training
Rating game!


16.6K 317 417
By SpudlordMaster

Speech: "Hey what is up."

Shouting: "OW MY GOD DAM TOE!"

Thinking: 'She looks pretty cute.'

Skill being used or made: []

Inner Hollow Speech: "One, two, fuck you."

(Narrator POV)

[Shadow Sneak]: (Active) Level 1/100: EXP: 0%

Description: The user is able to detach their shadow to scout ahead and their shadow will let the user see through its eyes, but they are locked in place when their shadow is detached.

[Heal]: (Active) Level 1/100: EXP: 0%

Reishi: 300 for 100hp

Description: The user is able to speed up the natural effects of healing, by imbuing their reishi into the injury, speeding up the healing process.

{Fallen Blood}: (Passive) Level MAX!!!

Description: The user has a lone black wing to show that they have fallen from grace, as well as a boost of +5 to all stats, minus Luck.

Name: Y/n L/n

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Human(98%)/Fallen Angel(2%)

Title: The gamer/Idiotic bastard/Lucky Perv

Sacred gear: Missing!

Level: 36

Till next LVL: 1000/3600

Hp: 980/980 (Recovery: 21 per minute)

Reishi: 980/980 (Recovery: 96 per minute)

Strength: 55

Endurance: 49

Agility: 42

Intelligence: 49

Wisdom: 39

Luck: 35

Spending points: 0

In a sense it was oddly saddening for one to lose part of their humanity, though Y/n wasn't entirely certain what were the differences between Humans, Angels, Fallen, Devils, Dragons, or any other supernatural creature. They could all interbreed apparently, Vali was a good example with him being a Human/Devil hybrid, Akeno being a former Human/Fallen hybrid before becoming a Devil/Fallen thing or was she just a Devil with Fallen wings?

Either way he was stronger now, with [Life Drain] he now had possibilities that he didn't know he had before, and Y/n assumed that if he became more and more of a Chimera-like creature then he would be stronger than his supposed level, while having the 40 Reishi increase for every point he put into intelligence. Y/n wasn't certain how long he had been in his bed staring up at the notification screens, his Inner Hollow and Opscuro had been silent since their last encounter, and Y/n hoped that it would take a while for his pale doppelgänger to recover.

Kuroka staring on his left made the teen blink, her breath was warm against the left side of his neck and left ear, sending a shiver down Y/n spine as the teen was forced to look at the ceiling, due to Kuroka's lack of wear. A simple bra and panties covered her body, something that was most likely from his newest and most annoying title, but that didn't stop the fact that today was the day that Y/n dreaded.


Shuffling out of his bed, Y/n sighed as he forced himself to stand up and winch slightly from the sharp pain that covered the majority of his upper-right back, having a wing suddenly grow from your body hurt apparently. Grabbing his clothing which had been set out on his computer chair the previous night, Y/n groaned as he forced himself to bend over slightly as he picked his clothing, eyes landing on the alarm on his nightstand.

7:30, which gave the teen enough time to prepare and eat breakfast, wash up, and get going for school, since he now was starting to flaunt his superior intelligence to everyone. He was still behind Sona in terms of intelligence, but she didn't have the melon-crushing thighs that he had, and that was a proven fact.


If you hit yourself and it hurts, what are you then?

Reasons like this oddity was why he didn't like Monday's, Banana Stampede Monday, Taco Warfare Monday, Man Hunt Monday, and Mafia Monday came to Y/n's mind, the 4 weirdest Monday's he has had this year, and that excluding the others. Y/n wondered what this Monday would be called, Madness Monday had a nice ring to it.


Her shoes squealed against the footpath, Y/n's right eyebrow violently twitched in place as his whole body stiffen, Issea wisely took a step away from Rias who was now something to her, yet the red haired beauty was purposely annoying Y/n, which was a bad idea by anyone's standards. They were in the middle of a crowd of students, Y/n only wore the pants and shoes required for Kouh and had his bag slung over his right shoulder, holding it in place with his right hand.

The reason why Y/n was missing his blazer and wearing his pink T-Shirt was simple, the 2nd in command had decided to try and attack Y/n on his way to school while Rias and Issea were following him, safe to say Y/n's blazer was ripped and Jordan Jeffry had been defeated. Despite seeing Y/n's superhuman strength, Rias decided to test out Y/n and annoy him since she knew she was safe, why one ma ask? Society's standards.

Rias felt her feet slowly lift off of the ground, it was kinda hard to breathe and her top was feeling tighter, blinking as she realized that everyone was slowly stepping away from her suspended form. Y/n with dull amber eyes stared into her, silently questioning her on her life choices that had led up to this moment in time, as to why she was stupid enough to annoy him after watching his friend being killed.


"Life is a fickle thing I realized, it could be ended as suddenly as a wrong turn at the wrong time." Coldly snarled Y/n, Rias knew she wasn't seeing things as she saw Y/n's amber eyes glow yellow, and despite Y/n's right fist reeled back and prepared to punch her, nobody did anything. "Or it could be planned out, because that someone had something that you wanted." Frostily spoke Y/n, his voice was cold enough to send a shiver down Rias's eyes, and now she was well aware of the fact now.

He knew...... he was livid... and he was a loose cannon.

Y/n's right fist launched forward, just as someone jumped out in front of the crowd, throwing themselves in between Y/n's punch and Rias's face, the person who did so flinched as the fist flew at them. A moment before it actually hit Rias or her savior Y/n's fist stopped dead in its tracks, Rias was dropped to the ground a second later with a scoff leaving Y/n's lips.

She is a beautiful young woman with well cared for white skin, her eyes ocean blue eyes were shimmering in fear as she looked at Y/n's rapidly approaching fist, and she had gorgeous figure. Her long, luscious, glossy, snow white hair freely flowed down to her mid-back, not bound up by anything at all, except for the hair in front of her eyes which was neatly cut in a straight line. She wore the Kouh's girl school uniform.

Momo Hanakai, she wasn't a brave person normally but she knew the very moment she saw Y/n in the hallway, he had issues that went deep, thick, and twisted through his whole body, issues that would be never spoken about, nor would they ever see the light of day. What struck Momo Hanakai as odd was the fact that she didn't feel scared around Y/n, to her he almost looked harmless but he was scared and he was an animal, even a rat would fight back if it was cornered.

"Admiral, what is your name?" Emotionlessly questioned Y/n, sauntering away from the scene that he had just created, any of the boys who were planning on messing with the teen for wearing pink was gone, they now knew that Y/n would best anyone up.

"Momo Hanakai." Faux-Confidently announced Momo, Y/n stopped in his tracks for the briefest of moment and looked back at her, assessing her something that she wasn't aware of.

"Respect." Calmly scoffed Y/n, walking down the gap that had formed between the group of students, leaving behind his first friend, a shaken Rias, and Momo Hanakai, not once looking back at them. "You have my respects Momo Hanakai. Call for me if you ever need help, and I'll provide it." Gruffly informed Y/n, sauntering off on his own, heading off to class with the intent of getting there on time.


Nothing overly interesting had happened throughout the day, a student called Y/n out for a fight and threw the first punch, which Y/n allowed to hit him so he could hit him back in "self defense", and that made the challenger fall backwards unconscious. That was the thing about getting stronger, the fights that once got your heart pounding failed to do that anymore, making one continuously look for stronger and stronger opponents so one could feel the thrill of a fight.

[Sense] alerted Y/n that someone was relatively close by, a Devil by the feel of their energy they had been giving out, Y/n wasn't certain how he had learned this part of the skill but it was hand, it helped keep track of Rias's and Sona's peerage. Glancing down from the tree he was in, Y/n spotted the one that had been with Sona on the day they introduced themselves, Tsubaki Shinra if Y/n was correct, and since it was lunch and his cooking was improving he was feeling nice, and may as well talk.

"Looking for something Tsubaki?" Curiously yawned Y/n, his eyelids feeling heavy since he had been finding sleeping in trees to be oddly relaxing, mentally berating himself for not training any of his skills but there was always a risk of being caught out if something went wrong.

The delinquent looked in amusement as the girl in question jolted in surprise, her light brown eyes wildly looked up at the teen in tree, calming down a second later once she realized who it was a moment later since nobody else in the school sounded that angry or had rusted hair. Y/n's feet hit the ground, his knees jutted outwards as his body absorbed the impact of the 7 foot fall, the teen didn't flinch as he stared down at Tsubaki.

"Y/n... you are oddly difficulties to find, but I'm looking for you." Shakily sighed Tsubaki, noting how much Y/n seemed to have improved over the span of a week, she didn't want to say it but he was most likely the strongest person in Kouh at the moment, which didn't really mean much since he wasn't in a team and not everyone who was a supernatural creature was open about it. "Sona wants to speak to you, if you fail to show up you'll have a detention." Calmly informed Tsubaki, watching as the delinquent squinted at her slightly, a lazy smile growing on his face a moment later.

"Only a Teacher or the Principal can hand out detentions, so I wonder what the punishment for handing out detentions even though you aren't supposed to are?" Curiously mused Y/n, walking away back towards the tree he had been resting at, he didn't feel like hanging out with Issea at the moment especially since he had failed her. "She may as well come to me, before I decide going around and asking who else has been falsely accused of such crimes for not doing something that they didn't want to do. 5 minutes, then I'll be gone." Dramatically wailed Y/n, clambering back up his tree as Tsubaki bolted, happy with himself for committing that segment about the school rules to his memories.

Y/n closed his eyes since he didn't really know what to do with himself now, mitching tomorrow sounded appealing so he could wander around Kouh and do the Delinquent King Quest, since it had a 10000 EXP reward and a new title. Training in the instant dungeon for hours on end against Zombies and Ghouls so he could train [Hand to hand combat], [Reishi Enhancement] and his Reishi Regeneration skills also sounded quite appealing.

[Sense] flared up once again, alerting Y/n of the 8 Devils that were coming his way, Y/n assumed that they were Sona and her peerage which was good since that meant they were reasonable. Nobody else besides the 8 Devils and the Semi-Human were in the immediate area, nobody really ventured close to wherever Y/n was which was quite nice if he wanted peace and quite, but if he was quite and behaved throughout the day nobody really minded where he went.

"Y/n, get down here. We have to talk." Bluntly informed Sona, her voice was cold and to the point, making Y/n's eyes slowly crack open in amusement at the demand, his amber eyes gazing into Sona's own as Y/n adjusted himself so he was sitting on the edge of the branch and wasn't laying against the tree.

"Talking with a liar? Are all pure blood Devils like this?" Amusedly commented Y/n, sending a small smile towards the group which completely unnerved them from the look that was currently in Y/n's eyes, briefly they flashed a bright yellow. "Don't worry, I'm not a threat unless provoked. So what do you want to talk about?" Hauntingly chuckled Y/n, leaning forward on his branch and clamped onto it with his hands, flipping through his arms as he fell before he hit the ground, landing perfectly on the ground.

"Rias has informed me of what you have done in the park." Calmly stated Sona, Y/n merely raised his left eyebrow and slowly began giving an applause towards the Student Council President, earning an unamused glare from the glasses wearing girl in question. "What are you? You seemed Human last week, but now you feel like a fallen." Instantly asked Sona, shrugging his shoulders Y/n reached for the help of his pink T-shirt and pulled it off, looking bored as some of the member blushed at his lean body.

"Before you comment, I may as well show you." Loudly snorted Y/n, dropping his T-shirt onto the ground and snapped open his right hand, closing his eyes in concentration as his zanpakutō formed in his right hand and blood flew from his back. "Human, but I've certain skill that if I kill someone with it I lose 2% of my Human DNA and become 2% whatever I kill." Calmly informed Y/n, throwing his zanpakutō into the air with a spin, catching it as Opscuro fell back into his hand, making the teen blink.

Was his zanpakutō supposed to be called what it was or its name, since things would be weird if he was referring to Opscuro/zanpakutō in the wrong tense, since Opscuro did have his own thoughts, emotions, plans, and ambitions as well. A mental link being created by Opscuro would shortly answer his question, and Y/n stared blankly for a minute as he released his hold on Fallen Wing and his weapon.

'He says call it a zanpakutō, and call your weapon Opscuro when he's released.' Pleasantly informed the voice inside Y/n's head, the teen nodded along in agreement as he began putting back on his top, feeling as through he had explained everything by now.

"If that's all then, I'm going back to class." Tiredly groaned Y/n, brushing last Soma without looking at her, amber eyes blinking a few times as they realized what had just happened and who had spoken. 'What? How the hell are you back?!' Bewilderedly asked Y/n, keeping a calm look on his face as he made his way back to the next class, the third last class of today before he was free and could go do his thing.

'What? It's not like people die when they are killed.' Confusedly scoffed the Inner Hollow, Y/n knew that this was going to be an absolute headache to deal with throughout the day, if the Inner Hollow tried to take over his body at any point during the day. 'But if you must know, I'm having tea and biscuits with Opscuro. He's kinda busy making a second cup for us, but either way I won't cause any trouble until we can arrange a time that fits us both. You have beaten me anyway, I'm not giving ya the mask since I don't fell like ya are ready.' Hauntingly explained Y/n, brining back some ease for the teen since Y/n thought that his Inner Hollow could've been annoying polite to him and nice, but now Y/n was happy that he was an prick.

'I'm not gonna question how you guys have teas and biscuits, but tell Opscuro that I hopes he enjoys it.' Confusedly mumbled Y/n, deciding that trying to figure out how Opscuro had acquired tea and biscuits would be better off for another time, or how his Inner Hollow was oddly polite.


The bell rang loudly through the school, Y/n jolted awake from his desk from surprise of the loud noise, sending the desk to the ground and making more of a racket of what was going on. Pinching the bridge of his nose before stifling a yawn, Y/n blinked wearily in sleepiness as he picked back up his desk, staring blankly into the wall in front of him as his mind was currently sorting out all he knew.

Issea stood behind him, finally approaching him at some point throughout the day though Y/n couldn't exactly remember when, and she said about someone coming to fetch them after school. The urge to leave and and let everyone else deal with the issues they caused was there, Y/n didn't know exactly why he didn't leave since there was a good possibility of things going wrong, meaning that Y/n may or may not be forced to fight his way out.

Gasps of excitement from the girls and whines of longing came from the boys, someone walked through the door, and Y/n assumed that they were the person who Issea said was going to get them. Sleepily looking over at the person at the center of the commotion, Y/n squinted slightly as the person seemed vaguely familiar, before Y/n's mind recalled that she was the cosplaying, sword girl he accidentally hit with a branch on the Saturday he arrived and since he didn't do it before, Y/n used [observe]

She was a beautiful young woman with bluish/grey eyes, a small mole was underneath her left eye, as for her hair it was allowed to be free, her bright blonde hair fell just past her shoulders and was nearly combed downwards. Not that he was a pervert or anything, but Y/n couldn't help but note that her legs were long and lean which were quite nice in her thigh-high leggings, and that through her breasts were smallish compared to a Devils they were perky. She wore the Kouh female school uniform, along with having a small plaster on her forehead.

Name: Yumi Kiba

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Devil

Title: 5th princess of the school/Sword Freak/Closet Perv

Sacred gear: Sword birth

Level: 29

Hp: 640/640

Magic: 840/840

Strength: 29

Endurance: 32

Agility: 62

Intelligence: 21

Wisdom: 22

Luck: 10

"Is Issea Hyoudou and Y/n L/n here?" Softly asked the girl, Y/n's chair scarped loudly against the ground as he stood up, a scowl on his face as he looked around the room in order to shut everyone up before hand, before picking up his bag and following after Issea.

"See ya later Issea, Cosplayer." Loudly grunted Y/n, walking away from both Issea and the genderbent Kiba, not once looking back as he felt the stares of the people on his back, most of them were glared from what Y/n felt. "The short, white haired girl's pet knows where I live. Send your president to my place if she wants to talk." Lazily groaned Y/n, hearing someone starting to walk after him and Y/n had a feeling who it was, making the teen pick up the pace slightly as the other person did the same.

Other students were smart enough to get out of the way as they saw Y/n thundering down the corridor, Yumi Kiba was running after him along with Issea Hyoudou who was already starting to lag behind them. Y/n was silently pleased  with himself as he got out the front gates of  the school without knocking anyone over, even then Y/n could hear Yumi starting to breathe a bit heavier than she stared off, she may have had higher agility but that didn't mean much if your target could run further.

A car horn loudly honked to Y/n's left, making Y/n slam both feet onto the ground and leap into the air, leaping across the whole road that was in front of Kouh and continued running, running in between two buildings opposite Kouh. Thanks for his superior muscles compared to normal humans, Y/n was easily able to push off each wall with enough force to send him higher up the other, copying Mario and Luigi with their wall jump technique.

"Problem, Yumi?" Hauntingly scoffed Y/n, looking down from the top of a 3 story building and was only breathing somewhat heavily, while looking down at Yumi who hadn't even attempted getting up to him, instead she had a predatory smile on her face as she looked up at him. "The short, white haired girl knows where I live most likely. If not ask Issea, I'm sure she will be oh so happy when she's given the rest of the puzzle." Loudly snarled Y/n, stepping away from the edge of the building and growled, Rias was an utter bitch in his books.



Kuroka was quietly upstairs in his own room, Y/n had almost been freed to knock out the woman before she realized what Y/n was explaining to her, but Y/n couldn't think that they could have came at a much worse time. Y/n sat in front of the group of 5 girls, a towel was tightly wrapped around his waist and his rusted hair was laying flat against his head, holding no form of spikiness or menace at all.

"Hurry up, I'm giving you guys a total of 5 minutes before I start telling me speculations on the whole ordeal." Calmly growled Y/n, bristling slightly as he glared at the other red haired person in the room, who stiffened slightly as she knew that the rusted haired teen didn't give a shit about the consequences half of the time. "Now, ask." Frostily snarled Y/n, looking as Rias's mouth clammed shut at then animalistic snarl that escaped Y/n, not missing the flash of yellow that briefly took over his eyes.

"I'll start if that is okay President." Excitedly giggled Akeno, Y/n didn't pay attention to any person in particular in the room, more so keeping an eye on everyone, since all but Issea were a threat in some way, shape, or form. "What are you? Sona has told us that you can summon a sword and have a lone Fallen Angel wing, though you gave off pure Human vibes last week." Happily asked Akeno, Y/n rolled his eyes as the statement since he had already been working on a fabricated story for when this happened, they wouldn't know a think that hit them,

"I'm what you'd call a subspecies of Human, we called ourselves Shinigami. That "sword" is what we call our zanpakutō, we use them to send Ghosts to the other side and kill Hollows, and yes.... I see dead people." Calmly lied Y/n, though the last part was a lie since he started paying attention to the other being in the room with them, a Ghost that looked eerily liked Akeno and she floated over and whispered something into his ear. "Shuri Himejima, that's the name of your mother. Though I have a skill that drains the health of my foes, if I kill them with it, I become 2% of whatever they are." Bluntly stated Y/n, watching as the former Human/Fallen hybrid stared wide eyed at him, collapsing backwards onto the ground a moment later.

"Can we get an ice pack?" Bluntly inquired Koneko, Y/n shrugged his shoulders and gripped onto the towel around his waist, smiling slightly to himself as he watched the Devils crowd around their still friend, walking out of the room a minute later.

Y/n returned a minute later with a bag of vegetable a moment later, throwing them at Koneko who snatched it out of the air, as the teen knew that the Devils were running out of time. Tapping loudly on his forearm, Y/n was in glee as he saw Rias's mouth part slightly as she knew what Y/n meant, they were running out of time and they would hear his speculations without worry.

"I know it is sudden, but we must go now." Hurriedly informed Rias, a magic circle snapping open underneath her, a moment lasted both herself and her peerage disappeared, leaving Y/n alone in his sitting room with a simple towel on.

"They are gone!" Loudly barked Y/n, summoning his zanpakutō into the world and closed his eyes, intent on finding out why his Inner Hollow was back and was being oddly silent. "I'll be talking to Opscuro!" Added on Y/n, closing his eyes and released a shaky breath from his lips, hearing Kuroka bound down the steps a moment later with a smile on her face before he activated [Jinzen].

(Y/n's Inner World)

The familiar dark, starry sky surrounded the teen at any given angle, though there was still a normal coloring to the area despite the various colors of the starts, though there was some new noticeable changes. The white planet that had both Opscuro and his Inner Hollow animatedly talking to one another was new, along with the small grey planet that the two seemed to orbit.

"So, how do I get this from this planet to the other?" Confusedly asked Y/n, looking as the two Spirts inside of him slowly stopped talking and looked at him, leaping across the distance between the two planets, their bodies flipping around as gravity seemed to effect the. "Still didn't explain how." Softly mumbled Y/n, focusing on the pale doppelgänger who had a small smirk on his face, his eyes didn't hold the glint they had the first they met, as a matter of fact he seemed like the nicest one in the area.

"I will leave you two to talk." Calmly informed Opscuro, nodding in respect at the teen before nodding at the Inner Hollow, before turning around and slowly walking away from the two of them. 

A tense silence fell between the two, Y/n's stance lowered as he prepared himself to draw his zanpakutō at a moments notice, and the Inner Hollow mimicked Y/n but with an amused smirk on his face. Y/n wanted to wipe that smile off of the Hollow's face, the mocking smirk and the pitying look in his eyes were enough to make Y/n growl.

"Ya know, I'm made up of all thing that ya hate about ya self." Lazily scoffed the Hollow, a Cheshire Cat smile on his face as he looked over at the one who caused his creation to come around, the teen with enough issues for anyone who knew to be worried. "So ya want my mask, eh? It's oh so nice to have my powers used without knowing me first." Mockingly whined the Inner Hollow, his right hand slammed over his right eye, only allowing Y/n to see the Hollow's butter yellow eyes staring into his own amber.

"What is your name Hollow? Believe it or not, calling you it, Inner Hollow, and Doppelgänger are quite annoying to say." Loudly growled Y/n, annoyed from the assumption of the Inner Hollow, before he watched the Inner Hollow staring blankly at him for a moment, only to burst out laughing a second later. "What!?" Bewilderedly snarled Y/n, stepping up in front of the doppelgänger who simply help his hands up in surrender, collapsing to the ground and continued to laugh for a minute straight.

"Gi....give me a minute.... ahhh. It's the fact that ya think I have a name, ya dipshit." Hauntingly snorted the Inner Hollow, rubbing the back of his head as he slowly stood back up and eyed the teen, a light shining in the Inner Hollow's eyes for a brief moment. "How about we make a deal over the mask, I don't trust ya much with my power, but we know the course of the first season.... I'll have ya fight me again at some point before it end." Honestly informed the Inner Hollow, holding out his right hand for a shake, making Y/n look at it for a solid minute.

They shook hands, and made a deal, a deal Y/n didn't know if he regretted or not.


"My everything hurts." Pathetically whined the doe eyed girl, turns out what Y/n called relaxing was bone breaking, mind numbing, and exhaustingly sore, but since Y/n estimated himself to be the strongest human in Kouh at the moment it had its benefits. "I wanna go back to sleep." Wearily sighed Issea, Y/n meanwhile had a small smile on his face as he listened to his recently reincarnated friend whine, she actually had a determination to improve herself now, which was something Y/n respected about her.

"I did say you'd be sore afterwards." Lazily countered Y/n, easily ruffling the girl's hair, which in turn got him a smack across the hand after ruining her half assed ponytail, which took a lot longer to do since she was sore all over, especially her legs. "Besides, last night you came over unannounced, ate my dinner and told me you needed it. My being the kind saint I am, I agreed." Hauntingly chuckled Y/n, sticking his tongue out  towards the girl, realizing that it might have looked weird for him to do but it felt right.

"Should I go.... I'm not particularly interested on wha you two did in the sac last night." Awkwardly coughed Yumi, looking at the way Y/n raised his right hand over his mouth like a posh lady, sniffling a chuckle as the resident delinquent shuffled a chuckle.

"Such a provocative mind." Smugly chuckled Y/n, stepping away from the side of the building and avoided a punch, stepping forward with his left fist darting out as quick as a snake biting its prey, the smug look intensifying a second later as the sound of someone hitting the ground echoed through the area. "We were talking about a workout, dear Perverted Yumi, your mind clouded in lust. That was the 2nd in command of West Kouh." Pleasantly informed Y/n, a skip in his step as he felt like the king of the world at this point in time, 

"Ow." Childishly whined someone on the road across from them, making Y/n blink slightly as he saw a pair of striped panties facing him, green with white strips his mind noted, before Y/n darted across the road and picked the girl up and Y/n knew who she was the moment he seen her, activating [observe] on the girl.

Large, bright green eyes gazed up into his own since she stood at 5'1, her skin was sun kissed quite nicely from the visible skin that Y/n could see, and she had long, flowing blonde hair, that went well down to her back, with split bangs over her forehead and a single strand sticking out from the top and sloping backward. She wore a dark teal nun outfit that had a light blue accents, a white veil over her head with light blue accents, a brown satchel slung on her right hip, and brown boots with black straps in an X-shaped pattern. 

Name: Asia Argento

Age: 16

Gender: female

Species: Human

Title: Exiled nun

Sacred gear: Twilight healing

Level: 8

Hp: 100/100

Magic: 280/280

Strength: 3

Endurance: 5

Agility: 4

Intelligence: 14

Wisdom: 12

Luck: 5

The white veil that rested on top of her head flew off, quickly snatching it from the air, Y/n handed it back to Asia who offered him a smile in return. Y/n didn't know what to think about the whole ordeal, should he even try and save Asia's since the last it had happened thing had gotten way more complicated.

That's a wrap people!!! Progress is being made with Y/n's Inner Hollow, who is oddly the most stable and friendly out of himself, Y/n, and Opscuro.... which is weird.

See ya next time!!!


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