Match Made in Virginia [s. re...

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"A bunch of high schoolers are running my love life. Is this really what my life has come to?" OR She's a hig... Daha Fazla

epigraph + summary
cast + playlist


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LESS THAN HALF OF her first period class showed up thanks to various sport meetings that a lot of the juniors had, as well as the fact that a few had gotten a bad stomach bug. Natalie did what she only did on special occasions, or days when she knew they weren't going to get much work done – she walked the remaining members of the class out of the school and to the café a couple blocks away. She would pay for the kids who didn't have money o buy anything, and let them stay there for a good amount of time before she had to rush everyone back to the school so they wouldn't miss their next class.

"Going to the café," Natalie stated as she poked her head into the school's office where the secretary sat as she talked with the Assistant Principal. "We'll be back by nine ten."

The adults smiled, the secretary's more strained and forced while the Assistant Principal's seemed genuine as the man spoke. "Have fun, give a call if you're gonna be late."

She gave a nod. "Yes, sir."

Natalie then left the office and walked back to the twelve students who were waiting by the doors, and she moved passed them, opening the door and letting them walk out first. The August heat hit them instantly; it was a change from he cool air conditioning inside the high school. She checked the time of her phone. It was only a few minutes passed eight, so they had time for the ten minute walk and a thirty minute sit-down at the café before heading back.

Sam Ross talked with a few other juniors, all smiles and laughter. It was actually rare to see the girl genuinely smile and laugh, Sam always forcing herself to be positive and smile so no one would see her frown or cry, but still there were days when she couldn't even fake it. It caused Natalie to worry for her; Sam might not be her daughter, but she was close with Holly and has been since Holly was three and Sam was four. But right now, the junior's smile was genuine but her laugh sounded a bit forced, but that was just because one of the others students who she didn't like too much was cracking jokes that weren't funny and she didn't want to know what would happen if she didn't laugh.

"Sam," Natalie called out to the girl, Sam turning her head around and looking at the woman with a questioning look. Natalie motioned for her to walk with her. "C'mere."

Sam instantly excused herself from the few other juniors and made her way to Natalie. "Oh, my God, thank you, I didn't think I could keep fake laughing," she sighed in relief as they walked side by side. "The puns and jokes weren't funny, at all."

Natalie chuckled. "I guessed as much. How are you doing?"

She didn't say anything for a moment, thinking. Then, "My grandma's gradually getting worse and my mom said Grandpa's having mini strokes because one side of his face is started to droop. Mom's upset- oh, but my aunt is pregnant! I'm happy about that, but that means I'll either have to share a room with a baby or my mom who snores like a train, or one of my annoying siblings, and I don't know which one's worse. Uncle Shane-"

"Sam," Natalie interrupted her with a gentle voice, "I asked about you."

Sam crosses her arms, folding in on herself almost, shoulders rising and then lowering. "I'm not ready to jump off a cliff, and my therapist wants me to get out more but I don't want to."

I'm not ready to jump off a cliff. Those words planted a seed of worry in the pit of Natalie's stomach when it probably should have done the complete opposite. She knew Sam was depressed, that the girl had a therapist to go to, and that her life wasn't exactly ideal. It just hadn't crossed her mind that Sam's mental health was that bad, because Holly nor Sam never mentioned anything about it being so bad to her – they didn't need to, of course. Holly just told Natalie a lot about her friends, making the woman promise not to tell anyone else because sometimes it was a bunch of secrets of the friends and worry Holly had for them and stuff an adult needed to know about.

And then, it hit her. Holly might not know how bad it is for Sam, either.

Natalie bit her bottom lip and instead of zoning out completely after a second or two of silence, she continued the conversation with Sam, her daughter's friend happily talking once the topic changed from her to something else. The walk to the café ended shortly after that, and then suddenly the employees there were looking wide eyes at the group, surprised, until recognizing Natalie, who frequented the café quite often. She ordered for herself and whoever didn't have money on them, and then the students did have money made and paid for their own orders. As Natalie waited for hers, she sat at one of the tables and sat down, taking a small stack of papers out of the bag she brought and a red pen, starting to grade a pop quiz she handed out to her everyone on Thursday. She kept an ear out for her students to make sure they wouldn't do anything stupid as she just there, and every once in a while looked up to make sure everyone was still there. She thanked the young college student who gave her her coffee and muffin. All the while, her mind was still stuck on Sam.

Natalie sighed and brushed away a few strands of hair that had fallen in her face. She needed to stop getting so worried so easily. To an extent, at least.

"Oh, hey, it's that doctor guy from last week."


"Never mind, you're not in psychology."

Natalie looked over to the two students in slight confusion, but then looked to the door of the café and spotted Doctor Reid walk in, a briefcase satchel over one shoulder and dressed in a sweater vest and tie just as last time. She looked away before he could see her looking, and checked her phone, seeing a text from Holly asking if she could get her a muffin for later. Natalie didn't answer. She didn't want to condone texting in the middle of class. But she did grab her wallet and stood up, and headed to the line behind Spencer Reid and an elderly woman who had walked in a few minutes before him.

"First Jennifer and now you, Dr. Reid. Is your team stalking me?" Natalie asked as she got near enough, making him turn the slightest bit to look at her.

"Oh, no. We wouldn't stalk anyone unless we thought you were dangerous to the public because then we would have to keep an eye on you. It's probably just a coincidence," he said, talking fast. Not too fast, though, because she could still easily understand him.

She blinked. Then, she gave a small laugh. "I was teasing," she told him. "I know it's a coincidence."

"Oh. My bad." Spencer gave an awkward smile and rubbed at his neck.

"No, it's okay."

"Can I get something for you, sir?" The employee spoke up to get the FBI doctor's attention, and Spencer spun around and walked up to the counter rattling off his order that was clearly for more than just one person.

Natalie stood there in silence, looking at the choice of muffins they had, trying to decide what Holly would want. Something then hit her ear and she turned her head around in an instant, ready to reprimand whoever threw it. Sam sat with a few other students who were at the psychology talk with the FBI last week. They all had a look of mischief, the boy to Sam's left pointing at Spencer before making a heart with his hands. If Natalie wasn't as mature as she was, she would have flipped the teen off and rolled her eyes. Instead, Natalie gave him and everyone else at that table a bored expression before turning back around.

"What do you want, Ms. Dolan?"

"Huh?" Natalie looked at Dr. Reid with wide eyes, confused for a split second. "What- oh, no, you don't need to... Don't worry about it, I can pay for myself." She hated that she stumbled over her words so easily, but she wasn't used to anyone offering to buy her something – let alone someone she barely knew.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "I've got enough cash."

Natalie paused. She would be paying with her debit card again because her credit card is somewhere lost in a bedside drawer at home, has been for a few weeks now, and she probably didn't need to be using so much. "Next time, if there is one," she finally said, not wanting to use the man or the money he had in his hand. "Thank you, though, I appreciate the offer."

He gave a smile. "No problem." Dr. Reid then paid for his order and went off to the side so Natalie could do hers.

"Hi, can I have a cinnamon muffin? And could you put it in a little to-go box, please?"

The employee nodded and told her yes, and then gave her the amount it all costed. Natalie handed over her card and once getting it back, she took the plastic number she was given and went over the doctor.

"Thanks again for offering, Dr. Reid," she told him.

"You're welcome, it was the nice thing to do," he told her.

Natalie gave a small nod, about to speak when one of her students spoke up, "Ms. Dolan, you're single, right?" It was a loud question. Loud, because Owen had no idea how to properly use his inside voice at age seventeen (though, he was most likely purposefully being loud at the moment). Loud, because Natalie never liked being reminded that she was single. Mention a nonexistent love live? That's fine. Out right say she's single? It always stirred something in her that made her heart hurt and her ears burn. Will was clearly trying to hint at something to both her and Spencer, but all it did was annoy the teacher and make the doctor look him in a way none of the teens could decipher. Sam's eyes widened before they narrowed at Will, mouthing, "what the fuck," to him.

"Unless my fiancé is suddenly back from the dead, then yes, I am single," was what she wanted so say. But she figured she could go for a slightly calmer way of things that wouldn't make anything so tense or awkward. So, she said, "Will, I am your teacher. Not your best friend. You don't need to know if I'm single or not. Also, do not interrupt me when I'm talking to another adult."

Will's amused expression was gone and instead he wore a look of slight guilt and maybe embarrassment, Natalie couldn't tell. He mumbled out a yes ma'am, paired with nod, and the woman just looked back to Spencer.

"Sorry about them. Again," she said.

He shook his head. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

Natalie quietly scoffed and shoo her head as one of the employees walked up to give Spencer his order. Seven drinks, a few muffins and a chocolate croissant. She raised an eyebrow at the big order but said nothing other than, "Well, I feel like I do."

Spencer looked up at her as he securely held everything in both hands. Some look she couldn't read flashed across his features before going away completely. Then, he glanced over to the students before back at her, a sudden tiny smirk on his lips. "C'mon," he whispered and motioned with his head for her to follow him. "Just follow my lead, okay?"

Natalie, though confused, didn't question him and did as told, stopping when he stopped by the door. She raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to say something. Anything.

"So, I'll pick you up at seven Saturday?" He asked loud enough for at least most of the students and the staff at the café to hear.

At the thought of tricking and messing around with her mosey students, she wanted to laugh. She didn't, thankfully, because that would have destroyed Spencer's plan. She smiled and nodded. "Of course."

"Great, see you then."

"It's a date."

Spencer bit his tongue to keep from laughing but smiled wide. Then, he left without another word after they said goodbye to one another, and Natalie turned around, keeping in the laughter still, ignoring the shocked looks from her students.

Not even two minutes later, she got a text from Holly.


"Spence! What took you so long, I almost went ahead and got the crappy coffee here," JJ said as Spencer walked passed the glass doors with everyone's orders.

It was rare they got coffee from a place that wasn't the BAU, but when they did, they went to the café everyone loved. One person from the team always went to get everyone's orders, and everyone pitched in money. This time it was Spencer's turn and his trip there would have gone a lot quicker if he and Natalie Dolan hadn't spoken, but he was glad they did.

"Sorry, I ran into Ms. Dolan," he said quickly, letting the blue eyes blonde take one of the drink carriers as Derek Morgan walked up, eyes on the drinks.

"Natalie?" JJ asked, eyebrows raised in surprise.

Derek finally looked to Spencer. He looked at the two in confusion. "Who's Natalie?" He asked, taking the other drink carrier and stood by JJ to figure out which one was his.

"Natalie Dolan, the psychology teacher from last week."

"Oh, that Natalie," Derek teasingly said, smirking.

Spencer looked at the dark skinned man with furrowed brows. "Why do you say it like that?" He had an idea, of he did, he was a profiler, but that doesn't mean he always knows what one of his best friends mean when they something. Even if he is a genius.

JJ smirked and lifted the coffee she figured out was hers to her mouth, not saying anything until she swallowed, Derek humming as he kept quiet, confusing Spencer even more. "Oh, c'mon, Spence, your didn't eyes off of her when you weren't the one speaking last week. You think she's pretty."

The genius shrugged. "So? You're pretty, too, JJ. Derek's pretty. Garcia, Emily and Alex are pretty, too. Me thinking anyone is pretty doesn't mean anything."

"Did you just call me pretty?"

They both ignored Derek's question. "Alright, I get your point," JJ told him. "But there's a difference between that, and continuing to look at someone."

Spencer rolled his eyes and took the drinks from Derek, grabbing his coffee and then taking a sip of the hot liquid, giving Derek back the other two before walking to the debriefing room where everyone was waiting for their breakfast. "Look, I don't like her like that, Natalie is at most a new friend. Besides, I can't like anyone right now."

JJ and Derek, who were following Reid, glanced at one another, thinking the same thing. Maeve.

Six months. It's been six months since his girlfriend, Maeve Donovan, got murdered in front of him, and it was still a painful thing to think about let alone talk about, so neither of his two best friends brought her up. For now, at least, because they knew they couldn't avoid it forever.

Derek sighed. "So what did you and Natalie talk about? I'm not gonna to say you like her, kid, I'm genuinely curious. Also, it's Monday. She's a teacher." He then chuckled, recalling the short story JJ told a few members of the team on the run-in with the blonde on Friday during a crazy grocery trip. "First JJ, now you. Maybe she's stalking us – some secret evil murderess."

Spencer gave a small laugh. "She joked about the same thing, except said we were the ones stalking her. Minus the murderer part. And I didn't laugh because I didn't get it at first... We didn't talk about much, really. She didn't explain to me why she was there, but some of her students were with her so I'm guessing it was some sort of small class trip for coffee. After ordering, one of them asked about her being single, and she wasn't happy about the question at all. Just to mess with them, we acted as if we had a date planned for Saturday-"

"Excuse me?"

"Did I hear that right? A date?"

"What about a date?" David Rossi asked from his seat at the round table as the three entered the room.

JJ shook her head as she walked to the table and handed Rossi one of the drinks and Penelope Garcia the other one. "Apparently Reid faked having a date planned with Natalie Dolan to mess with her students," she explained.

"Wait, who's Natalie Dolan?" Alex Blake asked as she took the bag of snacks from the genius and handed the muffins and the one croissant out to whoever wanted them; the question was aimed at Spencer, but Aaron Hotchner answered for him.

"We went to talk in front of her psychology class and another teacher's sociology class last week," the man explained without looking up from a file he was reading.

"Oh. Is she pretty?"

Reid sighed and sat down. "Yes, but no, I don't like her like that."

"That's a shame, I think you two would be cute together," Rossi admitted over the rim of his cup.

"Oh, she has a fifteen year old daughter – no judging here, I'm just stating a fact, and from what I see, she's a good mom. Young, but good. And hard working, damn. She became a teacher officially five years ago, went to college for History, English and Psychology, and had a fiancé back in the early two thousands," Garcia rattled off information about her, but quickly stopped. "...I'll stop there, it's getting too personal, and I don't want to stalk someone so much so that I don't have a chance at their friendship."

A few of the team members chuckled lightly.

"Good thinking," Hotch muttered. "As of right now, we don't have a case, so if you do want to go on that date with Natalie, Reid-"

"I'm never going to hear the end of this am I?"

"Should've kept your mouth shut, Pretty Boy."


A/N— Hi I love the BAU team with my entire being. Hopefully I wrote them all in character, idk if I did that well or not. Anyway we're gradually getting more into the plot & I'm so excited!! I really hope you guys are too. And just an FYI: I added a character to the cast list if you wanna check it out. Well, I didn't add him, he was already there, I just fixed it to where it's more obvious that he'll have a bigger role eventually. But yeah, that's all. Hopefully everyone enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!! Love you all xx

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