Kitsune Hunt

بواسطة BlakeRH

823 125 18

Loki Trevin the epitome of trouble even though he doesn't try to be. Life is hard for this high school studen... المزيد

Chapter 1 Disorder
Chapter 2 Threat
Chapter 3 Dreamwalker
Chapter 4 Exposed
Chapter 5 Gateway To The Yokai Realm
Chapter 6 True Self
Chapter 7 Yokai Realm
Chapter 8 Daiki's Last Drink
Chapter 9 Cold Wind
Chapter 10 Run Away Princess
Chapter 12 The Meeting
Chapter 13 Help
Chapter 14 Training
Chapter 15 Gathering
Chapter 16 Visiting The Lord
Chapter 17 The Truth
Chapter 18 Decisions
Chapter 19
New Cover
Chapter 20 What Now?
Chapter 21 Respect
Chapter 22 Alliance
Chapter 23 Testing
Chapter 24 Plans
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 Live To Fight Another Day

Chapter 11 Fight

28 4 1
بواسطة BlakeRH

Kenshin's POV

She came at me her spear moving so quickly it was like an entire hive of angry bees coming at me all at once. I blocked the fair brunt of the attacks but some slipped through my defense and cut me in several places. One had gotten so close as to cut my cheek and warm blood started to run down my face.

She kept advancing, striking out with the long-bladed spear forcing me to back up. I already knew that she was leading me towards a wall to restrict my movement and if I didn't do something soon I would get impaled by her spear.

The little faceless girl was now screaming at the woman to stop but she was ignored as the woman continued her assault. Every strike and every step sent me closer and closer to the wall that would be my demise. I hadn't even been able to go on the offensive because of her quick stikes would just give me enough time to defend against it.

"I won't allow you to harm the princess Kitsune," she spat as her spear came in for another attack.

"I wasn't doing anything, I was helping her back to the main building," I said blocking the blade.

"Lies," she spat again. "You Kitsune think you can trick people with your sly tongues but your words won't have any effect on me". Her strikes only became harder and harder making my arm numb with pain and I was now several feet away from the wall.

The air around us began to get colder and colder it got to the point where I was shivering violently and my hands began growing numb with. And the intensity of the woman strikes kept increasing. Was she causing this? With her skill and her power, I was done for.

There was no way I could beat her if I kept it up like this, fighting fair wouldn't work. Well, I only have one trick up my sleeve. I quickly jumped backward and was now a few centimeters away from the wall, but before she could press forward to take advantage over it I threw out my right hand and summoned a wall of blue flames between us.

I quickly shook my tired arms and slowed my breathing, preparing myself for my offensive. From what I can tell the woman was a guard to the little girl who was a princess of sorts, so killing her wouldn't look good. Not a problem since I can't even fight her. Maybe trying to disarm her would be the best, getting close and grabbing the shaft of her weapon would probably be the best bet I had. That is if I can even get close enough to do that without becoming a shishkabob. Ok got a plan now it's time to go through with it.

I let the flames that had separated us down to a little simmer and rushed towards my opponent at an inhuman speed. She struck out again with her polearm but I dodged quickly to the side and grabbed it's shaft before she could pull it back. She struggled to try and wrench it from my grip but I held on strong and brought my sword up to her neck.

"Are you willing to listen now?" She answered my question right away by kicking my legs out from under me sending me to the ground. "Guess that's a no," I coughed as I arranged myself to a sitting position.

Only then did I take in the looks of my attacker, and she was beautiful. She had short icy-blue hair that ended at her jaw level, a stray lock covering her right eye. The one eye that showed was blue as the sky. She had beautiful porcelain skin that seemed to glow in the light of my foxfire. Her face even though it was written with anger was beautiful. She wore a light blue kimono that showed off her delicate figure.

You would never have thought she would be someone who could fight like she just did but despite her elegant looks and her clothes you could see it in just the way she held herself. She stood like a warrior confident and strong her polearm never wavered as she held it to my throat. 

Her face remained emotionless as she brought the spear back ready to strike.

It came forward, coming down like an executioners blade, ready to take life and was on a direct course to me I closed my eyes and hoped that it would be quick. And one final thought raced through my head... did I seriously take my time to goggle at this woman instead of trying to dodge out of the way or beg for my life.

I prepared for the worse, waiting for the feeling of my head being separated from my torso. But it never came I opened my eyes to see the blade in front of my face just barely an inch away. I looked past it to see the woman struggling to pry the little faceless girl and a young Tengu off of her.

"Calm down Kukiko please he's a guardsman, he's a guardsman!" the little girl screech as she tugged at the woman's side. Hayato currently had his arm around her midsection and was flapping his wings violently in an attempt to pull her back.

"Yes. Please stop Miss Kukiko, Kenshin is a guardsman here! I'm a stable boy so I can vouch for him, so please leave him be!" Hayato said as he was struggling to hold her back.

After a long moment, the blue-haired woman calmed down and stopped her pursuit. Hayato let go and collapsed on the ground exhausted in his efforts. The woman letting go of her spear reached down and gently pried the little girl's grip from her side and hugged her thoroughly.

"What did you think you were doing breaking out of your room and sneaking off here of all places huh?''

"I-I-I..." the little girl stutter nervously. "I'm sorry," she cried burying her face into the woman's kimono. "I won't run away again I swear" she cried again. They held each other for a long time until the blue-haired woman ended the embrace to go and retrieve her spear. As she gave me a passing glance as she went past me, her cold blue eyes were filled with obvious disgust and hatred.

I stared right back at her. If you have something to say just say it I though.

Picking up her spear she faced me once more. "Why would the lord of this land ever allow a Kitsune to be working as a guardsman?"

I remained silent. She had one of those vibes to where she has already decided who you were despite not even knowing you so there wasn't any use in trying to defend myself. But my silence just made her all the angrier.

"You won't answer huh? Well, I can already imagine all the schemes that the lord here will use you for but just know that I'm watching you Kitsu..."

"Kukiko!" the little girl cried. "Can we please go back now". The woman harsh gaze softened as she took the little girls hand and started leading her out of the stables but she turned back again with a glare to rival medusa's.

"If you ever come near the princess Kitsune I will kill you". And like that they left, leaving a tired Tengu and a cut-up Kitsune by themselves.

I stood up and started making my way towards Hayato. Blood was still running down my arms and face staining my clothes, at least it will add a splash of color to them. Thankfully none of them were really deep but were just enough to draw blood, nothing a couple of bandages could fix. But the only reason I was alive right now was because of him and the little girl had kept her from running me through.

"Hayato," I said shaking the little Tengu's shoulder who was now sprawled across the floor breathing heavily. He looked up and smiled.

"Hiya Kenshin," he replied. "Lucky I was here for you right," he said getting up and puffing out his chest proudly.

"Yes, I guess I owe you now," I said scuffling his hair, the little Tengu beamed at me proudly. Over the past couple days, Hayato was always around me, he was always asking me questions and getting me to tell him stories despite Ken'Ichi telling him not to be involved with me.

Ken'Ichi still didn't trust me that much and seemed very protective over Hayato, they had that sort of big brother little brother relationship despite him being a half-Oni and Hayato a Tengu. He had gone as to so far as to threaten me on my first day here so I tried to avoid Hayato as best as I could.

Thought I was very thankful for him saving me from getting stabbed I was wondering what he was doing up from bed, well time to find out. "Tell me what are you doing up from bed? You were supposed to be asleep about two hours ago."

"You woke me up with your blue flames while you were fighting, I came down and the Nopperabo told me what was happening so I helped," he replied.

"Is Ken'Ichi awake as well or is he still asleep?"

The Tengu pondered the question for a moment. "I think so but I can never tell Ken'Ichi always sleeps with his eyes open so he could be or not be. Why do you ask?''

"Because I want to know who saw my ass handed to me...Just please don't tell him Hayato until I figure this all out".

"I won't say anything," Hayato said zipping his lips. "I won't mention anything about the lady handing you your butt". He got a small chuckle out of me. "Do you need something to wipe off the blood and to treat your wounds". I looked at all of my cuts that were now drying with blood to my blood-stained clothes.

"A cloth would be nice. I'll just change into another pair of clothes and wash these later thanks". Hayato fetched me the things I needed then went back to bed. And I was left alone to treat my wounds and continuing my guard shift. The raw skin around the wound hurt as I scrubbed the blood away. That woman left a lot of cuts with that spear of hers. She was well train to be able to do all that without me being able to attack back, I guess she would have to have a lot of training being the princesses guard. Then again I've only had a few days of training and even though Ideka said I was good she probably had a lot more experience than me. I just hope I never have to see her again.

Kukiko's POV

I was pacing back and forth angerly and Chou sitting on the bed was looking down at floor shamefully. I was mad, not just at her for running off but also for talking to the Kitsune. Kitsune were tricksters not to be trusted ever by anyone or anything. And for one to get so close to the princess was enough for me to fly into a killing rage. The only reason I had not stabbed that vile beast was because it was a guardsman here, and to kill a guardsman of a lord without reason, whether Kitsune or not, is illegal and punishable by death.

But why would Lord Kota have a Kitsune as a guardsman? Was it blackmailing him? No, then it wouldn't be in the stables as a guardsman. Was it holding someone hostage? No then he would have taken the princess with him to use as ransom.

Then it came to me. Lord Kota wants to use the Kitsune for something, but what was it?."Kukiko," snuffled the little girl. "I'm sorry and I won't do anything again".

"You've said that and every time you have ran away," I said turning to her. "I'm starting to think that you're just lying to me at this point..."

"I'm not running away from the person I am," said Chou as she facing me. "I'm going to make myself the best princess". Though she was shaking the entire time she said this but the determination was clear in her voice, she meant it.

"Who told you such wise counsel?"

"The Kitsune," she replied. "Kenshin".

Kenshin? That's a weird name for a Kitsune, and even weirder for a Kitsune to be giving some responsible advice.

"I think that you and I have had enough excitement for one day come, I will prepare you for bed."After helping her change and undoing her hair she was finally sound asleep in bed as if the entire day hadn't happened at all. I had something to report. If there was going to be a Kitsune around all the guardsman would have to know so they would know what to watch out for.

Meaning that I would have to go visit Tenka, I could already imagine all the things he would try to do if I were to disturb him at this hour of the night. Maybe it would be best until morning. Before going into my room I heard voices down the hall and went to go investigate. Taking a glance around the corner I saw a hooded figure and Lord Kota himself.

"Is it possible this could be the one?" Lord Kota said.

"Quite certainly sir because from what I have seen he defiantly seems to be from the other side if you get what I mean. The fox hadn't used a touch of trickery from what I have seen so far and seems different from most of his kin so I defiantly think it is him," replied the hooded figure.

"I believe in your judgment old friend, but I do believe we should still take precaution because I would rather not anger your masters. Tell the breeders to prepare a cow to give birth to a Kudan so that we can confirm it. You may now leave". The hooded figure passed the lord and started making his way down the hall towards the stairs.

"One more thing before you go," called out the lord. The hooded figure turned to face him, I had hoped to see if I could make out who or what the hooded figure was but the hood was to low to see their face. "Make sure you tie up any loose ends with Daiki if you know what I mean". The hooded figure nodded and continued on his way, and then the lord left as well leaving me alone in the empty halls.

I ran back to my room and threw myself on the bed gasping for breath. I hadn't realized how long I had been holding my breath for during all of that. There were so many possibilities to what I had just heard. Tying up loose ends with his criminal brother, not wanting to anger the hooded figures masters, using a Kudan when they were illegal to all besides the emperor. There were so many possibilities, so possible many crimes that this lord had or will commit, so much possible danger for the princess. And it all revolved around that Kitsune. Why?

The image of the silver-haired Kitsune down on the ground inches from my spear popped into my head. He didn't seem that special. He lost in a matter of a few minutes, though he did get past my guard if only for a moment. His red eyes filled with fear were engraved in my head. All that Kitsune is just another cowardly creature just like the rest of its kind, and I will find out what Lord Kato is planning with it. But until then I will do my job and make sure that the princess is safe.

The Next Day

I was making my way to Tenkas room to inform him about the Kitsune in the stables so that he and the guardsman could be prepared in case it was to try something. We have dealt with yokai and even Oni before but Kitsune were always some of the hardest to prepare for, their illusions were so lifelike and almost impossible to prove fake other than having a mirror which would show the truth behind it. So each guard would now have to have their pocket mirrors on them at all times for security reasons, hopefully, though Tenka would not ask how I learned that there was a Kitsune here.

As I was approaching Tenkas room the door opened and out came a girl around my age. She wore the standard uniform of a servent. Her hair was in a mess sprawled all over the place and she looked extremely tired. When she saw me her face turned instantly red and she quickly strode down the hallway. It didn't take a genius to figure what was going on in Tenka's room that night, the first day here and already he was up to his usual antics with the servants.

Tenka himself was at the door shirtless watching the servant go down the hall with a smug grin on his face. He then saw me and his smug grin turned to a mischievous smile. "Hello, Kukiko if I were to know that you would show up I won't have bothered to put on my pants for you"."There is a Kitsune here," I stated bluntly.

"Understood. Did you kill it or do you need a big strong man to do it for you!" teased Tenka.

"You can't kill it," I said.

"Of course I can kill it. I have taken on any and every type of Yokai in this realm and a measly fox is nothing in comparison to all of my feats!" boasted Tenka.

"What I mean is that you and your men are not allowed to kill it". A look of confusion was now plastered on Tenka's face. "The Kitsune is a guardsman here so we would not be able to simply get rid of it. Instead, I want would like you and your men to carry mirrors on them at all time. And I would also like to ask you to voice your concerns about it to the lord since you are the leader of the envoy and also because you and your image are held in high regard".

"That is an awful lot of demands but I'll see what I can do to make you happy. Are you sure that I couldn't just kill it? How do you even know that it is truly a guardsman and that it isn't deceiving everyone here".

"No, I'm sure it is apart of the guard". Even if the kitsune wasn't apart of the guard Lord Kota made it seem that it was an important part of one of his plans, so it would be better to just leave it be than to risk the lord wrath. I could tell Tenka what I had overheard but knowing his big mouth and his boasting it would probably be better to just keep it to myself. "I have my ways of finding things out".

"Well, I guess I will go and inform all of the men and talk to lord Kota about all of this".

"Thank you," I said turning to leave, but just before I rounded the corner Tenka yell out, loud enough to wake everyone in the castle.

"I always have time for you if you ever desire it!"

I continued my march towards the princesses room showing no sign of the words getting to me nor anything else. After all of my years as one of the few woman guardsman and constantly being harassed and discriminated I had gotten used to blocking out emotions, especially the ones that howled at me to silence Tenka in two.

I knocked on the door of the princesses room but there was no answer.

"Your highness!"

I heard the mumbling of the little girl as she reluctantly left the covers of her warm bed to open the door. "Yes Kukiko".

"It is time for you to meet Lord Kato and to discuss possible marriage". I was half expecting her to throw a fit, she knew all the rumors about Lord Kato and all about how vile and cruel he was, I knew she wouldn't want to even think about being near him. But she surprised me by nodding her head yes.

"Can you help me get changed Kukiko?" she asked politely.

"Sure, let's go inside and I'll get you ready".

Though I always hate when the men made fun of me for being a maid to the princess as well as her guard I never really minded the job. Though she usually was difficult when it came to her princess duties she was always kind to me even if I'm upset with her. And the way she was acting now was suspicious.

Whatever the Kitsune had said the other night had made the princess think more responsibly. Kitsune have to power to persuade people but the effects only last for usually a short amount of time and usually, they were more zombielike. But maybe that's why Lord Kato has the Kitsune hanging around, that its mind control was this powerful.

"Kukiko," whined the little girl. "You're braiding my hair wrong". I looked down at her and indeed I was.

"Sorry I'm just a bit distracted is all, sorry". I needed to get a handle on my paranoia. The proof that nothing was wrong was staring at me, a mirror. When a Kitsune possesses someone fox ears will appear on their person or reflection through a mirror.

"There you're almost ready, done!" I said finishing her braid.She faced towards the mirror and tilted her head slightly. "I'll say this right now I will never marry this man but I will be polite and princess-like throughout the entire thing and will not dishonor myself or my family by acting out".

"That is all I can ask for thank you".

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