By w0rdsfail

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Kara Swan was devastated when the Washington twins disappeared. She comforted her boyfriend, Josh, as best as... More



5.7K 181 12
By w0rdsfail

Kara was beginning to get used to the pain. It hurt, but she had bigger issues to deal with. She wanted badly to just give up, but she had to find Josh. Was she still mad at him for the awful prank he pulled? She was. However, she still loved him more than anything.

"Come on, guys! Hurry! We gotta find Mike." Sam exclaimed. Chris and Kara were trailing behind; both injured.

"I, uh, just wanted to thank you for carrying me back there. You could've left me to die, but you helped me. Thank you." She told Chris. He nodded.

"You can thank me when we're out of this mess." Chris sighed, and she nodded. Just hours ago, they were all happy. They weren't fearing for their lives. She could tell Chris wasn't walking well; he had really hurt his ankle when they were running. When Kara caught up with Emily, she could hear Ashley and Chris talking. Chris wanted them to leave him behind, but Ashley refused.

"Em, do you think we'll find Josh?" Kara asked. The two had never really been close, but traumatic events had a way of bringing people together. Though Emily looked unsure, and probably thought Josh was dead, she gave Kara a sympathetic smile.

"We'll find him. Then we can go home and forget this night ever happened." Emily told them. Sam groaned when she reached large doors, but they were locked.

"Shit! Mike must have locked it behind him. Crap! There has to be another way in." Sam said, hitting the door out of frustration.

"This night just keeps getting better." Kara sighed.

"Wait. What about this?" Ashley asked, shining her flashlight to what seemed like a sewer lid.

"I mean, should we try it?" Ashley asked.

"Well it's not like we got a whole lot of options here." Sam pointed out. Sam helped Ashley get the lid off of it, and Ashley shook her head.

"Okay, this is maybe the last place I'd want to be right now." She grimaced. They couldn't see what was below them; for all they knew, another Wendigo was hiding, waiting for its next target.

"We have to find Mike and Josh, Ashley. We can't abandon them." Kara said, looking down the hole.

"So, who's going first?" Sam asked, before starting to climb down the ladder. Kara was next, eager to find the two boys.

"Eh, it's not so bad. Think this is the way to the Sanatorium?" Sam asked.

"Of course it is, where else would it go?" Ashley asked. Kara hopped down, waiting for the others.

"Do you think we should close this? I mean, something could be following us, right?" Ashley asked, as she was the last one to climb down.

"Just be quick, Ash." Kara looked up at her, and Ashley nodded, pulling the heavy lid.

Kara felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Emily.


"Kara, I need to tell you about something I saw in the mines. It's horrible, but you were her best friend. You deserve to know." Emily started.

"What did you see?" Kara questioned.

"I saw...I saw Beth's head..." Emily told her. Kara felt like someone had punched her in the stomach. With the chaotic events unfolding, Kara hadn't stopped to think about the twins being in the same predicament they were in now.

"I found Hannah's glasses, and a grave for Beth. I think...I think Hannah was down there for weeks. I think her hunger..." Emily trailed off.

"Oh, God." Kara muttered, putting her hand over her mouth.

She didn't have time to mourn now.

As they reached a clearing, they groaned.

"The ladder's toast! We're never gonna make it up there!" Ashley pointed out.

"Oh, great." Sam mumbled.

"No, no, no. I think I can do it. It's like a rock wall." Sam said, looking around.

"Kara, are you up for a climb? I know you're injured, but..."

"I can do it. I'll come with you." Kara nodded. Sam smiled at her, nodding.

"Okay, we're gonna keep going. You guys head back to the lodge. We gotta find Mike." Sam told the others.

"Good luck!" Ashley told them, and Emily wavered for a moment.

"I know I'm a bitch, but I do actually care about you guys. Please, don't die." Emily said, and Chris nodded. "Yeah, come back safe." He told them.

When they were gone, Sam looked at Kara.

"Let's do this." She told her friend.

Sam started up the rocks, grunting when she almost fell. Kara followed after her, exhausted.

I can do this. She told herself. I'm good at climbing, and that's all this is. Without the safety precautions. She leaped, grabbing onto the edge of a rock. She grunted as she pulled herself up higher. She could feel the pain in her chest start to get worse again, but she ignored it.

When Sam reached the top, she helped Kara up. She took a minute, on her knees, trying to catch her breath.

"Here, take my hand." Sam said, pushing her hand out. Kara grabbed it, bringing herself up to her feet. Kara looked around.

"Where do we go now?" She asked.

"Over there. Look at the stairs." Sam pointed, and she nodded, following the blonde. Seconds after they got off of the stairs and onto the bridge, a rock fell, breaking through the wood.

"Luck is just not on our side today." Kara huffed. As they followed the bridge, the mines started to rumble.

"What was that?" Sam asked, and Kara shook her head. At this point, she would believe anything she saw. If someone told her that sparkling vampires existed, she wouldn't doubt it. Kara had never heard of a Wendigo. She may have watched an episode of 'Supernatural' on it with her sister, but she had been so sure that it was fake. She didn't know the lore behind them; she had never been in to that stuff.

As they made a turn, more rocks fell, breaking through the wood.

"Fuck!" Kara exclaimed, jumping to safety after Sam.

"Seriously, what the hell!" Sam exclaimed. Kara was breathing heavily, but she followed after Sam, still. She wasn't giving up on Josh and Mike.

They heard a shriek, and Sam picked up a metal bar, just in case. As they made it to a metal door, Mike pushed his way out of it, trying to get a Wendigo off of his trail. The Wendigo was on fire; Kara had gathered that they didn't like fire.

Mike fell to the floor, and Sam smacked the Wendigo with the bar, trying to kill it. When it's head popped off, falling to the floor, Kara didn't hesitate to shut the door Mike had come out of.

"Woah! You guys alright?" Mike asked.

"We're alive. That has to count for something." Kara said, looking down at her chest. It was still bloody, but she would focus on that when help arrived.

"Yeah, alive's good." Mike said, out of breath.

"Not turn into a Wendigo yet?" He asked Kara.

"Bites and scratches don't turn you. Ashley found that in the old guy's book." Sam told Mike.

"Emily's gonna kill me for pointing a gun at her. I'm sorry, Kara. I was scared." Mike apologized.

"At that moment, a bullet would've been better. None of us are perfect. I know you were scared." Kara told him. He put an arm on her shoulder, giving her a sympathetic smile.

"What the hell are you guys doing here, anyway?" Mike asked.

"We were gonna warn you about the Wendigos." Sam told him.

"Yeah, I think I got it." Mike chuckled.

"Let's find a way down to where this fucker lives." Mike said, and the two girls nodded, following after him.

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