Unexpected Late Night

By rachel_dulay

328K 6.3K 502

{completed} cover by @ mahgadahling Chloe Fisher, The radiant, talented up and coming ballerina preparing fo... More



5.7K 102 11
By rachel_dulay

chloefisher wishing I was sponsored by McDonald's....... but it's almost time for some vacay pics!!
Tagged kalanileblanc stephlachancee

stephlachancee just so everyone knows, that's my full box of French fries, chloe already ate hers before this pic.
chloefisher you loveeeee meeeeee stephlachancee
kalanileblanc idk what's better McD's or my best friend.
joellane gorgeous girl, see you in Cali🤙🏽
unknown93 how is Chloe that gorgeous while eating McDonald's?? I have like a food baby after one fry.
auston_matthews mood^^^

We were playing in Detroit today, than Chicago and than California. I had a couple days off before I had to be back in Toronto for practice, so I'd be spending the day with the girls, Alex to busy with school and football to come down. The teens wanted to go to Disney so we had planned to go to Disney and after Sam said that she'd take the girls out and explore while Chloe and I spend my last day in California together.

"Talk to your sisters?" Auston asks. I shake my head.

"No not yet, have you?"I ask him as I untie my tie. He nods.

"Brey and the others are getting along quite nicely. I'm concerned now"I laugh

"You should be, you really should be"I nod.

"She's also mad that she can't go to California because she wants to go to Disney with them" I shake my head with a chuckle.

"Well tell her I promise we'll go to Disney during the off season"

"Don't think you wanna do that man"

I shrug "Breyana is nice and I'm glad my sister and Lucie are becoming friends with her" Auston and I's conversation slowly trailed off as the dressing room got a lot louder. As I got ready I popped in some of my meds, my shoulder was better and felt like how it should be. The therapy had been working but I was still on the higher dosage of meds. I hadn't had many panic attacks since then, mostly just feeling antsy which seemed to have been really annoying for Chloe, but it's suppose to be a symptom of the new dosage of meds.

Liam throws me a water of bottle and I down it before I grab my stick. After a one point win against Detroit I checked my phone as I left the dressing room.

Congratulations on the win!! Looking good for playoffs💙

She was right, playoffs were soon and this was our last road trip of the season and we were hoping to have all three wins under our belt, wanting to have a good start to our playoff games.

Thank you! Hoping to get all three games under our belt. I'll call you when I get to the hotel.

I had been rooming with Liam, the two of us crashed onto the hotel beds immediately, it wasn't normal for the team to room together but for some reason Liam and I didn't mind it. We weren't messy people, we just liked chilling with each other. And plus he knew more about my panic attacks than anyone else on the team, he had experienced them when we use to play junior hockey.

"The meds better? The higher dosage?" Liam asks, the two of us laying on the beds. I nod.

"Yea, I think it'll work"

"You think? Why? Do you think it'll stop working again?"

"It's hard to tell, I hope it doesn't stop to work"

"For your sake, I hope it doesn't"I nod as I continue to text a few people. I go onto Instagram, refreshing I see Cassidy's new post.

"Oh my god, my sister is practically best friending every little sister on the team"I groan and Lima laughs, reaching for his phone I assume he was checking his phone now too.

📍Scottsdale, Arizona
cassidylane wishing that Breyana lived in Toronto than our circle of best friends would be complete. Thank you for hosting us Matthews family, it was an honour to stay in your home. Till next time😊
tagged breyana_matthews luciefisher

luciefisher missing this already...... please move to Toronto with Aus breyana_matthews
samanthalane no pic credit, that's fine.
auston_matthews Lane, come and collect your sister. Mrs Steal your little sister joellane
chloefisher this is adorable
joellane she gets it from her brother auston_matthews
breyana_matthews AHHH! I miss you guys already!! I wish I was in Toronto as well! See you this summer! Love you both!💗💗

"Do you think we'll win?" Liam randomly asks.

"Win against Chicago, yea probably"

"No I meant the Cup"

I chuckle "I don't know, why?"

"Just because"

"You good?" He sighs and I look over at him.

"Yea, I'm just a bit worried for the end of this season" I nod "but knowing you, you have nothing to worry about either"

"Shut up, if I'm not leaving neither are you or Ben"I tell him confidently.

How do you feel about if I dyed my hair.....

Dye your hair how?😂

Well like, my hair is just dark now right.

Chloe stop stressing I can feel it from here....

Don't worry, I just went a bit lighter.

I'd love a picture babe😂


Good fucking god. I'm in love. Well like I fall in love everyday but 😍😍

Thank god you love it, it was so spontaneous and I was over my darker hair. I was worried.

Chloe, you don't have to stress about if I'll like your new hair or something. I love you for you but I love your inner beauty the most as well. Sure your fucking gorgeous and I don't deserve you but you and I stumbled upon each other and yes I was attracted to you and your beauty but ever since we've gotten closer I've come to terms that your inner beauty is just as beautiful.

I-I I'm at a loss of words. I love you so much Joel, you have no idea.

I love you too, I will always be here for you.

The next morning we were up early and out of the hotel at around eight thirty and heading to the airport. I always loved Chicago, it was just as fast paced as cities like Toronto and even New York. I feel someone grab onto my shoulders as we walked towards the plane, the boys aren't usually this awake in the mornings but I guess after winning a game we didn't know we needed to win lifted our spirits.

"Chicago here we come boys!" Ben yells from behind me. I laugh as I grab onto the railing of the stairs leading up to the plane.

"You sound like your drunk but I know your not"Morgan says from way behind me. I smile back at the two boys behind me.

"I'm not drunk, I'm just living this morning"

"Yea it's annoying"Liam sighs. I check my phone as we all settled into our seats. Chloe was suppose to be working today and I honestly thought she would've been sleeping in a bit but I was surprised to see that she was up and reading.

I had answered some texts from my family, mom sending me random links. Dad congratulating me on the win from last night and wishing me good luck in Chicago, Sam was texting me about some celebrity gossip. Which I find super weird but she likes to send them so we can mock them, harshly which I know is rude and stupid but that's just one of our sibling things. Cassidy had texted me saying that she was wearing one of my leafs shirt at the airport and she got some dirty looks, but knowing Cassidy she probably gave them back and like I predicted. She did give dirty looks back.

I shove my headphones into my ears and start on one of my random playlists, ending up on a playlist that Chloe and I made when we had that chill and relaxing day and all we did was cook. Liam sat across from me, Morgan beside me. Like always on the plane to pass the time we played cards, the older players wanting to get us younger ones off of our phone so cards was always our best bet. Landing in Chicago we were able to head to the hotel and have the rest of the day to ourselves because we had practice early tomorrow morning. Liam and I were again rooming together, Ben and I were waiting for him to finish showering before we went for an early dinner. I came across Chloe's newest Instagram post.

chloefisher thought it was time for a change. Goodbye dark hair, hello lighter hair
tagged kalanileblanc

stephlachancee ahhh your so cute!!! I'm in love with the new hair!! Can't wait to see it in person!
kalanileblanc Lowkey want to put this as my background because your so gorgeous.
benpatrick yes best friend, go best friend!
joellane I-I I'm at a loss of words...... even thought I already saw your new hair but like still.
alexanderfisher damn you look like mom......

"Where are we going to eat?"Ben randomly asks, I shrug.

"Not like I've thought that far Ben"

"How about rainforest cafe?" I let out a loud laugh.

"Your a kid"he shrugs "but I'm Lowkey down with it"

"Down with what?" Liam asks, hair damp and fully clothed.

"Rainforest?" Liam lets out a laugh.

"I assume that suggestion was from Ben?" Ben nods enthusiastically. "I'm down, should we invite the other kid?"

"Already texted Mitch. He says he's been craving rainforest" Ben smirks.

"How does one crave rainforest?" I question.

"One craves rainforest when they've got good food tastes"

"Or, is just yours and Mitch's kid like mind connect. You get all excited whenever we pull up to a McDonald's with a play thin, you both know that your like 19 and he's like what 24?" Liam says. Ben throws a pillow at him, the pillow I was using.

"Uh okay, not like I wasn't using that?" I whack Ben. He rolls his eyes.

"Should we go now? It's like five thirty, we have early practice tomorrow and I wanna get this kid to bed at a reasonable time"Liam says.

"Hey!" Ben yells, I smile and sit up.

"Come on, they have good Mac and cheese. That's what I remember from when I was like ten"I nudge Ben as we exit the hotel room. Ben shoves me and I laugh. "No need to get all rough now Ben, it doesn't suit you very well" I comment as Liam hits the elevator button.

"How come I've become the punching bag out of the three of us"Liam and I laugh. Liam wraps an arm around Ben's shoulders and shakes him.

"That's because buddy you A love us and allow it and B you make it so easy to be the punching bag because your just so kid like"I laugh at the two.

"I hate you both"Ben shakes himself from Liam and walks out just as the elevator door opens, revealing the hotel lobby.

📍Los Angeles, California
TMLWAGS Our lovely Wags touched base in California supporting their blue and white for their boys.

I had gotten to California a couple hours before Chloe and the other wags did. I had arrived at the Airbnb Sam was renting, after I had arrived and said hello to the girls, they noticed I could use some rest and decided to venture out while I napped. I didn't have a game tonight so I could chill for the day, Chloe snuggles closer to me and I tangle our legs together. Their was a tv in the room we were sharing so we put on a random movie that was playing.

"Please tell me you aren't doing anything with the Wags?" I ask her, kissing her hand.

"No, why?"

"Let's go out to dinner. Like a really fancy one, we hadn't really had the chance to do much of
that" I tell her.

"Okay"she nods. We had decided for a seven dinner seeing as we were both a bit to lazy and tired to get out of bed. I had made reservations while Chloe got ready for our date. To say I was a bit nervous was an understatement, we hardly ever went to fancy restaurants just because we hardly had the time too. I had taken her out to one after her performances and than again on Valentine's Day but other than that, that was it. Another reason we didn't get out much was because well we're lazy. We both are busy during the day and are normally to lazy to get all fancied up for dinner, just wanting to order in.

📍Los Angeles, California
joellane I'm back with my girl and damn it feels right.
Tagged chloefisher

"Your very shifty tonight, you Alright?"Chloe asks during dinner.

"Yea I'm fine"I nod and give her a smile as I roll my shoulders back. She gives me a look and I sigh. "I had a panic attack on the plane and before we left Chicago, I'm fine thought"

"Is that why Sam said you looked so exhausted when you showed up"I slowly nod "wanna tell me why?" She asks.

"No"she raises her eyebrows "but I'm going to have to. I like to think it's stress, we've been under a lot of pressure for our road trip. I'm sure it'll die down"

"Next time you have a panic attack I wanna know, or I'm going to have to tell Liam to text me"

"Okay I promise, I just didn't want to worry you even more"I tell her "any updates on your parents? I know you and Alex don't like to tell Lucie much"

"They've both got lawyers and my dad is searching for an apartment Downtown"

"He's moving to downtown?"I ask her, she slowly nods and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

"He works downtown so, but last I talked to him he's probably just going to get an apartment in Cambridge because apartments are too expensive in Toronto"

That was true, they were pretty expensive.

"And how do you feel about all of this?" I ask gently.

She gives me a shrug "I don't know, I mean all my life they've been fighting for as long as I can remember, they've never actually came to terms on anything but how to raise us kids so Alex and I aren't surprised that their divorcing, we just thought they would've done it earlier. But Lucie well, she just seems to close the whole thing down. She doesn't like to talk about it, Alex and I have tried to shelter her from our parents fights so this is something new to her" she stresses.

"I'm sorry"she shakes her head.

"I'm not, I'm just more sorry for my sister"I give her a small smile and she sighs. "Anyways, can we move on? I heard from Ben that you guys went to Rain Forest in Chicago?"

I laugh "How the hell did you know that?" I ask taking a sip of my water.

"Ben texted me of course"

"I'm kind of worried that you two are becoming close"she laughs.

"Why?" She smiles.

"Because I mean like he's Ben"We laugh "but I guess in a way, you could be making him smarter"

She throws her head back laughing and I couldn't help but smile at how gorgeous she was "I love Ben and all but let's all be real, no one in this world can make Ben smarter" I chuckle, nodding my head in agreement.

"He's not the sharpest tool in the shed but the kid can play hockey"

"That, I will cheers too"She lifts up her glass of water. Stupid America for having the drinking age at twenty one, cheering with water seems stupid when we could be cheering with wine.

"Cheers"I smirk at her as our glasses clink. Her smile widens and her dimples are in full show even in the dimmed lighting. As someone who's career is very public and demanding of such high exceptions, it was these small moments sitting in a restaurant with poor lighting but good company that makes me the happiest person in the world.

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