Treasure From Under Seas (Mik...

Autorstwa pxstxls

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Yu absolutely loves the ocean. He's lived there his entire life. One of his favourite creatures he always stu... Więcej

Authors Note: 1K READS!!!
Authors Note: almost 4K reads!!!!
Authors Note: Q&A!!!
Author's Note: Hitaus
Author's Note: 30k Reads!!
Author's Note: Almost 50K Reads!!


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Autorstwa pxstxls

"Mikaela, you're not entirely mermaid.

Mika's eyes widened. "W-What?" He asked. I looked over at her, confusion written all over my face. "It's a long story my son. But, you need to know your truth." She said. Mika watched carefully.

"Your father, was much like you, human. Well actually, he was human. He was athletic, swimming in competitions and having a love for the ocean that was very big." She explained. Then she looked at me. "Then one day, he found me by the shore. Instantly, he fell in love. He would come to the ocean every night to swim with me. And of course, I wanted him to be with me forever. But, knowing I was a mermaid and he was human, it wasn't possible."

I leaned a little closer to listen. "Soon, I decided to give him air so I could allow him to see my kingdom and meet my family. Soon, he showed the same symptoms of your partner here." She said, motioning towards me. My eyes widened a little. Mika looked towards me, my gaze still at his mother. "After a few months, I became pregnant with you Mikaela."

Mika looked back towards her. "Your father was still human back then, which resulted in you being half human. But soon, your father wasn't human anymore."

"He was a mermaid when I was born, right?" Mika asked. She slowly nodded.

"His body slowly turned him into a mermaid. And he had to stay like that permanently." She said. My eyes widened. "I-Is that going to happen to me?" I asked. She looked towards me and slowly nodded. "When did you give him he breathing ability?" She asked Mikaela. "I-Is been almost three years."

Her eyes widened a little. "Three years?" She asked. I nodded. Then she looked down, puzzled. "That's very odd..." She said. Mika swam over to her slowly. "What is it?" He asked, grabbing her hand. She looked st him before looking at me. "Come here, dear boy."

I carefully swam over to her. Carefully, she cupped my cheek before moving my hair away from my neck. "The marking....Your father never had these..." She said. My eyes widened, remembering the purple swirls that always appeared in my skin when I had my gills. "What are they?" I asked. She examined them carefully.

"I've seen this before..."

"You have?" Mika asked. He looked towards me, worry in my face. He carefully grabbed my
hand. Krul looked back towards us. "Come with me." She said as she slowly started swimming off. Mika took me carefully through the castle. I felt Cordelia grab my pinkie again. I looked over at her before carefully bringing her up to let her grab onto Mika's hair. Mika looked over at his seahorse before smiling softly.

Krul lead us into what looked like a library. She looked at the different books before grabbing one. She flipped through it. "Just as I thought."

"What is it?"

She turned the book to us. It was in a language I couldn't understand. "W-What does it say?" I asked. Mika seemed to be reading it. Then, he looked up at her. "He's Chikayoshi?" He asked. "Chikayoshi? What do you mean?" I asked, looking at them. Krul looked at me. "Who was your mother?" She asked.

"Amane Sumiko."

Her eyes widened a little. "Really?" She asked. I slowly nodded. "W-Why?" I asked. She looked back at the book. "Where was your mother born?"

"I-I don't know. I got separated from her when I was 3 years old. I finally met up with her again close to 5 months ago. I don't know much about her." I said. She looked at me before swimming closer to me. She stared into my eyes as I took a glance at Mika. He stared at me in confusion. I looked back at Krul. "You do have her eyes..." She said softly.

I tilted my head. "Her eyes? Who's her?" I asked. She moved hair out of my face. "It seems you aren't entirely human either."


Mika looked over at me. "Y-Yu-Chan, let her expl-"

"What do you mean I'm not entirely human??" I asked, fear filling me. "Yuichiro, dear. I know this is a lot to handle, but please listen to me." Krul said. I let out a shaky breath before nodding. "O-Ok..." I said quietly.

"Your mother is a half mermaid like Mikaela, but she was from the very old Japanese kingdom of Chikayoshi, the kingdom of Prey." She explained. Back in the Edo period, your great grandmother time 5 was taken away by humans. Her daughter was born in captivity and was later released into the wild. When she came back to the kingdom, it was destroyed.

So she had to become human. Her children had children, so on and so forth to you. Your mother probably has no idea she's part mermaid. The quarter part of your mermaid was activated by Mikaela giving you they ability to breathe water." She told me. "S-So I'm part mermaid like you guys...?" I asked. She slowly nodded.

"Knowing this information, Mikaela will need to stay here to help me with your family. He won't be returning with you." She said. That was when both of us looked at her. "Y-You're separating us??" Mikaela asked. She nodded. "I have to. It's for the safety of you two and until we have all the answers."

"B-But mother!"

"I have already made my decision. You may take him home but I expect you right back here when you're done. Understood?" She asked. Mika looked over at me, before looking back at her. "Yes, mother..."

~Time Skip~

We were back at my house. I sat on the beach, Mika still in the water. "What am I gonna tell Guren...?" I asked quietly. "I'm sorry Yu-Chan..." He said quietly. I looked back up at him. "I don't want you to leave me..." I whispered. Carefully he swam up in front of me. He got in my lap so that his face was an inch from mine. "I'm not gonna leave you, ever." He said. He moved hair out of my face as I let in a shaky breath.

Carefully, he wiped my eyes that had tears pouring out of them. "I'll always, be with you. I'll come back, every single night to be with you." he said. I shook my head as I put my hand to my eye. "You need to be with your family. You're a king, Mika. I don't want you to give that up just for me...Plus, you heard what your mother said..." I said quietly. He looked st me. Slowly, he pressed his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and started to kiss him back.

The kiss deepened quickly as he pressed me against the sand. I moved my hand through his hair as he pulled away, taking a breath before he started going at it again. His hand was on my waist as my tongue slipped into his mouth. We made out for a few more minutes before finally,
Mika pulled away. Both of us were panting, his head pressed against mine.

"I love you so much Yu-Chan..." I heard him whisper. I leaned over to kiss him again. "I love you too." He closed his eyes tightly and held me close to him. I hugged back as I hid my face in his shoulder. "Please don't leave....I don't know what I'll do without you..." I whispered. He leaned up and kissed my nose softly. "I'll do whatever I can to see you again. To be with you forever. I promise..." He said quietly. He sat up and started to unclog his necklace.

"Mika, what are you doing? This is your mother's necklace." I said. "It's yours now." He said, putting it on me. My eyes widened as him. "Whenever you miss me, I want you to hold onto that charm. Think about me, listen for my voice. You'll always have a piece of me. I promise." He said. He gave me one last kiss, before he disappeared into the water. "M-Mika...?" I called out.

I didn't get an answer. "M-Mika please!! Come back!!" I yelled. I felt tears come out of my eyes as I quickly dove into the water. I swam around frantically. No sign of him. I swam to the cave with the portal and, the portal was gone. "No....No, no please...." I cried out.


~6 Years Later~

I laid on my bed in my dorm room. My laptop was blasting Coldplay as I bopped my head up and down at it, my headphones on. I had my eyes closed as I hummed along. Suddenly, I felt a huge weight jump onto me at once. I groaned out and turned to find my little sister, Akane ontop of me. "Hey you big lug!!" She yelled out. I laughed a little and paused my music, taking my headphones off. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I sat up, her clinging to my back.

"Dad dropped me off. You promised I could stay with you this weekend!" She complained. With her being 11, and me turning 23 soon, I had her stay with me a while so we could hang out. "Yes, I remember." I said. "So let's go do something!" She proclaimed. I laughed. "Alright then. Aquarium?" I asked. She nodded her head. "Ok. Get off me so I can get my shoes and jacket." I told her. She laughed and got off before scurrying into the kitchen. I knew my roommate, Narumi, wouldn't be home for another couple hours so I left a note, just incase he got here before me.

I grabbed my wallet before nudging Akane. "Let's go." I said. She walked ahead of me to my car before I locked the room. Once she was in, we drove off.

~Time Skip~

I allowed Akane to walk around on her own, knowing she had a cell phone on her and that she knew Mitsuba. Mitsuba owned the aquarium after her father died, letting Akane and I get in for free. I sighed softly as I stared into one of the tanks. The tank that happened to hold Mikaela almost 8 years ago. I watched as the currant exhibit, some dolphins, swim around.

After about ten minutes, someone sat down next to me. "Pretty, aren't they?" They asked.

That voice sounds familiar...

"Yeah. Dolphins were always my favourite when I was younger." I said as I stared at them. I heard them chuckle. "Now I already know that's a lie." They said. I scoffed. "Oh yeah?"


"What makes you think that?" I asked sarcastically. "Because I was your favourite when you were younger." They said. My face twisted up in confusion. "What the hell do you mean?" I asked as I quickly turned towards them. There I was met pale skin, pale blonde hair, and a pair of deep ocean blue eyes. My eyes widened as he smiled brightly. "Still as cute and clueless as ever." He said.

A smile quickly grew on my face as I laughed. Then I quickly stood up and pulled him into my arms. He was quick to return the hug, hiding his face in my hair. "I've missed you Yu-Chan..." He whispered. I sniffed and hid my face in his jacket. "I missed you too Mikaela..."

Soon, he pulled away. He tilted my head up and captured my lips into his. I was happy to kiss back as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

God I've missed these lips...

He pulled away and giggled. "You've grown a lot, haven't you?" He asked, us being as the same height again. I smirked a little. "That I have!" I said proudly. He giggled more and kissed my nose. "Still cute though."

"What are you doing up here? I thought you were with your mother." I said. "She let me go! We figured everything else and, now I run the kingdom." He said. I smiled and hugged him tightly. "Mika that's great!" I said. "What about you?" He asjed. "Well, I started university and live in a dorm, have a roommate and a little kitty!" I said. His eyes widened. "You have a kitten!" He asked, excited. I nodded and chuckled at him. "I do! Her name is Star!" I said. He smiled more

"You have to let me meet her!" He said. I smiled and nodded. "I will, I will." I said. Then he looked behind me. "Akane?" He called out. I turned to see my sister running to us. "Mikaela!!" She said happily. He smiled more and picked her up when she jumped on him. "Look how big you've gotten!" He said happily. She laughed and hugged him tightly. I smiled at the two. "She did always like you
more then me, huh?" I asked. Akane rolled her eyes. "Whatever Yu." She teased. I nudged her a little. "Let's go get some lunch, huh? Catch up on what I've missed with you?"

"Yeah! That sounds great!" He said happily. I smiled and grabbed his hand. "Let's go then!"

Then, we spent the rest of the day together. After a months with Mika back, we moved into an apartment together. A few months after that, he proposed to me.

A few years down the line, we were finally together forever. We would visit Guren with his new wife every once and a while, visiting my parents all the time, and even going to visit Krul down by South Korea, letting us be in the country for the first time.

Soon, we decided to move to South Korea, loving the scenery around. We got a place by the ocean that we both loved, and we couldn't be happier.

This was all I needed in life, and I couldn't ask for more.

Hello everyone! Yes, sadly this is the end of the book. I can't believe I've had this book for possibly almost three years!!! Like that's insane! If you have been here all that time, kudos to you because you've had to deal with me for that long! But, alas, I hope you enjoyed this story. It was really fun to write! My first story to reach over 25k reads! Like, that's incredible! I also hope you enjoyed the final chapter. I feel like it was rushed but that's probably because I wrote a lot. I have decided to have a Q & A for this story so if you'd like to ask some questions about the story, about the characters, or even about me, ask away! But for now, I'll see you later guys!




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