
By stayforyou

296 43 38

We all near enough have that one friend who makes you do things that are totally against your free will. Well... More

one| playlist and characters
two| moving
three| roommate
four| that one teacher
six| this is how it starts
seven| the aftermath

five| tight clothing

21 3 0
By stayforyou

Somehow during the week I had been convinced to come to this bloody party, don't get me wrong I want to meet new people but at the same time I'm awkward; until the drink enters my system and I suddenly become one of the most extroverted people you will ever meet, I'm basically two-faced when under the influence. I'd told Ellie that I didn't want to go but she, of course, insisted that I come with her because she doesn't want to be alone.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Ellie asked out of the blue, did she really need to ask? If you took one look at me you'd notice that I didn't have a boyfriend. I shook my head in response.

"A girlfriend?" She asked and I shook my head. "No. Why?" I replied curiously as to why she wanted to know about my non-existent love life, as she rummaged through my side of the wardrobe to find something suitable for the party.

"Just 'cause I have a feeling that Mr Zachary may have a thing for you," she teased with a wink, I scoffed in response and shook my head. I barely know the guy how can he possibly have a thing for me?

"No offence Caoimhe but your party gear is shit. . ." She chuckled, I know I should be offended but I really wasn't I knew exactly what she meant. Then again I never really went to parties and when I did I would always wear a pair of jeans and a baggy jumper because comfort is key when surrounded by drunk teenagers.

"I don't know what to wear, I never really partied back home," I shrugged with a light laugh, Ellie was now scanning over every inch of her side of the wardrobe— which may I add had some very beautiful designs and prints that I couldn't pull off and would refuse to do so. "I can tell," she laughed and pulled out a shortish skirt and a low cut top.

"Try this." She offered and pushed the clothes into my chest with a proud grin, you see, the clothes were lovely and no doubt would look amazing on her but I, I would look like Shrek in drag. I'm not tall but I'm taller than Ellie by about three or four inches and I'm pretty fat.

After I'd wiggled my way into the skirt I walked out of the bathroom to see Ellie stood there with the biggest smile on her face, I sighed and turned back around, the skirt and top fitted me perfectly but I just wasn't sure if it suited me and my looks. "Nu-uh Keith get out here! You look stunning!" She beamed, I turned back around reluctantly and sighed again. Also who the hell is Keith?

"I feel like a beached whale. . ." I whined as she pushed me out of the dorm door with chuckles. "Well you look like a fierce tiger, the lads won't stop looking at you," she winked again and smiled offering me a piece of chewing gum. What was she suggesting? I took one anyway and we then hit the road, much to my reluctance.

Maybe this Oliver guy didn't really think it through don't get me wrong I understand the whole purpose was to have fun and what not but we could barely get through the door, it was surrounded by already drunken and maybe even high teenagers with another drink or cigarette in their hands.

After we managed to squeeze our way through the crowd of people, Ellie dragged me through to the kitchen, which was very hard to move in, down to the pure fact it was the same size as our bathroom.

Judging by the number of people here I'm guessing that this guy was popular or the people he invited brought a plus one without being told they could. I glanced around the area; the living room had a clear glass table in the middle with a medium sized leather sofa at one side and a leather chair at the other whilst the window overlooked the lit up city of Manchester. Despite my observations, it was hard to make out what everything else was considering the sofa had about three couples necking each other and the floor area had people doing all kinds of weird dances.

Ellie had soon left me to my own company which I didn't blame her for, she knew people and I needed to get to know people. But instead of mingling I stood alone in the very confined space of the kitchen with a half-empty bottle of Stella Artois, the most outrageous thought came to mind; I should get another.

"Excuse me could you pass us a couple of bottles, please," a slurred voice asked, I nodded and reached over and grabbed two bottles of Stella and handed them back to the voice. There was a guy and his friend stood there looking me up and down— not subtly may I add, I cleared my throat and jolted the bottles further forward. "Thanks, sweet cheeks," the guy said winking. I'd give him the satisfaction of saying he was okay looking but c'mon there's something called sexualising and that's exactly what I'm guessing he did when he so blatantly stared at my body.

After I'd drank another bottle or maybe another two, I decided to go to the makeshift dance floor and not think too much about what people thought of me considering they knew nothing about me. I took my jacket off and discarded it on the chair that was no longer being used as a make-out station and started swaying my body from left to right not entirely sure on what I was doing, but I rolled with it.

I kind of hated the music but at the same time I really didn't care, I was having a decent time. . . Alone. I knew that there was someone behind me and I knew that I should probably stop dancing but where's the fun in that?

When I felt some hands grasp my waist I moved forward to avoid the unwanted contact but they seemed very persistent in touching me. Their hand slowly travelled down the curve of my body until I felt a small squeeze on my bottom. "Don't touch me, please," I said as calmly as I could and turned my body to look at whoever was doing it to see a very tall and muscular ginger boy. . . A man stood there looking down at me with a drunken smirk.

"Is this not what you want?" He spoke moving his hand around to grab my bottom again and leaving his hands there, I squealed in discomfort and jumped back. "No, it's not and I'd appreciate it if you'd get off me," I stated trying not to let the anger overtake me.

"Well, why are you wearing such tight clothing? Everyone can see all your curves," he said as if it meant something, his head kept moving closer to me and his hands kept tightening around me.

"By me wearing this doesn't entitle anyone to do anything to me, I wear what I want just like you wear what you want. So I'll say It again, please don't touch me." I announced, I hated how people automatically think that by wearing something suddenly screams I want you to fuck me, it's disgusting.

"Come on, it's just a bit of fun," He chuckled deeply and pulled me closer to him his grubby hands trailing all over my body like I was some sort of property. "I said don't fucking touch me!" I shouted and slapped him in the face after I'd pushed him away, I stormed away knowing that all eyes were watching the aftermath of the scene.

Some men feel so prestige to women that it's actually sickening, we're not in a patriarchal society anymore there's no need for men to feel or act so domineering around women or anyone anymore.

I stumbled through a door to find a group of people playing beer pong along with my roomie, I sat down on the bed and tried to recollect myself and let off some steam. "Caoimhe!" Ellie's recognisable voice cheered and she stumbled over to me and wrapped me in a drunken hug, I smiled and hugged her back.

"I'm off to get us all some shots, will you help Ollie out?" She spoke and pulled me up, pushing me lightly towards a guy with dark hair and his arms and neck danced with intricate tattoos; I can't imagine the pain he must have gone through to get all those pieces of art on his body. I probably would have said yes anyway but I guess I didn't have a choice.

I introduced myself to Ollie and to the other team in hopes to have a friendly game but little did anyone know I was rather competitive and could possibly smash everyone at this game.

On the opposite team there was a small girl with bright dyed blue hair and to her left was an equally small man with the same colour hair. Chloe was first to throw the ball and it bounced into a cup right in front of me, Okay, maybe this was going to be harder than I anticipated.

"I'll take it," I said to Ollie and picked up the cup pulling out the ball and shaking all the access beer off then chugged the cup down. Ollie allowed me to have a turn at throwing the ball and luckily I got it in, an annoyed groan sounded from Henry before he chugged the drink down, making a face like a slapped buttocks afterwards.

I smiled cheekily and waited for each of them to decide who was going to throw next when they actually decided Henry threw it and missed, I couldn't help the devious grin on my face. I probably shouldn't laugh at other people's misfortune but it was in Ollie and I's favour.

After tossing the ping pong ball back and forth for some minutes Ollie and I actually won the game much to Chloe and Henry's reluctance; we figured the game was over when Ellie came back in and handed everyone a shot. We cheered and high fived each other joyfully whilst laughing in the process. Maybe coming to this party wasn't such a bad idea after all.


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