It Struck A Heart String With...

By KanaRika4

268K 8.6K 3.3K

Ishi Azusa, she lived a life free of people on the streets of mustafu. She could never see the outside word b... More

Character Information, Prologue, Warnings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Omake 1, At the beach.
Chapter 17
Omake #2, And then they were Quarantined
Ishi x Mina!?
Omake #3 Mina falls for an Angel
Chapter 18

Chapter 4

20.1K 556 787
By KanaRika4

Chapter 4:


The two pro heroes drifted off to sleep holding their honorary daughter in their arms, dreaming of nothing and simply being content in the moment.


Ishi looked out the window in the teacher's apartments at all of the new students that flooded through the campus of U.A. they made her kind of nervous, but as long as she stayed indoors or more specifically; in her room, she should be fine.

Ishi's ears perked up as the faint noise of a board creaking downstairs, it prompted her to lift the bandages in her hands up to her eyes and wrap them around her head in a highly practiced manner.

"Hey, Ishi do you think you could go to Aizawa's class today? He is doing a quirk test and thought that it might be interesting for you to experience, you can stand far away with your bandages on and the darlings can tell you what's happening, okay?" Nemuri explained, Ishi quaked at the thought of leaving the safety of the apartments, of being around other people for one of the first times in several years, she was terrified, but she was scared of disappointing them. They had done so much for her and she was just a burden.

She turned to Nemuri and nodded her head almost imperceptibly, she heard the sigh of relief that left Nemuri's lips, she instinctively felt just a little bit better, Nemuri was going to be proud of her so she would do her best.

"Okay then, let's go get you dressed!" she prompted, Ishi tilted her head down as if to inspect what she was wearing before realizing her eyes were once again covered, she reached up to the wriggling snakes on her head and slid her hand down one of their serpentine bodies. They took the cue and started to describe what she was wearing for her.


"Tank top~"




It would have been faster to feel down her arms and legs to see at least what kind of clothing she was wearing but since she was no longer on the streets she was able to have the bandages off more often which lead to the snakes feeling neglected since they felt they didn't have a purpose. So whenever a situation came about where she needed to see or know something but had to have her bandages on she would have them describe it for her, no matter how quick or mundane the task was.

Nemuri took Ishi's hand and walked with her back to her room where she grabbed one of Ishi's trademark ensembles. She extended her full arms and dropped a flowy blue greek style toga into Ishi's arms. Though a lot of things in Ishi's life had changed in her time at U.A. she couldn't bear to part with her clothing style, she said it felt like it was a part of her, like it represented her. The teachers tried their very best to be accommodating to her needs and this was a simple one.

Peeling the clothes off her body Ishi shivered at the sudden rush of cold air that brushed against her warm body. It stunned her temporarily before she quickly got accustomed to it. She lifted the slightly shimmering midnight blue toga over her head the soft fabric brushing the snakes slightly. Once again in her familiar garment, she felt more comfortable just like every other time she put one on.

She had her snakes extend and push Nemuri out of the room so she could take off the bandages and look at herself in a mirror, she brushed out some wrinkles in her toga and sighed, most girls would do their makeup, put on perfume, do their hair in a new style, or paint their nails. But Ishi couldn't her hair was alive, excessive perfume made her feel sick, and the rock bases in makeup reminded her of the limestone powder they spread over the acid when she killed the man in the middle of the street all those years ago, her snakes would always disagree on what color to paint her nails so she simply gave up after several snake induced headaches.

She pulled the bandages back up to her eyes and welcomed the familiar darkness that enveloped her sight, she had spent so much time in this room that she didn't need the snakes to direct her to the door anymore but she let them do so anyways.



"Step over fallen blanket~"

"Open door~"

Nemuri took Ishi's hand once she stepped out of the room, she lead the small terrified and shaking girl to a large barren field with several white paint lines meant for measuring and training.

"Aizawa will be out here with his class in a little bit, from what I understand a lot of them are friendly, one of them gets really angry so he might be a little scary okay?" Nemuri explained, "You are far enough away that you won't be around them, if they look for you they might find you but unless they do you will have your space, Aizawa will be on the lookout for you so you will be safe no matter what" Nemuri pulled the small girl to her, closing the distance between them. Ishi's snakes rubbed their heads across Nemuri's cheeks, a gesture she had long since gotten used to, she was confused at first but later learned it was a symbol of their trust and love.

Nemuri ran her hand down Ishi's cheek one more time before saying goodbye and running to the teachers room to do last minute planning for her classes, Ishi stood on the edges of the field just waiting, waiting for something terrifying to happen. She wanted to go back to the safety of her room, to avoid new things and new people. People that she might accidentally hurt, the thought made her remember all of the people she had hurt, not just hurt, killed. But she was scared, she didn't want Nemuri to be disappointed in her, she seemed so relieved and happy when Ishi had agreed to come out. So she would stay, at least for a little while.

She became alert when she heard the crunch of many shoes on hardened soil, her head tilted in the direction it came from as her body followed suit turning so she could 'watch' what was going on better.

"Aizawa~" one of the snakes cooed near her ear fondly





"Bomb~" Ishi panicked, there was a bomb with one of the students. Was the person just imitating a student but really planned to kill everyone there?

"Explosive quirk~" her breathing returned to normal when she realized that it wasn't a real bomb but just the persons quirk that was bomb-like.

The snakes kept describing all of the new students in Aizawa's class but she tuned out when he started to talk. She used his voice to ground her, to shake the panic from moments ago from her body and sooth the shaking she had been experiencing since the moment she was asked to go outside.

She was startled when a loud explosive sound shook the air in the field, her eyes glazed over, she didn't see darkness, she saw light, she felt pain, she heard screaming, screaming was everywhere, civilians ran from her captor. Acid sloshed up in a wave burning their clothed calves, people cried out for help and she was held in the middle of it all, acid burned a handprint on her arm, a mark she would keep forever. And it was like time froze, their eyes met and her captor turned to stone in less time than it took for her to blink, the acid continued to roam the streets devouring everything.

she was shaking, crying into the dirt of the U.A. practice field. Her snakes had had to deal with many such breakdowns in their life with the girl so they immediately sprung into action hissing platitudes to the young girl, trying to draw her out of the memory of her distant traumatic past, the student continued to use his explosions for his tests making all of their attempts futile. As long as that kid used his quirk the only ones who could draw Ishi out of her pain at the moment were Aizawa and Nemuri.

Several of the snakes were watching the proceedings so they could tell her what happened later all but one of the rest were trying to calm her down. The final solitary snake laid itself on the ground as flat as it could and extended itself slithering down across the field and around students without being detected.

Aizawa had just started the distance run so the students would be busy for a good five to twenty minutes based on how quickly they could run. He set the robot to record their times and mph for their running. He took a step back and felt something heavy slide over his booted feet, he looked down and met the snakes eyes, its white eyes stark against its midnight blue body, it hissed loudly at him and his eyes snapped up, looking around the area quickly for any glimpse of Ishi, but he couldn't see her.

"Bring me to her" Aizawa told the snake, it rounded up on itself and turned around and returned to the place from which he came, his body shrinking in length as they went along, Aizawa was frantic, he had forgotten that she was going to be there and merely lethargically lectured the class on being loud, not really putting any effort into it.

Aizawa heard faint crying which spurred him on, increasing his pace towards Ishi. he saw her, crouched under a chair, tears soaking spots into her bandages and running down her cheeks, her shoulders were wracked with tremors. Guilt hit him like a bus, it was his idea to have her come out here and now she is suffering so much. He fell to his knees in front of her and wrapped his arms around her body tightly. She flinched at the contact but once he started talking her rigid body started to release the tension it held.

Five minutes later her crying had slowed and eventually stopped and a singular student was completed with the distance running. Aizawa ran a hand through the snakes sprouting from her head in a calming gesture. He rubbed her back just like Nemuri did when they first met and every day ever since.

"You can go back to your room if you want" he whispered into her ear.

"I want to stay" she whimpered. Aizawa was confused, she had always made it clear she wasn't comfortable being out of her room or the apartments so why would she suddenly want to be outside and around things that made her scared. "You all do so much for me, I want to repay you just a little, so I want to stay" she explained.

He hugged her tightly one more time before telling her he needed to go back to his class and that he would come right back to her when he was done and they would go back to her room and he would hold her until she fell asleep. He stepped away and watched as most of the snakes extended themselves and wrapped around her whole body like a large scaly blanket encasing her, they didn't cover her ears or mouth so she could hear what was happening and their explanations about what was going on, he smiled slightly at the sight before turning and returning to his class.

When he got back the first thing he heard was Tenya Iida attempting to lecture him, "Sensei! How could you leave your students in the middle of a trial, for a teacher of U.A. to do something so irresponsible is unthinkable! What on earth could have been so important that you would leave!" his hands were waving up and down comically while his face was one of responsible fury.

"A kid needed my help" he stated while glaring at Iida, who visibly deflated at the statement, he apologized before returning to the others and waiting patiently for his next set of instructions.

Aizawa ended the tests as quickly as he could, he didn't want Ishi to be outside for any longer than she had to be. He was mildly disappointed that he couldn't expel anyone right off the bat like he did last year, less students or just no students gave him more time to sleep, or teach an eager Ishi anything she wanted to know. Having a student that was enthusiastic for learning was always better than a student who sleeps through classes, despite the fact that he himself slept through many of the classes he was supposed to teach.

When he announced that he wasn't going to expel anyone and that it was a "logical rouse" a recommended student pointed out that he couldn't expel anyone on the first day his lazy eyes met hers with a 'you doubt me' look, he could, he has, and he was tempted to expel her just for being annoying and doubting his ability to end any of their careers.

"Everyone pick up a syllabus from the classroom before leaving, Midoriya go to the nurse, you're all dismissed" he waved his hand shooing them all away from him before he turned to the direction Ishi was waiting.

A few students looked in the direction he was going curiously but stopped quickly when Iida started yelling at them.

Aizawa walked over to the serpentine ball sitting on the edge of the field near the buildings. "Come on, let's go see Nemuri before going back home" he whispered prompting the snakes to unwrap themselves from around her body, she tried to stand up but was still exhausted from her earlier panic attack causing her to tumble right back down to the ground. Aizawa caught her hand making her body jerk upwards in reaction to its sudden removal from the free fall state it was in.

He clasped her other hand in his and pulled her up to him. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her head laid on his shoulder. The snakes pulled her tired legs up and around Aizawa's waist. She looked like a greek koala clinging to Aizawa with all the strength she had. He had put his hands under her butt like a shelf so she wouldn't fall.

He walked across the abandoned training site and through the large door that lead into the large school building. His class was already home or on the way there, the other classes were going to be in the introduction ceremony or in their homeroom, either way it meant that the hallways were empty letting him walk through with no worry about scaring Ishi further than he already had.

The door was closed when Aizawa reached the teacher's room, he groaned loudly and grumbled people about leaving a door closed that under any other circumstances he would want to be closed. He stuck his foot out and used it to nudge the door aside slightly and then slid his foot into the crack he had created and used it to push the door all the way open. Striding into the half-full room he attracted the attention of all the teachers present.

During the walk, Ishi had fallen asleep so everyone tried to keep relatively quiet. Well, almost everyone, "HEEEEEYYYYYYY ISHIIIIII!" Yamada shouted startling Ishi, as well as her companions, one of the snakes, was so surprised it instinctively extended itself and bit him right on the nose. The venom dribbled a bit out from the pierced flesh. Toshinori, being new to the U.A. family started to run around trying to find a way to get the venom out before he realized that nobody else was panicking.

"Um...shouldn't we do something about that?" he asked.

"hmmm...I don't know, do you want to do something about it, Yamada?" Nemuri said coyly.

The relatively respected pro hero known to all, from adults to children, men and women looked down depressedly at his shiny black shoes before pulling a small syringe from his pocket, it had a small white label on the side that shone in the light beaming from the ceiling. It read 'I was an idiot...again', he lifted the syringe to his neck feeling around for the vein that had many a pierce mark from syringes just like this one. He pressed the tip into his skin and pressed down the plunger releasing the anti-venom into his bloodstream once more.

"Add it to the tally someone" Nemuri instructed fighting the urge to laugh. Cementoss turned a whiteboard around and revealed nearly all black tally count, the top was labeled 'Time Yamada scared Ishi's snakes and got bit'

"Where am I supposed to put it?" he asked looking for a white spot on the full board,

"Anywhere honestly, we need to get another one of those"

Toshinori stood still in shock not only was this a regular enough occurrence that Yamada always kept an anti-venom in his pocket, but the rest of the teachers also kept track of the number of times it happened and mocked him for it.

"Well Yamada, you have officially reached 800 snake bites, pretty impressive" Ishi mumbled "Most people would have died, I wonder if this would count for a world record"

"Are we sure this is the safest place to keep her?" Toshinori asked bluntly. Ishi flinched "I mean she could have just killed Yamada" Ishi curled up into Aizawa further "She could hurt the students or even kill them" Aizawa felt small fingers digging into the thick skin on his back and shoulders, he tightened his grasp on her, Nemuri's eyes hardened on Toshinori, "Those snakes shouldn't be allowed around the people who will change the world, what if she scares students?"

Ishi's eyes were shut tight beneath her bandages her body was shaking, her thoughts were filled with an endless stream of "unsafe, kill, scary, injure, killer, dangerous, hurt," it was the only thing on her mind she wanted to vomit, bile rose in her throat, snot started to dribble down her nose, and tears started to squeeze out from between her clenched eyelids.

Nemuri stood up out of her chair and took Ishi out of Aizawa's arms and held her instead in her own.

"Isn't there someone else who can take-" he was cut off by a sudden burst of hostility that rose from every single person in the room except for the traumatized Ishi. He froze, the world's symbol of peace couldn't move, terror filled his body. He had fought thousands of villains faced hundreds of dangerous situations without flinching, but the burst of bloodlust bloomed from the room of pro heroes was something that he had never experienced. 'Demons run when a good man goes to war' was the only thought that went through his mind, it was a quote, from who? He couldn't remember but it fits this situation perfectly and it terrified him.

"Don't say things if you don't know what you're talking about" Aizawa said darkly before walking out with Ishi and Nemuri. The rest of the teachers continued glaring at him until he retreated out of the room, not knowing where to go since he figured he wasn't currently welcome in the apartment building; he decided to go for a walk.

Ishi, Nemuri, and Aizawa laid down on Ishi's bed silently but for Ishi's crying and Nemuri's cooing.

Ishi broke the silence, "He thinks I'm a monster" she stated quietly.

"No no no, darling he just doesn't know what he is talking about, he is used to seeing everything as black and white harmless or harmful and you are both but it's not a bad thing, to be too harmless would to be defenseless and then you would get hurt too easily and I can't have my baby getting hurt all the time now can I?"

"Yeah the bastard thinks he's all that because he's popular, popularity doesn't get you anything but wasted time and a skewed moral compass" Aizawa grumbled

Ishi laughed slightly before falling into sleep induced darkness.

Aizawa looked at Nemuri, determination mirrored in both of their eyes. They stood up and ran back to the teacher's room gathering several stacks of papers. Nemuri dashed into the principal's office, grabbed a disk out of the many cased on his shelf and then ran right back out. She met Aizawa in the teacher's common room ten minutes after they parted. Aizawa to find Toshinori using the security cameras.

He walked to him slowly, intimidating in a way. He grabbed Toshinori's hand and turned around walking toward the apartment building.

He pushed Toshinori onto a couch across from a large television, Nemuri had returned to Ishi's room to prevent any nightmares from appearing for the moment.

"I told you not to say anything if you don't know what you're talking about," he said coldly, "So learn" he pressed the on button on the television. Nemuri had put the DVD in before going upstairs so Toshinori had a front row to hell itself.

"What is....this," a slightly distorted voice asked on the recording.

"It's hell, welcome to being a hero" a slightly younger Aizawa replied.

Toshinori watched as acid melted everything everywhere, he listened to screams that resounded through the open layout common room.

"There's someone in the middle of it!" the young police officer cried,"there's a girl! Could she have caused this!"

"Look closer" the police officer looked closer and the camera on him zoomed in to reveal a bleeding, screaming, crying, traumatized Ishi.

"Someone call the acid unit!" Someone shouted

"We have to get to her, she's losing too much blood and it isn't safe in there" it was true, blood was seeping out of multiple wounds on her arms, knees, and feet.

"I think her emotional state is more important right now" a nervous Nemuri interjected.

The video stayed focused on the girl, Ishi, how her frantic eyes brushed over everything in the area, how they met blank eyes connected to dead bodies in the middle of an acid filled, broken street, it briefly flicked to the bodies as they froze and turned to stone.

Limestone powder dropped down from the air the dust filling every mouth in the area but effectively neutralizing the corrosive properties in the acid. Ishi was choking and coughing on the powder that filled her mouth and lungs. She tried desperately to pull herself away from the frozen stone statue that held her, she tried to reach for the bandages and did everything she could rationally think of to cover her eyes from the rapidly approaching heroes. As the other rapid response units took care of the other injured the cries died out until it was just her, just Ishi who cried, shouted, and screamed. The snakes multitasked in keeping the heroes away and getting the slightly burnt bandages up of the ground.

The snakes tried to bite younger versions of Nemuri, Yamada, and Aizawa in an attempt to protect their host.

Nemuri and Aizawa eventually got the snakes to calm down while accidentally upsetting Ishi more when they cut through the stone man holding her. They brought her to an ambulance, a long time passed as all that could be heard in the room is the recorded voice of Ishi screaming crying and saying that everything was her fault. Eventually, the younger Aizawa returned to screen and explained her sparse living conditions and that he was going to class Nezu.

When the video ended Toshinori was shocked, "why didn't she live with her family?" he asked, Aizawa sighed knowing this was going to be inevitable, he turned and grabbed one of the stacks of paper that he and Nemuri had collected. He handed it to Toshinori who in turn looked through it all. Pages and pages of her father complaining about how he was given a demon child that killed his wife.

"What about foster care?" Toshinori refused to give up, he had proof that this child had killed someone, two people in fact.

Aizawa was disappointed, the symbol of peace was alienating a traumatized girl because it interfered with the growth of his successor. He grabbed another, much larger stack of papers which he then put on Toshinori's lap once more.

This pile Toshinori merely flipped through but it was more than enough to recognize as foster care reports, adoption reports, and more detailed police reports which all depicted graphic domestic violence.

"Do you know how many times she has left this building in the YEARS she has been here?" Aizawa asked.


"Four times, she can't hurt anybody right now and she is terrified of doing so, she came out today because I wanted her to, because she deserves a life too, because she is human no matter how much you refuse to believe it, in the past few centuries the word human has been redefined as much as you want to refuse it and say that she is a monster because of her snakes, because she is dangerous, she was born from human parents, she was raised by various human foster families that all treated her like scum, she lived on human streets eating human food and attempting to learn human words, she is human, and yes she is dangerous, every quirk is if you use it in a dangerous way, your raw destructive power how many villains have you fought with it?, how many have you Killed? How many people has Yamada taken their hearing from?, how many people have I handed off to the police to be given the death sentence? Every single one of us has a dangerous quirk but we are all human she just looks a little different, just like that girl in my class, she has pink skin and an acid quirk do you think she is a danger? That she shouldn't be here? Do you want me to expel her? And that Midoriya, did you see what he did to that robot? That can't possibly be safe, maybe I should stand outside the gates tomorrow and tell him I've changed my mind and he's actually expelled before he can even enter the building again"

Aizawa saw the fury that entered Toshinori's eyes when he mentioned Midoriya, Toshinori stood and his body inflated into a larger, stronger version of himself, All Might. He looked deadly, "Ah, there it is, the fury of the symbol of peace, if you could see your face right now you would know what you look downright evil. That's the difference between you and her you are willing to hurt, to kill anyone who makes you angry just like I know you want to hurt me right now, but her...that little girl you think is dangerous has never wanted to kill anyone every single death was an accident, the death of her mother was simply an infant opening her eyes for the first time, killing a villain in the middle of an attack? She tried to run away, she really did, but do you know how hard it is to do that when you are walking on acid without the ability to see because you have had bandages over your eyes your entire life? Well, let me tell you it's nearly impossible. That villain grabbed her bandages from her eyes as she fought to regain them because despite the pain she went through and the blood streaming off her body she didn't want to hurt him, those snakes that scare you some much? They're the ones who called the emergency responders, the ones who made sure that people came to save and help all of the injured, don't believe me? Sleep in #13's room tonight" Aizawa turned on his heel and walked out of the room then up the stairs right up to Ishi's room

"Worst case scenario" He whispered to Nemuri, her eyes watered slightly at the thought of Ishi going through even more pain today but it was necessary to make Toshinori stop, to believe them that she wasn't a danger.

At nine O clock, Aizawa and Nemuri left Ishi's room and escorted Toshinori into #13's room who conveniently was out on a rescue mission for the night. They then took one last regretful look at Ishi's door before walking away and into their own rooms that they have hardly used in years.

At one in the morning, the screaming started. So loud it woke everyone in the apartments, with the screaming came scraping, nails against every surface near the bed, thumps and whacking sounda shortly after, and then came the cries. The ones that everybody in the apartment building would recognize instantly, it was like a confession. Screams and cries of apologies, conditioned responses, dire wishes, wishes to die, wishes to never hurt anyone ever again, apologies to everyone who had ever hurt her, apologise for being born, for being a disappointment, and for being a monster trapped in the body of a human.

Cries for help sounded out tears got caught in bandages that slipped down covering a nose, it felt like she was drowning, it felt like when she was four. She fell off the bed, her neck landed on a worn stuffed animal, it felt like a bruise, it felt like when she was three. She rolled over onto a pencil, it lightly pierced the thin flesh covering her organs, right where the scar was, it felt like it was gushing blood, it felt like when she was 5, it felt like she was left bleeding on the streets, it felt like when she nearly died.

This was the worst part for everyone, when she started bargaining, her voice higher, like it would have been when she was five, her feeble, hoarse high pitched screaming pleaded "Don't leave me, it hurts, I'm cold, the red is coming out, I don't think it's supposed to do that, you're fuzzy, I'm sorry, so sorry, I'm sorry I scared you, I won't come near you, I won't touch anything, I won't ask for anything, you don't even have to feed me, just...don't .... Leave me, I'm sorry for being a monster trapped in the body of a child"

Everyone in the apartments except for Toshinori had been instructed to leave Ishi be tonight because this was important, important for her to be accepted by Toshinori. At the moment all of them had more than a little bit of unbridled rage directed at their symbol of peace, all of the teachers cared for Ishi greatly and hearing her go through this made them feel awful, they didn't feel like heroes, they felt like villains. Heroes were supposed to save people, not make them go through hell to change the mind of another hero.

Nemuri was curled up in a corner of her room crying silently. Ishi was slowly opening up to her and she was slowly learning little bit by little bit what the snakes were saying so they would inform her of facts that Ishi's memory had hidden from even her. So she knew what Ishi was reliving at the moment and she would never wish such a thing on her worst enemy and definitely not the little girl she loved like a child of her own.

Of course, it was relatively easy to decipher what was going through Ishi's head as she screamed and cried but knowing the details made it hit closer to home for Nemuri.

Aizawa watched Ishi flail through the monitoring camera that they used for her schooling and just general check-ins. The pain was visible in his eyes, he hated seeing her in this state but he would hate himself if he let her go through this without even seeing what happened, without being with her even if he wasn't really there. A single tear ran down his face.

Toshinori had been given the best seat in the house for an event such as this, although it wasn't really good, it was simply the place where any sounds made in Ishi's room would be best heard.

His eyes were wide as he took in every crash, every scream, every plea for help, every atonement, and every compromise.

He heard as she begged to not be left alone, as she would have given anything to just have someone, anyone, even if they hurt her.

Aizawa's words were true, they were different, so different.

The mere words that he had been taunted with irritated the Symbol of Peace to a point that he didn't feel so Peaceful anymore.

But this monster.... No... this girl, had gone through indescribable amounts of pain but she didn't kill them, she didn't even fight back even though she had all the tools to do so, she begged and apologized, she would keep going through it all if only she weren't alone.

He was verbally taunted and he wanted to fight. She was brutally destroyed, mind and body and she wanted to compromise, to give up anything to make the other person happy.

A few tears trailed down his cheeks.

He opened #13's door and walked out into the hallway.

He took a few steps to the right and slowly opened Ishi's door. Her room was chaos. There were scratch marks on the headboard, several blankets were ripped open, a pillow was lightly shredded, Ishi's snakes had all grown in size and length making them fill most of the floor space in the small room, a slightly bloody pencil lay on the floor near the bed, her desk was pushed to the side, and her body? Well, that was exposed.

He took in the handprint scar on her arm from the villain attack, the deep jagged scar on her left side stomach, various little scars and discolorations, and the slightly darker pale purple skin on the back of her neck where it seemed to be permanently discolored.

All of Ishi's snakes stood on edge just like they had done when they first met Nemuri, Yadma, and Aizawa. Ishi was still screaming and Toshinori didn't know what to do. So all he could say was, "you're not a monster"

He hung his head low, disappointed that it made no difference in her emotional condition.

Moments later Aizawa and Nemuri pushed the door open further as the rest of the heroes flooded in and started picking up furniture and removing bloody objects.

Nemuri and Aizawa didn't help them though, they had their own task, calm Ishi down and stay with her for the rest of the night. Every five or so minutes the snakes would shrink slightly until eventually they were back to their normal size and curled up flat on Ishi's scalp.

Recovery girl had retrieved new clean bandages since the old ones were covered in snot from her crying. Aizawa as always used his quirk constantly during to process as a preventative measure until they finished, then he picked her up and brought her to the bed where he laid down with her along with Nemuri.

He looked at a still frozen Toshinori and said "Now you know, please don't call her a monster again, it hurts her and I refuse to let her get hurt again" his voice had an undertone of danger meant to scare the large man into taking his command like advice.

He rolled over and listened as he waited for Toshinori to close the door, but he didn't. So Aizawa rolled back over.

"Close the door on your way out" he prompted, Toshinori flinched lightly before turning on his heel and walking out the door catching the handle in his palm as he walked out and closing it quietly.

Aizawa laid on his side reflecting over the Ish's day and regretting bringing her out to experience his new students. His thoughts were interrupted however when Ishi threw an unconscious arm over his torso dragging him closer to him into a tight hug. He smiled down at her so glad that they found her that day, that she lived that long.

He closed his eyes let out a deep breath and felt himself fall into an exhausted but content sleep.

A.N. Honestly I'm sorry to those of you who really love All Might but just I feel like he kind of fails as a person like sure he fights a bunch of people and stuff but you don't get that popular or see that much violence without losing a little bit of who you were, plus he yelled at Midoriya for collapsing during the run for training, and he didn't teach Midoriya how to use one for all, he just got disappointed when he couldn't do it himself and then sent him off to learn from his teacher. Have a good day/night bye!

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"𝙸'𝚖 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎." "𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚑 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚎." ˜"*...
2.4K 31 50
(Cover art does not belong to me) COMPLETED Izuku Midoriya always had difficulties with trust, whenever he trusted someone they hurt him. His father...
441K 17.4K 42
After being spontaneously transported to the My Hero Academia world, (Y/n) finds herself becoming closer to the characters that live there. She quick...