When The Darkness Comes

By _sappho_

13.9K 471 49

Rosa Santiago's death sends Raphael over the edge. More

Cloudy Eyed Stroll
Terrible Things
Lead Me Out of the Dark
See You Again


1.7K 58 10
By _sappho_

Magnus' eyes widened when he opened the door and saw Simon standing there.

"I️ wasn't expecting you quite so early," Magnus remarked as Simon entered the loft.

"Any progress?" Simon asked as he walked toward Raphael.

Magnus sighed, trying to figure out exactly what to do next.

"Now isn't exactly the best time," he said slowly, as if calculating each word as to not give away too much information in hopes that Simon would take the hint and leave.

"Why, what's going on?" Simon asked.

Seeing that getting rid of Simon was going to be more difficult than he had anticipated, he shut the door behind him and walked closer to Simon.

"There are just a couple of things that need to be taken care of," Magnus responded.

Simon gave the warlock a puzzled a look.

"What kind of things?" he pried.

Almost as if on cue, there was a knock at the door. Magnus sighed as he turned around to get the door. When he answered the door, he attempted to not look tired, painting on an artificial smile.

"Thank you for coming. Please, come in," he said.

When the warlock stepped aside, a short, bald man adorned with a black robe and cross around his neck entered the loft.

Simon raised an eyebrow and looked the man up and down before looking back at Magnus.

"Who the hell is he?" Simon asked defensively, gesturing toward the man.

Both the warlock and the mundane had shocked expressions as a result of Simon's question.

"First of all, he's a priest, so watch your language," Magnus warned. He then turned the priest.

"Brother Ezekiel, why don't you get started while I️ speak with this gentleman in private," Magnus said politely before glaring at Simon and gesturing toward the kitchen.

The priest simply nodded and with that the warlock and the vampire both proceeded to the kitchen.

"What is he doing here?" Simon asked, gesturing toward the door.

Magnus sighed. He gestured for Simon to have a seat and he complied. He then took a seat himself and rubbed his tired eyes.

"Brother Ezekiel is here to perform the last rites for Raphael," Magnus confessed.

At this news, Simon's eyes widened and he began to shake his head.

"I️ don't understand. Isn't that like for people who are dying?" Simon asked, but it sounded more like an accusation than a question as he spat out the words along with the bitter taste on his tongue.

Magnus broke eye contact and looked down at the table before nodding. He heard the audibly vampire gasp. He then looked back up.

"I️ wasn't quite sure how to break the news to you, but it does seem like we may have to prepare for the worst," Magnus said, choking up.

Despite no longer having a heartbeat or a need to breathe, Simon still could feel a familiar tightening in his chest with a lump in his throat accompanying it. He flexed and relaxed his fingers a few times while focusing on his breathing, attempting to remain calm. Still, all he could manage to say was the word "no", but it was a word with a multitude of implications backing it. 

No, this isn't possible. No, this can't be happening. No, there has to be another way. No, Raphael isn't going to die. No, we can't give up. No, I️ can't handle this. However all of the meanings of no simply added up to one thing - denial. The disbelief that the worst could even be a feasible possibility.

"I️ know it's hard, but it is what Raphael would've wanted," Magnus explained. He knew how much Raphael's faith meant to him. Afterall, it had seemed to be the one thing that motivated him to not give up on himself after becoming a vampire. He knew that if Raphael were to face death again, he would want to do it the right way. While Magnus did not consider himself religious, he still held on to the hope that this would guarantee Raphael the peace that he deserved.

Simon shook his head as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Don't. Don't talk about him like he's already dead," Simon said. After everything, he felt like he owed it to Raphael to not give up. It was the least he could do.

"Do you think that any of this is easy for me? Raphael is like a son to me," Magnus retorted defensively.

"Then why are you giving up on him?" Simon said, rising to his feet.

With this, Magnus stood as well.

"Don't you dare. I️ have been there for Raphael ever since he was turned. Through every slip, every relapse, everytime that he gave up on himself I️ never once gave up on him," Magnus seethed. He was only half speaking to Simon, though. He was mostly just assuring himself that he had done everything he needed to, that he had been supportive, that he had been there and that no part of this was his fault, but he didn't quite manage to convince himself of this.

Simon shrugged and furrowed his brows.

"And yet you're giving up on him right now," Simon said.

"You don't get to talk to me about Raphael like that. You never even cared about him," Magnus accussed.

Simon tensed, balling his hands into fists by his sides and clenching his jaw.

"That's not true," Simon protested through gritted teeth, but he sounded more defeated than angry.

Magnus raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Because last time I️ checked you were the one who betrayed him. He was tortured by the clave because you released Camille," Magnus scoffed, pointing a finger at Simon.

He then gestured toward the room where Raphael was as Simon stood there, stunned like a child being yelled at by their parent as they realized that they finally managed to cross the line.

"He looked after you. He took care of you when you turned, and then hyou stabbed him in the back and put him through hell. Then you had the nerve to paint him like some kind of villian. After everything you've put him through, no wonder he did this to himself!" Magnus snapped.

Silence. A thick tension filled the air as Simon was physically taken aback. He clenched his jaw and gave a resigned nod, trying to hold back his tears. It didn't work.

The thing was that Magnus didn't truly blame Simon for this. Afterall, it's not like it was in anyway his fault that Rosa died. And yet, the combination of distress, grief, frustration, sleep deprivation and that fact that Simon was simply there and convient made the words just fly out.

Magnus sighed. That time, he had crossed the line and he immediately felt the regret that came with it.

He attempted to take step forward to console Simon, but the vampire simply flinched and moved away from him.

Before Magnus could even attempt to speak, the vampire was already gone in a flash. The warlock simply sat down and buried his head in his hands. He messed up.

After the last rites were finished and Alec escorted the priest out, Alec joined Magnus in the kitchen, taking a seat next to him and placing an arm around him.

"What's going on?" Alec inquired in a hushed tone.

Magnus removed his face from his hands and looked up again. He then began to shake his head.

"I️ messed up, Alexander. I️ just feel like I️ don't know what I'm doing anymore. There's a good chance that I️ won't be able to save Raphael after I️ was the one who wasn't there when he needed me and then I️ basically blamed poor Sherman for the whole thing," Magnus confessed.

Before Alec could even offer words of encouragement, there was another knock on the door.

"That must be Catarina," Magnus said.

Alec released his grasp on Magnus, allowing him to stand and head toward the front door. When he answered, it was, indeed, Catarina. At the sight of Magnus, she could immediately tell that he was up all night.

"Shall we begin?" Magnus asked after Catarina entered the loft.

She placed a hand on Magnus' shoulder.

"I'll take it from here. You need to rest," she instructed.

Magnus shook his head to which she responded to with a glare.

"This ritual is more about precision than manpower and you are clearly sleep deprived," she said. She then turned toward Raphael, still unconcious on the sofa. "I'll take good care of him; I️ promise. But, right now, you need to take care of yourself."

She then directed her attention in the direction of the kitchen and loudly said, "I'm sure Alexander would agree with me."

At the sound of his name, Alec came out of the kitchen.

"Don't you agree that Magnus should rest?" Catarina suggested.

After what had just happened with Simon, Magnus knew that his friend was right. It was just that it was difficult to bring himself to leave Raphael's side. He was overcome by this fear that if he even blinked for too long he would open his eyes and Raphael would be gone.

Alec looked at Magnus with pleading eyes as he came closer. He took Magnus' hands in his own.

"I know you were up all night, and I'm worried," Alec whispered.

Magnus looked down to hide the tears that were beginning to form, but he nodded as he was far too tired to even fight them.

"Alexander, try and get in touch with Sheldon if you can?" he asked.

Alec nodded.

"Of course."

Magnus then retreated to the bedroom, but not without stealing one last long look at Raphael, hoping with every fiber of his being that it wouldn't be the last.

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