NES Godzilla Creepypasta [Fan...

By KaijuRonin

18K 249 318

This story is going to be a VERY LONG fanfic about strange things that happen in a video game. The original s... More

Chapter one: Earth and Mars
Chapter Three: Trance
Chapter four: Dementia
Chapter five: Entropy [Part one]
Chapter five: Entropy [Part two]
Chapter Six: Extus

Chapter two: Pathos

2.4K 35 49
By KaijuRonin

I did not know what "Pathos" was. When I arrived there, I looked at the board itself. It has the same layout at Jupiter, but the color of the board was a dark blue color instead of the green color it had in the original game.

The first thing that caught my eye was that all of the level icons I saw while playing on the emulator were replaced by a blue rock and an orange honeycomb shape.

I saw one icon that had part of the jungle icon, but I didn't pay that much attention to it. I just shrugged it off. When I looked around on the board, I saw the monster I would soon be facing.

The monster I would be fighting at the end was... Biollante?!

That could've been right. For the Godzilla movies, Godzilla vs Biollante never came out until 1989. For the video games, Super Godzilla never came out until 1993, and this game was created in 1988. This was a very strange occurrence. I did not remember Biollante being in the original game. I tried to rationalize the game's abnormalities in any way I could describe, but unfortunately, it was proven to be futile.

Pathos' new map song was one of the first new songs I heard in the game. Like most of the new songs, it was difficult to describe, but I'll try my best.

The music started out slow and suspenseful, much slower than anything I've heard in the game, then every twelve seconds, there would be a loud clashing sound, and the tempo changed. I was checking my phone while listening to the music, and when I heard the loud clash, it scared me, almost making me drop it.

After I was done, I moved Godzilla over to one of the many blue rock icons that replaced the jungle icon, and started the level.

The level was a blue mountain range with a blood red planet in the sky, watching me from above. There was something odd about the mountains themselves. They had some kind of "shredded paper" look to them. I thought they were affected by the glitch as well at first, but that wasn't the case. It looked far too intentional.

I even noticed something different about this level. There were no enemies at all. Not even any obstacles to be seen.

Well, I should also mention that at the time I was playing through this, the point meter starts to become glitched up beyond comprehension. I found it odd, but didn't pay that much attention to it. So, I listened to the music as I went on in the level.

The music I listened to, without having to focus on anything, had a sorrowful feel to it. I've never heard it in a normal game, but I don't care. It sounded pleasant and calming.

The level went on for three screens, and I was able to finish it quickly, which was nice. I tried the same level type three times to see if any enemies would appear, but nothing happened. I was actually quite surprised. So, I decided to try the next level type.

I started the orange level, and my eyes were assaulted with these... grotesque, tumorous, orange eyes. The "sky" was the same as the ground. I figured this level must've been taking place in a cave.

The enemies I encountered were those Matango Spawn (I think that's what they're called). Those little bastards were everywhere. The music did not help me at all.

It was a mix of screeching sounds and drum beats. It sounded like a monster's theme from a horror movie. After I completed it, I planned to avoid playing through those levels whenever I could.

The map was short, so it was only a few minutes before my next rematch with Gezora, Moguera, and Tatanosaurus. But this time, when I fought the first two bosses, their sprites and attack patterns were vastly different.

I chose to fight Moguera first. Moguera's replacement was certainly strange. She looked like an anime robotic girl that resembled a strange alien creature. It felt like I was fighting Mothra, only she moved a little faster. She attacked by spinning her front tentacle like a corkscrew. She even still had an eye beam, but it fired from the drill, which was a strange move.

After defeating her, it was onto Gezora's replacement.

This strange lanky aberration with an anime girl appearance replaced Gezora, and was much more of a challenge. She would move at a faster pace, constantly using her arms to attack me. This made it difficult to get close to her, and she of course tried pinning me in the corner tried pinning me into the corner. It was annoying as ever.

How I defeated her was using a combination of tail whips and spamming the atomic breath. I couldn't use punching and kicking, so that's what I did.

Once I defeated the first two bosses, I went to go fight Titanosaurus, but she was nowhere to be seen. After a bit, I got sent back to the screen, with the Titanosaurus piece now missing. The only monster that was left was Biollante. So, without hesitation, I started the battle.

When I started the fight, I saw Biollante in her Rose form, just like how I saw in the movie, although a little different. But, when I started the fight, the music sounded... different. It sounded advanced.

I remembered the soundtrack. This was from when I played Super Godzilla on the SNES emulator. It was during the fight with Biollante in the game.

Now, about Biollante in this game, she was immobile and she used her tentacles to block me from her body. Punching the tentacles actually cause damage to her. But, they were no push over. They would hit back aggressively. Once that happened, I had to duck and move back.

At the half point, after taking enough damage, Biollante had transformed into her final form and she let out the roar I heard in Super Godzilla. This never happened in the original game, but I have to admit, it was actually pretty cool to see.

Her sprite looked really good for an 8-bit, and I will admit, at times in the battle, I could not stop staring at her massive tits.

Biollante could now move, but much slower.  Her tentacles caused more damage and she could do an acid spit, and I managed to avoid it. It wasn't much more difficult than Titanosaurus. It took two rounds to beat her, and I will say, this was pretty entertaining.

During the last stretch of the battle, Biollante did something I did not see coming. She used her tentacles to constrict Goidzilla, and she would drain her power in the process.

I was freaking out for a minute, as Biollante was pulling Godzilla in to kiss her. Suddenly, I pressed a button I had never used before.

I pressed Select, and Godzilla's skin emitted radiation, as it destroyed Biollante's tentacles and it damaged her in the process. I took this opportunity and finished Biollante off with the atomic breath after it charged back up.

But, when Biollante was defeated... the music had stopped, and there was a new icon replacing the base. I've never seen anything like it in any game I've played before this.

That icon was never there before I beat Biollante. It looked like an anime girl wearing some kind of... red tribal mask. I had a feeling of dread when I laid my eyes on it, but since it replaced the base, it must be the only way to exit Pathos. I selected Godzilla, moved her towards the icon, and begun the stage.

It was a hellish looking place, with no sky and a flickering fire. The fire in the background looked like it was a twelve or sixteen-bit. The "music" of the level was a slow, steady drum sound, resembling a heartbeat.

The text, the life bar, and the power meter were all gone. All that was there was just a single bit of text at the top of the screen in the middle. It was in Japanese, and I did not understand what it meant, but after ten seconds, it translated to English and it said "RUN".

My feeling of dread increased as I cautiously walked through the level. Just like the blue mountain levels, there were no enemies. I walked forward for a minute. As I did, I started thinking about what the purpose of this level was. I even said "Run? Run from what?" in my mind.

The first time it hit me, I did not see it coming.

I heard a noise behind me. I shrugged off as one of my action figures or pop figures falling over, because it was a common occurrence. I planned to pick it back up when I have a chance. But, ten seconds later after that happened, I felt a finger slowly run down my back. I let out a loud yelp and whipped my head around, trying to see what was behind me.

No one was there. I then asked myself "What the hell was that?!" under my breath.

When I looked back at the TV screen, Godzilla looked like she got... violated. I had no idea what happened, and I certainly wasn't going to play through this game without Godzilla. So, I restarted the game. After that, I went to the password screen.

Have I ever mentioned how creepy the music to the password screen was? If you played the game yourself, I'm sure you can relate. I never found it fitting for the mood of the game at all. It's probably more fitting for a horror game. Maybe the password screen was meant to have that music, so people wouldn't dare try to cheat.

About the password screen itself, to my surprise, it was the password screen from the Japanese original game. The numbers were red, and the letters were white. I didn't let it bother me that much. I entered Pathos, and to my luck, it actually went through, and I was able to get back in.

I was annoyed at first, though. Because I thought I had to start over at the beginning, go through the levels, and fight the bosses all over again. But, that didn't happen. Instead, I was able to start back up to where I was before I stared at the red face. I tried again, making sure to keep my eyes on my screen this time.

That's when I heard... the low bellowing sound, followed by a giggle.

Then, I saw it. This... thing. Do you know the feeling where you're scared, then you recoil, tense up, and your nerves run cold as you felt like you're in extreme danger? That is EXACTLY how I felt when I took that screenshot.

I've seen all of the Godzilla films, and I know for a fact that THIS damned thing was never in any of them. It had to be something that the creators made up, but what kind of a sick, twisted fuck would put that creature in a video game like this?

Perhaps by my luck, or the adrenaline boost, I managed to run fast enough to get away from her. She ran at a VERY fast pace, so much so that if you saw her, she would most likely catch you and force you to have sex with her. If she touched my monster, then she would make a hentai game over screen.

When I went back to the map, I was very afraid, and I was extremely tempted to just shut the game off and pretend that none of this happened. I could not believe what I just saw. It couldn't have been real... right?

If I wanted to continue and go to the next world, I had to get Mothra through this chase level. But, as I was inactive on the map screen, my fear was replaced by burning curiosity. What the hell just happened? What's the rest of the game gonna be like? I only had beat the level with Mothra, then it was onto the next world.

When I selected Mothra and moved her to the red face, the game told me I had beat the level already. I was relieved that I didn't have to do it again. Now, I had to prepare myself for the next world: "Trance".

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