Prophet of the Gods

By -Athenax-

448 89 97

Genevieve Delora is chosen as the newest prophet for the royal family, which is a saving grace to her struggl... More

Chapter 1: Cursed
Chapter 2: The Staff
Chapter 3: The Test
Chapter 4: Royal Prophet
Chapter 5: Princess Cora
Chapter 7: Prince Liam
Chapter 8: Privateers
Chapter 9: Past and Present
Chapter 10: Warlock
Chapter 11: Plans
Chapter 12: Fiona
Chapter 13: The Ball
Chapter 14: Pathos
Chapter 15: Telling Liam
Chapter 16: Making Amends
Chapter 17: Valeria
Chapter 18: The Map
Chapter 19: Elise

Chapter 6: First Day

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By -Athenax-

Gen woke up the next morning to her daily temporary blindness. She felt around for the nightstand and accidentally hit her palm on the hard edge. She hissed in pain and squeezed her hand. Stupid pill side effects.

It took her a minute to stand up fully but she was still swaying on her feet. Everything felt dizzy despite not being able to see around her. She was slowly getting more and more frustrated with the pill.

It did the job that was true.

Gen hadn't had any nightmares for her brief time at the palace. It was a good solution. But the morning madness it created was less than pleasant.

She blinked, starting to see little spots of color appear in her vision. In a minute, she could see the vague forms of objects and furniture in her room. The definition and shapes didn't return until a few more minutes later, followed by color.

She sighed.

She showered and changed into clothes, trying to ignore the memory of Councilor Ulysses informing her that she needed to expand her wardrobe to fit in with the palace standards. He advised visiting the palace tailor and set up an appointment for her later that week. The nerve. She was folding away her nightgown when a knock came at the door.

Gen opened it, and gasped. She was expecting the same butler who always brought her breakfast, but instead it was Dell. "Morning Genevieve!"

"Dell! It's great to see you and please, call me Gen," she said, no longer feeling hesitant about revealing her family nick name. "What're you doing here?"

He raised the tray in his hands- her breakfast, "I found out you were having breakfast delivered to you in the mornings and figured I could be the one to bring it to you from now on. I hope you're okay with that."

"Oh, of course I am," she said, remembering to smile this time. She felt awkward standing in the doorframe so she gestured inside, "Come in."

He did, and plopped down on the armchair. He placed the tray on the table- it was the same pastries and fruit that she always had. Gen was more comfortable with a simpler breakfast especially with the grandeur of lunch and dinner. She grabbed a pastry and took a large bite out of it, "This is so good."

"Nina is a master at baking pastries," said Dell, wearing that proud look that he has reserved specially for the red head.

"She is," agreed Gen, taking another bite. "The king returned from his hunting trip early," she said lightly. "I officially start my duties after lunch according to Councilor Ulysses."

Dell gave her a sympathetic look, "Good luck with that, King Alastair is a terrible person. I'm sure saying that is treason or something, but he is."

Gen nodded, "He gives outrageous taxes."

"He has no idea what's going on outside the palace," said Dell nodding, "Or he does, and doesn't give a damn."

"I hear he's terrible to his employees too," said Gen, taking a smaller bite of the pastry.

Dell didn't deny it, "You'll be fine. Hopefully."

Gen bit her lip.

"Sorry, that wasn't reassuring but I have no idea how he'll act to you," said Dell. "Maybe he'll respect you more because your his Prophet."

Gen shrugged. Hopefully.

They talked about lighter subjects from then on until Gen was finished with her breakfast and Dell needed to return to the kitchens to prepare lunch.

She spent the rest of the morning reading through some of the textbooks Doctor Lona gave her. She didn't know if her lessons would be continuing now that King Alastair had returned. She hoped they would, one lesson was not enough to satisfy her want. The books she poured over had titles like: The History of Prophets, The Gift of the Gods, A Journey Through Prophets, and Prophethood 101. The latter seemed like a good beginner book and though she wouldn't call herself a beginner, it was better to start with the basics and work your way up.

She was deep in the depths of Chapter 12: Sorting Through Important Details of Prophethood 101 when she heard another knock. Elise answered it for her, revealing a very distressed looking Princess Cora, "Gen, it's a disaster."

"What's a disaster?"

"Father's home and he's furious at Liam," said Cora, falling backwards onto Gen's bed. "He punched the son of a lord."

"What," said Gen, eyes wide. A member of the royal family punched a lord's son? This had never happened before. "Why?"

"Who knows!" exclaimed Cora, throwing her hands in the air. "Poor Liam, he's grounded for a month and Father put him on patrol."


"Two guards have to be with him everywhere he goes," said Cora sitting up. "Even when you're sleeping and they have to stand outside when you're using the bathroom." She shivered. "It's the worst punishment imaginable."

Gen resisted rolling her eyes, "I don't know about that."

"It is," insisted Cora. "They report everything you do back to Father and he can extend your punishment period for doing the smallest of things- forgetting to say your prayers right as you lay in bed even if you hesitate for only a few seconds. And if you do something really bad-" She shook her head. "Father's already mad but if Liam makes him even more mad, he's marked."

Cora actually looked afraid which only worried Gen more. If your own daughter was scared of you, you'd have to be pretty intimidating. "I'm sorry," she said but she didn't know for what.

"Thanks but it's nothing I can control," said Cora. "Lunch is in a few minutes by the way."

"What?" yelped Gen, panic overtaking her. She had assumed she had only read for an hour or so and that lunch was still a long time away. "I'm not ready."

"You'll be fine," said Cora but even she didn't seem convinced. "Just be on your absolute best behavior and don't forget which fork to use." The latter was meant to make her smile but Gen was too afraid.

"I have a meeting with the king after lunch," said Gen fretfully. "What if I make a fool of myself? What if he fires me?"

"He won't."

"I haven't even been trained," said Gen. "He's going to be able to tell." He could find out about her curse. He's going to kill her.

"Gen," said Cora. "Calm down."

"I can't!"

Cora rolled her eyes and grabbed her by the arm, "Come on."

Gen reluctantly went with her.


King Alastair was sitting at the head of the table when they arrived. Cora shot her what was supposed to be an encouraging look and took her seat beside Queen Valeria.

The king was a stately man. He looked like a king straight out of the tales Mira and Gen had read as children. His hair was dark brown, his skin was bronze (darker than his children), and his eyes a sharp blue. He was older, yet he looked strong and healthy to the point where it was unnerving- no wrinkles, barely any gray hair, and a fit figure. The myth was that his gift of light kept him young. His shoulders were broad in his royal uniform (with the famous Olumian cobalt cape latched around him with a sun pin). He looked not much older than 40.

Gen took her seat at the table, and tried her best not to glance in the direction of Prince Liam. She had forgotten that he would sit right next to her. Curiosity got the best of her, and as she reached for the salad, she peered at him out of the corner of her eye.

He was glowering into his salad, viciously stabbing the lettuce and searing it with his sharp gaze. He looked exactly as he did in the monthly portal announcements. The one difference being the red bruise on his right cheek- from getting into a fight with a lord's son. Gen wrinkled her nose at the thought. He was the prince for goodness sake, he ought to know better.

"Genevieve Delora." Gen froze and slowly met the gaze of the king. His voice was authoritative and laced with undertones of what felt like contempt. "Our new royal prophet."

She didn't know what to do. Nod? Respond? Smile? In the end she nodded and then awkwardly said, "Yes, your majesty," even though it wasn't a question.

His gaze was searing into her brain and she couldn't think straight. "We are having a meeting after lunch to discuss the duties and obligations that come with your position," he said. "A lot of people would kill for this job, I hope you understand that."

There was an uncomfortable silence around the table until Gen realized he was looking for an answer, "Of course, your majesty," she blurted out. Her face felt hot. Out. She wanted out.

King Alastair narrowed his eyes and surveyed her. She was frozen, unable to move or breathe. "We missed your presence this morning at breakfast."

Councilor Ulysses chose this moment to speak up, "Lady Genevieve prefers to take her breakfast alone, your majesty," he said lightly. "I tried to advice her against it. I told her it's rude to dismiss your kind generosity of allowing her to eat in your esteemed company." What?

Gen felt sick. He never said anything like that. He was okay with her skipping breakfast. Cora drew her eyes from her bowl and shot her a sympathetic glance.

"I see," said King Alastair. "Lady Genevieve," she met his eyes. His tone had changed abruptly. "I know you grew up in a village but I can't say I'm not surprised you are not aware that there are rules in society. I don't have to let you dine with our family. You could eat with the kitchen hands if I said so," he snapped. She nearly flinched. "From now on I expect you to be here at this table for all three meals every single day. I shouldn't have to expect you. You should do so gladly."

"Yes, your majesty," she said, feeling stupid.

"Your role as Royal Prophet is an honored position," he said. "I don't have to remind you of that. So for the gods' sake, live up to it."

"Yes, your majesty," she repeated like a prayer. Her face was burning.

"I will make sure it never happens again," said Councilor Ulysses, sending her a haughty glance. "I apologize on her behalf for disrupting your lunch."

"See that she behaves," he says, his words like acid to her ears. She felt like crying. This was not going well.

"Father," said Cora, and Gen wanted to weep with relief. "The Serapis crew arrived yesterday. They're out on the sea doing drills right now but they'll be back to greet you tonight at dinner. They have a lot of treasure to bring you."

"Wonderful," he said dryly. Gen took deep breaths, trying to be subtle about her racing heart.

"Cora, I expect you're keeping up your letters to Prince Arden."

Prince Arden. Her betrothed.

"Yes of course Father," said Cora weakly. Gen was surprised at the change in her person between this morning and now. Her voice had less passion, her face less expression- even her hair looked flat compared to earlier today.

"Good," he said. "I'm glad one of my children is being an acceptable example of royalty."

"Liam," said King Alastair, turning to him. "I expect you to be nearly done with fulfilling your punishment by now. You know Councilor Jameson will report every mistake and error you commit while building that arch."

Liam didn't look up. He really was silent.

"You're grounded for three months," continued King Alastair. He must've raised it from one. "Two guards stationed with you at all times and you are not to leave the palace grounds."

No response.

"I forbid you from attending your sword lessons or the Annual Lights Festival," said the king. He seemed to be raising his voice along with his punishments as he tried to get a rise out of his son, but Liam wouldn't let up. He took a bite of salad.

King Alastair looked deadly solemn, "Take away his food."

Gen blinked. Take away his food?

Two maids appeared and loaded his plates still filled with sandwiches, salad, soup, and they even took his water onto a cart. "You will not eat lunch nor dinner today," said King Alastair as Queen Valeria and Cora looked on with no surprise. This must happen often. Gen was amazed.

Liam didn't say anything even then. He dropped his fork, and stood up. He stared at his father.

"Do you wish to be excused?" the king asked.

Liam nodded slowly.

"I can't excuse you if I can't hear you," he said, his nostrils flaring in disgust. "I will not have a damned heir. Speak."

Liam didn't.

"Then sit and wait," said King Alastair.

Liam sat. Gen couldn't look at him. Cora and Councilor Ulysses resumed eating along with the king (Queen Valeria pushed her food around as always).

Lunch seemed to last forever. No one else spoke and Gen had lost her appetite so she spent most of the meal staring at the table. Liam seemed to have a habit of tapping his fingers on the table from underneath and it was starting to drive Gen crazy.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

She clenched her hands and gritted her teeth.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

After what seemed like forever, King Alastair cleared his throat, "I am finished with my food."

Everyone stood up with him even if they weren't finished and he gestured for them to leave. Liam was the first one to storm out and Queen Valeria strolled away next with Cora on her heels. She shot a look at Gen over her shoulder and mouthed, "Good luck."

"Lady Genevieve," said the king. She flinched. "See me in my office."

He exited the room followed by Councilor Ulysses, leaving Gen alone in the room as the servants arrived to clean up. She didn't know if she should wait a while to let King Alastair orient himself or if she shouldn't keep him waiting. The thought of being scolded scared her and her hands were shaking when she arrived at the door.

She knocked three times (hoping that was acceptable) and heard, "Come in."

His office was twice the size of Councilor Ulysses' and he sat in a towering blue velvet armchair behind a massive mahogany desk. He was alone too. Gen was hoping Councilor Ulysses would be present in the room as they spoke even if he had stabbed her in the back. But she was alone.

"Doctor Lona tells me you tested highly," said King Alastair, shifting through papers with one hand. The other was tinkering with a glass prism on his desk. Beams of light were spilling from his fingertips. Gen hadn't seen the gift of light so up close before since Cora never showed it off. It was magical just like everyone said it was. Pure light was pouring out of his palm like he was the sun. 

After a pause he looked up at her, "Well?"

"Yes," she said. "Your majesty."

He stared at her for a second while Gen's heart started pounding. Out. Out. Out. "Well, let's see what you can do."

Gen blinked. "Right now?" she blurted.

He raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry, you have other plans?"

She blushed, "Of course not, your majesty."

He slides a paper across the desk to her, "This is the document announcing the increase of taxes as of this next month. I want you to read ahead in the future and see what happens."

Gen blinked. The taxes raised again? "Okay," she said. She had a feeling she already knew what she would see- subjects struggling and in anguish. Maybe this would be good she told herself. Maybe she could show him how these taxes are really affecting everyone.

The document was a simple scroll with ink that Gen quickly skimmed to get a feel for the object. She took a deep breath, trying to ignore the nerves building in her stomach. If she screwed this up...

Slowly, her powers ignited and she felt the being of the paper absorb itself into her. She felt the thin paper with its grainy texture and wood color. She felt the sharp stabs of the quill as it carved letters. It felt like it was carving into her skin. That happened sometimes, where she could feel things that had already happened.

Then she was inside. She blinked, figures slowly coming into shapes around her. It was only a couple weeks later. She saw townspeople reading the new degree and gasping. She saw couples share worried glances. She saw children asking their parents what was wrong and being told everything would be fine- false reassurance.

She pushed farther into the future for a couple of months. She saw soldiers arresting townspeople who couldn't pay the rent. The jails overflowed and children were left to seek work for money or board. She felt the immense pain in their devastated faces as people lost their homes, parents, and were denied work. People were crying, yelling, fighting. Anguish settled over the world like a misty gloom.

It was dreary.

Gen felt dizzy as she pushed in a little more. This time she saw the royals. The treasurer Amaya Blane was meeting with King Alastair three months from now. She passed him scrolls detailing the income generated from taxes. Gen almost gasped herself when she saw the numbers. It was a lot of Oloms. King Alastair smiled.

Her head began to throb letting Gen know her time was up. Sometimes an object's future and effect was so heavy she could only go a few months ahead. The more complex one's future is, the harder it is to see it.

It took her a second to collect herself. King Alastair was observing her expectantly, "And?"

"Your majesty," she said, taking another deep breath. You can do this. "The tax raise causes a lot of distress in your subjects almost immediately after initiation. A lot of people are arrested and children are being abandoned. The-"

"What about the funds?"

"I'm sorry?" she asked, confused.

"What happens with our income?" asked King Alastair. "My advisors expect the numbers in the Royal Treasury to increase exponentially and I wanted to confirm that with you."

"Well," said Gen flustered. "Your majesty, I'm not sure how much money is in the treasury currently, but-"

"That information is confidential," interrupted the king. "But it's 10 digits in Oloms, how many digits is it then?"

Gen blinked, she couldn't lie. She was raised better than that. "It was 15 digits your majesty," she admitted. "But I urge you to listen-"

"15 digits!" exclaimed King Alastair. He rubbed his chin, "Hmm."

"Yes, but as I was saying your majesty," said Gen, desperately. She was losing him."The people can't afford it. It may add more money to the treasury but your people will suffer for it. I can't imagine you want them to suffer." She paused for a breath. "Your highness," she added quickly. Was that too bold?

King Alastair was silent for a while, "Lady Genevieve." His words felt like acid. Too bold.

"Yes, your majesty?" said Gen.

"You will speak when I ask you to and no more," he said firmly. "I understand your circumstances and upbringing and hopefully Councilor Ulysses will stick to his word and discipline you in the ways of society, but I am the king of this kingdom," Gen shrank with his words. "I demand your respect and obedience."

"Of course, your majesty," said Gen after a beat. She was sure her face was as red as a tomato. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

"Good," he said. "This is your first warning." His gaze was daunting and Gen found it hard to meet it. "You will report to my offices every day after lunch for your job. I will not always need your assistance in future reading as I did today, but you still must be present. Every Saturday is the weekly council meeting and you will be present there as well. You will not speak unless I direct you to and you will not say anything I wouldn't want you to say. If you miss any of these or are late or if you misbehave," he said, pausing for effect. "There will be consequences. Is that understood?"

She nodded meekly. This was not what she was expecting at all.

"Then you are dismissed," he said, looking back at his papers.

Gen hesitated before slowly backing out of the room. She felt humiliated and disgraced. Why did she think the king would listen to everything she- a sixteen year old girl- would say? Why did she think he would listen period. She knew about King Alastair. She knew he'd be bad, but this was so much worse.

She felt sick. She didn't know if he would pass the bill but she had a gut feeling he would despite her advice- her unwarranted, naive advice. She scoffed at herself. She was the Royal Prophet. She stupidly thought that meant her opinions were valid and wanted, but she was just a royal pawn.

How could she have expected any differently?

Cora was waiting in her room when she returned. "What's wrong?" she asked, taking in Gen's defeated expression.

"Nothing," she said. Everything. Everything in this damn system is wrong. "I was thinking about taking a nap..."

Cora jumped up, "Of course! I'll get out of your way."

Gen felt a little guilty for sending away especially because she wouldn't be napping, "If you don't mind, maybe we can take a walk in the gardens later?"

Cora nodded enthusiastically, "Yes please. I can ask Astra and the others to come along too. Fiona told me she likes you. That's high praise."

Gen smiled, "Sounds good."

Cora left her alone and Gen fell onto her bed. She couldn't imagine how Cora and King Alastair were related. In fact, she couldn't even imagine how Cora was related to Prince Liam or even Queen Valeria. Maybe Cora was the exception in a world of entitled, greedy royals.

Gen knew she didn't belong in this world. She'd never been so glad to know something in her life.

a/n: Sorry this is a week late, but school is unfortunately a thing that exists in my life :( I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you did, please consider voting and commenting because I'd really appreciate it. The next chapter *should* be up next Thursday, but next week is also unfortunately really busy so it might be up Friday or even Saturday but it WILL BE UP NEXT WEEK. I promise. Have a great day! 

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