Jungle Love (Mickwald)

By SheliceToomer

1K 21 7

This a continuation is of a Mickwald one-shot. You guys wanted it and now you're getting it. Hope you enjoy �... More

The Search for a Missing Rabbit

Mating Ritual and Bonding

494 10 4
By SheliceToomer

Okay I'm back, and ready to go! Here is part 2 of Naga Mickwald. Hope you enjoy this story!

It had been officially a day since Oswald went missing, and Minnie was just about to lose it. They were supposed to be meeting the jungle guide Donald hired now, and he's already an hour late. That's more time Minnie, herself could be spending trying to locate her little brother. Just what kind of person did Donald hire? She swore if that guide didn't get here soon, she'd set off to find Ozzy with or without assistance. Meanwhile the said nervous guilt-stricken duck was tapping his foot as they waited for this so-called expert of the jungle to arrive. He already knew that trying to calm the doe down was no use. Every time he tried, he was met with an icy glare strong enough to scare even the fiercest of creatures. He could only pray that this stupid guide would hurry up. Donald was about to bite his hat in worry of his life when he suddenly heard a horn honking in the distance.

As if God answered his frantic prayers, Donald quickly ran to the sound of the guide pulling up in a jeep. The pair stared in confusion as the jeep abruptly stopped and a tall rat jumped out of the van. "Greeting young touristes! I am ze one and only Mortimer'e Mouse!" He paused focusing his attention on Minnie. "Ze expert jungle guide at your service Madame. I will do everyzing in my power to assist you." The rat gave a charming smirk as he pushed Donald out of the way, while handing Minnie his card. Minnie was officially dumbstruck. Not knowing whether to be upset or creeped out as she turned to Donald who was dusting himself off. Was this truly the best Donald could do? This man resembles more of a con-man than a jungle guide. She read his business card which clearly looked like he made it himself from the numerous titles that were crossed out. If you asked her, they'd be better off locating Oswald themselves. Then again, if any creatures were to attack them, they could always use this no-good swindler as a distraction. Minnie decided to withstand this guy for now. Besides, their top priority right now is finding her precious little brother safe and sound. 'The sooner, the better!' Minnie sighed as she joined Donald and sat in the front seat that Mortimer'e so kindly offered. "And you can zit in ze back Monsiuer." Donald grumbled having second thoughts about hiring this guy. He only hoped they'd find Ozzy alive. Minnie then showed Mortimer'e a picture of Oswald. "Ah so zis is za missing little lapin? Fret not ma cherie, we shall find your little sister."

"A-Actually Oswald's a—-" Minnie didn't finish as the rat started the engine. "Hang on tight, ma cherie!" Minnie sighed as she looked at Donald who patted her shoulder. 'Please be okay Oswald.'


"Welcome to our home Oswald."

Oswald did as he was told and his eyes widened and his jaw dropped at what he saw. The village was amazing! There were homes, buildings, and small stands that sold various meat, fruit, clothes, and other materials near a huge waterfall. In midst of it all, was a palace. It was quite humongous! There had to be at least 45 to 70 rooms that he could see and that was only from the front, at a distance! Most had to be bedrooms, but that didn't detract from the glamour of the place. The building looked like it was constructed out of the strongest grains of clay and brick; considering that they were in a heavily rich jungle, it made sense.

Yet, Oswald knew enough about the Amazon to know that the animals and the people who lived here never thirsted or went without water. The rabbit had found it very fascinating that there were other mortals actually living among the Nagas. They didn't appear to be the frighten mindless drones the rabbit expected. In fact, they were independent carefree individuals happy to mingle with their Naga counterparts. Oswald couldn't believe how amazing, beautiful, and intelligent these creatures were. How'd they stay hidden for such a long time without being discovered was beyond him.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Mickey asked, still grinning at the boy's expression. Oswald immediately shut his mouth, blushing slightly from embarrassment. He couldn't find his voice, so nodded instead, making sure that Mickey felt and saw the action. The two made their way into the palace entrance. The rabbit's eyes practically bugging out on everything he laid them on. Oswald knew that Mickey was a special Naga but he didn't expect to be mated to royalty. The inside was more lavishly decorated than he could have ever dreamt of and it made him slightly excited to live in such a place. Mickey only chuckled as his little mate simply continued to enjoy the images around him, though the glossed walls and the torches made Oswald feel as if he were entering a tomb.

The couple turned into a room and Oswald nearly jumped for joy. A bath. Whether Mickey had read his mind or not, he didn't know. But he was happy to see one. Not only would it clean him, but also help relax his muscles. He was carrying his and Mickey's children after all. Mickey carefully sat his mate along the tiled floor. He started reaching for jars of lavender and argon oil. He then proceeded to gently massage while scrubbing his mate's body. The rabbit squeaked when the Naga gave his tummy a little smooch. He then rinsed Oswald with a large bowl of warm water. Both males proceeded to enter the warm water. Oswald began to relax as the water soothe his cramping muscles. Time passed quickly as both boys continued to soak in the warm water. Oswald could see Mickey's large tail twitching back and forth happily underneath the water and giggled. He had to admit it felt really good in here.

Both boys jumped when the door to the room was suddenly slammed open, a female Naga cat huffing and bright red in the face. She glared at Mickey, the male young Naga smiling sheepishly while the confused rabbit stare at her in awe. Oswald had to admit she was pretty for a cat. Her tail was a lovely shade of black with emerald green markings, while her fur was a cool grey. Her eyes shone like jade, which went well with her silky smooth fur. She wore jade bracelets on her wrists, a jade  earring from one ear and a silk green sash around her waist where fur met scales. In the short black silky hair sat a jade green headband with a matching tube top to cover her chest. "You-- young man, are in so much trouble!" she glared, hissing sniffing the air. "Not telling me you were back! And with company no less! Ugh, I ought to squeeze the life out of you Mickey!

"Aw gee Ortensia," Mickey said quietly, " I would have notified you as soon as I returned, but I had to get Ozzy here prepared and make him comfortable."

"Why?" Ortensia asked, pouting. The male Naga  cleared his throat. "Well..I was gonna wait to tell  you later," He chuckled at his sister nervously, "..but now that you're here I might as well tell you before the preparation of the mate marking ceremony...this here is my mate and carrier of my children Ozzy. I found him last night out 'n about..Apparently some dumb idiot had dared the poor boy to go explore in the jungle alone!" He snuggled his rabbit close while rubbing his tummy. The black cat Naga's expression immediately changed to one of compassion, mixed with a twinge of annoyance. "Omgosh Mickey! Really?! That's so mean big brother! Why didn't you tell me I was going to be an aunt!" She then turned to Oswald gently hugging the rabbit "You poor thing! Don't you worry! You're about to be engaged to the most protective and loving Naga in the jungle! Not to mention you get a loving caring sister-in-law to boot!" Oswald  whimpered softly, blushing slightly at all this attention he was receiving. He barely had time to date at home due to the daily stress of work. It just felt so good to be loved even if it was by someone of different species. The snuggle fest was followed by an amused chuckle. "Well as you would say sis, I'm one lucky Naga." Mickey lifted a clawed hand and lightly traced a spot behind Oswald's ears. "I suppose we'll have to alter his clothing a bit for the ceremony."

Oswald couldn't stop the shiver that ran down his spine from his mate's touch. No one had ever touched him so delicately. With his friends and sister, the touches were always comforting and protective, warm and tight. Mickey, however, was barely running a finger down his fur and it was sending wonderful sensations through his body. He wasn't sure if he liked or hated it yet. His mind faintly reminded him that his mate had mentioned something about a marking ceremony. "What's... a mate marking ceremony?" Ortensia and Mickey looked down at young rabbit.

"It's sort of like.. how you mortals call it--- a wedding, but for Nagas," Mickey stated, pushing up to a sitting position holding Oswald in his lap. "It is special ceremony between our kind where we mark our mates celebrating our new eternal bond between one another. Usually its only celebrated between our kind, but a law has been passed where it is free for Nagas to mate with other species no matter what the gender. "

The rabbit could only blink. Was Mickey really serious about marrying him?  Mickey looked over at the boy and started to chuckle, which turned into a full laugh. Oswald blushed, causing the Naga to cuddle his bunny even more. "After the ceremony is  over, there is a big feast with food, music, and other form of entertainment." Ortensia smiled at his brother snuggling his confused soon-to-be brother in law.  "Ozzy, I know you're very confused," Mickey kissed his bunny's cheek.  "but  I will explain over time. For now, we need to prepare you for tonight."

I'll stop here for now. I know it been months since I did this. But this time I will definitely work more on this.  So stay tuned~~If you guys have any suggestions on how I should continue this, I am open to hear them. Again thank you for you support and patience.

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