Our Little Robin-young justic...

De HolyCheerBatman

222K 5.7K 1.8K

Robin's been turned into a four year old, watch the Batman become Daddy-man when his bird needs it! Mais

Chapter one-Back Home
Chapter Two-new father
Chapter three-four once more.
Chapter four-Daddy-bats vs the flu
Chapter Five-Smiles + the Newbie=Robin
Chapter six-young justice vs walmart
Chapter seven-the shadow of a bat
Chapter eight-Batman and Robin (Your Little Robin)
Chapter Nine-Grandson
chapter ten- Birdnapped
chapter eleven- christmas in the bat family
chapter twelve-Taking the bird away
Chapter thirteen- freeze-hide-and-go-seek-tag
Chapter fourteen-the father he needs
Chapter fifteen-Arkham burns (Batgirl is born)
Chapter sixteen- Bruce's memories
Chapter seventeen-Rejected
Chapter eighteen-there's still room
Chapter nineteen-Biggest of the Year
chapter twenty-carnival gone wrong
chapter twenty-one - choices
chapter twenty-two - choices part 2
chapter twenty-three the end?

Our Little Robin-young justice/robin fanfic

36.5K 710 250
De HolyCheerBatman

"so, um, what do WE do with a four year old?" Wally asked. The rest of the team stared at the sleeping kid without saying anything. 

"is it-I mean the Joker couldn't have-do you think maybe-is he Robin?" Miss M asked. Kaldur nodded with a shocked look on his face. 

"what's Bats gonna say?" Artemis asked. 

"that is a great haircut, Wally." Wally said mimicking Batman's gruff voice. And almost on cue the holographic screen popped up with a call from the said bat. Wally dove in front of the couch to block Batman's view of the four year old sleeping in the loose mass of clothing that was Robin's costume. They all plastered on fake smiles, all except for Conner, and tried to make it look like everything was fine.  

"was the mission a success?" Batman asked sternly. Kaldur started a play by play of the mission. And while everyone wasn't looking a certain little bird woke up and walked off. There wasn't even five minutes that past before Batman asked where Robin was. Kaldur said he was with Wally but Wally was right behind him and that made the dark knight suspicious. Once Kaldur had finished his play by play and the call was ended the whole team let out a collective sigh of relief.  

"uh, guys?" Artemis asked pointing to the couch where only Robin's shoes were left.

The four year old, being in a new place, had decided to adventure. He kept tripping over the baggy clothes he had on. The pant legs dragged behind him on the ground, the only way they were staying up was a gold belt that he HD figured out how to tighten. The shirt fell to his knees and the sleeves went down to his elbows. If this was Moms new costume idea, he didn't like it.  

"Mommy? Daddy?" he called opening doors and walking into different rooms. Suddenly a boy appeared in front of him. He had bright red hair and enough freckles to last a life time. 

"Rob! Guys I found him! Rob why'd you wander off like that?" he asked. The little bird cocked his head to the side. 

"my names not rob." he pointed out. It was wally's turn to look confused. 

"yeah it is..." Wally said kneeling down to his friends level.  

"no it's not. It's Dick. Not Rob or Richard. No matter what Daddy says." he said crossing his arms over his chest and looking as defiant as ever. 

"but-but-" Wally never finished his thought because just then the rest of the team ran in and Miss M scooped Robin up in her arms. Robin screamed and kicked trying to get away from her but she gently put him down. 

"who are you? Where's my mommy and daddy?" Robin asked backing away from the strangers. 

"Robin, we are your friends." Kaldur answered. Robin looked skeptical. The only friends he ever had were part of the circus and these people weren't from the circus. Suddenly a loud woman's voice announced the arrival of The Batman and Wonder Woman. The team surrounded Robin, trying their best to keep him out of sight. But it was too late. Batman had appeared in the hallway with Wonder Woman right behind.  

"Robin. Where. Is. He." The Caped Crusader asked slowly stressing every syllable. A pair of bright blue eyes answered the question when they popes out from behind Superboy's leg. Wonder Woman gassed and Batman glared at the team. Bit istead of his usual glare this one was twelve million times worse. This was the glare he used only when someone had hurt his little robin...and if looks could kill, the team wouldn't be coming back anytime in the next fourteen centuries. This glare was the Bat-Dad-Glare and it was way worse then the glares he used for even the Joker.  

"how is that possible? Little one, are you ok?" Wonder Woman scooped Robin up in her arms and held him. He didn't fight or scream but looked at Batman as if for permission. It made Miss M a bit jealous. 

"Hishy mushy kish kish?" Robin asked. It was a secret language that he had made up. He only taught it to people he trusted the most. "are you my parents?" he had asked. The Dark Knight nodded. 

"Lush kush kish." Batman answered and Robin's face lit up with a smile which only made his eyes sparkle more. "I am your second father." 

"C'ti knkn tida" Wonder Woman smiled and Robin hugged her tighter. The team looked at them with a blank expressions on their faces. 

"he asked if we were his parents. I told him I was his second aunt." Wonder Woman explained. She set him down and Robin tripped over his own pant leg. He did a summersault and a handstand like it was easy and kept walking. He stared up at the Dark Knight. And for a a second he looked like he was about to scream. Instead the last flying Grayson wrapped himself around every criminal's nightmare's leg and held on without a death grip. 

"what. Happened." Batman demanded as he pried Robin off and let the boy hold his hand. The glare never softened except when the Batman turned to Robin. The team was still feeling the below zero temperature created by the angry hero. Superboy stepped forward.

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