Random Shit That I Think Up

By dragoMidnight7

484 20 105

Because nobody bothers to read what's on my message board and would probably pay more attention to a book hi... More

Okay Wow
For Any Ol Friendo
Okay But What If
Gentle Reminder
Tips With Kat
Ya bitch did her makeup for once
When the Teacher Knows
This Edition of "Did I Just Witness Something Illegal or Was It Just Normal?"
I Can Tell You Who You Are
So Y'all Who Know IBVS
My Dog is Just-
Some Movies Make Me Mad

So Fun Story

55 3 13
By dragoMidnight7

I almost died in gym today
I think

I dunno, I just can't run. Give me any other basic exercise and I can do it. I can even march at a fast pace, but running? Especially for extended amounts of time? Fucking bullshit, only time I should ever have to run is for my life.

So our thing in gym when we get to running is this: you don't stop running for any reason until the buzzer sounds. Two minutes of running, two minutes of walking, repeat twice. One girl has asthma, and d'ya know what the teacher said? "This isn't middle school, bring your inhaler. Use it when you need to, keep running." No water breaks. You can't sit out if you're in pain or about to pass out or something. I only got a water break because it was the first day of running and I quite obviously needed it.

First round of running: okay, breathing a little heavily, thirsty, but otherwise fine. Walking is normal afterwards.

Second round: starting to have trouble breathing, parched, took a water break, walking a little sluggishly.

Third (and last) round: feels like my ribs are stabbing my lungs each time I breath in, crying in pain, barely even managing to run, stumbling as I walk, arm around my ribs as I try not to black out and hit the floor.

But no, doesn't merit a break. By the time I got to lunch, the only thing on my tray that I could eat was the bread. Fuck that. Gym is going to be where I die.

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