The Truth Behind The Lies {Na...

MidnightGalxXx द्वारा

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My name is Rima Hatake, so I guess you can tell who my father is, the copy cat nin Kakashi. As for my mother... अधिक

The Truth Behind The Lies {Naruto Fan-Fiction}
The New Team & A Mission
Leaving Again.
You climb, I sleep
Great, another with identity issues
Going Home
My New Mission
Man, You're Observant.
Mini Gai challenges Uchiha, oh the joy.
The other rookies and Kabuto
Written Test, Excuse me while I Sleep.
A Letter From Home
Let the Second Exam Begin!
I'm twelve, I'll worry about boys when I'm sixteen
The End of the Second Exam
The Break
I Didn't Mean It.
In the Jungle
I'll Miss You
Lord Hokage, I promise.
A mission for all
The New Allies
The Journey and Her Song
Not a chapter but important, please read!
Controlling Me
The First Attack
Sticky Situations
Memories *Filler*
Who Are You?
Give me a Reason
Sprinkle some truth on me
Beach Time
The Road Home
Team 7... anymore?
It All Becomes A Memory
Just something to say

The not-a-date date.

29.1K 1K 2.2K
MidnightGalxXx द्वारा


So because of all the AWESOME comments I spent most of the day writing this and decided to upload!! XD

Comment, I really love these :P




Kakashi’s p.o.v

I tilted my head slightly, listening to my daughters fading shout and eyed Gai who peered over the edge with a gobsmacked expression. I was at my breaking point.

“You dropped my daughter,” I stated calmly.

“ youth today-,” Gai stammered backing away.

“You. Dropped. My. Daughter!”

“Take it easy there Kakashi,” Gai raised his hands in the ‘I surrender’ position as I stalked forward.

“First that snot nosed brat tries to defile her and now this!” I seethed.

“Wait. Lee made a move?” Gai asked hopefully.

My eye twitched and I clenched my fists. “No Lee did not make a move!”

“Then who?”

“That little Uchiha twit!”

“Oh. I didn’t think he had it in him,” Gai mused with a grin. He gave me the thumbs up. “Youth today!”

“You don’t care that he tried to defile her?!” I snapped.

“Define defile,” he replied.

An idiot! That’s all he is! “He. Kissed. Her!” I said slowly.

Gai shrugged. “So? That is the power of youth! And if I remember correctly, you were doing a lot worse at their age, Kakashi.”

“T-That’s different,” I growled.

“How so? Because you were the boy?”

“You are hopeless,” I hissed at him. “You do not understand!”

“What if our little Rima-ima likes the Uchiha?” Gai wondered gazing out into the sky with a weird expression. He slammed his fist against his palm. “It would be a tragic love affair.”

“Rima does not like Sasuke!” I shouted. “I would know.”

“Really?” Gai asked mysteriously.

“Yes,” I was sure of it. “She hates him.”

“Well going on the past, Yuri used to hate you and you her and look how that turned out,” he grinned. “I got a wittle Rima-ima!”

“No, they wouldn’t...not Rima...she doesn’t- she would have-,” my one free eye widened and I gasped. “My baby’s falling in love.”

“Aw youth,” Gai sighed.

“THIS IS NOT GOOD!” I screamed at him, grabbing him and shaking him. “NOT GOOD! NOT MY BABY!”

His head bobbed back and forth. “Ka-Kakashi s-st-stop!”

I shoved him away from me suddenly and spun away thinking of a plan. “I must not let her near him. No boy is good enough for my baby. But how?”


“They’re on the same team this will be hard,” I mused as I began to pace. Pebbles skirted over the edge of the cliff. “Gai stop playing with the stones, I’m trying to think.”


“Maybe I could get the Hokage to send her on a mission for a while and I’ll have a ‘talk’ with Sasuke,” I grinned at the idea.


“WHAT?!” I shouted whirling around to find no Gai but some dust in the air and stones falling over the edge. I frowned. “Gai? This is no time to joke around! I have a serious problem!”


“I can’t help you if I can’t see you,” I pointed out with a huff. “Oh forget it. You’re fine. Now,” I rubbed my hands together. “Time for some Icha Icha Paradise.”

Rima’s p.o.v

Peopled screamed yanking me out of my daydreams and I spun in my seat to see dust rising from the ground and a green suit. My eyes lifted to the murals and I smirked.

Not fun when you’re the one falling, huh? I eased off my seat, finished with my ramen, and strolled over to the mini grater.

“Uncle Gai? You OK?” I asked with a grin.

“Just fine,” he croaked giving me a weak thumbs up.

“Ya sure?”

“Yes, the power of youth!” he gasped, not moving from where he sprawled on the ground.

“Should I, ya know, get a doctor or something?”

“No, I’m fine,” he whispered. “Just going to rest.”

“Ok then. Bye!” I backed away and turned skipping off home.



The next morning, I was woken to the sounds of furniture crashing against walls and shouting. Grumbling to myself, I got up and went downstairs to see my father’s butt in the air. Not a sight you want to see.

“I can’t find it! Where is it?”

“Dad? What are you doing?” I asked dreading the answer when he whirled wild eyed and flung the couch upside down.

“I can’t find it!”

“Find what?”

“My Icha Icha Paradise!” he shouted racing into the kitchen while I followed more slowly.

Icha Icha Paradise? I wondered as an image of an orange book flashed in my mind. Ew, that book?

“Dad, is this book orange?” I asked.

He spun, pulling the fridge out of it place. “YES! Where is it?!”

“Uh...half way to the Land of Waves by now, I guess,” I replied edging back when he wailed.

My father collapsed to his knees and bashed at the ground making incoherent noises as he did so. Shadow and Dawn stumbled into the room and frowned at him.

“What’s wrong with him?” Dawn chirped.

“Um.... he’s lost his book,” I replied.

“Seriously? Go buy a new one!” Shadow snapped. “Stop crying like a baby!”

“It was a collector’s addition! I can’t buy a new one!” Kakashi wailed and I got a irk mark on my head.

“You are a pervert!” I shouted at him. “That book is horrible and sick and wrong! It’s disgusting! I can’t believe you read it!”

“How would you know what’s in the book?” Dawn inquired.

“Cuz I stole it from him going into the first exam,” I smirked.

“When you hugged me,” Kakashi said and I grinned. “You read it?”

“Yup Sasuke and I did,” I gagged. “It’s sick.”

“To you,” Dad muttered. “It probably gave that horny brat ideas.”


“What? It’s true,” he replied.

“Well anyway,” I said frowning at him. “It was flung into the stream in the second exam and probably gone by now.”

“I’ll save it!!” He screamed and raced out of the house.

“My father ladies and gents,” I shook my head. “I have no words.”

“Ten bucks says he doesn’t find it,” Shadow betted.

Dawn scoffed. “That’s a given.”

I glanced at the clock and stiffened. “Crap! I have to get ready!”


Running down the streets of Konoha, I passed a tired Naruto who waved at me, a stalking Sakura who trailed after an annoyed Sasuke and a creepily grinning Izumo.

Shadow and Dawn had decided to stay at home to rest.  I could have cared less about what they were doing at the house, probably having a puppy party.

“Wow there, where are you off too?” a voice questioned as an arm lashed out and stopped me.

I frowned at it then at Ibiki. “None of your business.”

“Rima,” he warned. “I can drag the information out of you but it will delay you.”

“Ugh fine,” I huffed. “Ihaveadate.”

“Talk slowly kid,” he sighed. “You have what?”

“A date,” I muttered feeling a blush rise to my cheeks. “But it’s not really a date.”

“Aww little Rima is growing up,” he mocked pinching my reddening cheek.

“Stop it,” I swatted away his hand and glared at him.

“Who is the lucky guy? Will I have to teach about keeping his hands to himself?” he asked seriously.

“I’m not telling you and no,” I replied backing away.

“Rima,” Uncle Ibiki smirked. “I will find out who he is.”

“I doubt that,” I sang running off.

Kakashi’s p.o.v

Trudging through the water I searched desperately for my precious book. I batted fish out of my way and didn’t acknowledge the presence that stood on the bank.

“What in the hell are you doing?”

“Go away Ibiki,” I sighed. “I’m on a mission.”

“Well so is your daughter,” he said slyly. “But I guess you’re too busy to care.”

I jerked into standing position. “Rima? What mission?” has my planned actually worked without me doing anything?

“Our little girl is growing up,” he said with a smirk.

“What’s that mean?” I questioned. “And cut to the chase.”

“She’s on a date, Kakashi,” He replied.

“A WHAT?!” I shouted causing birds to scatter from the trees and animals in the forest to growl in annoyance.

“A date. You know where a boy and girl go out together and usually have a fun time and at the end of the date the boy steals a kiss,” Ibiki elaborated as if I was an idiot.

“I know what a date it,” I grumbled walked to the edge. “With who?”

“That’s why I’m here,” He grabbed my hand and pulled me up onto the bank. “Do you have any ideas?”

“Uchiha,” I growled.

Rima’s p.o.v

Gaara was waiting for me like he said he would. I slowed to a walk and made my way over to him conscious of his eyes on me.

“Hey,” I greeted when I got closer.

“Hi,” he replied quietly.

“Are you always so quiet?” I asked as we began to head toward the training grounds. Gaara just shrugged in reply so I continued. “I mean it’s not a bad thing, actually it’s kinda nice after being around the Blob for so long.”


“Naruto,” I answered with a sheepish smile. “I call him a Blob because when I first met him he was blurred into motion and looked like a blob of orange goo and it stuck so now he’s the-.”

“Do you always talk so much?” Gaara interrupted me with a sidelong glance.

“ not really,” I mumbled ducking my head as we entered the training ground to hide my blush.

Gaara stopped and turned to me, putting his finger under my chin and lifting my head. He tilted his head, his eyes staring at my red cheeks. “You’re blushing, why?”

“Um...well I ah... I um don’t really know,” I whispered. His finger trailed over my cheek lightly before walking off leaving me a little stunned.

“Let’s begin.”

I moved so I stood opposite Gaara in the middle of the field and watched as his sand eased from his gourd and fell to the ground. It made me wonder, what happened to the sand that was in me?

“So what? We fight?” I asked and he nodded just as a spear of sand came flying at me.

I dodged to the left and spun eyeing the sand as it arched through the air and headed for me once again. This time though there was another coming from behind. I vaulted into the air as the two sand spears jerked upright after me.

In the air, I whirled around and around causing the air to whip around faster and faster until it formed a shield against the sand which crashed against the invisible wall.

While under the cover of the billowing sand and wailing wind, I did the necessary hand seals to perform a clone jutsu and the wall fell.

My clone dropped to the ground in my place while I hide under the earth, watching as Gaara sent another spear of sand towards her. She ducked, dived and dodged the sand turning the moves into a form of dance and I scoffed. My clones were odd.

Taking the opportunity I was given I broke from the earth and went to deliver a punch at Gaara’s back. Instead my fist met sand and was engulfed as more sand moved to cover my body. I struggled, thrashing my body trying to pull away but it was no use. The sand covered me completely, so only my head was free.

I scowled at Gaara as he turned around.

Kakashi’s p.o.v

“You are a sad excuse for a father, do you know that?” Ibiki stated from where we hid on a roof watching.

“Oh like you’re any better as an uncle,” I shot back. “Now hand me the binoculars.”

He huffed but passed them over and I placed them over my eyes, immediately spotting our target, Sasuke Uchiha.

He walked down the street on his own, except for the horde of girls following him with a sour expression on his face. Oh wait, that was just his normal expression.

“I don’t see Rima,” I noted scanning through the girls for my daughter.

“Then maybe it isn’t him,” Ibiki said.

“Who else could it be?”

“I don’t know the genin as well as you. So you tell me,” he retorted.

I sighed and stared through the binoculars as Sasuke paused in front of a jewellery shop and looked in the mirror. Behind him all the girls squealed and giggled together watching as he wandered into the shop.

“Did he just-.”

“Yes,” I nodded.

“Either he likes jewellery or he’s buying something for someone,” Ibiki said.

“Please say he likes to dress up,” I muttered closing my eyes for a moment but when I opened them again. I wish I hadn’t.

Through the binoculars all I could see was green spandex, a very awful part of them too.  I shied back with a shout and rubbed my eyes while Ibiki chuckled to himself.

“My eternal rival! What are you doing?” Gai asked doing his pose.

“Get down,” I hissed yanking him down so he was lying on the roof like us. “We’re spying.”

“Really?” he asked excitedly. “On who?”

“Sasuke Uchiha.”


“Rima has a date and we think it’s with him.”

“Aww young youthful love,” Gai sighed.

“Shut up about youth for once,” Ibiki snapped. “Subject has left the shop.”

“Let’s follow.”

Gaara’s p.o.v

Rima scowled at me, her lips pursing and silver eyes narrowing. I resisted the sudden urge I had to grin at her as a strand of hair fell into her face and she blew it away.

I couldn’t understand why she had this effect on me. It was as if she put the beast to sleep and I was free to be me. But when she wasn’t there I was back to who I was and I didn’t like it. I wanted her to stay with me just so I could feel peace.

“You know this won’t hold,” she said.


“Really,” she smirked.

“Try and break free then,” I replied stepping back and watching.

Rima blinked at me and for a moment nothing happened but then I could feel the change in the air. The temperature dropped dramatically and dark shadows drew in from the trees surrounding her and the sand.

Rima’s lips turned a bluish colour as the shadows clawed their way up the sand that covered her. They burrowed in and I felt the sand crack beneath them. Rima’s eyes drifted shut before snapping open and the sand collapsed to the ground before slithered back into my gourd.

She fell to the floor panting as the shadows retreated and the temperature returned to normal but before I could do anything she was on me.

We fell to the ground. Somehow she had released the strap holding my gourd in place and it rolled free as she pinned me to the ground. Rima grabbed my wrists and held them over my head as she straddled my waist.

“Gotcha!” she grinned down at me, her hair falling over her shoulder so it tickled my face.

“Impressive,” I murmured and she tilted her head at me, her hands sliding up and interlocking with mine.

“You are,” she whispered then blushed furiously and scampered off me.

What did that mean? I wondered silently sitting up and looking at her. She sat opposite me, her face hidden beneath her hands as she peeked over at me through her fingers.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean -,” she blurted.

I cut her off by taking her hands away from her face and brushing her hair back from her eyes. I didn’t know what I was doing. I gazed into her hypnotising eyes, feeling so at calm for once.

“You are not like the others,” I muttered to her.

“How so?”

“You do not run from me. You are not frightened by me. You are-,” I broke off and shook my head. “You make me feel calm.”

“What do you mean?” she asked softly.

Kakashi’s p.o.v

We trailed Sasuke for a while after but not once did he come across Rima so we decided to leave him, for now, and find my daughter.

“Where would she be?” Gai asked as we stood together.

“Training?” Ibiki asked.

“She’s meant to be on a date,” I pointed out.


“Fine, we’ll check out the training grounds.”

It was a good thing we did because we found Rima at the first training area we went too. Gai, the idiot, continued to stroll out onto the field where she sat with the boy from the San Village, Gaara.

Snatching him by the back of his outfit, Ibiki dragged him behind a mess of bushes where we hid our charka and sat spying on them.

I really am a bad father, I thought but shook my head.

I noticed Rima frowned and her eyes scanned the area quickly before she focused her attention back on the boy. The two were sitting awfully close to each other on the ground and he was lightly holding her hands.

“All I ever felt before was bloodlust and wanting to kill,” Gaara was saying. “That’s all that ever mattered but then I saw you and for once the beast was not controlling everything. He felt at peace, asleep and ever since I’ve been wanting to feel that again.”

I scoffed. “Next thing you know he’s going to try the move.”

“Move?” Gai whispered.

“Yeah the move,” I breathed back. “You know where the guy puts his arm around the girl?”

“What move?” Gai asked as Ibiki chuckled.

I sighed. How does he not know the move? “The guy yawns,” I demonstrate by yawning, putting my hands up in the air and stretching them out so that my right arm fell across his shoulders. “And then his arm is around the girl.”

“Well I never!”

We turned wide eyed to see a plump woman with a baby staring at us disgusted and horrified. She shielded the baby’s eyes with a gasp. She huffed and shook her head at us before strutting off muttering about ninjas and unworthy men and the lot. I took my arm back from Gai as Ibiki’s shoulders shook as he held back laughter.

“Shut it,” I hissed.

“So I make you calm?” Rima asked and we all perked up, peering out at them. “Is that good?”

“Very,” Gaara insisted.

“Sooo,” she drawled. “What does that mean?”

“He better say nothing,” Ibiki growled quietly.

Rima’s p.o.v

I knew they were there. I bet Gaara knew too. I mean, it became very obvious when I spotted a green blur being yanked into the bushes by a leather clad arm. I really hated that they didn’t trust me enough to leave me alone.  

“It means,” he began. “That I-.”

“I like you,” I blurted before he could, if that was what he was going to say. Gasping I covered my mouth, I hadn’t meant to say that!

What’s wrong with me!? I can’t like him! I barely know him! Sure, he’s cute and saved me but what else did I know? Why was I feeling so safe with him?! God, what’s happening to me? My mind continued to rant as Gaara gawked at me in silence.

“Uh...I wasn’t supposed to say that. I mean, I barely know you and I shouldn’t like you and I think that it isn’t supposed to be-,” fingers pressed against my lips shutting me up and I blushed.

“You’re talking too much,” He noted.

“Sorry,” I whispered ducking my head.

“Don’t be,” Gaara’s hand moved from my lips to my cheek and he leaned in.

I heard rustling in the bushes and an angry whisper. Scowling internally I made the tree branches above them bend and wrap around their bodies yanking them into the leaves as Gaara’s lips hovered above mine.

Kiss me, I begged silently.


I thrashed against the confines of the branches stuck high in the tree. Ibiki however seemed relaxed and smirked at me while Gai was going on and on about youth and how powerful they are.

“I guess she knows we’re here,” Ibiki muttered.

“Let me go!”

“Who are you asking, Kakashi? Rima’s too busy at the moment.”

“When this is over, she is so grounded!” I hissed.

“I think she will be the one grounding us,” Gai replied. “Our Rima-ima doesn’t look happy!”

I frowned at him and peeked down through the leaves to see my daughters silver eyes narrowed up at me. Normally, I’d never get frightened in a sticky situation but since my daughter has the same rage and destruction tendencies as her mother had, fear was allowed.

She murmured something to Gaara, who hovered in front of her and then sand surrounded them blocking our sight of them.

Ibiki choked on nothing at this and began to struggling against the bonds but the branches only tightened. “If he’s touching her he’s dead!”

I stiffened and did some hand seals but it didn’t work. The tree was cutting off my chakra so I couldn’t do anything.

“What the hell is he doing to my baby!?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”


I glanced down at the red haired Chunin who was glaring up at us. “What are you doing?” she hissed.

“Youthful studies!” Gai said with a grin.

Rima’s eye twitched as did her fist as the branches lowered us but didn’t release us. Her glare increased. Her silver eyes swirled yellow before going back to normal. I frowned slightly, what was that?

“You were spying on me,” she stated. “Why?”

“No boy is good enough for-,” I began.

“I don’t care what you think!” She snapped. “Plus you have no say in the matter, Dad. You are a perv who read sick books. You-,” she jabbed a finger at Ibiki. “Are a trained ninja who specialises in interrogation you shouldn’t be wasting your time with these two! And you,” she growled to Gai. “You just freak me out most of the time to be honest. And my pups believe you are a pedo!

“None of you,” she snarled. “Are allowed mess in my life! Especially since you haven’t been in it for over seven years! Leave me alone!”

The branches released us suddenly as Rima stormed off and we collapsed to the grass. I landed on my feet as did Ibiki but Gai, too busy crying for his ‘wittle Rima-ima’ fell flat on his face and he blubbered into the grass.

“Well, I guess you screwed that up,” Ibiki smirked.

“So did you,” I retorted.

“True, but I don’t live with her,” He patted my shoulder before walking off. “If she’s anything like her mother I suggest you sleep with your sharingan eye open.”



Rima’s p.o.v

I can’t believe them! I just wanted to-ugh can’t they just-why can’t I stay mad at them?! I sighed to myself running my fingers through my hair as I walked through the streets. I guess I get where they’re coming from but spying on me! Seriously?! I’m a big girl! I can take care of myself!

I stopped in the middle of the street and frowned to myself. My hand danced over my cheek and lips as I thought of a certain red head. We hadn’t kissed per say, I mean it wasn’t lip on lip action but Gaara, under the cover of his sand, had placed his warm lips on the corner of my mouth in a gentle kiss before leaving.


I spun and came face to face with an onyx eyed Uchiha. For a moment I had a quick flash back to a four year old Sasuke scowling at me before I focused fully on the twelve year old version.


“Can we talk?” he asked.

“Why me? Why not one of the fans?” I nodded to the girls desperately trying to not been seen. But they ruined the effect by giggling.

“They don’t matter,” he spat.

“And I do?” I quirked a brow and folded my arms. “I thought I was a spoilt brat? I wouldn’t want to be a nuisance to you.”

“Wait,” he grabbed my arm as I turned to leave and something clicked on it.

I pulled away from him with a frown and glanced at my usually bare wrist to now see it covered with a silver charm bracelet with one charm on it. I lifted it closer to my eyes and turned the red flower over letting it catch the light and sparkle. Silently, I looked to Sasuke.

“I wanted to apologise for what I said to you yesterday,” he muttered.

“So you bought me a gift?”

“It matches your locket,” he pointed out.

All the girls behind him had come out of their hiding spots with devastated looks and some were even crying. My other eyebrow rose when I spotted Sakura and Ino giving me the death glare.

“Sasuke, I don’t think I should accept this,” unclasping the beautiful bracelet I went to hand it back to him but he stopped me by grabbing it and reattaching it back to my wrist.

“You have no choice,” he said as his hand moved from my wrist down to mine.

“You’re an idiot,” I stated. “An asshole, a jerk, too far stuck up your own arse, easily annoyed-.”

“Are you really insulting me?” He asked.

“But you are also sometimes, on a blue moon, nice and caring,” I finished. “I accept your apology and the gift. Thank you.”

Conscious of the glowering fans, I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the check before pulling back and smirking. “This changes nothing.”

“What? You think I did all this knowing you’d fall for me?” he smirked back.

“Fall for you?” I scoffed. “Please, like I would waste my time.”

“You know you want me.”

“Want you? No, I don’t want the life threatening disease that accompanies you that is known as fan girl syndrome. Plus, I don’t want them killing me,” I pointed to the red faced girls.

Sasuke lost his smirked as he glanced behind him. “Just great.”

“Bye!” I waved cheerfully and vanished leaving him to the fast approaching girls screaming for their own bracelet.

In my room however I was anything but cheerful. I scowled at the bracelet and went to take it off but stopped. What was I doing? Why was I-?

I sighed, flopping back onto my bed and shutting my eyes. But when I did, I saw two boys standing next to each other, one a red haired green eyed demon and the other with crow black hair and onyx eyes of the dark.

What am I doing?



Sasuke or Gaara???????????????

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