Our Love Is Forbidden

By LillianaHale

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Harry and Draco have been dating for a while and nobody knows about them. What if a miracle occurred for them... More

Our Love Is Forbidden
The Classroom
Writer's block
Unexpected Expectations
Things Change
Author's Note
The Baby, The Note, The Gift, and The Fight
Secrets Revealed
The kids and Hope's talent
The Truth Comes Out
Author's Note
Contest Results Round 1
Sirius and Remus' House Part One
Remus and Sirius' House Part Two
Alan Rickman
Rhys Elder

People know

5.4K 113 152
By LillianaHale

Hi so if you do not know what happened in chapter 3 go read it.(WARNING SOME CHARACTERS FANGIRL IN THIS CHAPTER.) Now enjoy the chapter.

Draco says," WOW this is all going so fast, Harry I don't know what.......... You know what screw it you are pregnant with my daughter and I love you so yes I will marry you. Then Draco picks Harry up and takes him into their bedroom and puts him on the bed and starts kissing him and that quickly becomes sex. (I am not doing the whole sex scene again so yeah on with the story.)

They had just started having sex when someone knocks on the door. Harry and Draco stop having sex and Harry gets up and gets dressed and answers the door.

Harry says," Mione what the fuck are you doing here you know professor Dumbledore doesn't like people in this part of school without permission."

Mione says, " Would I be here if it wasn't important?"

Harry says," You have a point, just come in before you get in trouble."

Mione says," Ok and why haven't you been.........(Draco comes into the room and kisses Harry)

Harry pushes Draco away and whispers to him, " Dray not now Hermione is here, later ok ."

Draco says in a whisper, " Ok fine wait if I can meet your sister, Hope.

Harry says, "Ok you can meet Hope."

Hermione says, " Harry you don't have to hide it from me I know about you and Draco being engaged, don't worry I didn't tell anyone and I know about the baby, but that isn't what I wanted to talk to you about, I have a big problem.

Harry says," Don't explain it just tell me."

Hermione tells Harry what she wanted to tell him and Harry is about to go kill Ron for getting Hermione pregnant, but Draco grabs his arm.

Draco says, " Babe you can not leave and I will not let you kill anyone."

Hermione says," Harry there is something else too, Hope is coming to Hogwarts either tonight or tomorrow. "

Harry says," Wait what Severus found her."

Hermione says," Yes he found her."

Just then someone knocks on the door.

Draco gets the door.

Um...Hi is Harry here?

Harry screams," HOPE!!!!!!!!!!! I missed you I haven't seen you since we were nine. Where the hell were you? Why did you run away? Why didn't you tell me you were running away I would have come too."

Hope says, " You know how much Vernon hated me, that is why I ran away to get away from him. I went to live with Sirius, but when Bellatrix killed him I wandered the streets. I didn't tell you because you would try to stop me. Who is that?" Hope points at Draco.

Harry says, " Hope this is my fiance, Draco."


Harry says, " Hope that already happened."

Hope says, " Harry it did not happen yet it isn't showing on you or Draco, so it couldn't have happened. "

Harry says, " Ok you don't believe me, then I will have to show you."

Harry takes out his wand and cast a spell that shows if a person is pregnant. The spells revels to Hope that Harry is pregnant, but it also revels something else.

Draco looks at Harry with a confused face.

Harry looks at Draco with a confused face as well.

Hope and Hermione just smile at each other and start talking.

Hope says ," Hermione does this seem like a slash fan fic to you."

Hermione says, " It is exactly like a slash fan fic and it is crazy how we read them and what happens in them actually happened in real life."

Hope says, " I know right......... Wait this is just like the fan fic Our Love Is Forbidden."

Hermione says," It is isn't it, like exactily like it."

Draco screams at Hermione and Hope and tells them to shut up. Hope and Hermione shut up.

Harry says, " If it is twins we need a name for the boy."

Hope says," What did you name the little girl?"

Draco says," Lily Narcissa Potter."

Hope says," oh my god, Harry you gave her mom's name, dad is going to be so happy."

Draco and Hermione say," Dad, not to be rude, but your dad is dead."

Ok so sorry this update took so long I have been busy with school. You have questions to answer. Comment with your answers. Same rules apply. The questions are:

What did Hope mean by dad?

What will Harry and Draco name Lily's brother?

How many kids is Hermione pregnant with?

What will Hermione name her kid(s)?

Does Ron know that he is going to be a dad?

How will everything change if the whole school found out about Harry being pregnant?

How would you guys like it if the whole school found out about Harry is pregnant?

When will Harry and Draco get married and who will come?

Will Hope find a boyfriend at Hogwarts?

Those are the questions comment with your answer and vote. thanks for reading and again some ideas were not mine. So thanks NaginiWillKill, you are awesome. And do not forget to answer the questions. Vote/Comment.



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