Metamorphosis: Lup Oras

By Izy483

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Ezzy has had a complicated life, always. Things don't get better for her when she comes back home to find tha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 12

709 2 0
By Izy483


Chapter 12

The next morning everything went as usual and then Ezzy had to go train. She had to do mind blocking, telepathy training, weaponry, and learn spells that she could use. Everyone involved in her training was outside with her. They started off with her mind blocking. She had to think of a memory and then try and block anyone from getting into her mind. This was a difficult task for her because of her telepathy. She couldn't control it, so it always got in the way somehow. They didn't stop training it until she blocked them three times in a row. Then they moved up to three people getting into her mind. She blocked them easily somehow. After a few hours of that, they moved on to spell training. That wasn't a problem for her for some reason. Galen just thought she was talented in that aspect. They got over that in less then an hour. The spells were just to either disarm or freeze the person in place. They were difficult to use because they were always used in battle and they were long and if the words weren't said right, it wouldn't work. They were kind of like tongue twisters too. After that they moved on to training her telepathy, on command. She was able to do it at random, but not when she wanted to. They spent about four hours on it and she had gotten the hang of it. She didn't have to get into anyone's mind for it. She just had to concentrate on looking at them and listening very carefully. After they were done with that, they went to eat lunch where they were the only ones who were sweaty and completely drenched in it too. After lunch they went outside and meditated for an hour and a half.

"Okay, you guys can open your eyes now," Galen said. "Now you must learn weaponry. Elli is the master of it, so she's going to teach you."

"Can't any of you do it for her? She doesn't like me and I have the feeling she won't teach me well," Ezzy said.

"We suck at it completely," Ethan said. "She's the only one who can teach you."

"Look, I'm not going to teach you because I like you. I'm doing it to protect everyone I love. It's crucial that I teach you to protect them. My reasons don't include you in them," Elli said with a sword in hand.

"Well in that case, I thank you for your support," Ezzy said, "but I think the master is about to become the apprentice."

"We'll see about that," Elli said throwing Ezzy a sharp samurai sword.

"Err....guys I think we should use the bamboo or foam swords for training," Xavier said hiding behind Galen.

"I think Xavier has a point, and you won't ever hear me saying that again," Valentin added.

"We'll be carful with them," Ezzy said not looking away from Elli.

"I think Xavier's right," Galen said. "You guys look like..."

"Call it on already," both the girls yelled.

"GO!" Galen yelled.

Ezzy and Elli didn't wait a second after the call was made to start fighting. They swung the swords at each other. Each time they made a huge clink as they hit or a shhhhaw as they slid them past each other. They both flung around with their bodies trying to avoid the sword from touching their skins. They bounced off of walls and other things that were around them; sometimes damaging something. Ezzy somehow got Elli unarmed and slid her sword across Elli's cheek making it bleed. Elli could've given up then, but she didn't. She found a way around Ezzy's sword and got hers back. The fight continued on for a good ten minutes. All of the guys just followed them around the garden watching intensely at their moves hoping no body died there and then.

"Galen you have to stop it before they kill each other,' Elias said.

"Do you want to die? If you do be my guest and go in the middle of that," Galen replied pointing at the enraged fighting girls. "I like living and I want kids in the future too. I'm not risking it."

"Good point," Elias said.

They watch for a few more minutes. Elli managed to make a few cuts on Ezzy's arms and legs and Ezzy got a few more in as well. She got one on Elli's stomach. Ezzy got her unarmed, again, and lying on the ground. Ezzy rose her sword up in the air and yelled as she brought it down with force. All of the guys yelled in terror until Ezzy stopped a few centimeters from Elli's chest. "If you ever doubt my abilities again I will kill you. Stop being a bitch to everyone because you're nothing until you learn to chew up and spit your own words." Ezzy dropped the sword next to Elli's face and walked away. As Elli got up she grabbed the sword and swung it at Ezzy. This isn't over bitch, Elli thought. Ezzy picked up her sword again and did a spin around back kick hitting Elli dead in the face, knocking her out. All of the guys ran over to Elli trying to see if she was okay.

"Practice is over," Galen said. "Eli, go get your dad."

"I'll come with you," Ezzy said. "I'm gonna get in trouble for it anyway."

"Go to your room," Elias said as he passed by her. "It wasn't completely your fault."

Ezzy made her way up stairs to her room when she met up with Karter at the top of the stairs. "Goddamn Ez, you're dangerous," she said with wide eyes.

"She was getting on my nerves. She wanted to fight me, so I gave her what she wanted and what she deserved. She's also lucky I wasn't wearing shoes. That would've left a mongo bruise on her face for a long time."

"What are you gonna do?" Karter asked.

"Take a shower and rest for a while, then go to dinner."

"Yeah, you look like a big ball of sweat," Karter commented.

"That's exactly why the shower is necessary."

Both Ezzy and Karter walked into their room and Ezzy got the dress she was going to wear. Ezzy took a shower and changed into her clothes. While she was combing her hair, Ethan came into the room without knocking. "Ezzy, a letter from your mom," he said.

Ezzy dropped her comb and ran out of the room and downstairs. Karter and Ethan followed her. They went into the library where everyone needed for the moment sat there waiting for her. As she entered everyone looked at her as she slowly made her way into the room up to Victor. Victor stretched his hand with the letter handing it to her. She took it in her hands and carefully opened it. She started to read it to herself. It read:

Dear Ezzy,

I'm sorry about all of this. I know you probably hate me, but right now, you have to make sure you're safe. I know Victor already told you everything by now and I'm glad he did. I didn't have the guts to tell you what had been hidden from you for so many years. I'll explain everything thoroughly when I see you again. Tell the kids I love them and that I miss them. I don't know where exactly I am. Adomis made Adia cast a spell over this place and it blocks me from using my bird's eye to tell where I am. Tell Victor that I'm fine and that I have information about Adomis. I'm right below his office and I can hear everything he says. He's planning to do something to you kids. Ezzy, I need you to help me with the kids. I know I'm asking a lot from you, but you have to. I trust you. I'll be with you guys soon.




P.S. I'll try to send more letters to you and the only way you're going to be able to tell that it's me will be by the three capital "X" after my name. If they're not there, it's not mine, so don't open it. It'll probably be a spy letter from Adomis. I love you.

Ezzy finished reading it and crumbled it up in her hand. She closed her eyes for a second to get composure. If she said anything, she would blow up on whoever asked her anything. She took in a deep breath and exhaled. She opened her eyes and opened the letter again. "She said Adia casted a spell on the building she's in so she can't use her bird's eyes to tell where exactly she is. She says she's fine though. She wants protection on me and my siblings. She says she's under Adomis's office and she can hear everything and he's planning to harm us. She also said that if the letter doesn't have three capital "X's" on it, don't open it. It will probably be a spy letter."

"Ulyses, I want total protection on them. I don't want them to be anywhere without someone," Victor said.

"No," Ezzy said, "I'll be fine. I want Venus, Storm, and Asher to have all of the protection. I know he'll try to do something to them first. I want them outside of their windows, outside of their doors, in their room, and if they're about to take a shower, I want it to be checked before hand. I want someone in there while they're asleep, as well. Karter is to be protected too. The same way. Clear on it?"

"Chrystal," Victor said. "Ulyses, take care of it, would you?"

Ulyses nodded once and then left.

"Is there anyone who can cast a spell on the C.I.?" Ezzy asked.

"What type of spell?" Victor asked.

"A spell that won't let anyone with bad intensions and a rotten heart inside?"

"There's isn't one in the books, but I can come up with one," Emrick said.

"How long will it take?" Victor asked.

"A few weeks," Emrick answered.

"Get to work on it," Ezzy said. "I want everyone in here to check around the city everyday doing rounds. If he can't get one of my kids or me, then he'll go and try to harm other werewolves' kids or family. Get two or three people in ever street corner to keep watch at night. Infect for the day. Make shifts."

"Ezzy, isn't that a little bit over board?" Karter asked.

"No, if I don't want my brother and sisters to be harmed I don't expect anyone else to want it for their families. Adomis has screamed war, and that's exactly what I'll give him," Ezzy said.

"Born leader, just like her father," Alice Cer said.

"And her mother," Ula Frumos added.

"Mr. Noapte can you get me a meeting with the Lup Oras press before dinner?" Ezzy asked.

"Yes, I can."

"Thank you; I want everyone in this room to help me on placing people at the street corners. Make sure all of the streets have at least one person protecting. If we're going to try and make this place safe for everyone, it has to be done. Everyone is to have some type of weapon in case something goes wrong with all of this and Adomis's army does appear. Can we do it?"

Everyone gave her a nod. She got up and everyone started to file out of the room.

"Esmeralda and Elli, before you go, I want to have a word with you," Victor said. "Everyone else is good to go and do what they were told."

As soon as the room was clear, Victor made them both sit down and listen. "I don't know what it was that happened between you two during training, but whatever it is, it has got to stop. This isn't a time to kill each other over anything. Right now we need as many people as possible. Adomis is clearly making war with the Sacred City and we don't need to kill each other for it. That's why I've decided to make both of you spend this whole time together. If I hear either of you disrespecting each other, I will have the Covenant Laws punish you. Elli, you know exactly that the punishments are cruel and just because you're my daughter I will not stop from making them happen."

"Yes, father," she said.

"You Ezzy, I want to believe that this city has the right person as their protector. If not I will take over all of the decisions you make for the city and the kids. Am I clear?"

"Yes, sir," Ezzy said. Why did she feel like she had just stolen happiness from a little kid? She didn't even care about this place or anyone. She just wanted to find her sibling and her mother so that she could leave and go back to how things used to be, but who was she kidding? She perfectly knew that that wasn't going to be the case.

"You're dismissed," Victor said.

Elli and Ezzy left the library and outside. "Look Ezzy," Elli started, "I'm sorry about what happened today."

"Listen, I really don't know what I did wrong. It just pissed me the hell off that you wouldn't say anything to me and you took it out on my sibling and Karter. If you have a problem, it's with me. All you have to do is come up to me and tell me and I'll try and fix it, but while you're acting like I'm some type of virus, you can't be immune to me unless you research me. If I did anything to bother you, I'm sorry, but from now on I'll try to stay away from you and I won't speak to you unless I really need to. That's what you want."

"Just hear me out," Elli said.

"I'm listening."

"I was jealous, okay."

"Of what? My crazy, confusing, lie for a life?"

"No, of you coming from the Humdrum World. I've always wanted to know what it was like, ya know, since I'm human and all."

"I'm gonna be completely honest here, it's better that you were here. Out there all you would be is a failure, some type of curse. You're adopted right?"


"They would all treat you like you don't belong anywhere or with anyone. They would treat you like some type of criminal for not having parents, when the only crime you ever committed was being born."

"You're serious?"

"Why would I lie about something like that? I see why all of the guys love this place so much. Here everything's more clear and respectful. Out there, you have to build your respect."

"Wow, so I was way off, huh?" Elli asked.

"Yeah, you were."

"I'm really sorry Ezzy; I put you in a bad position. I deserved to get beat like that."

"What are you talking about?" Ezzy asked.

"You know....the whole...ohhh," she said.

Ezzy smiled and Elli smiled back. Elli knew that it was completely forgotten, now. They touched fists and it became official.

"Let's go and fix some shit around here," Elli said.

"Fine by me, wait is someone here to watch over my siblings?"

"Yeah, dad and some guards, they'll be fine."

"Good, we can go."

"Are you guys gonna start fighting again?" Xavier asked coming up to them with Karter in front.

"No," Ezzy laughed, "we were just fixing things. We're good now."

"Thank God, that was so scary. You two are vicious," he said.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Ezzy said.

"It just gives me a message," he said.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" Ezzy asked.

"Don't get Ezzy mad for any reason and you will live just fine."

Ezzy laughed. "I don't think you could ever get me mad. You're too silly."

"So where are you going now that you two are friends?" Karter asked.

"Dad probably called Mr. Cer and told him about the plan Ezzy created. When those calls are made we meet in the middle of the city."

"Please tell me we're going in a car," Ezzy said.

"Yeah we are. We'd die before we got anywhere."

"So I can't go?" Karter asked.

"No, I want you to stay here. Safe with Amanda, Venus, Storm, and Asher," Ezzy said.

"Yeah, you're gonna stay put. This is a dangerous mission already," Xavier said. His tone took an incredibly serious pitch. It almost scared all three girls.

"Oh look, there's the limo right now," Elli said pointing to the gate of the huge house.

"We'll be back soon," Ezzy said to Karter.

"Please tell me you guys are gonna have some type of guards with you," Karter said, worried.

"We will mom," Ezzy said sarcastically.

"Hey, just checkin'. I don't want to be the one who tells your siblings you're in the hospital for some strange reason."

"Okay, well we'll see you later," Ezzy said.

As Karter went inside, the black limo stopped in front of them. Ezzy, Elli, and Xavier stepped in and waited for the rest of the Generation to appear. Ezzy sat next to Elias and they talked the whole way to the center of the city. She just asked questions the whole way. Most of them were about the history of Lup Oras. The questions were when some of the buildings were made, what they were, and why they were important.

When they got to the middle of the city, Ulyses and some troops were already waiting for them. Ezzy explained how she wanted the troops on each street corner. After that everyone went to a certain part of the city and helped the troops set in. Elias, Elli, and Ethan were with Ezzy. Many different city people came up to them and thanked them. About an hour later, Elli's phone rang and she picked up.

"Ezzy, my dad wants you at the house. He said that the press is there."

"Thanks," she said. She walked back to the car and Elias and Ethan followed. They all road back in silence and when they got to the house they were greeted with a load of reporters and photographers. When they finally got into the house, Ezzy went up to the small podium that had been set up for her and waited for all of the reporters to get settled in before she started.

"Well, I know all of you have seen that there are some changes happening, and you're probably wondering why. First off thanks for coming, and for making this so orderly. Secondly, the guards in the street are for our safety. I want everyone in a building at midnight. If someone is out of any building after that the clock strikes midnight, they will be arrested. If you know your wife is having a baby soon, have someone who can deliver the baby. I know this seems extreme, but this is one of the only ways to keep everyone safe without going to psycho-extremes. Everyone here at the C.I. is doing everything possible to avoid anyone's death or kidnapping. This is in effect from now till further notice. That's all for now and we'll try to keep you updated on all of this."

"Can we ask questions?" One of the reporters asked.

"I just gave you all of the information I have," Ezzy lied. She had left out the part of her mother's letter. She knew Adomis was watching this.

"Thank you all for coming," Victor said as Ezzy walked away. "Like she said, we'll try to keep you all posted on what goes on with this. It's crucial that everyone follows this. Good-night Lup Oras."

All of the cameras were turned off and everyone started to pack up and leave. Many of them were still in the house when everyone who had stayed out in the city helping was arriving. After everyone was gone and everyone who was meant to be in the house was there, they had dinner. After dinner everyone went back to their rooms and Ezzy checked up on her siblings and explained to them why they had to have body guards without really revealing anything to them. She had to lie to them a little so it wouldn't happen. Once Ezzy was back in her room, she, the Generation and Karter, watched a movie in her room. Everyone fell asleep in there while the movie went on.


Then next morning, Ezzy woke up with pain in every joint and muscle in her body. She hadn't done so much exercise in so long. Her head was about to explode. She had worn it out by blocking and using her telepathy. Elli came into the room with some type of drink in her hand. It seemed to have a greenish color. "Drink this," she said.

"What is that, and why does it look like it's alive?" Ezzy asked.

"It'll help you with your body pain."

"How did you..."

"Oh please, do you really think I had an easy way out? Did you think Elias had it easy? I had to give him these thingies for like a week before he actually got used to all of the exercise. You guys have hell to go through with the Generation training."

"Okay, so what is it?"

"It's just green leaves and a charm. It won't do anything to you; it'll just get rid of the pain for you. Not gonna lie, it's gonna taste nasty as fuck."

"Is there anything dead in here that I should know of?" Ezzy asked looking down at the drink in disgust.

"No," Elli said laughing a little. "Trust me, it's not gonna kill you."

"Can I just deal with the pain instead?"

"I don't think you want to do that," she said.


"Well because you're gonna pass out from the pain."

"Are you talking by experience?" Ezzy asked.

"No, but I've seen it happen to Xavier, Valentin, and Ethan when they first started and refused to drink it. They were in a hospital for a while because of it too."

Ezzy's eyes went wide and paused for a second. She, all of the sudden, started to gulp it down. Once she was done, she gave the glass back to Elli. Elli just stared at her for a second. "You do know I was just kidding, right?" Elli asked. "About the hospital thing, I mean."

Ezzy's eyes went narrow. "I hate you," she said.

"Sorry, but that was the only way to get you to drink it. If you didn't you'd pass out and you'd have to rest for two weeks, and right now, you don't have that kind of time."

"True," Ezzy said. "Hey, are there anymore news from...anything?" she asked getting out of bed, slowly and painlessly.

"Nope, but I think your safety policy is working. People are staying in their homes."

"Well, yeah because they're scared."

"Half of it, and they don't want to get arrested and put to questioning."

"That too, it's a pain to be put in question."

"You're talking by experience..."

"Hell yeah..."

Ezzy got into the shower and got ready for breakfast and then training. They worked on making everything she'd already learned perfect.


Over the next two weeks, Ezzy worked her ass off in training. She even practiced during the days that she was off of training because Mr. Noapte cancelled training for something. She was just having trouble with blocking her mind and using her telepathy at the same time. She could do them separately, that's something, she thought. At the end of two weeks, she was near perfect every form of martial arts, spells, mind blocking, telepathy, and her temper control. During the two weeks, her mother hadn't sent anything and nothing big had happened within the city. No body had gotten arrested yet and everyone was careful. Venus, Asher, Storm, and Karter were safe. She had also learned more about her whole past. She learned that Adomis and Hector, her father, had had a sister, and that Adomis killed her and her husband leaving Valentin orphan. He was her cousin. That's why when he had said "little couz" and she asked, he didn't want to say anything. But she thought she had the right to know, so she asked Elias about it. He had said he'd tell her, but there was so much going on at the time, she kind of threw it into the back of her thoughts. Adomis, also killed his own father for the rights to the Sacred City, but he wasn't smart about that one. He'd forgotten that there was a testament. What he did do a good job on was on making it seem like it was natural causes. He was a cruel careless man. She also found out that he had had a daughter with Evelyn's best friend. She was the same age as her, but no one knew where she was. She had disappeared when she was five years old. Her name was Lucian and she was mute. Her mother Dara had died when she was born. She wasn't turned into a werewolf before Lucian was born and the only one who could turn Dara was Adomis because she was carrying his child. But even though Ezzy found all of this out, she still couldn't figure out his real reason for revenge against her or why he was doing any of this.

One day when she woke up, she realized that she hadn't been spending time with her siblings or Karter. She got dressed and went to look for Mr. Noapte. She found him in the library, of course, and went in to talk to him.

"Mr. Noapte?"

"Yes," he said looking up. "Oh, Ezzy, come on in." He looked down again and continued writing on a sheet of paper.

"I was thinking.....err...I haven't been spending much time with my siblings and I think it's important that I do," she said sitting down. Victor looked up at her with curiosity of what she was going to say. "I was wondering, if it's okay with you, that we cancelled training today...for them."

"I think it's a good idea. I'll let the others know," he said.

"Thanks," she said with a smile on her face and standing up. "I promise tomorrow, I'll get back into it."

"Well, you deserve it. You've been training hard and you've improved a lot from what I hear."

"I still have miles to go."

"I know, but you also have a responsibility to your siblings. You're the only one they've got right now."

Ezzy nodded. "Thanks, Mr. Noapte."

"Go have fun with them," he said with a smile.

Ezzy smiled back and then ran out of the room. She ran up the stairs and into the twin's room, where Amanda was trying to change them into their clothes.

"Ezzy!" both of them screamed with excitement when they saw her. They jumped off of the bed and ran over to hug her. Ezzy squatted down and received them with her arms open.

"We haven't seen you during the day but at breakfast," Asher said with his sweet voice.

"I know, but guess what?" Ezzy said.

"What?!" they both asked excited jumping up and down.

"Today we're going to hang out together, and we're gonna do whatever you guys want."

Both of them started to scream and ran over to the bed and started to jump up and down on it.

"Well," Amanda started, "they won't be able to if they don't get changed first."

"Yeah because kids that jump on the bed and don't let their nanny dress them don't get ice cream for desert," Ezzy added.

They looked at each other and then jump up and landed sitting down, very quiet. Ezzy helped Amanda dress Storm with a dress while Amanda dressed Asher in pants and a white shirt. Once they were done, Ezzy and Amanda picked the room up and ordered the twins to go downstairs for breakfast.

"Is it okay with Mr. Noapte?" Amanda asked while she picked up the twin's pjs.

"Yeah," Ezzy said. "In fact, he thought it was a great idea."

"Good, how's your training going?"

"It's going good. How's Venus?"

"She and that boy...Abel, I believe his name is, are getting very serious. I think you should have a talk with her."

"Why do you say that?"

"They're all over each other," Amanda said. "I don't want her to do anything dumb."

"I'm on it," Ezzy replied. "What else have I missed with them?"

"Nothing, they're just wondering where Evelyn is. As am I..."

"We received a message from her a few weeks ago. She doesn't know where she is. Mr. Noapte is trying to figure it out."

"That's what he does in that library the whole time?"

"I guess, that and meetings with the Covenant. "

"So other then that everything's okay?"

"Yeah," Ezzy said nodding. As okay as things are gonna be, she thought.

They picked up the kids clothes and put them in a bin near the bathroom door. Then they both left the room shutting the door behind them. They went downstairs, where they met up with everyone else. Ezzy sat down between her sisters. Venus, who sat at her right, gave her a dirty stare. "What are you gonna do today?" Ezzy asked looking at her.

"Nothing that involves you," Venus responded.

"Well, cancel whatever it is. We're gonna hang out today, just you, the twins, Karter, and me. We'll do..." Ezzy stopped in mid-sentence when she saw Emrick and Amanda bumped into each other, and she dropped a tray with dirty dishes. They landed all over the floor, and Amanda had given a shriek. Both she and Emrick went down to pick the dishes up, both apologizing to each other. They both paused for a second and Ezzy just looked to see what was going to happen next.

"I'm sorry, I don't think we've been introduced yet," Emrick said.

"I don't think so," Amanda said picking up some of the dishes. "I'm Amanda, Esmeralda and her siblings' nanny. Nice to meet you Mr...."

"Emrick, just Emrick," he said quickly, and picking up some of the dishes.

They shook hands and smiled at each other. Ezzy and Elias looked at each other knowing exactly what was going on.

"What was that all about?" Venus asked Ezzy.

"I have no idea, but I have a feeling that they like each other," Ezzy answered.

Venus giggled.

"Ezzy, what just happened?" Storm asked in a whisper.

"Nothing," Ezzy said.

Once Amanda and Emrick finished picking up the dishes, she went into the kitchen blushing like mad, and he went to sit in his spot with a huge grin on his face.

When Amanda came back, she sat in her spot and the house maids served breakfast soon after that.

"Galen," Victor called.

"Yes, sir," Galen answered.

"Training for the Generation is cancelled today; I want Ezzy to be able to spend the day with her siblings and her friends."

"Yes, sir, are we back into it tomorrow?" Galen asked.

"Of course," Ezzy said. "I just need to spend time with them."

Galen nodded once.

"Ezzy, ever since you got here, training is like heaven," Xavier said. "We can actually take breaks."

"Really?" she asked.

"Shyeah," Ethan said, "before you got here, we weren't even allowed to take a bathroom break."

"I'm glad I'm of some use," she said.

"So what are you gonna do today?" Elias asked.

"I don't know what do you guys usually do for fun around here?" she asked.

"Go to the beach," all of the boys answered.

"But it's the end of fall," she said.

"So, it doesn't mean we can't hang out at the shore," Valentin replied.

"Touché," she said pointing at him.

"We're going to the beach?!" Storm asked excitedly.

"Yeah, but we aren't going into the water," Ezzy said.

Storm gasped and looked at her brother. "We're going to the beach, Asher," she said with a huge smile on her face.

"We can build a sandcastle!" he said getting out of the chair.

"Asher, finish your breakfast," Ezzy demanded.

"We're going to the beach, Ezzy," he said.

"After breakfast, yes," she said.

"But I wanna go now," he said stomping his foot down.

She narrowed her eyes at him. He knew she was mad at him. He didn't say anything and just went back to eating his breakfast without a word.

"So is that what we're doing?" Venus asked.

"Yeah, why? Did you want to do something else?"

"Can I go?" Abel, Elias's younger brother, asked.

"Duh," Elias said. "What fun would it be without the brainiack of the family?" Elias said rubbing Abel's head full of hair.

Abel smiled at his older brother.


After breakfast everyone went to pack something just incase they got wet for some odd reason. The Generation along with Karter, Venus, Storm, Asher, Abel, Elli, Kevin-Ethan's son-and Andrea-Elias's youngest sister-also with ten bodyguards were going. Once they were ready to go, they put everything in the back of the limo that would take them and when they got there, unloaded. Andrea, Kevin, Asher, and Storm ran as quickly as they could to the sand to get started on their sandcastle with Andrea's playground tools. Four body guards followed them. No one wore a bathing suit. All of the girls wore dresses and all of the guys wore their usual clothes. Venus and Abel went over to a huge rock and sat in front of it leaning against it while they held hands. While all of the guys put up volleyball net, Elli, Karter and Ezzy sat in the sand and watched.

"Hey Elli," Ezzy said.

"Yeah," Elli answered.

"What's your brother Abel like?" Ezzy asked.

"He's pretty normal, he's just really smart," she said.

"Is he a player?"

"What?! Abel? No, he hasn't had a girlfriend...ever."

"Ever?" Karter asked. "Are you serious? Look at the kid, he's gorgeous."

"I know," Elli said. "But it's true; he has never had a girlfriend until now. Why do you ask, Ezzy?"

"We'll according to my nanny; they've been getting a little bit too close."

"In what way?"

"Touchy, touchy, feely, feely...I guess."

"So what are you gonna do?" Karter asked.

"Have 'the talk 'with her. Mom's not here and Storm is too little."

"You should go over there now," Elli said.

"No, they're in a giggly mood," Ezzy said. "That'd be rude," she added sarcastically.

"Like you ever cared," Karter said.

"True," Ezzy said getting up and walking over to her sister and her new boyfriend.

As she got closer, they didn't notice that she was coming up. They were too busy flirting. "Hey guys," she said.

"What do you want?" Venus asked as rude as she could manage.

"Hey, Abel, can I talk to her for a sec?" Ezzy asked.

"Sure," he said giving Venus a kiss and then getting up. He walked away and Ezzy took his place. There was an awkward silence for a second.

"So, are you gonna say anything?" Venus asked agitated.

"I am....I'm just trying to see how I'm gonna say it," Ezzy said. Another awkward silence. "Okay, here goes nothing. Amanda told me about you and Abel, and how you two have been getting...along pretty well."

"Yeah, so?"

"So I want to know if you two have already had sex."

"Ewww, I'm not about to have this talk with you," Venus snapped standing up.

"Hear me out," Ezzy said grabbing her hand pulling her back. She actually sounded human to Venus, and like Venus had brains.

Venus exhaled heavily. "Fine," she said sitting back down.

"So have you?"

"Of course not," she snapped.

"Well I'm trying to make sure so that I don't mess up the conversation."

"Too late," she said shifting uncomfortably.

"Anyway, you know what you're risking if you do have sex right?"

"Yeah, and would you please stop saying sounds so....weird."

"And it makes you feel?"



"Stop it, Ezzy," she snapped.

"Fine, fine! But there's no shame in it, you know that right? It's something we're all gonna go through."

"Yeah, unless you're a nun."

"'Tis true, little sister," Ezzy said. "Anyway, do you have a strange urge when you're with Abel?"


"Hey, I'm trying to fix your mistake before you make it," she said lifting her arms in the air next to her chest.

"I'd rather be shot in the head," Venus said.

"Answer my question...please."

"Yeah, but I'm not..."

"But you might. Venus, do it when YOU'RE ready, and don't let anyone force you into it. Something gets lost from your part and -in some cases- can be replaced with a child, and I know for a fact that you're not ready for that type of responsibility."

"Why does it sound like you're talking by experience?"

"It didn't happen to me, but I did have to help friends who it did happen to. Where I'm getting at with this is....I don't want any of it to happen to you. One, you're too young, two, you're not ready, and three, I know you don't have a strong enough mind to deal with it or the pressures of it."

Venus looked down at the ground.

"I know, I'm not the person you want to hear any of this from, but I'm the only one you have right now, and if I don't, you could make the biggest mistake of your life," Ezzy added.

"Have you ever...done IT?" Venus asked.

Ezzy gave a little laugh. "Ha, no, I know I'm not ready for it, and I don't want to bring a child to MY world. It's too far out of the normal world."

"How do I know when I'm ready?" Venus asked.

"I don't know. I haven't ever thought about it. I think...I'll just know when the time's right."

"You know, you're not such a bad sister," she said.

"Ha, are you trying to make me cry?"

"Is it working?"


"Yeah, I kinda wanted it to happen."

They both laughed.

"Thanks," Venus said.


"For telling me all of this. You're right, I don't want to hear it from you, but I kinda had to. I don't have a strong mind to deal with the peer pressure. Why would I be ready to deal with pressures of being a mom at fifteen? You probably did fix my future mistake."

"Why, were you thinking about it?" Ezzy asked.

"Kind of..."

"What about now?"


"Was he thinking about it?"


"Your word counts more then his," Ezzy said.

"I Thanks, Ezzy," she said hugging her out of the blue. Ezzy wasn't expecting it so she didn't hug her back at first.

"You're welcome," Ezzy said hugging her.

"I'm gonna go over with him."


Ezzy sat there for a moment thinking of what had just happened. She had just had her first real sister to sister talk with Venus. She hadn't even had one with Adalin....ever. She shivered violently making her close her eyes.

"Wow, did you really feel me from all the way back here?" Elias asked.

Ezzy looked up and gave him a death glare.

"I'm joking," he said.

"You better be," she replied.

He smiled. "What was that all about?" he asked.

"We were just talking...."

"Oh yeah...about what?" he asked sitting down next to her.


"What?! Are they..."

" least not anymore."

"I'm gonna have to talk to that boy!"

"I think she's gonna do it. It's better that she does."

"How do you know?"

"It's awkward as hell if you do it now that I told her," Ezzy said.

He thought about it for a second. He slowly sat back down. "How'd she take it?"

"She was mature...honest....and she even said I was right," she said nodding.

"Sounds like it went well."

" a weird way..."

"So what's on your mind?" he asked.

"Too much," she said.

"Can I help clear some of it?" he asked.

"I don't know," she said looking at him.

"Well...let's see," he said staring at her straight in the eyes. When they locked she felt herself being pulled to him, and he to her. She was trying to think if this was right, but she couldn't think straight now. She felt his soft, velvety lips touch hers. She let loose and almost forgot that there were people around them, including her siblings in the mix. A few seconds passed and all of the sudden Elias's head jerked forward hitting Ezzy's in the middle of their kiss. They both separated and looked back at everyone. Valentin had thrown the volleyball at Elias. "Are you guys gonna sit there and make-out or are you gonna play vockball?" Xavier asked.

"What's vockball?" Ezzy asked.

"It's a game here in Lup Oras. It's played like volleyball, but you can use your feet as well, but if you do, you have to be able to pass it over the top of the net," Elias explained giving her a hand up.

"How do you do that?" she asked as they both started to walk.

"You can use martial arts to get it over the net. You still can't carry it over the net though. You have to hit it. "

"Sounds dangerous...and fun," Ezzy said with a grin.

"It is dangerous and fun," he said.

"Alright," she said excitedly as they got close.

Teams were divided up and they played for hours. The kids were very much into their castle and Venus and Abel played vockball with everyone else. They did that until it was time for them to eat lunch. After lunch, they all sat around a fire, relaxed and talked. They laughed about funny experiences they had had, since no one really knew Ezzy to the fullest, they started to ask her question about Adalin and what she was like. They also asked her about her years in gangs, what her hobbies were and things like those.

"I used to dance and it was my favorite hobby," Ezzy said.

"Why past tense?" Elli asked.

"During the years I was in it, things got out of control, so I decided to quit."

"Did you like it?" Venus asked.

"I loved it. Storm's teacher was my teacher, and she would always choose me or Adalin for main roles. Ha, everyone hated us because of it," Ezzy said remembering.

"Were you that good?" Karter asked.

"I guess...I haven't danced since I turned ten," Ezzy said looking at the fire with a sad face.

"Can you belly dance?" Elias asked.

Ezzy looked at him with her eyebrows narrowed.

"What?! I'm just curious," he said, defensive.

"Yes, I can, and I dance many other styles."

"You should dance for us one day," Ethan said. "I'd like to see how good you are."

"Ha ha, you're funny. Not gonna happen."

"Aww, c'mon Ezzy, I'd like to see you dance one day," Karter said.

"Maybe," Ezzy said after a moment's pause.

"If you ever need it, in the front of the house there's a small studio..." Elli started.

"The one you practice in?" Ezzy asked.

"Yeah," Elli said. "That one, you can go in there and practice your dancing if you want."

"Thanks for the offer, I'll take it one day," she politely replied.

They talked about other stuff and ended up playing extreme truth or dare keeping it somewhat PG for the kids incase they were watching. Before they knew it, it was getting dark. Ezzy and Elias separated themselves from the group once darkness hit. They spread two towels on the ground and lay down on them. They cuddle and looked up at the sky full of stars, the only light that disturbed them was the fire, but even that was low.

"Elias," Ezzy said.


"I was wondering. If my mom doesn't know where she is and she's guarded, then how the hell did she get to pass that message?" she asked.

"You're mom has powers that revolve around bird's eye. Things like what she did when she sent that message. She sent an "invisible bird"," he said making quotes in the air.

"Invisible bird?"

"Yeah, she has this thing where she can make a bird out of thin air and can only let certain people see it. It's amazing actually, anyway, since they couldn't see it, I guess they just thought it was wind, and it's also very fast. "

"So, mom's powerful," Ezzy said.

"Very...that's just one of the many things she can do."

"Oh yeah, like what else?" she asked sitting up hugging her knees.

"Like better than Elli at weaponry," he said. "She's the one who taught her. That's why you can beat her. It's in your blood."

"And where did she get it from?"

"She got it from your dad. It was found that when a werewolf changes a human, the human will acquire some of the strengths that the werewolf who turned that person, has."

"So I'm a double threat," she stated.

"Yep," he said.

"This is insane. All of you guys know more about me then me."

"Well that's because you were under a microscope without you knowing."

"Not helping," Ezzy said turning to him.

"Oh...yeah....sorry," he said.

"Hey, guys, I think we should probably get going," Ethan said. "It's getting pretty late."

Both her and Elias looked out to the ocean and saw the moon reflected on it.

"Where are the kids?" Ezzy asked not seeing them where their sandcastle was.

"They're in the car asleep. They fell asleep a few minutes ago," Ethan said.

Ezzy let out a breath of relief.

"So are we going or not?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah, I think it's a good idea," Ezzy said.

They picked everything up and went back to the house.


When they arrived, Ezzy, Karter, Venus, and Elli took the kids to their beds and the guys unloaded the car. When everything was back in order, everyone went back to their room.. She was taking down her hair when she stabbed her finger with something sharp. She looked at it and it was bleeding. She stared at the blood for a moment, and without warning, a huge headache struck her. The pain was so much that she stumbled. Her vision was blurry as she tried to walk out of the bathroom to go to Elias, or whoever was closest. She felt her anger rise like it never had before. She screamed in pain and punched the dresser's mirror so hard that it shuttered into billions of pieces with contact. She screamed again and got even angrier. She took the dresser and picked it up. She threw it across the room and then fell to the ground, the wood flying everywhere. She felt something else controlling her.

"No," she said to herself, coming back for a slight second. She was sweaty and shaking violently.

The door opened and Ethan came in. "Ezzy," he said. He was as sweaty as she was. "Hang on," he said leaving again. Ezzy hugged herself on the floor as she tried to control herself. Random flashes of rage took over her while Ethan got back. Within a few seconds Victor, Elli, and the Generation were in her room.

"Ezzy, what's wrong?" Victor asked.

"I....don't....KNOW!!!" she said screaming. Her eyes flashed red and stayed. Everyone took a step back. She shook violently and then froze in the sitting position that she was in.

"What's happening?" Ethan asked with his hands against his head.

"Ethan, are you okay?" Victor asked.

"'s Ezzy's pain. I can feel it," he said with clutched teeth.

"Esmeralda, listen to me," Victor said kneeling down in front of her. "You have to beat whatever it is that's happening. Use your mind blocking and the spells to fight it off," he said.

Ezzy sat there and cried, not saying anything or moving. All of the sudden, one by one, the rest of the Generation started to get the headaches. It started with Valentin, then Xavier, then Elias, then Valentin, Galen, and the last was David. Ezzy fought whatever it was trying to control her as hard as she could.

"Oh God, Oh God, Oh God...."she kept repeating in her head. "Spells...what spell do I need? Spell? God this hurts!!!"

"Elli get my equipment bag," Victor ordered.

"What's happening?" Alexa, Elias's mother, asked stepping in front of the door as Elli ran out.

"I think someone is trying to take over Ezzy's mind to make her transform. It's affecting the others too," Victor explained to her. "Help me get her to the bed."

She ran over to Ezzy and helped Victor try to stretch her out to lay her on the bed, but she was too stiff to get her to stretch, so they just left her. Elli ran in with Victor's bag and he started to check Ezzy. Her heart was eight times faster then a regular werewolf heart beat. It was also pounded harder. Her pupils weren't responding and she was frozen in place.

"Uh...okay....uh....," Ezzy thought, "sparge tau ca vraja lui a fi turnat, scapa vene tau de spirite rele, sa mergem tau a tuturor obligatiunilar, si rupe lanturile tau de conexiuni de," she repeated over and over in her head. It was a Romanian spell. The translation for it was:

Break thy spell that's being casted

Rid thy veins of evil spirits

Let thy go of all bonds

And break thy chains of connections

Slowly she drifted into an abysmally painful sleep. Slowly an image formed behind her eyelids. It was a man with black short hair facing a large screen. Beside him was a woman in her mid-twenties laughing. Behind them, saw a woman with long wavy brunette hair. She seemed to be dirty and her face wet with tears, her arms seemed to be tied behind a chair. As the image became clearer, Ezzy realized that the woman weeping was her mother, Evelyn. The audio started to kick in and she recognized the voices as they started to pop up with the image.

"Stop, Adomis," said her mother,"she's not trained like you and I. I'm begging you. Stop harming her."

"I will stop when I have what I want from her," he said.

"You won't be able to obtain it like that. You know what the prophesy says, you have to fight her in battle." The man turned around and slapped Evelyn across the face. Evelyn's head turned to the side and when she looked up again, her lip was bleeding. . When he turned back to the screen, Ezzy saw the image that they were all looking at. It was the room she was in. She saw herself on the bed sleeping while Victor checked her pulse, and the boys were sitting shaking. A sense of adrenaline kicked in and her eyes popped open to the room in which she sat in. She sat up and looked around the room. She saw that there was a picture frame near of the T.V. It sat in the same angle that the image on the huge screen Adomis, her mother, and the other woman were looking at. Ezzy leaped toward the frame turned into a fly and started to fly away. Everyone's jaw dropped open as they saw it happen.

"Ezzy what are you doing?!" Elli asked.

"It's a camera. Adomis can see this right now."


"I'll explain when we kill it," Ezzy said.

Everyone started to try and catch it, but it was too fast. Galen closed all of the windows as the fly suddenly shot a laser at Ezzy's chest, but she moved out of the way. It shot something so powerful that it would have killed her with one shot. She landed on her right knee on top of glass. Ezzy looked over at Elli's belt and saw that she had some weapons on it. There was one that was shaped like a huge snowflake. It could've been an earring and it would look awesome. Ezzy rolled on top of the glass and took it from Elli's belt, shooting it at the fly without a warning. It split the fly in two and fell to the floor in front of Victor, who stepped on it until he was sure that it wouldn't be able to work anymore.

"What the hell, Ezzy?" Elli said.

Ezzy sat on the floor and lay on her back breathing hard.

"Ezzy?" Elias said.

As she looked at the ceiling, she started to cry. Everyone exchanged glances.

"I saw her," Ezzy said.

"Who?" everyone asked.

"Evelyn....she was in the room with Adomis and someone else. She was tied to a chair. They were looking into this room with that thing. I saw it."

"But how?" Victor asked.

"I don't know, but...." a sudden thought went through her mind. She got up and ran out of the room as quick as she could. She went to check on her siblings.

They were all in their rooms.

"They're fine, Ezzy," Elias said behind her. "Let get back to your room, my dad still needs to get all of the glass out of your arms, knees, and back."

"Please get someone to stay with them," she said.

"Okay," Elias said. "Now go."

When Ezzy turned around to take the step, she fainted again, but didn't hit the floor. Elias caught her before she did.

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