The Blending of The Blackbour...

By wraithprincess

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*** Disclaimer I don't own the Cl Stone Academy * * *Pure Fan fiction **Spin Off of Healing in the Arms of Th... More



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By wraithprincess

After the video chat I needed a nap but I didn't want to nap alone and I didn't want to chose I wanted them all with me .

" I'm going to go take a nap " I told them as I stood up in front of them

" Okay Bambino " Morgan Said

Both Mason and Sammy were on their phones and didn't respond, I looked back at Morgan then left the room.

Once I got to my room I stripped down and went to the shower I felt like needed I another one .

Turning the water on getting it just right I climbed in letting the water fall down across my body
Dunking my head under the water so I could wash my hair , grabbing the shampoo I worked in my hair then began to rise it out
A cool breeze came across me I rinsed my face off to see what caused it when I opened my eyes to See Sammy in the shower with me

" Mi Amor Bello, you look beautiful and I bet feel smooth as silk " he said
" Well why don't you touch me and find out " I replied

Our shower worked dual purpose we got clean while getting dirty

After the shower was turned off I stepped out and Mason was there with Towel
He wrapped it around me and then told me to sit down on the chair so he could dry my hair
So I did and it's so nice to be pampered

Once done Morgan who was at the door came in and picked me up carrying me to bed placing me in the middle of it
" Bambino I know this day has been stress full to you "

"Morgan it's okay I'm fine tired but fine"
" Well we let you get some sleep then " he said he kissed my forehead and stepped away
Sammy came over kissed my head too so did Mason
They all three left the room

I tried to fall asleep but my mind kept going back to the fact they left me in here by myself
And I didn't like it at all
I grabbed my phone and texted the two people I know that would understand

Mama, Mama Sang
Question the boys left me alone in the bedroom to sleep but I can't Is There is something no one is telling me so do you two know anything

No but I will find out

Mama Sang
Nope but as your Mama said I will find out too

Okay thanks

My best advice is to ask point blank don't let them keep things from you Harper , they always think they are doing us a favor but it doesn't

Sitting up I then decided to go cook that always helps me think
I went into the Kitchen and decided to make Cake , a three layer one . I set up the mixer , got the ingredients out
Put the butter near the oven to help soften it when I turned on the oven

Within fifteen minutes I had a cake batter made up but I needed to flavor them
I stood there looking at the batter for a moment then I decided to just do a vanilla cake but color the layers Green, Blue and Pink layers
Why because I can , separating the batter out for each color then pouring them into the cake pans

Put them in the oven then I cleaned the mixing bowl and beater so I could make a homemade buttercream icing
Once that was done I put it in the fridge to set up a little

After all that I put the mixer away and cleaned up my mess

I heard footsteps come into the kitchen

" Bambino What are doing "

" I'm cooking "

" I see that but why "

" Because I needed to think "

" About "

" What you three are hiding from me"

Morgan stood there for a second not saying anything

" That's What I thought "

" Harper Listen "

" No Morgan you Listen I don't like not being told what's going on , If you and your Brothers Can't trust me then this isn't going to work "

My phone went off with a text I looked at it

Hey Girlfriend I need to tell you that Marcus and I ended our relationship

What why

Because I caught him with another girl

What , Where are you now

At home

Come here I made a cake we can trash him while we eat it

Be there in ten

" That son of bitch "

I Called Jacks

Hey Harper what's up

Melody caught Marcus with another girl


Yeah she did

Where is she is she okay

She's headed here for cake and man bashing time

Alright I'll be over in an hour or so

Okay see you then

I hung up the phone and grinned

" What's that smile for "

"Oh nothing "

" Bambino "

" Okay if I tell you , You can not say anything to Jacks or Grey "

" Alright "

" Okay about two years ago I over heard Jacks an Grey talking about Melody, she was at the time Dating some one and They didn't like him so they kinda ran the guy off , it seems those two have a thing for her "

" You serious"

" As  Your Daddy Luke loves Chocolate, I can guarantee that both Jacks and Grey will show up tonight to console her "

"What's going on " Mason asked as he came into the kitchen

" Well Two things, Harper wants to know what we are hiding from her and the second thing is Melody caught Marcus with another girl and oh Jacks and Grey have a thing for her "

Mason looked at Morgan then at Harper but didn't Denied what I said

I growled grabbed my phone and then went to leave the kitchen
Before I could make it out Sammy stopped me

" Harper I know you feel like we aren't sharing everything with you but You Have to believe that We love you "

" Yeah you may love me but obviously you don't trust me " I said as I got past him

" When the timer goes off pull the cakes out and put on the counter I'll be in my room And No don't any of you come "

I left them standing there my anger was raising it was best I leave the room.

I went to my room shut the door walked over to bed climbed on it curled up with the pillow
My emotions were all over the place at this moment I wanted to cry , yell, punch something or eat .

I texted Daddy Axel

Daddy I'm so confused the guys are keeping something from me and when I confronted them they tell me that they do love me, but doesn't love include Trust
I just don't get it

Daddy -
Baby Girl yes love includes Trust , Please realize that at times We Men sometimes do keep things from the people we love it's not done to be mean it's to protect them even if at the time it doesn't seem like it . Those boys love you

I toss my phone down , sit up and then go to my closet pull out my bathing suit change , grab a towel then head to the hot tub to think

I make it the the hot tub drop the towel in the chair , walk over to the hot tub hit the button to start the jets
I climbed in standing for a second I hear the doors open and I see Morgan he takes in the view but doesn't move

I sink down into the water close my eyes letting the hot water soothe my muscles and hopefully my mind

Feeling the water displace I crack an eye open to see Mason climbing in naked
What the hell I thought

The water sloshes around the tub as he moves to sit next to me
He reaches for my hand under the water and holds it not saying Anything

" Harper " Mason says as his voice cracked
" Yes"
" There is a rumor that Todd put a hit out on you that's what we didn't want to tell you " Mason says
" We didn't want to worry you anymore than we have too , We should have told you and not keep things from you , I'm sorry my Jellybean"

" What about the other two "
" We had to draw straws on who came out and I drew the short one " Mason said
I sat there for a second or two then started to laugh
" You mean to tell me y'all are scared of me " I say as I laugh even more

Mason starts to laugh too then pulls me into his lap I am now Straddling him

" So is this part where we have make up sex and make them jealous " Mason said with a laugh

" Hmmm Maybe " I said back to him as I lean in and nibble on his neck

His arms were wrapped around me holding me down on his I felt his cock twitch to life getting harder by the second
His fingers quickly untie my top it floated off in the tub
Then they went to my bottoms and untied them they floated off too when he raised me up then dropped me down on his shaft

" Mmmm Mason "

" Yes Harper Love "

" Fuck me"

"With Pleasure "
He lifted up setting me on the edge of the hot tub
Water was splashed everywhere as we made love

" That was fun "
" Yes it was My Love now let's go in and get dried off and redress I'm sure Melody is here by now "

Once inside  We both heard Melody and also Jacks and Grey
I smiled at Mason who just shook his head at me

Quickly getting dressed and pulling up my hair into a messy bun I went to the living room to see Melody

" Awe My Mel Mel I'm so sorry that asshole did what he did " I tell her as I hug her

" I don't understand why " She said

" I don't either Melody but you know what we have cake and by the looks of it wine , beer , Chips , Pizza , Gee What else did you bring "

" Ice Cream " Jacks says

" What Kind " Melody asked him

" Cookies and Cream "

" Awe my favorite " Melody said

" Okay well let's frost the cake while the guys get the food ready and we can all go watch a movie or something and eat " I suggest

" Sure" they all said

Melody and I frosted the cake and talked as we did
Seems she had her suspicions about Marcus before but this time she caught him physically with the girl
Too which Jacks growled and Grey had clinched fist
I giggled at them , They are just like My Guys they just need to go ahead at tell her

After the cake was done and cut we took everything into the media room put it on the tables in there

We sat around watching a movie and talking about everything just like we did as kids

I was on my third glass of wine , Melody was on her fourth when she laid her head on Jacks shoulder looped her arm in his and closed her eyes an fell asleep

" I'm going to text Mama Melissa and tell her Melody is here with us since I know she is supposed to be at a safe house , Jacks, Grey y'all both welcome to stay too just let Our Parents  know "

" Yeah We will stay " Jacks says as he looks down at Melody with the same look Mason , Morgan and Sammy give me

I texted both sets of parents and told them what was going on because I know Melody wouldn't

Mama Melissa replied with So that's why she left the safe house tonight , She snuck out , Tell your brothers to make a damn move and if they break my daughters heart I'll kill them

I responded with you will have to stand in line because I'll be the first one in line

As Melody slept we continued to talk , Grey wanted to beat the hell out of Marcus so did Jacks But Morgan told them it would do more harm than good but if he came snooping around trying to apologize then maybe a good scaring would work

I wanted to know why after all this time Marcus would do such a thing Knowing full well she is well Protected and Loved ,and Does Caleb know Because he had always disliked Marcus from the beginning

Sending a short Text to Beanie to let her know what was going on so that she could tell Caleb to which she said She will tell him and that I should make sure Jacks and Grey know

I told Beanie that they knew they were here with us and they brought her favorite ice cream and I sent her a pic of Melody curled up next to Jacks asleep

" Alright guys lets go to bed it's after Midnight, Can y'all handle her or do I need too" I asked

" We Got her " Grey said

Grey leans down scoops up Melody she wakes up enough to know she's being carried
I hear her say " Stay with me tonight Grey"
" I will Babydoll" Grey says back
She looks down at Jacks who is still sitting on the couch and says " You too Jacks "
" Yes Angel "

Morgan , Mason , Sammy and I head to bed too but we all go to Morgan's room and go to bed
I'm sandwiched between Sammy and Morgan for now before I fall asleep I say to them
" Love you "

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