House of Gold - REMASTERED

By ShipperShippyShip

22.6K 359 580

Inspired by DrewDanisLuvv's fanfiction, I feel as if I could bring it into a better light. (Also check out Ha... More

Drew Moves In
On The Third Cold Night
Coming Home
The Story Painfully Continues
White Wedding (pt. 1)
White Wedding (pt. 2)

Chain Reaction

1.7K 22 27
By ShipperShippyShip

(Edited to fix plot holes and such)

It had been about two months since Danny had tried to commit suicide. Danny had been let out about a week after Drew came to visit due to the fact that his injuries weren't severe and healed quickly with rest.

Drew and Danny were taking a walk through the park. It was now Spring. They were chatting as they walked, looking around at the trees and flowers that sprinkled the landscape. Danny's fingers were intertwined with Drew's. In the past two months, they had grown more and more in love.

As they walked, Drew grew more and more wary of what he was planning. Many thoughts rushed through his head-- ones of doubt, ones of fear. He pushed those thoughts aside, cleared his throat, and just decided to do it.

"Hey, Danny. Can I show you something?"

"Mhm, of course. What is it?" Danny raised an eyebrow slightly.

Drew knelt down and Danny's expression changed instantly. He put his hands over his mouth as Drew pulled out a small box. He opened it and inside was a 1.2 carat diamond ring.

"Will you marry me?" Drew smiled, taking in Danny's expression, letting himself loosen up.

Danny embraced Drew excitedly, "Yes! Yes, of course, you idiot!" He pulled away from the embrace and held Drew's face in his hands. He kissed Drew passionately, not caring about any eyes that may have been watching.


Danny and Drew had a celebration. They went to a fancy restaurant and drank wine while discussing any topic that came to mind. They were laughing and smiling, holding hands across from the table, anything they could do to show affection. A great experience for both of them.

After they got home, they went to the couch and watched a movie in the dark with popcorn and other snacks. They eventually passed out on the couch together with the TV still on.

Danny woke up the next morning on the couch still. He blinked, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the light that was shining through the window. Drew was up making breakfast already and Danny could smell the food.

"Good morning, babe!" Danny said cheerfully.

"Good morning, Danny," Drew turned around and smiled.

After Drew was done making pancakes, eggs, and bacon, they sat down at the kitchen table to eat. Danny began to realize just how happy he was with Drew. He knew that Drew completed him, more than anyone else could. Even after everything that had happened in the past.


A few weeks had passed by. While eating dinner together, Danny decided to bring up a topic that almost made Drew choke on his food.

"Drew... I want to adopt a child."

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