House of Gold - REMASTERED

By ShipperShippyShip

22.6K 359 580

Inspired by DrewDanisLuvv's fanfiction, I feel as if I could bring it into a better light. (Also check out Ha... More

Drew Moves In
On The Third Cold Night
Coming Home
The Story Painfully Continues
Chain Reaction
White Wedding (pt. 1)
White Wedding (pt. 2)


1.7K 29 41
By ShipperShippyShip

(Edited to fix plot holes and such)

Drew woke up with a massive hangover. His head and stomach ached. He felt weak. He got up and stumbled over to Jackie's bathroom to threw up. He groaned as he got up from the toilet to put on his clothes from last night. After he slid on his clothes, he checked his phone. There was one missed call from the hospital that was nearby.

Drew listened to the voicemail they sent. The person calling explained that Danny had been hospitalized due to a suicide attempt. Drew stared at the ground, finally realizing what a piece of shit he was. But then he remembered the video Jackie had shown him.

Drew shook Jackie awake.

"Jackie... Jackie, wake up.", He said in a serious tone.

"H-Huh? Oh, good morning Drew," she smiled, looking at him from top to bottom.

"The video you showed me last night... Are you absolutely sure that it was real?"

"Yes... I'm fairly sure... that it wasn't," her smile turned into more of a smirk.

Drew stared straight ahead, his head still pounding, his legs shaking. He realized everything that had happened. She had tricked him. For some reason, she wanted Drew and Danny to be apart.

Drew slapped her, "What the fuck is wrong with you, woman!?"

He didn't wait for an answer. He stormed out of the house, grabbing his phone on his way out. He went to the sidewalk and hailed a cab, wanting to get out of there before Jackie could even dare to follow him.


Danny sat in his hospital bed, watching the TV that was across the room. A nurse came into the room with food on a tray-- breakfast, not that high quality of breakfast either. She handed the tray to Danny.

"You have a visitor," she said in a cheerful tone.

Danny wasn't really expecting anyone so soon, so he was a little shocked by the announcement.

The nurse walked out of the room as Drew walked in. Danny scowled at the sight of him.

"What do you want, Drew?" Danny said impatiently.

Drew looked at Danny, examining him and the damage on him.

"I came to say sorry, Danny. Jackie tricked me. She paid for drinks for me at a bar, she talked to me when I was feeling angry and horrible," Drew defended himself, "She made me listen to an audio clip of your voice saying all of these horrible things about me. I don't know how she did it, but it sounded surprisingly real."

"That's bullshit, Drew," Danny huffed.

"Listen, just, I know I did you wrong. If I came to say sorry to you like this, you can better believe that I care about you..."

Danny looked down, shaking his head.

"I don't know if I can forgive you..."

"I... I understand, Danny," Drew nodded.

Drew began to walk out of the room, putting his hands in his pockets. Thoughts ran through both of their minds. Danny sighed, thinking it over.

I guess it could have just been a mistake... But, is it really worth risking? Danny thought to himself.

"Drew... wait..."

Drew turned around to look at Danny. Danny had a sympathetic smile on his face.

"...I forgive you..."

Drew smiled a bit, "Thank you, Danny..."

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