Writer meets world {Maya/You}

By ZzzTheWriter

19.5K 635 158

Are you ready to save girl meets world? *Updates every Friday ❤* More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter One

5.6K 129 61
By ZzzTheWriter

It was like the stars had aligned for this night to occur. My parents were off celebrating their anniversary at a beach hundreds of miles away from home, while I got to spend the three day weekend with my best friend, Brandy. Brandy and I may be the only teenagers who would willingly spend days binge-watching a canceled Disney show, but who cares! Years ago my mom introduced me to boy meets world, and she and I watched the entire series together. I was in love. I introduced Brandy and needless to say she was addicted. I heard rumors there would be a sequel to the show called girl meets world, but at the time I paid it no mind. When I finally got into the show, it had already ended, but Netflix is a life saver!

There was junk everywhere. Empty pizza boxes, used tissues, soda cans, and fallen popcorn scattered my living room floor. Brandy and I were covered in blankets, lounging on my couch as we watched the final episode of Girl meets world.

"I can't believe Shawn adopted Maya," Brandy wipes away a tear of joy.

"He came so far! I love them so much," I squeal.

"What would you do if you were apart of GMW," Brandy casually asks.

"Like the show? That would be kinda dope," I nod.

"No I mean like what if Girl meets world was real," she clarifies.

"Oh. I dunno, maybe I would try and be friends with the infamous clique six?"

"Pfft, I would be way more than friends with Lucas and that is for sure!"

"I'm already internally cringing, ew!"

"Shut up! Like you wouldn't be all over Maya," Brandy laughs.

"What if she was all over me, dork!"

"In your dreams! She is so in love with Riley," Brandy smirks.

"If that is true, Riley is in love with Lucas," I throw a pillow at brandy playfully.

"Okay? I am willing to fight for my man!"

"Dude this is Riley Matthews we are talking about, you soulless monster," I gasp.

"A girl has to do what she has to do," she shrugs.

"Maya would drop kick you if you even looked at Riley the wrong way, "I laugh.

"Low-key though, I would have liked to see Maya in a fight," Brandy says.

"That would be kinda hot," I nod, feeling my cheeks getting warm at the comment.

"Of course, you would think that. You have the weirdest obsession with Sabrina Carpenter like, ever!"

"I do not! So what if I like her a little bit," I pout.

"A little bit? Ever since you discovered her name, you literally lose your shit at first glance."

"You're so dramatic!"

"Remember when Brandon came over and watched girl meets world with us?"


"He literally said, and I quote, what's the name of the girl who plays Maya Hart, and you not only told him her government name, but her parent's names, her sister's names, and her freaking dog's name!"

"It's good information!"

"Whatever fangirl," she laughs.

"I wonder why the show ended though, "I frown.

"I dunno, maybe the ratings were shit?"

"Nah, the show is too good for that!"

"Well, maybe the writers ran out of ideas," Brandy shrugs.

"If that's the case the should have hired me to write! I already know exactly what I would have done!"

"You can't put sex scenes in a Disney show Y/n."

I playfully glare at Brandy as she erupts into giggle fits over her own joke.

With a groan I move off the couch, letting my blanket fall off of me without a care, and gaze outside my window. The stars twinkle in the hypnotic night sky, the moon shining over my city. I have always enjoyed star gazing, something about the simple complexity of it all seems so enticing and magical. When I stare up at the night sky, almost everything seems so peaceful and nice, unlike my life.

I have been under a lot of stress as of lately. I am captain of the girl's track team and next week we face off against our rival school. Not only that, College reps will be watching the competition, adding even more stress on top of what was already there. Things in my home life have not been so great either. Next month I am supposed to be moving to another state, leaving behind all my friends I have had since pre-school. I feel terrible because I haven't even had the decency to tell them about the move. Every time I try, I end up pushing it off!

Girl meets world has been my distraction from my reality. They say escaping into fantasy is never healthy, but it's all I can do at this point.

As I look up into the dark abyss, a beautiful bright star, shoots across its stage and one thought is left in my mind.

I wish girl meets world was real...

Little did Y/n know, tonight would change the rest of her life, forever. That wish was made on January 16th, the day which would have been Maya Hart's 18th birthday. Unforeseen magic loomed in the air, and as the two girls fell asleep under the moonlight, that magic came to life. 

A heavy knock on my front door caused me to stir awake from my peaceful dreaming. I groaned to myself as I stumbled to answer it. I looked through the peephole and only saw blonde locks of hair.

my curiosity got the best of me and I opened the door.

My jaw dropped and my heart began to race. My blood seemed to run cold and I let out a scream of pure shock before the girl in front of me did the same...


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