Moving On {Valan}

By Captain_Cashby

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Six months after Vic's wife had passed his life had come to a standstill. After he finally got his daughter t... More



77 8 2
By Captain_Cashby

Vic's POV

I smiled as I felt the bed dip and Alan wrapped his arms around me, throwing the blanket over our heads. "Where'd you go?" I murmured, pressing my forehead against his.

"I went to check on Benji," he said sleepily.

"Took too long," I said, yawning.

"I'm sorry."

"You're fine, we gotta get up soon for work," I said.

"Yeah, I know," He whined.

"Trust me, I don't want to either," I told him.

"But we have to."

"Yes we do, the kids have to go to school and we have to be boring adults."

"I know that."

"But, I give us ten more minutes before we have to get up."

"I can handle ten more minutes."

"Yeah?" I asked, pressing my lips to his softly.

He nodded and deepened the kiss. I smiled and pressed my hand to the small of his back, pulling my boyfriend closer to me. Alan giggled a little before he rolled on top of me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, holding him in place on top of me.

"Just kissing you."

"Yeah?" I said, Alan placed a knee on either side of me and kissed me again.

"Yeah, is that okay?" 

"I am completely okay with it."

"Good to hear."

"I know, now shut up and kiss me," I told him.

He just smiled before pressing his lips to mine.  He wound his fingers in my hair and tugged at it gently.

"How much time do we have?" He asked pulling away from me.

"Five minutes still," I told him after checking my phone.

"What can we do in five minutes?"

I hummed. "You can blow me, I can eat you out like you like, whatever you want," I said.

"Those are both very tempting."

"Well you gotta pick one."

"I can't decide," he whined.

"Pick one," I sang.

"You pick."

"Nope," I said and checked the time. "Four minutes."

"We're gonna have to stick with just kissing then."

"Fine, guess you're not getting eaten out," I said with a huff.

"You wouldn't be able to make me cum that quick."

"Wanna bet?" I asked slyly.


I grinned and pushed him onto his back and pulled his pajama pants and boxers off.

"Look at you," He said running his fingers through my hair.

"Shush," I said and pushed my tongue inside of him, Alan let out a moan and his back arched.

"Fuck," he moaned. I squeezed his thighs lightly and took him in my hand and stroked him quickly. "Three minutes," he groaned.

I smiled to myself and went a little quicker, before I knew it, I felt his legs tighten and pulled away just as he came. I checked the time and smirked.

"One minute to spare."

"You're the worst," He said before pulling me into a kiss.

"Oh really?" I asked, my lips pressed against his.

He nodded, "Mhm, no one should be allowed to make me cum that fast."

"I'm pretty amazing then, aren't I?"

"Whatever," He said and rolled his eyes.

I grinned and poked his sides. "Say it."

"I'm not saying that."

"Come on, Ash, you know it's true," I sang, tickling his sides.

"No it's not," he said grabbing my hands.

"You're mean."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are," I said sadly. "Now, we need to get up."

"Let's go then."

"Come on," I said and climbed off of the bed.

He got up with me, slipping his boxers and pajama pants back on.

I smiled as I looked him up and down. "You're so beautiful," I told him softly.

"Oh hush."

"You're just mean," I said with a sigh and went to go wake Rosie up.

"I'm not!" Alan said, following behind me.

"Nope, you're mean. You hate me."

"I do not!" He said before he ran and jumped onto my back.

I let out a groan but held onto his legs to keep him from falling.

"I actually really like you Vincent."

"I actually really like you too, Ash."

"You're cute," He said and kissed my cheek, "And amazing."

"Thanks," I laughed.

"You're welcome handsome."

I chuckled and patted his leg and went into Rosie's room.

"Rosie," I said going over to her bedside.

"Hi Daddy," she mumbled, giving me a sleepy look.

"Wake up, you gotta get to school."

"I'm sleepy," she mumbled and looked at Alan. "Why are you on Daddy's back?"

"Because I want to be," Alan told her.

"Oh," she yawned.

"Yeah, do you think we should make you and Benji some good breakfast?" 

"Yes please. I want an omelette."

"You got it."  I gave her a look. "You need to get out of bed, though."

"I will."

"Good girl, make sure Benji gets up too," I said.

"Will do."

I smiled and ruffled my daughters hair and carried Alan down to the kitchen.

"You know how to make omelettes?" I asked him.

"Yes, I can make an omelette."

"That's a surprise," I teased.

"Don't be rude!"

"I'm not!"


I rolled my eyes and set him on the counter. He pulled me to him and kissed me deeply.

"We need to make breakfast, Darling," I murmured.

He ignored me as he kissed me. I smiled against his lips and deepened it just a bit before I pulled away and looked at him.

"What?" He asked.

"We gotta get stuff done.""

"I know, I know."

"So as much as I love it, you have to stop kissing me."

"I will, I will."

I smiled and pulled away only for Alan to take my face and kiss me again.

"Alan,"  I whined.

"Okay, Okay. I'm done now, I promise."



I gave him a look and went on to make breakfast.

"I'm being good," He said.

"Why is your hand on my ass?" I asked as I cracked some eggs.

"I just wanna touch," He said giving my ass a squeeze.

I smiled and leaned into his arms. "I'm okay with that," I laughed. Alan let out a little giggle and kissed my cheek as I cooked everyone's breakfast.


I sighed as I went through a giant stack of folders that had been dropped on my desk this morning. This job was honestly starting to wear on me. I hated my office job and I just wanted to go back to my bakery where I was happy. This place sucked and the only thing that brought my spirit up was Alan.  His bright, happy smile made everything okay while I was here and I was so happy he worked here. If he hadn't, I would have probably already left.

"Hey," Alan said coming into my office.

"Hey babe," I said with a small smile.

"How's it going in here?"

"I'm ready to just walk out," I said honestly.

"Well you can't do that."

"I want to," I said and Alan came over and sat on my lap and looked at the files.

"You can't," He said and kissed me softly.

"Why not?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Because I said."

"You're not my boss."

"I know."

"If anything, I'm your boss."

"You sure are," He said before kissing me deeply. I was thankful that my door was shut and no one could see in here.

I smiled and kissed him again. "I have work, Babe."

"I know, I know."

"I know," I mocked.

"Do you know?" He asked curiously.

"I do," I said and poked his sides.

"I have to go back to my desk."

"Give me one more kiss before you go."

"I can't, sorry. I'm working," He said getting up and walking to the door.

"You're fired," I told him.

"You would never."

"Come kiss me then."

"Nope, bye, bye boss man."

"Alan!" I whined.


"Come here," I said.

"Nah, you can come here."

I sighed and got up and pulled him into my arms.

"What are you doing Mister?" He asked brushing some hair from my face.

"Giving my beautiful boyfriend a kiss before I get back to work."

"Smart man."

"I know," I said and pressed my lips against his.

He wrapped his arm around my neck and holding me close.

"Go to work," I said against his lips.

"I am."

"You're kissing me."

"That I am."

"So you're not going to work."

"I'm about to."

He gave me one more kiss and went out to his desk. I smiled and watched him for a moment before I headed back to my desk when my phone started to ring.

"This is Victor Fuentes," I said professionally.

"Victor, this is Kayla from HR I need to talk to you about your relationship with one of your employees. Are you available to speak at the moment?"

"I am."

"Good, now, from what I have heard you are dating one of your employees, is that correct?"

"Uh yes, it is."

"You know that's not allowed," she said carefully. "Either one of you will have to transfer to a different department, resign or seperate."

"Okay, I'll talk to him about it."

"Good, call me back within the week."

"Yes ma'am."

Kayla hung up and i leaned back in my seat, letting out a loud groan. This was going to be a disaster.

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