The Sword and the Flame: The...

By CPBialois

267 28 0

This is the first book in my Epic Fantasy series that was released in 2012. I've been wanting to revise it so... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 19

6 1 0
By CPBialois

In the comfort of his room, Mern smiled at the sight of the treasure room. His smile froze for a moment as he assessed the players in his little game. The two females he could trust, or manipulate, to do as he wished. That was his sole reason for befriending them, but the three males... they posed an interesting problem. While the magical lock on the entrance wasn't his doing, he was curious as to whose it was; the enchantment on the tunnels, however, had been his own doing. He was in Renard's camp long enough to suspect the two humans were there for fear of the outside world, and once manifested, their fears would ensnare them in their strands. He couldn't have been more wrong, worse was how badly he judged the mage and her friend. Had it not been for the Dwarf, Galin, they would've been the ones trapped and he would've taken what little magic they had to enhance his own. At least, he could've used Berek and Gilliam if he had to, or he was certain it was a possibility.

Now, with his original plans torn asunder, he picked up the pieces and tried to rearrange them to fit into something else. Mern sensed a great power emanating from the fighter since he first saw the young man, but Berek trusted his instincts too much to be a reliable minion. Gilliam the cleric? He had a better chance of sharing the throne of the Gods with their beautiful warrior queen Valka than turning the cleric against his beliefs. Galin was too compassionate and grounded. Mern was left with little choice but to continue with the other two.

Mern glanced at the dragon orb in its stand off to his right. "Soon, my Master, soon, you shall have what you deserve." His eyes could only remain on the orb for another moment before he was forced to turn away. Its beauty was both a blessing and a curse for him. Too beautiful to look upon for long, but too beautiful to look away. Just like his master. That was part of the reason he was ensnared by her. The weakness of his body doomed him to servitude; perhaps, it could do the same to the most dangerous pieces in his game. Mern sat back in his chair. How to make use of such a weakness? His mind poured over different scenarios as a general would examine his plans before a great battle, always probing for a weakness in the armor.


A low whistle escaped from Berek as he gazed on the contents of the chamber. The others arrived the same moment as he and Gilliam, and aside from the Dwarf's exclamation, no one else spoke for the longest time. After what felt like an eternity, Janessa stepped forward and picked up a ruby the size of his hand.

"Jenny!" Viola wanted to shout, but her voice came out as a hissing whisper of warning.

Startled, Janessa spun around as she slipped the ruby into a pouch. "What? There's no one here. We found it so we get to keep it."

"I don't think that's what she meant." Gilliam's voice was tight as he fought for control. He had agreed to this because he didn't think the rumors were true. But now that they'd become reality, he disliked what he knew would happen. This wealth belongs to the city of Hope, he thought. Do we have a claim? As Gilliam thought one thing, he spoke another. "It may well be cursed. I doubt anyone would leave something this valuable unguarded or forgotten." He emphasized the final word to make a subtle argument, which earned him a look from his nephew. He ignored the look. "Perhaps, only the rightful owner may take it from here."

Everyone remained quiet for a moment as they digested the cleric's words. To Gilliam's astonishment, only Berek and Galin seemed to hear his subtle meaning. "He's right, lass. Best do a check before we try to take any more."

Janessa squirmed, not at what was said, but as a child would when they were told they couldn't play with their favorite toy. She looked to Viola. "I don't feel any different, but you'd better do it anyway." Janessa fought to keep her eyes on her friend, or any of the companions against the will her eyes seemed to express about returning to the treasure.

Viola nodded, bringing the necessary spell to mind. She hoped the entire chamber would be magiked, and then they could avoid potential arguments over how to share the treasure. She knew what Gilliam meant, and the look Berek gave the older man wasn't friendly in the least. At least, Janessa hadn't been offended; she took pride in not being a "common" thief.

With the words to the spell blazing in her mind, Viola took a pinch of sand from her pocket and tossed it in a wide arc so it encompassed the room while she began speaking the language of magic. It was the first time she attempted the reveal magic spell at that level, and she wasn't sure she did it properly. When the magic surged through her, she couldn't contain her gasp of joy when the ecstasy of the magic engulfed her and flowed into the chamber.

To everyone's surprise, and heartache, all but a small handful of items glowed. Drained, Viola placed her hand on the wall to steady herself. "Quickly... before the spell fades. Take whatever isn't glowing."

Not having to be told twice, and happy the ruby in her pocket hadn't started to glow, Janessa leapt into the treasure and started to grab everything that wasn't glowing or tied down, and of course, what she could carry. Galin and Berek, ignoring a pleading look from Gilliam, were far more gracious and reserved in their task. With so few objects not magiked, they were able to gather them all as the spell ended.

The group stood at the opening to the chamber holding everything from trinkets to jewelry to a diamond encrusted sash. None spoke as they looked at one another, bursting into laughter at the sight they each made with their arms burdened with the items.

Once they quieted, Galin said, "I don't suppose anyone thought to bring something to carry all of this?" There were eleven items in all; most were too large to carry without notice.

Gilliam had been the only one not to laugh at the lunacy of it all. He stood with a cynical smile on his face. "I suppose this means we put everything back." The rest of the group looked at him in shock. Berek was the first to move as he set his items on the ground. The cleric smiled with pride at his nephew, "Well done, Nephew."

Berek motioned for Gilliam to be quiet. The look in Berek's eyes was one of sorrow. "I'm sorry, Uncle, but we need your cloak.

Gilliam's smile vanished. My cloak? What could they want...? His thought trailed off when realization dawned on him. Irritated, he removed his heavy traveling cloak and handed it to Berek. "Stooping this low, Nephew?"

Berek took the cloak as well as his and spread them out on the ground. In a moment, he had them crisscrossed into a sturdy sack and put the items that would fit into its center. Once done, he twisted and tied the four ends together to form a type of handle, then handed it to Galin.

With his endeavor finished, his eyes locked with Gilliam's in a forceful battle of wills neither of them could break. "Not all of us are privileged to come and go as we please, Uncle."

The rest of the small group looked on for a moment. Viola and Janessa expected to see punches thrown or some kind of manly display between the two. Galin shifted uneasily as he watched. "Easy, lads, it's been a long day. Some ale and roast will make us all feel better."

Gilliam flushed, ashamed of what he said and contemplated doing. After everything that happened in the last day to improve their relationship, he almost wrecked it with a single act. "Berek, I..."

Berek turned from him; too angry to hear anything his uncle had to say. "Can you get us out of here?" he asked Viola, not wishing to make a scene.

Viola nodded. "Where do you want to go?" Berek shrugged, anywhere but there was said without a word being spoken.

"To our room. There we can rest and figure out what to do next." Janessa's suggestion went unchallenged, and with a nod, Viola took another pinch of sand from her pouch, throwing it at the wall as she spoke the magical words. A large circular doorway appeared with swirling purple and white smoke in front of the image of a room at the inn. The swirling texture of the portal suggested a powerful wind, but none of them felt the slightest brush of air.

They entered with Galin muttering about how Dwarves weren't made to travel by such means. Berek and Gilliam stepped through last. A nod and slight smile from his nephew let Gilliam know all was forgiven. Not everyone was able to overcome their lifelong teachings in one day, and Berek understood that better than most.

The journey through the portal wasn't unpleasant like Galin expected, rather, it was as simple as walking into another room. Aside from a tingling sensation similar to traveling during a lighting storm, he had no complaints. But be that as it may, he couldn't ever remember being so grateful to feel solid wood beneath his feet. Being that he's a Dwarf, such a claim was damn close to a miracle.

"That was great! It sure beats that levitation spell of yours, Viola!" Janessa danced around the room, overjoyed at the experience.

Galin shook his head while setting the makeshift bag of treasure on the floor, then leaned back to stretch his back muscles. "I'm getting too old for this."

A hand clapped him on the shoulder. "You've got another hundred years in you." The laughter buried in Berek's tone was no surprise to the Dwarf.

Galin glanced up at Berek, noticing both the smile and Gilliam's changed mood. So, he hadn't been mistaken about the imbedded laughter. Relieved to see they had buried the axe, and not in each other's head, Galin returned the smile. "Aye, lad, so long as I'm not used as a pack mule."

"But you're built for it." Berek's comment earned him a raised eyebrow from Gilliam and surprised looks from Janessa and Viola, but Galin burst into laughter. It was something he enjoyed about the human — few could match his peculiar sense of humor.

"And you're built like an elf; though no where near as ugly." Galin's words came between chuckles that shook his entire body.

Janessa started laughing with them, the terror and uneasiness they experienced just a few minutes earlier seemed like an eternity ago. "So... how do we divide it?"

A good question and each considered it while not wanting to offend their comrades. "I suggest we take turns choosing. Afterwards, we could trade for an item we didn't get. Agreed?" It took a moment before everyone realized it was Gilliam who spoke, but each agreed it was the fairest way to split the spoils. The next question was obvious, but Gilliam cut it off before it grew legs and ran. "You should go first, young lady; you did lead us to it." He motioned to Janessa; the surprise was evident by the look on her face.

Berek couldn't help but smile. "Are you certain, Uncle? No charity?" The rest paused for a moment, certain that would spark another argument between the two. Indeed, Berek meant for it to test Gilliam as to whether he had changed or if he was faking it to avoid a confrontation, something their family had always shown a talent.

To Gilliam's credit, he knew and understood what Berek meant. Trust was earned, but there was a limit to everything. Gilliam nodded. "It isn't charity, Nephew. Everyone here earned it."

Confused, but willing to accept their terms, Janessa patted her pocket where the ruby was. "Thanks, but I got mine already."

Viola smiled, shaking her head. There was something about Janessa she could always count on besides her loyalty as a friend: she spoke her mind. When everyone looked at her, Viola flushed and motioned to Galin. "You first, Sir Dwarf. If it hadn't been for your bravery, we'd still be in the tunnel."

Galin flushed from embarrassment. He knew his fear would've had him pleading with her to cast a spell to get them free if they were trapped any longer. But he is a Dwarf, and they don't admit they're afraid under any circumstances. Besides, he reasoned, it'd ruin the moment and the festive mood they were sharing. So, reassured he was doing so out of a chivalrous nature, he settled on the diamond encrusted scarf.

To answer the strange looks and smiles the others gave him, he shrugged. "The diamonds are harder than rock; a Dwarf must respect that." The others smiled, but none more so than Janessa, who began developing certain feelings for the Dwarf. After their time in the tunnel, he seemed more like a father to her than a friend.

Next was Viola; the young mage looked over the pile with a careful eye. She knew what she wanted. She saw it as soon as they entered the chamber. After a moment, she found the item of her desire hidden under a small pile of jewels. She felt a wave of accomplishment sweep over her as she held a tiny crown in her hand. Made of gold with silver lining underneath and various gems imbedded in the precious metal, it seemed to shine with a light all of its own. An intake of breath next to her caught Viola's attention.

"That's beautiful! I wish I saw it." Janessa's eyes looked as though they wanted to leap from her head at the beauty of the crown.

Viola smiled, resting a hand on her friend's shoulder. Janessa returned the smile since she took what she wanted, and contrary to popular belief, Halflings never stole from their friends. The rest of the distribution went smoothly as the only items of worth was a hand carved walking stick decorated with gold and a medallion with the healing God of Light's symbol of two open hands, palms facing out resting on one another. That piece, Gilliam took as it was only fitting a cleric of Fallor should carry it.

Once everything was divided as equally as possible, Viola and Janessa went about the business of finding room for their guests. While the Horse's Head was comfortable, their room was barely large enough to accommodate the two of them. To fit five would have involved a magical undertaking, to say the least. Also, there was Old Man Winston to consider. Janessa knew from experience that he didn't like having extra guests in the rooms. The problem, as she saw it, was there weren't any open rooms for them. Unsure of what to do, she voiced her concerns to Viola and the others.

When Janessa finished, the five of them considered their problem for a few moments. It was well after midnight, so they couldn't check into another inn since no one was admitted into the city after dark and doing so would've raised suspicions. Besides, the three males were still covered in Ogre blood, albeit it was mostly dry by that point, and wouldn't be admitted into a tavern, much less any reputable inn.

Galin shrugged and caressed his beard. "Only thing to do is stay in my tent."

Berek and Gilliam looked at him as though he sprouted a second head and began breathing fire. "Back to Renard's camp? That's insane." Gilliam shook his head. "We'd all be dead.

"Not necessarily. He probably thinks we've run off or the Nursk Brothers killed us." Berek's mind was working over the possibilities. They had options, albeit not very good ones.

"But Fech will surely be looking for us." Gilliam didn't say the word 'you', which gave Berek some much needed relief.

"He should've been waiting for us with the Ogres; even though they hated each other, he wouldn't disobey Renard." Berek's argument made sense, but something about it didn't feel right.

"Unless he's off on his own mission. Don't forget, lad, seeing the Nursk Brothers dead would be worth the risk to a gargoyle." Galin crossed his arms in thought; it was too dangerous for them to return. Even if he was off on his own, Fech could easily find them. Of that, he was certain.

At the mention of the word gargoyle, Janessa's eyes opened wide. "I've never seen a gargoyle, how big is it?"

Viola shook her head and Gilliam answered without breaking his concentration. "Too damn big."

While the rest tried to think of something that could be done, Berek found a corner of the room and sat on the floor with his back and head resting in the corner against the wall. "We've had a long night. Let's get some rest and figure out what needs to be done in the morning."

The others stopped and looked at him as he yawned. Gilliam and Galin exchanged glances and smiled. "Ladies, it looks like we'll take you up on your offer for the night."

Both Janessa and Viola smiled at them; both watched their guests find their spots on the floor to spend the remainder of the night. Each of the women smiled for different reasons. Janessa liked the company; having them around gave her a sense of family she hadn't felt in years. Viola smiled because somewhere in her mind, she knew things would get easier. She didn't believe it in a visceral way, she just felt elated for a reason she couldn't identify. Sometime in that hour, the last of the companions drifted off to sleep while down the hall an old mage made ready his plans.

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