The Maid

By Youngwriter333

18.5K 357 79

A Fanfic with the charaters from Lost Girl. Lauren the Maid and Bo's the mistress! More

Chapter One "The Results"
Chapter 3 "London"
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
The Maid - Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 2 'Meeting Bo'

1.5K 29 9
By Youngwriter333

Lauren woke up with the sun peeking through the curtains on the right side.

Being on the 6th floor has is disadvantages, she thought. Lauren got up and went into her kitchen. She boiled her kettle and got herself a coffee cup. She got the open can of dog food out of the fridge and grabbed Jeanie’s food bowl, which was in the laundry room. Lauren took the glad wrap off the wet dog food and put some in the bowl. Jeanie was by Lauren’s feet with her head off to the side, looking cute and adorable.

“Go get Kitty’s bowl and then you will get your food,” Lauren said watching Jeanie scurry off to the laundry. Jeanie came back with the purple bowl for Kitty. Kitty’s bowl was bigger than Jeanie’s head and she looked funny carrying it. Jeanie placed the bowl near Lauren’s feet. Lauren picked the bowl up and put the other bowl down. Lauren put the dog food can back in the fridge and got Kitty’s food out. Lauren finished making herself a coffee and giving Kitty her food. Kitty came and ate her breakfast while Jeanie was still licking her bowl clean and making sure there was no food left.

“Take your bowl back to the laundry.”Lauren stood there and watched her dachshund’s little legs run off to the laundry. Lauren smiled and drank her coffee. She looked at the calendar on her fridge. March, Monday, brand new week of work. Lauren worked for a little cleaning company. She was a maid and at the very moment she was working for Mr Niall and was one of the best maid in new York. She sat at her dining table and finished drinking her coffee. Jeanie sat at her feet and growled.

“I know,” Lauren said. It was a tradition ever since Lauren got Jeanie; Jeanie always had the leftovers of her coffee. Lauren looked over at her cute dachshund and smiled. Jeanie was on her hind legs begging.

“Fine.” Lauren had one more sip and put the coffee mug down on the floor. Jeanie’s nose disappeared and Lauren could hear her licking up the coffee. Lauren got up and organised what she was wearing for the day. She was going to have a shower but realized she had a bath yesterday and decided to have one later that night. Lauren got out her house cleaner uniform, white and black. She showed off her legs with nice black panties hoes.  She was black flat sneakers. She tied her hair back in a simple low ponytail. Her hair had natural lose curls, which made her ponytail look messy at times. She went back out to the dining area and Jeanie had finished with the coffee mug. She put the mug in to the sink and made sure the laundry could be accessed if the dog needed to do its business. She grabbed her coat and left the house.

Before going to work she picked up two coffees. The coffee guy always knew what she was getting so she never had to wait. The guy always made the cream into a heart shape. Lauren left her car in the underground car park and walked the rest of the way. She only did this because she knew that the coffee guy liked her. He always had, since she moved here four years ago. He was nice but was not her type. Lauren waited for her friend outside of work.

“Morning Laruen,” Kenzi said, grabbing her coffee from Lauren’s hand and gave her a hug.

“Morning,” Lauren returned.

“So what did the doctor say yesterday? The news must not have been that bad or you would’ve called me,” Kenzi said with great enthusiasm. Kenzi has black hair but she usually does something different to it every day. This time she got a blonde streaky. She had a skinny figure, just as skinny as Lauren. Her eye colour was usually blue-green but changed colour when she was in a different mood. Kenzi was the kind of person to put a smile on your dial. She was always bubbly and never looked down or sad.  They met under wired circumstances, Kenzi tried to steal Lauren's watch. All Keniz was saying "It so shiny" then Lauren help Keniz to get a job. Kenzi still a thief at heart. They became the best of friends after four years.

They both entered the door and took the 3 flights of stairs instead of the elevator. They entered the main office and went to Kenzi’s locker

Lauren didn’t want Kenzi to worry about her just yet so didn’t tell her what really happened.

“You’re right, Kenzi. There was nothing wrong.” Lauren wished she hadn’t told her that she had a doctor appointment but Lauren didn’t think at the time. When she went to her locker, Frankie was in it.

“Sorry, Lauren.”

“Not again,” Lauren said. Lauren rested her coffee in the box that held all of her things. She went to Kenzi’s locker and put the box near Kenzi’s feet.

“He did it to you again, didn’t he?”

“Six times in the past two months,”

Lauren took her coffee out of the box and put it near Kenzi’s locker.

Lauren took her woollen black coat off and hung it around Kenzi’s.

“I’ve had enough. I am going to talk to Mr. Stilton about this. I am sick of it!”

Lauren stormed off and didn’t even knock on his door.

His sectary came running after her.

“Miss Lewis, you can’t go in there!”

“Too bad, I am.” She growls

“Miss Lewis,” Mr. Stilton said, standing up from the chair quickly.

“I have a bone to pick with you,” Lauren said pointing her finger at him.

“I have someone who you might like to meet, Miss Lewis.” He held his hand out towards her.

Lauren had not realized that someone was there and she did not pay any attention to her.

Her boss took his seat and looked at the person still sitting behind Lauren.

“This is a very important person, Miss Lewis. I would highly advise you not to be so rude.”

“You want to talk about rude, Mr. Stilton? You have been moving my work ever since I started working here. I haven’t stayed at one house for more than a month.” Lauren stood there with her arms folded underneath her breast.

Her boss’s brown hair shined in the summer sun coming from the window. He would have been a really good looking man if it wasn’t for the big mole on the left side of his cheek.

“Miss Lewis, if you may, I will explain something to you and I think the women behind you could help.”

“Help you to stop changing where I work all the time?”

“No Miss Lewis. Just sit down, please.”

As she sat, Lauren looked at the women sitting behind her. She looked like a very rich women. Her dark, brown hair was loosely curly, hanging down her shoulders, her fringe pinned back. His face held no expression and she just watches at me. She was captivating, and Lauren felt safe and danger in her presence. She wore a leather jacket, tights and boots that reach mid length of her calves. Lauren was staring and she knew it so she turns back to her boss.

The boss stood up from his desk again. “Miss Lewis, this is Miss Bo Dennis. She wants to hire staff from this company and I was just telling her what a polite staff we have.”

Lauren felt humiliated. She had just been rude to the world’s richest women.

“I’m so sorry Miss Denis I didn’t mean to be so rude, I do apologise.” Lauren blinking a lot and her mouth going dry.

Bo did not smile. She just looked quite angry.

“Anyway,” the boss continued, “I think Miss Denis would like to consider something with you.”

“And what is that?” Lauren asked, taking a seat.          

“Why don’t we get some coffee or tea Mr. Stilton?” Bo asked.

Lauren nearly choked on her own saliva. Bo voice was the sweetest, calmest voice she had ever heard and it caught her attention. Her voice made her feel like she was a woman who knew what she was doing.

“Let’s do that,” Mr. Stilton said, calling in his secretary.

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