
By TaurusDoodles

7.7K 287 738

His wings were grand, crafted delicately, beautifully. His wings were bound together with wax; tightly welded... More

The labyrinth

Crafted with wax, forged with feathers

2.8K 131 235
By TaurusDoodles

The two just laid there. Cuddled up together. Hawks had his arms wrapped tightly around Dabi's waist. Any tighter and he'd squeeze the life out of his boyfriend. It was just a lazy Saturday. Hawks always had Saturday afternoons off. And it was nearing Christmas. Only a few more days to go until their first Christmas together. They began dating in the early spring, around April last year.

Dabi shifted under the comfy light blue blanket, turning over to face his beloved bird brain. "Hey." Dabi whispered. Hawks just smiled. They stared at each other for a minute before Dabi continued. "You need to shave."

Hawks snorted, Dabi catching him of guard. "Why do I need to shave?" Dabi leaned in close to his lips, talking just above them.

"Because I hate beards. Goatees included." Hawks could feel the others' lips brush over his own, taunting him in a way.

Hawks snorted again, bumping his forehead to Dabi's. "What do you have against beards and goatees? Maybe because you can't grow one yourself?"

It was Dabi's turn to laugh. "No. I have reasons to hate them."

"Like what kind?" Hawks rose a brow.

Dabi smirked as he used his strength and stature to flip his lover over to his back, getting on top with a sly look. He leaned in to Hawks' face once again. "Its a turn off..."

"Oh really?" Hawks bit his lip.


They connected lips passionately. The scarred man began to explore his boyfriend's ever familiar cavern, while Hawks ran his hands through black locks, a soft, muffled moan escaping. Dabi's hands wandered underneath his lover's T-shirt, rubbing along his toned muscles.

They broke apart for air and readjusted themselves- and then there was a knock at the door.

Hawks groaned. "Seriously!?" He whisper-yelled to the ceiling.

"Ignore them." Dabi chuckled as he went in on his avian's collarbone. But Hawks pushed him away to the side. Dabi pouted with a docile scowl.

"Don't look at me like that," Hawks rolled his eyes. "I have responsibilities you know."

"You? Yeah right." Dabi watched his lover get up and leave the room, leaving him there.

A couple minutes later, Hawks came back in with a panicked look. "Hide." He whispered harshly.

"What? Wh-"

The winged man spoke through his teeth. "Endeavor is here!"

Dabi panicked. He couldn't go out the window because they were too high up. What was he to do? "Under the bed." Hawks looked the other dead in the eyes.

"Under th-?" Hawks cut him off as he heard footsteps.

"Just get under there before he sees you dammit!" Dabi threw himself to the messy carpeted floor and crawled underneath the bed. He heard Hawks opening his door back up.

"I thought I told you to hurry. Detective Tsukauchi is waiting." Endeavor snapped.

"Hold your damn horses. I have to get dressed." Hawks sassed. "Now, if you'd please be so kind to move!" Without another word he shut the door.

Dabi rolled out from under and peeked over the edge, seeing Hawks rapidly trying to slip his wings through his undershirt holes. Dabi checked the door before rushing over and helping.

"Thanks, Blue Jay." The avian quickly pecked the taller man on the lips. "Sorry our time is being cut short."

Dabi plopped down softly on the bed. "Its okay for the most part. Just upset big, broody, and bitchy interrupted us." He whispered harshly.

Hawks chuckled lowly as he slipped into his pants. "I'll make it up to you tonight though! I rented the Wolf Children, that movie you said you wanted to see?"

Dabi fell back onto the bed, smiling. Hawks could always remember little tidbits about him, no matter how insignificant. "Did you buy the yeast like I asked you to? So I can make the little bread loafs for dinner?"

Hawks snaked his way over, putting his knee between his lover's legs. "Yep. I got the yeet last night."

"Yeast, Cardinal. Not yeet." Dabi corrected. Endeavor harshly knocked on the door, a booming "hurry up" following.

"I LOST MY SHOE, HOLD ON!" Hawks lied. He always threw his shoes in the bathroom next to the tub, he knew where they were.

"Seems like d- Endeavor," He caught himself for whatever reason. "Really needs you. You know what for?" Hawks removed himself from over Dabi and looked away.

"Uh, lets leave hero business out of this, shall we?" He nervously avoided eye contact.

Dabi was confused for a second and then he realized. "Shit... You.... Y-you guys all found out, didn't you?"

"Whaaaaat? I don't know what your- please don't report back to Shigaraki!"

Dabi rose up. "No! N-no... Uh.... I..." He shook his head. "I wont. I've just been faking it since Halloween. I, uh, didn't agree with the capture of Midnight, or in the, uh, the beginning when we took Ms. Joke. I never signed up to do that. I'm not going to report back..."

Dabi took a breath. He was never very good at sharing. "I've killed, yeah, but never pro heroes. Honestly been too scared to...."

"Being too scared to murder is a good thing. Sounds like my blue jay is getting better then." Dabi blushed a little, the corner of his mouth upturned.

"I guess..." Hawks was trying to reform Dabi. They agreed to help each other out when needed so the man was compliant.

"Promise you won't tell." Not a question. A statement. Dabi nodded. "Alright, well.... They did find out who the traitor is. I was surprised to hear Cheeto Buff say it was the funny hero, yunno?" Dabi looked away, feeling guilty.

"A-anyway," Hawks dashed to the bathroom. "I'll text you when its clear for you to leave." He came back out with his boots, plopping down on the bed to put them on.

"See you tonight?" He gave him a caring smile.

"See you." Dabi gave him a quick kiss and watched him leave.

༺ ༒ ༻

"I ALREADY TOLD YOU TWICE! WE ARE NOT DATING, WHICH MEANS I AM NOT CHEATING ON YOU!" Dabi slammed his door shut, exhausted beyond belief. Everyone was so hyped up for no reason, Shigaraki even seemed on edge. The scarred man just plopped face down on his bundle of blankets and few pillows. He lifted himself up and pulled out a creme colored journal from underneath, opening it up to a small collection of photos of him and Hawks.

Dabi traced his thumb across one of the photos of Hawks trying to bake a cake. He had flour all over his apron, his hair was pulled back yet he somehow still got egg in it. They were making the frosting in this photo so Hawks had chocolate frosting on his hands and parts of his face. The man was such a messy worker, he would get ingredients in places you wouldn't think he could. Dabi was more organized so he was spotless. He took his baking, and occasional cooking, very seriously. It was the only thing that made him feel less like a villain and more like a normal person.

After being with Hawks for a while, Dabi wanted to change. So he asked the hero to help him. He was still determined to carry out at least some revenge on the "hero" Endeavor, but at least Stain's ideology dwindled down to one individual. He just has no desire to hurt other heroes anymore, but if it came down to acting as though he did, for the sake of the league, he would. He was just going to wait it out. Wait until they're done with him so he and Hawks can possibly move away, Dabi could go back to school, after that, attend culinary school, then open up his bakery. He had it planned out. A happy life with that dumb bird brain he so loved.

Although, he was ready to give it all up and drop everything, run off with him, stay together at least one more year and then get married, and possibly adopt. He just wanted a life. A good life. After Hawks showed him the good qualities to the hero profession and to life itself, he wanted nothing more than to change for him.

There was a knock on his damaged door and he knew exactly who it was; Toga. She was the only one in this run down cabin who actually knocked. Dabi shoved the photos away and shouted a soft permission.

Toga came in, wearing her usual getup, except with an added blanket draped around her body. "Hey Calcifer," She dove onto his makeshift bed, cannonballing next to him casually. "Saw you coming back early. Why?" Dabi dropped, body fully connecting with the blankets again.

"Unwanted visitor. Took all my willpower not to murder his ass right then and there." He grumbled. "We were gonna have more cuddle time. A-and he was cuddling me this time! I like it when he wraps his wings around me after he falls asleep!" Toga listened to his whining.

Her bottom lip protruded in sympathy. "Want me to go stab them? The intruder?"

Dabi sighed frustratingly. "No. You already know I plan to take Endeavor out soon. I've got this." Toga pouted as she buried herself further into her blanket.

"Ugh," She groaned. "Its so cold in here. Why'd you choose a room without a furnace?"

The older male rose a brow. "Uh, because I am a furnace?" He sassed.

"I hate you..." Toga mumbled into the blanket. She was about to say something more when there was a tap at the dirtied window. Dabi rolled over to see a hazy, yet recognizable, outline of brown and red.

I told him never to come here! Dabi thought.

"What's Big Bird doing here?"

"I dunno...." He got up and unlatched the window, the bird-like man waving from atop his little perch.

"Hey Parakeet!" He whispered cheerfully.

"What are you doing here!?" Dabi whispered harshly as he pulled his boyfriend in by the arm. "Are you trying to get dusted by the Thanos ripoff!?"

"Hey pretty bird." Toga waved from under the brown cover.

"Hey psycho bitch." He waved back. He disregarded his boyfriend's movements of protest as he flopped down from the dresser he was pulled onto, dropping onto the nest of blankets. He began to strip from his heavy coat, slipping out while Dabi talked about him leaving.

"You cold? Take my jacket. I'm used to the cold. Grew up in it." Toga didn't hesitate in taking the light brown coat, wrapping it around herself whilst still in the blanket. "Plus, I've got myself a personal heater." He winked over at Dabi who scoffed in response.

"Leave." He said through gritted teeth.

Hawks ignored him. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a couple bags of chips. "I got you some wasabeef chips. Sorry its open already. I ate a chip. I puked. I hate wasabi." He gave him a wide smile contrasting against his lover's scolding head tilt and scowl.

"Leave before the mophead walks in and sees you." He warned.

"Can I have some chips? Not the wasabi ones." Toga was deliberately going against him to annoy him.

"Sure!" He opened up his own bag of corn chips, Toga reaching her hand out and taking a couple then mouthing them.

"You both suck." Dabi deadpanned. "Why are you here, Cardi- Hawks?" He was so used to calling him by his pet name.

Hawks shrugged. "Yeah. This does suck. Hey! Maybe if you, I dunno, finally brought me to the mophead, as you call him, then maybe we could be an open couple!"

"Off topic. Why are you here?"

"You're so pretty when you're frustrated." He mused.

Dabi pinched the bridge of his nose. "W-we've talked about this Hawks. So please.... Please go before you get hurt. Okay?"

"Dabi is a softie confirmed." Toga said as she snacked on some more corn chips.

"Stay out of this Toga!" Dabi glared. "What do you need Hawks? Just tell me already."

Hawks huffed. "Fiiiiine! Jeez your persistent." The bird like man fell back on to the covers, his wings recoiling tighter against his backside. "We have to cancel tonight."

"Ooooh drama!" Toga mused. Dabi glared at the girl. She got the nonverbal message and begrudgingly unwrapped herself from Hawks' coat. She threw it over his face and left, her blanket trailing behind on the floor.

Dabi waited a minute to talk, making sure the coast was clear on the other side of the door. "Why? Something come up?" He leaned up against the dresser.

Hawks hesitated as he uncovered his face. "Well? What is it, Cardinal?"

The avian sighed. "They need me out on patrol every night now." He paused to sit up, looking the other in the eyes. "They're closing in on her. Ms. Joke. They're gonna try and catch her in the act."

Dabi's face softened. Then it fell. She would spill everything once they caught her. And Dabi would be arrested. A look of utter disappointment with an undertone of worry and anxiety wrapped around Dabi's features like a bow. Hawks scanned his expression instantly. "What? What is it, Dabs?" Hawks stood and came closer, laying a hand on the other's, their chests connecting. Hawks could feel the strong heat radiate off of him.

"I'm just.... I know this is selfish to think but..." Dabi dropped his head down onto the shorter man's shoulder. "Once she's found out, we'll probably be broken up. Because I'll go to jail. And... A-and I..." Dabi trailed off, unable to finish.

He always had a hard time conveying his feelings. He'd end up angry with himself for feeling whatever way. Hawks would often cool him down by talking over his pissy rambles or break him out of his trances with a tight hug.

Hawks went in for a soft hug, feeling Dabi reciprocate it with a tight squeeze. The bird man sighed into the other's shoulder. "I know.... Your scared. I am too. But..." He thought a second before continuing. "But I guess that's what we signed up for. Your a villain, I'm a hero... Its... Its only logical."

Dabi didn't say a word. Hawks huddled into his shoulder further. His words came out muffled but still audible, "But maybe I can bail you out? Get a case going to get you into the best reform center out there. I mean, look at the progress we're making now. You're basically a different man from when we first met."

Dabi hummed lowly. Hawks continued. "After your finished with the court issued reform, we can go mountain hiking like you always wanted. Then we can open up your bakery. I'll be your professional taste tester, just to let you know." Dabi snorted.

"You'd eat the entire bakery..." He mumbled.

Hawks nodded against his neck. "I would. I really would."

Dabi was the one to pull away. He swallowed hard, nervous. "You should go. In case mophead barges in."

"Right. I'll see you later then." The avian smiled sweetly. "I love you Blue Jay."

Dabi leaned down and gave him a quick peck. "Love you Cardinal. See ya."

༺ ༒ ༻

It was the day before Christmas Eve. Neither had seen each other since Saturday. Hawks was far too busy with his work, robberies and such being more apparent since it was so close to the holiday. But they talked and thought up a solution; during Hawks' lunch break, they could go to his apartment, they'd have some KFC, because it was Hawks's favorite, and an entire bottle of melon soda, Dabi's favorite.

Hawks had set up a small nest of his comfiest blankests and pillows, set up his laptop with a fireplace gif, propped up his tablet and put on a playlist of their favorite vine compilations- they only had thirty-five minutes to spend together so they couldn't watch a movie or get engrossed in their favorite show.

Hawks set the final pillow down on the floor in front of the sofa, smoothing out one of blankets, just as he heard a tap at his window. He looked over to his fire escape and saw just the man he was waiting for. He jogged over and unlatched the window's lock and held it open, Dabi climbing through and over the edge.

Hawks closed his window back up and Dabi plopped down on the nest of blankets. Hawks soon joined him.

"Hey," Dabi leaned his head down on the other's shoulder, snuggling closer. "Got the melon soda?"

"Is that all your worried about?" Hawks smirked. Dabi shrugged. He hummed out a casual yeah, the avian snorting in response.

Hawks went to press play on the video he had waiting for them, but it began to buffer, making the two groan. "Hand me a breast, I wanna drown my sorrows in greasy poultry." Hawks complied with his lover's request, handing him the family sized bucket of still warm chicken, a couple napkins sliding into his scarred hand as well. Hawks grabbed himself a chicken leg.

"So why have you been so busy?" Dabi asked between mouthfuls. Hawks looked into the other's turquoise eyes momentarily, quickly looking away. He sat his half eaten chicken leg down on his own napkin.

"Let's not, uh, talk about work..." Dabi narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"Why not?"

"Uh... Well... I know you hate Endeavor, for whatever reason, and... I've been working with him a lot these past few days so... Yeah." Dabi put his own chicken down, wiping his hands with the extra towel.


"You know, I don't even understand why you hate the guy so much. You've refused to tell me, even after being together for a year." He picked his chicken leg back up, not at all noticing the small scowl growing on his boyfriend's face. "In fact, you're actually a lot like him. Broody, easily frustrated, you both even prefer spicy foods-"

"I'm nothing like him." Dabi growled. The video began to play but both men ignored it. Dabi stood abruptly, stomping off to the bedroom.

"Dabi!? Babe, hey!" Hawks sprung up and went after him desperately. But Dabi shut the door before the other could come in, locking it.

"Babe come on! Open the door!" No verbal response. All he heard was something hitting the ground. "Dabi please, open up! I'm sorry I said that! I shouldn't of!"

There was another thump and thud before the man yelled, "I AM NOTHING LIKE THAT BASTARD! D-DON'T SAY THAT EVER AGAIN!" Something hit the door with a thunk. Hawks recoiled back.

It was quiet now. That worried him. He cautiously leaned in and put his ear to the door, his metal earring scraping wood on contact. He listened in and heard..... Sobbing?

No. Just rapid breathing. It was like a dry sob.

Hawks stood and contemplated his next actions; he could be a badass and kick the door in to check on his boyfriend, but... What if he needed to be alone?

But it really hurt him knowing that the man he loved dearly was on the other side of the door having a difficult break down, all because of him.

And so he kicked the door in.

Huddled up in the corner by the bathroom, small flames wafting from his upper arms, burning through the dark hoodie he wore, was Dabi. His chest heaving, begging for air. His hair was a disorganized mess, as if he were digging his hands through it.

Hawks looked around. His room was already a mess, but it was an organized mess. But now... Well now his only first aid kit was everywhere on the floor, his light jackets and winter coat where no longer hung in his closet, and his favorite childhood toy, a vintage Endeavor action figure, was in pieces with the torso half melted.

Dabi caught his gaze, looking up panicked. "I-I-I'm sorry..." He stuttered out. He looked so... Scared? His voice wasn't his usual tone either. "I-I didn't m-mean to. I swear." His breath was shaky.

Slowly, Hawks approached him. "No... No its fine, babe. Its-"

"Please I didn't mean it dad!" Hawks watched his face contort into that of horror. He realized his mouth was agape, correcting himself he masked his surprise with an unreadable expression.

He extended his hand out but Dabi flinched away.

And then the next thing he knew, he was running out of there in a hurry, using the door this time.

Hawks was left in his apartment alone. He was too shocked to go after him.

He didn't even know what was happening.

The next day, they saw each other. Hawks had aided in his arrest. Dabi attacked UA with the league.

Hawks... Hawks didn't know what make of this.

༺ ༒ ༻

To be clear: Dabi had a blackout. He doesn't even remember his breakdown.

And yes, this does connect with the chatroom series!

Next update: March 6th**

**That is unless me and my family find a home and I'm too busy either packing or unpacking

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