590K 19.7K 2.5K

Why were all the so-called normal guys, a**holes? Why couldn't she find a decent guy. Was something wrong wit... More

cast of characters


19.5K 702 67

Samantha moved gingerly. She was so very sore and in a lot of pain. The drive to Drake's home after her injection had passed in a blur. She had stayed asleep while he had gone through the drive-thru at the pharmacy and gotten her prescriptions filled. He had even called Vulcan's wife, Francesca and asked her to do some grocery shopping for him. She had met them at his home. She had been carried in so carefully that you would have thought she was made of the most valuable spun glass. 

Dr. Harrington had given him strict instructions on her care. The prescriptions had been a muscle relaxer, a strong pain medicine and an antibiotic. She knew that Drake would want her to take the pain meds, something she wasn't to thrilled with. However, when the pain had been so bad earlier, she had actually welcomed the oblivion that the medication had provided. 

She was trying to sit up on the side of the bed when Drake entered the room. 

"Sweetheart, why didn't you call me? You know that I would have come and helped you."

Sam looked up at the beautiful man that, for some crazy reason, loved her. She felt fire heat her face. "I have to pee." She whispered.

"It's alright, everyone does it, Sam. Baby, it's ok if you need help." Then, he suddenly looked upset. :Baby, is it because I'm a guy. Do you need a female to come stay with you and help you throughout the day?"

Sam felt so bad, when she realized that he was hurt that she might not want him helping her. "No, this is good. I'm just so used to taking care of everything myself, I had forgotten what it felt like to be able to rely on someone. I'm sorry, My Dragon, I didn't mean to upset you."

Drake smiled down at his girl. She was so feisty. Even when she didn't feel good. She was strong and independent. She was perfect for him. He lifted a hand and smoothed her hair back from her face. "I love you, Sam. Because I love you, I want to take care of you. Now, come on, I'll help you to the bathroom and if you feel like it, then to the kitchen. I;m sure you're hungry."

Samantha's stomach chose that moment to growl, loudly. They looked at each other and then laughed.

Later, Sam was seated at the kitchen table and eating. Drake had done it again. He had figured out exactly what she wanted. When even she wasn't sure. He had cut up fresh fruit, and scrambled eggs and cooked crispy bacon. He had even fixed her toast just like she liked it. 

It was a little difficult at first with her arm still in it's sling. But, Drake, ever thoughtful of her, had cut up the fruit into small bite sized pieces, so they were easy to eat.

Halfway through her meal, she looked across the table where Drake was eating his own breakfast. "When do we go to the Club to talk to the guys about the senator? And don't even think about telling me that I am staying here with a babysitter while you go and deal with this yourself. Because, in case you forgot, it was my shoulder that boy shot."

Drake took stock of his girl's face. It had a stubborn set to it that he recognized. He had seen it on many faces in the club over the years. Sighing, he laid his fork down and looked over at Sam. 

"If you feel up to it, later today. I have already called church for later today.  The guys won't even be surprised to see you there. In fact, something tells me that Vulcan, Bill and Lucy have been talking to all of the brothers and their women." He watched as Sam's face lit up. She was excited. About being at the Clubhouse, meeting all of the brothers and their girls again, or just to be able to get out of the bed, let alone the house.

"What are we waiting on? Let's get going!" Before he could caution Sam, she moved too quickly and caused pain to shoot through her shoulder. He rushed over to her and eased her back down into her chair. He kept his hands on her until her face regained it's color and the sudden sweat dried.

"Easy baby. You still have a lot of healing to do. If you finish your breakfast, I'll help you bath, and get dressed. I will even help you wash you hair here in the kitchen sink." Drake watched her eyes light up all over again.

"Ok. I'll behave.....for now." Drake swallowed hard as he thought of the task ahead of him.



Does anyone else think that Drake may have bitten off too much for the moment? After all, Sam is in no condition to take care of him. 

Does anyone else think that Sam needs to slow down. She's feisty and ready to go. LOL

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