Can I keep you?

By home-of-the-writer

241K 7.5K 2.3K

Imagine being Tony Stark's adoptive daughter no one knows about because you're studying abroad. One day you c... More

Can I keep you? Part 1
Can I keep you? Part 2
Can I keep you? Part 3
Can I keep you? Pt. 4
Can I keep you? Pt. 5
Can I keep you? Pt. 6
Can I keep you? Pt. 7
Can I keep you? Pt. 8
Can I keep you? Pt.9
Can I keep you? Pt.10
Can I keep you? Pt. 11
Can I keep you? Pt. 12
Can I keep you? Pt. 13
Can I keep you? Pt. 14
Can I keep you? Pt. 15
Can I keep you? Pt. 16
Can I keep you? Pt. 17
Can I keep you? Pt. 18 Sad ending! (mentions of suicide, etc.!)
Can I keep you? Pt. 18 Happy Ending!

Can I keep you? Halloween Special

6.2K 188 72
By home-of-the-writer

"Frigga, stop teasing your brother!" I was sitting in the passenger  seat and looked back, at my children. The older sister was constantly  teasing her younger brother, Anthony, causing him to complain and cry.  But she didn't stop, even when I told her to. "Frigga, if you don't stop  with this right now, Santa will put you on the naughty list and you  won't get any presents." Loki was driving and he slightly slowed down,  while he was scolding his daughter. She immediately stopped and turned  her attention to the scenery outside, causing Anthony to calm down.

I  sighed in relieve and looked at my husband. "Thank you." He smiled,  still looking at the road and grabbed my hand. He continued to hold it  for the rest of the ride, and as the kids fell asleep, I even managed to  get a few minutes of rest. I was only awoken by my children who were  shouting for me to wake up. Loki was standing outside the car, and after  rubbing my eyes, I finally noticed that we arrived at the Avenger  Tower.

I took the hand Loki offered me and he pulled me out of  the car. I was about to walk to the trunk, to get our luggage, but Loki  held me back. "I'll take care of that later, let's just go upstairs for  now." I nodded and yawned, letting him lead me to the elevator. The kids  were already waiting, talking to my dad's AI, Friday.

The door  to the elevator opened and we got inside. Immediately, the doors closed  and we began to ascent to one of the top floors. We were welcomed by my  dad and mom. They hugged the kids and us and led us to the living room,  where the rest of the team was waiting.

Peter, was playing with  Ed, my little brother. Nat and Bruce were sitting at the dinner table,  trying to teach Pipa, the Russian girl they adopted, how to write her  name, even if it wasn't crowned with a lot of success. Frigga  immediately ran to them and climbed onto the chair beside Pipa. Steve  was talking to Bucky and Clint, while Clint's wife was sitting on the  couch talking to Wanda and Vision, who were holding hands. I knew that  some others were coming later, but to be honest, there were already so  many people here, it was almost claustrophobic. But one of the most  important was missing. Thor – oh, there he was. "Brother! Y/N!" His  voice was booming through the whole living room, as he jogged towards  us. He gave me a bone crushing hug and patted his brother on the  shoulder. "It's good to see you, Thor." I smiled at him. "Uncle Thor!"  Anthony ran to his uncle and jumped into his arms. Thor raised the boy  over his head and they started to play. Thor winked at me and I nodded,  thankfully. I then grabbed Loki's hand and pulled him back to elevator.  "Let's get the luggage to our room." He nodded and we took the elevator  down. Frigga was still with Pipa and Anthony was save with Thor. The  first time in forever that I didn't have to look after the two.

While  we waited for the doors to open, Loki turned me towards him and pressed  me against the elevator wall. In milliseconds, his lips were on mine,  fighting for dominance. My hands wandered to his hair, where they gently  tugged. This made him moan and I used it to connect our tongues. His  hands were gripping my waist tightly, before they started to wander  down. First to my ass, and then to the back of my thighs. He grabbed  them and I jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Let's make  a baby." He was out of breath and his voice was probably the most  seductive thing I've ever heard. But not seductive enough. "No." I  pulled away and looked at my husband. "We already have two and that's  enough." Loki chuckled and dived into my neck, placing wet, open mouthed  kisses everywhere. "I mean it Loki!" He pulled away and smirked at me.  "Mhmm, I know you do." He quickly pecked my lips, before he let me down  again. That was the end of our make out session.

"Right, did you  pack the sweets?" I turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "Of course!"  "And the costumes?" He nodded and pulled me close. "Don't worry. We have  everything we need right here." I nodded and pecked his cheek. "Thanks  babe." He rolled his eyes, but laughed.

The elevator finally  stopped and we quickly got the luggage and brought it to my old room.  Everything was still the same, as if I had never left. I smiled at the  memory of Loki helping me with it. It was the first thing we did  together. I quickly unpacked the clothes and put everything in it's  place. In the meantime, Loki got the kids, so I could put them in their  costumes. Frigga dressed up as an Asgardian goddess, while Anthony  wanted to be a scarecrow. Frigga was finished quite quickly, but the  make up for Anthony took a bit longer. Thanks to Loki, who had let me  practice on his face, I was done after five minutes. "Perfect. I'll  bring you upstairs." I took my children by their hands and led them  upstairs, where Pipa and Ed where already dressed up. Pipa was a Ninja  and Ed was a cute little ghost. Pepper volunteered to take care of the  kids until everyone else was ready, so I left them with her.

Downstairs,  Loki was already finished with his costume. After years of begging I  finally managed to get him to dress up as a witch. He wasn't amused, but  still grinned at me, when I walked out. To make up for his costume I  wanted to surprise him, and apparently, I did. I walked out of the  bathroom, dressed as a female Loki. Complete from the helmet to the  leather boots. He licked his lips, his eyes were blown with lust.  Walking towards me, he quickly grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. "I  love you." I didn't even have time to giggle, before he was kissing me  again. Turning us around, he began to walk me backwards toward the big  bed. "Loki..." He ignored me and sealed my mouth with another kiss.  "Loki!" He pulled away and pouted. "You can't put something like that on  and then tell me that I can't fuck you." I chuckled at his words and  put my arms around his neck. "Maybe you can. But later." I pecked his  lips and walked out of the door. I could hear him sigh, before he  followed me. He had to take the pointed hat off when he walked through  the doors, making me giggle.

When we entered the living room  again, Thor's laugh echoed through the whole room. "I always told you,  you are a witch!" He leaned back, still laughing and pointed at Loki.  The others chuckled at Thor's reaction. Loki was about to turn back, but  I grabbed his hand and pulled him further inside. "Mommy! Daddy!" Our  kids ran towards us and hugged us. I picked Anthony up, while Loki  bounced Frigga on his waist. She giggled, before she leaned down and  kissed her father's cheek. "You are the most beautiful witch I know."  "Better than Sabrina?" Frigga eagerly nodded, making Loki chuckle.  "Thanks dear, that's very nice of you." He quickly pecked her lips,  before he let her down again.

The other adults had also dressed  up. Tony and Pepper were dressed as salt and pepper, with Tony being the  pepper and Pepper being the salt. Bruce was dressed as Superman, while  Nat looked like a scientist. Thor wore a devil costume, while Clint  looked like a hawk. Peter was dressed as a spider and kept running from  Clint, who was chasing him, acting as if he wanted to eat the poor boy.

Wanda  and Vision dressed up as skeletons. Bucky looked like a Zombie and  Steve was dressed as the American flag. I laughed at the different  costumes.

Then, Tony clapped and announced that the adults should  go to the stations and that the other kids would soon be here. And he  was right. Since Loki and I were going to cook with my mom, we waited by  the elevator to welcome the kids that were invited. Their parents  tagged along, and soon it was super crowded in the living room.  Thankfully, the different stations were all over the tower.

The  kids could watch crazy scientist develop new drinks or they could get  their faces painted. At another station, they could bob for apples and  eat them. Stations like these were everywhere and soon, everyone was  busy. But they were also laughing. I smiled while I watched my kids  throw cakes at their grandfather, but I soon had to help my mom and Loki  again.

While the kids were playing, we took care of all the  scary food. Fingers with nails and fresh blood, poisoned apples,  eyeballs and maggots with bacon were all ready within a few hours. Just  in time for all the children to arrive. Tired and hungry, they came into  the kitchen and got their food, before they sat down in front of the  giant screen and watched 'A Nightmare before Christmas'. While they were  busy, we started to clean up. The men took care of the heavy stuff,  while the women were taking care of all the things that needed to be  washed and put away.

"That was so much fun." Nat was grinning  from ear to ear, while she was drying a pot. "It sure was. I hope we'll  do this again." I stood on my tiptoes, trying to reach one of the  highest shelves to put a bowl away, but I was just a millimetre to tiny.  "Let me." Loki suddenly was behind me and took the bowl from my hands.  He put it away, before he turned me around and put me on the kitchen  counter. "Are you finished?" He nodded and smiled at me. "Perfect! Grab  some food if you want to." He nodded again and quickly pecked my lips,  before he got himself a plate and filled it with maggots and fingers. He  then walked to the living room and sat down with our kids. My mom  smiled at me.

"Are you happy?" "Very." She smiled again and pulled  me into a hug. "I love you." "I love you too, mom." She pecked my  cheek, before she shooed me and the others out of the kitchen and told  us to enjoy the movie. After some arguing, we left and I sat down beside  Loki. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. "Your  parents will take the kids tonight." I looked at him and rolled my eyes,  while chuckling. "You're the worst." "And you love me." I nodded and  leaned closer to him. "I sure do." I pecked his lips, before I turned  back to the screen. His lips pressed against the top of my head, making  me smile.

After the movie was finished, the other kids left. My  parents even prepared a gift bag for every single one, filled with  sweets. Loki and I took our kids back to our room, where we changed  their clothes and got them ready for bed. They were tired but smiling  the whole time. They had a lot of fun this night. We brought them to my  parents, where they joined Ed in his room. "Good night, you two!" We  wished Tony and Pepper a good night, before we walked back to our own  bedroom. Loki had changed, but I was still wearing my costume.

As  we entered our room, I closed the door behind us and leaned against it.  Loki didn't notice and kept walking to the bed. Only when he turned  around to look at me, did he notice that I was still by the door.  "What-?" Before he could say anymore, I reached up and started to  unbutton my costume. The jacket, I was wearing was just hiding my real  costume. Green and gold lingerie hugged my body in all the right places.  My legs were covered in fishnets and the boots reached up to my knees. I  could see Loki swallow hard as I started to walk towards him. I grinned  at him seductively and shoved him, making him fall onto the bed. I  immediately followed and straddled him. His hands reached up, to grab my  waist but I grabbed them and put them back onto the bed. Then, I leaned  down. "Today, we'll play with my rules." I straightened again and  grinned at him. "First, no touching, unless I allow it." My hands  travelled down his chest, until they reached the hem of his shirt. I  then pulled it up and over his head. "Second, you have to do everything I  say." Loki swallowed, which made me smirk. It was the first time that I  managed to get under his skin like that. "Third, no cumming until I say  so." His breath was heavy and I could already feel his hard on, rubbing  against my thigh.

I slowly started to move against him, watching  him moan at the feeling. His hands were grabbing the bedsheet, trying  not to touch me. I grinned at the effect I had on him. Slowly, I started  to crawl down, until I was kneeling between his legs. I grabbed the hem  of his shorts and started to pull it down, freeing his member. I bit my  lower lip as I watched the precum glisten on the top. I grabbed Loki's  cock and he threw his head back, making me chuckle. I then, leaned  forward and licked the precum off the tip, making him arch his back. He  moaned loudly and his knuckles were turning white from the force he used  to hold on to the sheets. Grinning, I decided to stop the teasing...for  now.

I took him in my mouth and started to bob my head up and  down, switching the pace from time to time. When I felt that he was  close to cumming, I let go of him and stood up. "W-What are you doing?"  He stared at me wide eyed. "Why? What do you want?" I crawled on top of  him again and licked my lips. "Tell me. What do you want me to do?" He  released a breath and grunted. "Fuck me..." I had to bite the inside of my  cheek to keep myself from grinning at him. Instead I tilted my head and  frowned at him. "What? I couldn't hear you." "Fuck me!" He roared,  still breathing heavy. I grinned. "With pleasure."

I stood up  again and took my costume off. I made sure that he could see every  little detail perfectly. "You're killing me." I smiled at him, while I  straddled him again. "But you love it." I hovered over the top of his  cock, slightly grazing it from time to time. "Please...please...!" I let  myself sink down on it, moaning at the feeling of being completely  filled. Loki's hands automatically went to my waist. I shot him a glare,  but quickly nodded. "Keep them there." Loki nodded.

I rose up  until only the tip of him was inside of me, then I let myself sink  again. I repeated this, until I found the right rhythm. Loki helped me  to ride him and I knew that he enjoyed by the way his grip on me  tightened with every movement I made. But apparently I was still way to  slow. Grunting, Loki sat up, and wrapped his arms around me. He quickly  flipped us over, making me lay beneath him. Without missing a beat, he  started to thrust inside me. He set such a quick speed, that I didn't  even try to keep up with it. Within seconds, he had me writhing beneath  him, begging him for release. And he gave me just that. His hands  wandered between our bodies and he started to rub my clit, causing me to  scream out in pleasure.

I threw my head back, moaning and  yelling in pure bliss. Loki was still above me and grunted as he,  himself came deep within me.

After we'd calmed down, Loki pulled  me close to him. "That was a great surprise." He pressed his lips  against mine, and I eagerly responded. But way too soon, we had to pull  away to breath again. I pressed my forehead against his and smiled.

"Happy Halloween."

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