soulmates-a Joe and Dianne lo...

By JoanneandJiley

10.6K 198 6

Joe always wanted to try new things and strictly was one of them but little did he know that his strictly par... More

OMG what am I doing?
Jiving through week 1
We will take that Charleston life for week 2
I need an American smoothie for week 3
Foxtrotting with a time skip to week 6
quickstepping into Black Pool tower for week 9
Sunday Fun day
week 11 salsa mayhem
Semi finals
Buswell Blues
We Have News
Tree house memories part 1
Tree house memories part 2
Internationals day 1
Internationals day 2
Internationals day 3
Internationals day 4
Internationals day 5- Hospital visit
Internationals day 6
Internationals day 6 and 7
Is this the ending?
Fun in the sun
Christmas Eve, Christmas and back to England
New year's kiss
I need your help
The Proposal
The Wedding part 1
The Wedding part 2

lets talk about the Lindy Hop-a-thon

403 8 0
By JoanneandJiley

Stacy's POV:

this whole week Joe has been distracted by something and Dianne seems a bit off too but this is strange they don't normally act like this all through training for the Lindy hop every time his Phone would go off he would run over to it and stair at it while Dianne just stopped as soon as his phone rang slowly making her way over to it too. every now and then Joe would just leave the room and then Dianne would run out after him with a box of tissues. this was happening all week and the others were starting to get annoyed at them as well, it's just so strange Dianne's a pro she shouldn't be doing this and Joe is so dedicated that it surprises me that he would keep on walking out and checking his phone.  

Dianne's POV:

we have been rehearsing all week for the Lindy Hop as well as our street but it has been hard for Joe as Aubrey was still missing everyone was starting to get Angry with me and Joe during Lindy Hop training and they didn't even know the reason why. It was Friday and it was our last run through of the dances before Saturday and Joe was still running out in to the hall to cry every now and then not knowing what was happing with Aubrey was killing him and his sister during training you would hear Joe and Zoe crying over the phone to each other. the other dancers didn't know what was happening and where getting angry. we were doing the camera block through when Joe's phone rang I heard it and stopped Joe just looked at me as I pointed towards the seat his phone was on, he ran over to go and get it the music stopped and everyone looked over at Joe "Hello Jess what's happing" I heard him say a smile plastered across my face knowing that they had found out something about Aubrey the others we furious, "oh ok thankyou bye" Joe said hanging up before running off with tears rolling down his face I ran after him everyone now looking concerned.

Joe's POV:

I reached my dressing room and started balling my eyes out when I heard a knock "please go away who ever you are I need to be alone." I yelled soon Dianne burst through the door and came over to hug me ."what's going on have they found Aubrey?" she asked sounding worried "Yes " I reply trying to stop myself from crying. "that's great news so why are you crying" Dianne asks confused and trying to comfort me. "well they found her but she is in a deep coma and they say she has a slim chance of surviving." I say looking back at Dianne she grabs me a tissue and hugs me again and then kisses my check. "look everything is going to be ok so dry your eyes and we can attempted the blocking again it will take your mind off of all of this." she says trying to comfort me I nod my head and walk out Dianne leading me in front holding my hand back to the stage, we entered the stage and everyone looks at us "is everything ok". Kevin yells from across the room. "yep we are ready to rehearse." Dianne says squeezing my hand to tell me she is here if I need her. The blocking went well but I wasn't' staying any longer I left early so that I could talk to Zoe.

Dianne's POV:

Joe had left and I stayed a bit longer in my dressing room trying to think of a way I could make Joe feel better maybe telling him how I feel no not now Joe might not even like me that way and plus this is no time to be talking about feelings like that. I decided to get him some chocolates and head over to his place to help Byron look after him, as I was leaving my dressing room Stacey calls out to me with the rest of the strictly cast behind her "Dianne what's wrong with Joe this week  he hasn't been himself" Stacey yells. should I tell her "Joe's got some family issues going on his best friends little 6 year old sister had gone missing last week and only today they found her but is now in a coma and they say she hasn't got much of a chance to make it" I say trying not to cry. they all looked at me with shock and sadness in their faces "tell Joe I hope everything is ok and we are sorry for being harsh on him all week." Stacey says I nod and then turn to head towards the door.

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