Trouble in paradise - Fujitor...

De RanaParra

1.9K 65 9

Trouble in paradise? Oh my! Mais

Trouble in paradise - Fujitora

1.9K 65 9
De RanaParra

“Just take a deep breath my dear, this will only hurt for a moment,” Fujitora breathes. You let out a gasp and whimper, “i-it hurts..” He rumbles lowly and leans down to kiss the back of your head, “take long, deep breaths, it will be over momentarily.” You let out a heavy breath and groan, “I-I kinda like the pain.. F-feels good..” A knock soon came to the room door, “um.. Admiral Fujitora sir..?” The person behind the door murmurs nervously. “Come in,” Fujitora calls, easing his thumbs off your lower back, your face buried in the pillow as he massaged your back. The person comes in after a moment and blinks seeing what was going on, looking relieved, “sir, we have new orders from headquarters.” Fujitora nods and carefully removed his hands off your back, “could you help me read these dear?” You mumble a ‘yes’ against the pillow and pick yourself up after a few moments, “it’s about time we did some real work. Being cooped up on all these islands are stressing me out. My body is all knotted up.” Fujitora chuckles and takes the paperwork that was carefully handed to him, “I can feel that, perhaps you should go to a hot spring before we leave.” You shake your head and stretch before leaning on his side, “I don’t think so sir, you know I only feel good when I get work done.” He let out a hearty laugh and pats your back, “it was worth a try, you’re always so stubborn.” The marine watched you both awkwardly after handing the paperwork over, sweat dropping from your comfortable affections.

You peer over at the paperwork and read over each paragraph carefully, “it’s from the fleet admiral Akainu, he wants you to report back at the base.” Fujitora hums and rubs his chin, “well.. I suppose it’s about time we returned. I certainly hope he’s not calling me back to chew my ear.” You hum and continue to read, “doesn’t look like it, I mean, the writing is calm.. Then again, his secretary could’ve toned it down and made a few edits to his language before sending it.” He rumbles lowly and nods, “it appears we should head off soon, gather everyone and set a course for Marine Ford.” The marine nods and salutes, “aye sir. I’ll put out a call and we will head out before dinner.” Fujitora nods and hands you the paperwork to read, “take your time. Just be sure we leave today, lest we upset Sakazuki.” The marine nods, “yes sir,” before marching out of the room, closing the door behind him. You hum reading over the paperwork as Fujitora slid his hands over your shoulders, kneading carefully. A smile sneaks onto your lips as he does this, “yeah, doesn’t appear to say very much on here, just that he wants you back on base, probably to submit your files and take these criminals to Impel Down. I’m sure he realized we can’t just keep handing this stuff off to other marine units.” Fujitora hums and leans in to kiss your cheek, “perhaps you’re right.” You set the paperwork to the bedside table and relax against his touch for a moment before turning around to put your arms around him, making him lay back onto the bed, “hold me.” He chuckles and pats your back, “what about the knots on your back?” You huff and nuzzle into his neck, “they can wait, I want you to hold me.” He chuckles again and puts his arms around you, rubbing your back slowly, “alright, alright.”

The next several hours after receiving the news, you helped him to the deck and helped him oversee everyone preparing to leave. It appeared everyone was ready by lunch time and the ship had shoved off soon after. “I didn’t expect everyone to be so uniform and efficient,” you comment, sitting back after the ship had launched. “It’s because of you my dear, I couldn’t do it without you,” he rumbles thoughtfully, blindly putting his arm around your shoulders. You blush and lean on his side, “well… I do like giving orders and keeping things orderly.. B-but I couldn’t do it without you by my side sir.” He chuckles and gives you a gentle squeeze, “didn’t I tell you to stop calling me that?” You snicker and relax your shoulders, “perhaps I’ll stop calling you that when we’re alone.” He blushed lightly himself and rubbed the back of his neck, “I-I certainly hope so.” He chuckles shyly and pressed against your small frame, enjoying your warmth as you looked on overseeing operations. It wasn’t until dinner that you moved from that spot, though he still didn’t let you go until you returned to the room and had to change into your nightgown, which was brief, he would put his arms around you after you lay down in the large bed. He would wrap his arms around you warmly and nuzzled against the top of your head like every night, he was radiating with warmth and you would easily be able to fall asleep thanks to his warmth and his scent.

Over the next several days, each day was just the same as the last, quiet and wonderful, just how you liked it. They night before you arrived at Marine Ford was immensely different, everyone had begun to tense and even Fujitora felt different, his nerves seemed to be getting the better of him as he seemed tense and his hold on you seemed more rigid. That night you couldn’t get much sleep and neither did Fujitora, you two woke up early that morning and had shared a moment of peace with him in the kitchen, having made a pot of black tea for the two of you. They next morning came too soon for you as you prepare to dock at the base. You stood firm next to your admiral lover’s side, Fujitora grew nervous and reached for your hand blindly. Though you had protested to hand holding earlier, you couldn’t help but give in, you could sense his tension and carefully took his hand. Since his hand reached up to your head, you press your cheek against the back of it and pressed your palm against his larger one. He seemed to relax a bit and smiles softly, your gentle touch easing his nerves. When the ship was securely docked, you release your and from his and walk towards the gangplank, walking just behind Fujitora. When you reach the bottom, the Admiral Kizaru greeted him at the end of the gangplank and directed him to the pathway inside the base. With the two admiral’s walking beside each other, you were forced to walk and watch him from behind, it had even bugged Fujitora who wanted you beside him. When they reached the private meeting room, you and Kizaru’s right hand were forced to stay outside waiting behind the large double doors. As time passed, you were growing more and more anxious, the silence behind the heavy doors only made your anxiety worse. Kizaru’s right hand man took notice of this and spoke up, asking if you were okay and started to chat with you, trying to ease your nerves.

His distraction tactic worked and you were able to keep yourself distracted long enough that you didn’t think of Fujitora until the double doors started to squeak open. The two of you swiftly get back into position and stand at attention at each sides of the doorway. The first to exit was the Fleet Admiral Akainu and following close behind was Admiral Kizaru. The last to exit was Fujitora, using his cane for sight. Kizaru’s right hand gave you a wave before following behind his admiral. You wait until they are out of sight before quickly rushing towards Fujitora’s side. You gently take his hand and caressed it sweetly, rubbing your cheek against it, “how was your meeting?” He smiled warmly for a moment before it slowly fell into a frown, “it was torture without you my dear, that meeting dragged on for far too long. I missed you so much..” He breathes, caressing your face. A smile comes across your face from his touch, easing your nerves, “I’m glad you’re out of there…” He sighs and hummed as he continued to rub your cheek, “it seems we’ll be base bound for a little while, which is all well and good, I was afraid we would be marooned to traveling from island to island until Sakazuki’s temper cooled.” You nod in agreement and hummed against his touch, “so my love, will I be staying with you on the base or will I be staying in the grunt’s quarters?” He smiled and gave you a warm hug, “you’ll be staying with me of course, there’s no reason we should change our routine just because we are back home.” You blush and rub the back of your neck, “y-you want to display our love publicly? You don’t mind what others think of us..?” He shakes his head and caressed your lower back, “I don’t mind at all, I believe our relationship should flourish into a more open one. I do wish to make you my wife one day, I should start showing off my future wife.” Your blush darkened and you press your hot cheek against his abdomen, “o-okay then..” He chuckles and gives you a gentle squeeze, “care to guide me to my chambers my dear, I could use a warm bath.” You nod and pull away carefully before taking his hand again, guiding him out slowly.

On your way out of the meeting room and out on the base, you attracted a lot of attention from other grunts in the surrounding area who watched you two as you guided him, trying to make your appearance look professional and stern, though the stares made you feel self-conscious. When you finally get to his quarters and away from prying eyes, you were able to relax a bit. “It smells like home,” he comments, taking a deep inhale. “It does smell nice in here,“ you muse, offering a smile. “Care to join me in the warm bath my dear?” He asks with a warm smile. “You’re inviting me to a naked encounter before marriage? How scandalous,” you tease playfully, pressing against his hand. He blushed heavily and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly with his free hand, “w-when you put it like that it does sound lewd..” You giggle and kiss the back of his hand sweetly, “you’ll have to feel me naked at some point, why not now?” He swallowed nervously at the thought and chuckles shyly, “y-you make me regret my decision.” You giggle again and kiss his hand again, “you won’t regret it, trust me love.” Despite your confident demeanor, you were still feeling odd from the earlier stares as you guide him to the restroom. You hardly noticed the luxurious bathroom after entering, you then released his hand and head to the tub faucet, turning on the water. Fujitora had begun to undress, though you hadn’t noticed since you were a bit distracted with your thoughts. When you finally realized, you picked up your head and watch him shyly, your blush growing intense when to see his naked frame. His body was hairy and thick, but it was still pleasing to the eye. You had noticed him blushing and reach out to touch his hand, “I love your body my admiral..” He smiled shyly in your direction and have your hand a gentle squeeze, “s-shall we go in..?”’ He asks curiously. “I-in a minute, I have to undress, I’ll meet you in the water,” you breathe with a heavy blush. He nods and carefully released your hand before walking towards the tub carefully.

He would slowly sink into the tub as you nervously removed your clothes, though he is blind, you were afraid he may not like your body. You take a deep breath and let the air out slowly, then pressed your hand to your chest to feel your heart racing. You take a moment to relax before carefully stepping into the large tub. He turns a brighter shade of red, his ears get hot as you slowly take a seat on his bare lap into the warm water below. When you get situated on his lap, you shyly press your head against his chest. It was awkwardly silent for a long while until Fujitora decided to put his arms around you loosely. You shyly press your cheek against his chest and loosely put your arms around his body. It goes silent again for a few more moments before he finally spoke up, “a-are you warm..?” He asked softly, you nod against his chest and smile softly, “y-you are surprisingly really warm and soft.. Like in bed..” He blushed heavily and chuckles sheepishly, giving you a slight squeeze. After a few more moments, you pick up your head and look up at him. He blindly faced down towards your face as you caressed his cheek, “i-is there something the matter my dear?” He asked shaky with a nervous shaky tone. “Not at all, I’m just admiring your stubble,” you breathe, rubbing your hand along his strong jaw. He blushed darker and clears his throat, “i-is there something on my face..?” You shake your head and caress over his cheek, close to the corner of his lips, your eyes glancing over them lovingly, “actually, I think you do..” You sit up and bring your face close to his, before he could question you on what you were doing, you press your lips against his, sweet and tender.

He tensed from the sudden contact, taking a few moments to register the kiss before pressing into it himself. He caressed your small frame and feels your soft skin affectionately, his light touch causing you to shiver. “A-are you cold..?” He asked awkwardly. You shake your head and hide your face against his chest. He cleared his throat awkwardly and resumed rubbing your back in silence. You finally break the tension and pick your head up, looking at his shy expression. “I-is there something..” He stops and blushed as you caressed his cheek, silently staring at his face. He tensed as you suddenly pressed your lips to his, gingerly sliding your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss slightly. He shyly pressed into the kiss and carefully caressed your smaller frame in his large hands. The kiss slowly grew heated after a few moments of getting comfortable with each other. This was the first kiss the two of you shared and it grew more and more passionate as time goes by. You could feel his length press up against you as it lifted you up, making you gasp in surprise. You blushed heavily and break from the kiss, panting lightly, “I-I didn’t expect.. Y-you to get so excited..” You pant. “S-sorry… I didn’t mean to offend you..” He chuckles sheepishly. You shake your head and rubbed the back of his neck slowly, scratching the back of his head, “I just didn’t know you had it in you, I always thought you were impotent.” He blushed heavily and swallowed, “I-I suppose because of my age and respect for your body that it could be confused as impotence..” You giggle softly and look over his lips, “do you think you’ll be able to handle it? I mean, your heart, surely this may be too much for your heart to handle.” He hummed in thought and nuzzled her cheek softly, “I think… We should wait.. It would be a shame if I suddenly collapsed on you…”

You chuckle and peck his lips, “we’ll keep it to light kissing until you see a doctor, until then we’ll have to show restraint.” He chuckles sheepishly and caressed your cheek carefully, “I think I can wait for you, I’ve waited this long for you and I don’t mind waiting a little longer.” You chuckle again peck his lips once more, “I bet you’re an amazing lover..” He blushed darkly and chuckles shyly, rubbing the back of his neck over your hands, “I-I am what you call, a virgin.. I know, it’s pathetic for a man…” You shake your head and peck his cheek, “you’re too perfect to be pathetic my admiral, you just have such respect for women that you have never once thought about violating them.” He chuckles sheepishly and clears his throat awkwardly, “d-do you think so? The way you put it sounds like I’m rather boring.” You laugh and peck his lips once again, “you’re silly. You know what I meant, and you know I meant no harm by it.” He chuckles himself and nods, nuzzling close against your neck, “I know… You’re wonderful…” You chuckle and pick up his head, moving him from your neck so you could peck his lips. He smiled and pressed into your lips softly. You hadn’t heard the door creak open as a marine peers their head in, they had been searching for Fujitora and had been calling out in the room, but the two of you were completely deafened by each other, too focused on one another to care about your surroundings. The two of you didn’t notice until you started to feel like you were being watched. You both turn around and see the marine simply staring at the two of you in shock and awe, their face bright red. You and Fujitora turn bright red, Fujitora hid his face in your bosom and you start to throw things at the staring marine, tossing soap and whatever you could grab violently at them.

After chasing the marine out, you and Fujitora eventually meet in bed exhausted and curl up close against him, nuzzling your face into his chest and sigh, “damn it.. How embarrassing..” His chest rumbles with a soft chuckle and strokes your back slowly, “so a young marine caught us in the act, there’s nothing to worry about.” You huff and puff your cheeks, “when you mean ‘the act’ you mean kissing and not sex, right?” He blushed lightly and chuckles sheepishly, “y-yes I do suppose you’re right..” You soften and smile, reaching up carefully and peck his lips, “it’s new to me too, all this intimacy is new and exciting for me just as much as you, I’m not used to people seeing me being intimate in public. Hell you’re my first boyfriend.” He chuckles and kisses your forehead, “I’m glad to have taken that honor, and hopefully I’ll be able to keep that honor.” You blush and hide your face in his chest, “I-I hope that doesn’t mean this is a marriage proposal.” He laughed softly and pats your back, “not quite yet, but I will someday.” You huff and pat his side, “y-yeah yeah, let’s just get some sleep already..” He chuckles again and nods, letting himself relax and letting out a sigh, “goodnight, my dear,” he hummed softly, soon drifting off with you into a deep slumber. The two of you would sleep soundly in his loving embrace, his warmth keeping the two of you sleeping heavily enough that you miss the morning rollcall for breakfast. It wasn’t until a grunt came to the door and knocked to wake you had you realized you had missed the morning wake-up siren. You jolted out of bed and swiftly got dressed as Fujitora gets up and calls out for the marine to wait by the door for him. “Are you going to be okay while I’m gone? Can you handle things while I go check for my next assignment?” You ask as you rushed to get dressed. “No worries dear, I have this pleasant young man outside to aid me, I’ll be just fine until your return,” he assured you as he blindly made his way to his closet.

You aid him in getting dressed, making sure he was neat and dressed carefully, straightening his yukata before looking up at him, smiling warmly and cupping his cheek, “I’m so jealous that the other admirals, they get to be here with you and your handsome face..” He chuckles sheepishly and placed his hand over yours, “y-you are too much my dear.” You chuckle and press yourself closer to him, “maybe I’m not enough?” You purr, pecking his lips. The marine behind the door knocks and clears their throat, “E-excuse me..? I-I hate to disturb you admiral sir but..” You sigh and gently tug at his yukata, “I guess this is goodbye for now.” He nods and pecks your lips, “I’ll see you tonight. Perhaps we can take another bath?” You nod and peck his lips once more before pulling away to let him get to his duties. You were the first to leave, brushing past the marine that was in awe of you leaving the admiral’s quarters. You made your way to get your assignment and waste no time finishing it so you would be able to join Fujitora at his work, or at least tried to sneak some time with him while he is at work, even skipping lunch so you could try to be with him. After finishing hastily with your duties, you made your swift escape and swiftly search the compound for him. It didn’t take you long to find him, he was with another marine who helped guide him, but the marine appeared to be struggling with the admiral. You approached the marine and Fujitora, before you could even get a word in, the marine released Fujitora and pulled you in his place, then whispered in your ear relieved, “you wouldn’t mind taking my place for the admiral would you? I mean of course not because you get to work with the admiral.” They seemed desperate to leave, so you simply give an awkward nod and take his hand. The marine jumped for joy and sprints off, leaving you confused.

“I recognize that touch,” Fujitora breathes, snapping you from your confusion. You smile up at him and gingerly lift his hand up so you could kiss it, “yes, it’s me my admiral.” He chuckles and reached up to caress your cheek, “I hope you’re not playing this ‘hooky’ I hear about because of me.” You chuckle and shake your head, pressing your cheek against his palm, “I would never, but I would finish with my daily duties with great haste to come help you.” He chuckles and slowly felt a thumb over your bottom lip, “perhaps I should give you a sign of my thanks, if you don’t mind of course.” You blush heavily and peer around, “like out here? In public?” He nods and carefully, gently tugs you closer and leans in closely, “I respect your decision if you tell me no, I’m more than willing to wait for you.” You hesitate as you take a moment to think about it, after a few moments, you bite your lip and  give him a nod, “j-just be gentle, your kisses are so dangerous, I could just get sucked in with one wrong move. If he had eyes he would roll them, but instead opts to peck your lips tenderly. Unfortunately for you someone had indeed seen the tender, brief kiss you shared before moving away into the shadows unseen as you were focused on Fujitora. “So where am I taking you?” You ask after getting readjusted to his side. “I have a meeting this afternoon, I need you to take me to the meeting room in the main building,” he explained, leaning on you a bit, “do you think you can handle me?” You roll your eyes and shake your head, you pause for a moment as you remember the marine you had taken place for, “by the way, what were you doing to your helpers while I was gone? First I see you leave with one and the next one I see you with is 23wadesperate to escape like he was a hostage.” He chuckles sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck, “I may have driven them mad, there were several before the last one you saw. I was so distraught by your absence that I hadn’t realized I was using my abilities to weigh them down, silly me.” You laugh softly and press into his side, “you can relax now, I’m here for you and I’ll do this everyday if needed be.” He chuckles and pressed against your lean, “you make it sound like taking care of me is a chore.”

You both share a laugh and before you knew it, you were in the main building in the base, unwilling to let him go, but you were forced to and had to wait outside after aiding him to his seat. You fidgeted slightly as you waited outside, trying your best to make yourself look diligent and aware but underneath you were crumbling, the thought of him being away for so long had you anxious, you had become so attached to him you couldn’t think straight without him. You waited for him for what felt like hours before the doors opened, you casually tried to play off your nerves and appeared as focused as usual. Admiral Kizaru was the first to stroll out of the room, the next was the Fleet Admiral Akainu, he gleamed over at you and gave you a dirty look, or what you assumed was a dirty look since he had always looked like he waned to pick a fight. You waited for them to leave the room before rushing to Fujitora’s side, helping him out of his chair, “so how did the meeting go?” You asked as he carefully stepped down from his seat. He looked pale and upset, “is something the matter admiral?” He shifts and carefully removed his arm from your hold, “can anyone see us? Are the doors open?” He asks carefully. You look around quizzically and frown, “no, why? What’s the matter? Did something happen in your meeting that you’re not supposed to tell me?” He sighed and carefully reached out to caress your cheek, “you understand that I’m smitten with you right?” You look at him confused and press your cheek into his palm, “yes, I’m smitten with you too admiral, now what’s the matter? You’re avoiding my questions an awful lot and it scares me.”

He takes a deep breath and lets out a shaky breath, “i-it has come to my attention that our love is… Not permitted to be in view… As Sakazuki worded it, ‘it’s a disgusting display’ and no one wants to see it.” You frown and cup his face with your hands, “if this is a joke it’s not very funny Issho.” He frowned deeply and caressed your cheek sadly, “I wish it were a joke.. But unfortunately it isn’t. We aren’t allowed to display our love publicly anymore..” You frown and rub his cheek slowly, “I know it stinks, things were getting nice now that we got to display our love, but it’s alright, we can always be affectionate in private, right?” He smiled a bit at your attempt at cheering him up and nods, “I suppose you’re right, at least when we’re in private we don’t have to hold back.” You chuckle and bring your face close to his, rubbing your nose against his, “and we could always be lovey dovey behind any closed door. Perhaps even a little naughty.” He blushed lightly and pats your hand, “I-I do still need to see a doctor my dear.” You pout your lips and hum in thought, “do you think you could see one now?” He chuckles and leans in closely to peck your lips, “absolutely, after my next few appointments.” You chuckle with him and peck his lips again, “aye admiral. But before we go, can I tend to a little business of my own?” He frowned and rubs your hand, “is that your way of saying you’re leaving me for a bit?” You chuckle and shake your head, “no, it means I just need a few moments of your time and I’ll be finished.” He grimaced confused at your words, “what do you mean dear?” You smirk and pull him into a sudden, heated kiss, sliding your tongue into his mouth dominantly, brushing your small tongue over his slowly. He turns bright red from the sudden heated encounter and fumbles with his hands, confused as to what to do. You break the kiss after a few moments, just as he placed his hands on your hips, leaving a stream of saliva between the two of you. “w-what… was that for..?” He asks in a confused haze. “Incentive, now let’s get back to work sir,” you snicker, patting his cheeks before pulling away. He shivers and rigidly gets into a standing position, “o-oh my.. That is quite the incentive..”

You take his hand and kiss it sweetly before guiding him out the large double doors to the hall just outside, guiding him to his next appointment with him enthusiastically following your lead at his side. Each appointment you had taken him to went smoothly, though it did go longer each appointment, dragging on slightly longer than anticipated. He smiled all the while in the time in between each appointment because he could be close to you without drawing suspicion to the two of you. Fujitora was anxious all the while, desperate to get to the doctor. When his last appointment was finished, you grabbed his hand and he gave yours a light squeeze in excitant, “I do hope there’s still time to get to the infirmary.” You giggle at his eagerness and lean on him slightly, making sure there was nobody around first, “I’ve never seen you look so excited and youthful before, it’s really cute, for an admiral,” you tease, nuzzling your nose against his arm. He blushed lightly and rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, “i-is that bad? S-should I stop?” You shake your head and laugh, looking up at him lovingly, “of course not. It’s for my eyes only anyway.” He smiled warmly and leans on your side, “I’m just very excited to finally treat you like you’ve always deserved to be treated. I’ll be able to pamper your body the way it was intended to be loved.” You blush heavily and pat his arm, “s-shush Ishho.. You’ll get me excited..” He chuckles and swiftly pecked your cheek, just a moment before someone came around the corner. You managed to straighten, though still blushing, trying your hardest to look serious. Fujitora had gained quite the talent of getting you to blush and keeping you smiling. When the marine was gone and out of view of the two of you, you playfully push Fujitora’s arm in retaliation, pretending to be upset with him, “I-Issho, stop it, you’re gonna get us caught.” You giggle as he teased you and poked at your side to tickle you, all the way to the infirmary. The two of you take a few moments to compose yourselves before entering to have the doctor examine him just in time as the doctor was getting ready to leave. You wait patiently for him in the waiting room, though internally you hoped that he was healthy enough to perform. You had waited for what felt like forever, even reading a newspaper that had happened to be laying around until he finally exited. You set the newspaper aside quickly and salute Fujitora as he exits the infirmary with the doctor.

You take his hand from the doctor and gave him a salute before guiding Fujitora out. As you guided him silently, waiting until the coast was clear. You look around to make sure the hall was empty before giggling excited, “so how did it go? Hurry and tell me.” He frowned and stopped, standing still and silent as he gave your hand a squeeze, “I’m afraid.. It’s not good news…” You stop and your smile falls, “oh Issho..” He sighed and placed a hand over his eyes, “I’m sorry… I’m afraid… The doctor said… I am as healthy as a horse and gave me the ‘OK’ to perform ‘strenuous activity’ with no worries.” It took you a few moments to process what he just said as a smile snaked over his lips. You puff out your cheeks and lightly slap his back, “you big jerk! You freaked me out! I was so worried for you!” He laughed and removed his hand from his eyes, then wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace, “I love you my dear.. Please forgive me for my little joke.” You scoff and turn your head away from him in a huff, “let go of me! Someone might see us!” You squeaked with a heavy blush sneaking on your face. “Only if you promise to forgive me dear,” he rumbles lowly, giving you another squeeze. You couldn’t help but laugh and push his face playfully, “y-you… Alright, alright, I forgive you. Just don’t do that again.” He chuckles and nods, before carefully setting you down and taking your hand. You two share a swift peck before heading towards Fujitora’s quarters. When you reach the room, you couldn’t wait to get inside and finally unwind. You open the door and anxiously guide him inside before closing the door behind you, letting out a heavy sigh, “geeze it fucking sucks to hide our affections, I didn’t realize how much we did it, and how much I miss it.” He nods in agreement and chuckles, “I missed you, even though you were there, work felt less like work.” You chuckle and nod yourself in agreement, “I agree, but we’re home now and now we can relax, kiss, hug, love..” You purr, licking your lips. He chuckles shyly and turns red, clearing his throat awkwardly, “o-of course. Now that we are out of the public eye..”

You snicker at his bashfulness and stretch, “how about we unwind first? Take a nice, warm, relaxing bath, then when we’re all nice and refreshed we can just hop into bed and try to.. You know..” His blush turned into a deep red, his cheeks aflame, “t-that certainly.. S-sounds like a plan… O-oh my..” You chuckle and walk over to him, pecking his cheek, “I bought something special for this occasion back when we were traveling, I never thought I would actually use it.” He chuckles sheepishly and shifts awkwardly, “s-surprise for both of us..” You gently take his hand and kiss the back of it affectionately, “don’t worry my admiral, we’ll take slow and steady, and if either of us can’t take it, we’ll stop and try tomorrow. No rush, no pressure.” He smiles softly and relaxed a bit, “a-alright… I trust you…” You smile and give his hand a squeeze, “come, lets take a nice, long relaxing bath.” You gently guide him towards the bathroom and to the tub, only letting go of his hand to start the water and to undress. You undressed easier than before since the two of you had taken a bath together prior to this. Once undressed, you turn to aid him get undressed, reaching out to his yukata. You gently remove the large piece of clothing, sliding it off his shoulders and letting it drop to the ground. Fujitora blushed heavily as you place your hands over his abdomen, “your body is so sexy Issho, how could you hide such a secret from me?” He chuckles shyly and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “y-you flatter me my dear.” You gently take his hand and guide him to the tub, sitting him on the edge as you turned the knob for the water, turning it on warm. As the warm water filled the tub, you kiss and caress his hand against the side of your face. This was certainly a change of character for you, from a tough, no nonsense marine to a loving, gentle little woman to your superior officer, her had you like putty in his large, rough hand which you kissed tenderly.

You kiss along his palm and up a vein to his wrist as the water filled the tub to the near brim, you turn it off just before it could reach that far. You gently tug his hand towards the water so he could enter first. He carefully entered the tub and takes a seat, you follow in behind, stepping in over his large lap and slowly dropping down to sit on him, pressing the side of your head against his chest. You could hear his heartbeat as you had your ear pressed against the skin over his heart, smiling all the while, “the doctor was right, from the sounds of your heart, you’re as healthy as an admiral can be and more.” He chuckles sheepishly and carefully placed a hand over your small frame, “y-you can determine that from simply hearing my heart? You truly are something amazing.” You blushed and turn your face to bury it against him, “s-shush Issho.. You’re making me all red and shy like..” He chuckles and gives you a gentle squeeze, “I’m simply returning the favor my dear.” You scoff with a snickering grin, he was catching on quick to your little teasing. For the remainder of the bath the two of you cuddled in the warm water, the comfortable silence mixed perfectly together with the warm, comforting steam that surrounded you in the beautifully tiled bathroom. When you caught Fujitora snoring, you decided it was time to get out of the warm, relaxing ceramic tub. You were the first to step out before aiding the blind man from the tub, taking his large hand to carefully guide him over the tub wall and onto the cool tile floor. You peck his lips sweetly before releasing his hand and getting the two of you towels. He smiled softly as you offer him the large towel before wrapping yourself in your own. You dry yourself as he did himself before hanging the towels over a rod and going to the closet to retrieve clothes for the two of you, leaving Fujitora to wait patiently for you to give him his clothes.

He waited only for a moment before you came out with his clothes draped over your naked body, strolling over and taking his hand to guide him into the bedroom. When you bring him to the bed, you stop and let go of his hand to hand him his clothes, “here. You get dressed in your nice clean yukata while I get dressed in the closet. I want to put on your surprise.” He blushed and nods shyly, “I-I’ll be waiting.” You grin excitedly and giggle like a school girl as you rush back to the closet. As you passed the threshold of the closet doorway, a knock came to the door. Before you could audibly groan in annoyance you could hear Akainu’s voice through the door as he called for Fujitora in his own annoyed tone. You squeak and quickly hide yourself in the darkest, dustiest part of the large closet, wedging yourself in a corner as Fujitora fumbled getting dressed quickly so he could answer the door. When Fujitora finally answers the door, Akainu gave him a dirty look the blind man couldn’t see but could most certainly feel his gaze burning into his flesh. “What took you so long idiot? I don’t have all night, I want to get home too,” Akainu scoffed at the blind man. “W-what brings you here, Sakazuki?” Fujitora asked, blindly facing his superior officer as he strolled in, looking around the room suspiciously. “Inspection. We don’t need you getting distracted in here either,” Akainu scoffed, his gaze practically burning through the walls, you could feel his eyes scan over you even though you were rooms away, blocked by walls from view. “I’m not allowed to have my partner in my room? There are no rules against that,” Fujitora protests behind Akainu as he looked around the room, walking closer to the bathroom, fortunately Fujitora’s clothes were on top of yours, shielding it perfectly. When Akainu reached the bathroom, he scoffed at seeing the pile of clothes on the floor, “filth… Perhaps you’re right. You should be allowed to have someone sleep with you. Only a filthy pig would want to be in a pig pen like this.” You clutch your fists and clench your teeth, you despised the way he insulted Fujitora, but if you came out now he would eliminate you then and there, so you decide to bite your tongue and stay put. Akainu only glanced over the closet before he decided to turn around a leave. “If your little pet can keep this place clean then I’ll allow the little shit to stay here, but only if she keeps this place clean. So go on ahead and get her from her barracks,” Akainu hissed, ordering Fujitora one last time before taking his leave from the room, slamming the door behind him.

When he was long gone, you get out from the dusty crevice and make your way to the room, leaving a trail of dust. “Are you alright my dear?” Fujitora asks you carefully, reaching a hand out to blindly search for you. You reach for his hand and place your small palm against his, your fingers outstretched and pressed against his palm. You stare at it for a moment before starting to tear up, gritting your teeth aggressively, “t-that… That… St-stupid.. Mean…” He frowns deeply and carefully stepped closer to you, reaching his arms out to bring you into a warm embrace, “shh it’s alright, easy now dear. He was just being his usual self. Please calm down, don’t cry.” You clutch his sloppily thrown on yukata and cry against the fabric, your tears soaking into it. “He-he’s such.. A big, fat.. J-just..” You shiver and shake, squeezing the fabric of his clothing as he strokes your back, “shh.. It’s alright.. Please don’t cry.. It pains me to hear you in pain…” You peel your face off his yukata and look up at his saddened, blind expression, shakily reaching your hand up to cup his cheek, “I-Issho… D-do you think all those things he said about me..?” You sniffle, shakily stroking his cheek. He placed his hand over yours and shakes his head, “of course not… I could never…” You sniff and drop your head, pressing your forehead against his chest, “carry me..?” He chuckles softly and nods, carefully scooping you up off the floor before carrying you over to the bed, blindly making his way. When he shuffles just in front of the bed, he takes a seat before carefully rolling onto his side with you in arms, cuddling your face into his chest, “Issho… Do you think things will get better..?” He frowned and stroked your back softly, “of course things will get better. They have to. And if things don’t I'll make it.” He reassured you lovingly, caressing your frame slowly. You look up at him and pick your head up enough to peck his lips, “can we do the deed some other time..? I don’t think I can go through with it right now…” He chuckles and nods, “that sounds like a wonderful idea.” You smile and nestle back into his chest, getting comfortable against him in his embrace. He kissed the top of your head before nestling against your scalp, starting to drift. You started to drift as well, though you were distraught beyond belief, he helped you relax enough to fall asleep. With the two of you sleeping in each other’s arms, you thought before you completely pass out, that just maybe things would be alright after all.

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