Od storywriter

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Od storywriter

ÿþGreed it is the reason many of us today are unable to perfome our everyday responsiblities.we don,t have time for our parent s wives kids. We always get away by saying I got to work hard to provide things for living but we forgot that we are no1 to say that we provide things. It is try to provide things. If we look back to the time we have wasted to make money to build wealth to have best life style it doesn t really give us the peace of mind we look in our old life. We don t ember many important things during the time we run behind money we miss love of parent caring of wives and most of all kids childhood which will not come back. Greed has changed us from human to money making machine. I am trying to understand the limit of greed seems it will never end. Today if we look around us we will only find people how want to have everything within days I wonder where that time is gone when to own a radio was a big thing camera was un reachable. Can only look at moon but to be there was a dream. Today we celebrate just to make sure we are involve but are we really? I want to bring two different world together 1 world of rich and other1 for poor. Who are rich the people make lot of money by using pours are rich why I say using poor of cause rich people can t be rich if there are no poors. Recent years life and changed allot from technology to way we live. First to call some use to be bug deal no we just use face book and other social networking to contact each other. But what poors what have changed for them lot of things changed for them before they have to worry about food but now they have to worry about their kids need computer mobiles and I pod and usbs and and etc. That is not all for poors they get killed by wars by hunger by disease n drugs and now from terrorists why poors pay the price for rich people safety and greed? I happened to learn lot of things about life before even face the reality of lives. I will start story from Africa where people are hungry thirsty weak and very poor. They live on very low income where food cost is skyrocketing where international help reaching very slow and little. A family can have as many kids they want but to feed them they don t have money for their milk or food. I mother works in rubbish collect some paper tans etc and sell them to get bit of money to feed her kids where father don t care for kids food but for their alcohol. How is it fair rich people make alcohol to enjoy costing people lives African don t often afford meat even buy vegetable is out of reach. They don t have Christmas or holidays Easter or hollowness. Why are rich getting for greedy and take away right to live from poors often I hear politician says we will finish poverty. I hope Rich start paying for neendy not because they have to but they want to.

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