The Jedi From Earth: A Star W...

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A Long Time Ago in a galaxy far far away... It has been nearly twenty years since the fall of the Old Re... Több

A Power Discovered
Who Are You
The Inquisitors
Quick Escape Captured
The Ship
Arriving In A Strange Place
The Training Of The Mind And Sword A Just Cause Rises
The First Mission
Rescuing And Guarding Leia
Fight On Cato Nemoidia
A Visit Home
Back To Life On Earth The Holocrons
A New Mission Duel In The Temple
Echo Of The Clone Wars A Jedi
Ambush Outside Geonosis A Familiar Face
The World Sees The Battle
Rescuing The President
Victory Christmas A New Year
Another Mission A Strange Planet
A New World
A Little Spar
Founding Of The Rebel Alliance
Shadowy Enemy Negotiations With Jabba
Imperial Invasion Of Geonosis Duel Of The Fates
Return To The Second Earth Equalist Attack
Investigating Future Industries
Mission To Munnilist
Strange Enemy
The Mythical Blade Origin Of The Orient
An Uneasy Treaty
Close Call On Dantooine
A Rematch The Cyborg General
Meeting Jedi
The Ghost
Earthly Disputes Inflamed
The Spell Is Broken
The Tale Of Darth Plagueis The Wise A Rare Power Unlocked
A Glimpse Of Malgus's Attack, Surprise Attack
Maul's Rematch With Sidious
Chase Through Coruscant Discovery
A Third Earth?
Mysteries North Of The Wall
Breaker Of Chains
Encounter In Meereen Snoke
Tracking A Jedi
Zaofu Emperor's Reach
The Fall Of The Earth Queen
Rescuing The Airbenders
Overseeing A Selection
Rebels On Naboo Coup Attempt
The High Inquisitor
Pursuit New Inqusitor
A Dark Jedi Vision Realized
Locating The Source
Undercover Flashback
Memories The Other Hands
Nowhere Is Safe
Phantom Of Fear
Rebels On Earth A Gift
Close Call Rescue
Searching For The Plans Trial Of Skill
Catch The Jedi
Loyalties Tested The Inquisitors Identity
Death Watch
More Talks
First Visit A Test
Second Attempt A Little Help
The Fire Lord
Four Leaders
Trials Of Insight,Courage and Flesh, Outspoken
Siege Of Kessel, Onderon
Battle For Onderon
The Grim Reaper Arrives
The Lost Ones
Mission To Malachor (Part 1)
Mission To Malchor (Part 2)
A Mysterious Death
Empire Day
Hunter, Tales Of The Past
Hunt For The Plans (Part 1)
Hunt For The Plans (Part 2)
Hunt For The Plans (Part 3), Naboo Celebrations
Hunt For The Plans (Final)
Tense Atmospheres, Night Of The Broken Glass
Skirmish In The North
The Drums Of War, Quell
Drogon Returns
The Past Revealed
Guidance Of The Force
The Hidden Base
Anger At Vader
Thrawn's Campaign Of Fire
Imperial Mercy
A Favor
Senate Crisis
Tyranny In Plain Sight
Secret Help
Strange Things
Tarkin's Folly, Old Secrets
The Oppression
Ancient Spirit
Halls Of Castamere
The Mandalorians
Undercover Again
The Captured Padawan
The Breakout
Assualt On Chopper Base
Rallying Forces, Snoke Tells A Secret
The Lost Lands
City Of Mysteries
Part 123
Part 124
Part 125
Part 126
Part 127
Part 128
Part 129
Part 130
Part 131
Part 132
Part 133
Part 134
Part 135
Part 136
The Battle For Earth-Part 137
The Battle For Earth-Part 138
Part 139
Part 140
Part 141
Part 142
Part 143
Part 144
Part 145
Part 146
Part 147
Part 148
Part 149
Part 150
Part 151
Part 152
Part 153
Part 154
Part 155
Part 156
Part 157
Part 158
Part 159
Part 160
Part 161
Part 162
Part 163
Part 164
Part 165
Part 166
Part 167
Part 168-Ice And Fire Meet
Part 169
Part 170
Part 171
Part 172
Part 173
Part 174
Part 175
Part 176
CAST Part 2 (Might Be Edited)
Part 178
Part 179
Part 180
Part 181
Part 182
Part 183
Part 184
Part 185
Part 186
Part 187
Part 188
Part 189
Part 190
Part 191
Part 192
Part 193
Part 194
Part 195
Part 196
Part 197
Part 199
Part 200

Part 198

92 3 8
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Gettysburg Bunker, July 8th 2016

"I'm sorry I don't understand, you mean he simply showed out of nowhere and walked into the base perimeter?" Johnson said in a confused tone into the phone which was on speaker while Matthews and Sharpson sat in front of her. "Yes it'd appear so, Madam President" Grayson replied in an equally confused tone. Johnson sat back in her chair while processing the information. "He claims he escaped from the Empire but I'm not entirely sure he was sincere" Grayson explained. "And what if he is sincere? What would you recommend we do?" Johnson asked. "If so then keeping him here is the best course of action" Grayson replied. "What if he isn't being sincere? And it is simply a ploy by the Empire into finding out about 'the guests'?" Johnson asked. "If so ma'am then his presence is now a much higher matter of national security" Grayson explained, "but it's your call on how we treat this, Madam President".

Johnson considered her options, if Shawn had truly escaped then it would be natural to ensure that the Empire couldn't find him and alerting his family of his presence would be another concern. Though his presence was now a matter of national security, if the Empire destroyed Area 51 then the years worth of experimental aircraft would be destroyed, including a new hypersonic fighter. "My decision is this, we will keep him in the base for now until his presence becomes a danger, in the mean time Grayson, I don't want him to be treated like a prisoner or a science experiment either".

"Evelyn, we'll need to hear more about the Empires capabilities from him, if they can destroy a city like London in the blink of an eye then what else could they have in their arsenal" Sharpson interjected. "That's a great idea Mr.Vice President, But I believe that the President already gave her orders" Grayson said. Johnson looked at Matthews, "what's your call Jim?" She asked him. "I think the Vice Presidents idea should be considered" Matthews replied and Johnson thought it over for a few seconds before deciding that it would be best to ask Shawn about the Empires true capabilities. "Dr. Grayson, I want you ask him about the Empires arsenal, and what the Emperor and his deputies are truly like". "Yes, Madam President" Grayson replied before hanging up the phone.

*******Area 51

Shawn had dozed off not long after Grayson had left the room, yet he saw something unexpected this time in his dreams. He felt an intense chill and then saw he was in the Antarctic temple, yet Shawn heard faint whispering all around but couldn't see the source. Then he realized he was in the main hall with names, yet more of them had started to glow, as if they were spreading like a virus to one another but still faintly strobed, indicating the person was alive. Suddenly, Shawn felt someone was behind and turned around to see nobody was there, yet he sensed otherwise. "Who's there?" He called out, even though he was not really there it still was quite creepy.

"You are intriguing, Malgus was correct in that regard" a deep mans voice said and Shawn turned around to see a middle aged man wearing some sort of white colored regalia, which had a cumbersome appearance, "It is not easy for the dead to see beyond the netherworld". "Who are you?" Shawn asked. The mans yellow colored irises indicated to Shawn that he was not someone to be trifled with. "You do not know of who I am?" The man said with slight confusion before chuckling in a menacing way that reminded Shawn of Palpatine. "I am the one who cheated death for centuries, who ruled the empires of the Sith of old", "I have gone by many names, but the one your Emperor would know is the last one I held, Valkorion".

Shawn showed no reaction for he had never heard of anyone by that name. "You really don't know who I am or rather was, do you?" Valkorion said then walked to the side a little, "Pity, since I was the one who ordered this place to be built" he said while gesturing around. A question crossed Shawn's mind and he spoke, "how'd you do that? We're any of these people even alive when you built it?". Valkorion seemed a little intrigued, as though Shawn had asked what he'd wanted him to but did not expect him to. "All of these names are only those of people born since the end of the deadliest war in your planets history" Valkorion explained, "yet it was built seven thousands years before then, as there are many powers that the Force can offer, one of which is the ability to see far into the future and see what is coming".

Valkorion shimmered a little as he paced. "Everything proceeds as the Force has deemed", "I built this place with the intention of assisting the future generations of the Sith, should my other plans fail". "Though it appears that there was one factor I could not see no matter how much I focused". Then he pointed at Shawn, "that someone such as yourself would have their powers awoken, by an unforeseen circumstance, such as that being from beyond these stars". Shawn was puzzled by all of what he'd heard but also found it chilling, that a man of Valkorions power could have seen thousands of years into the future. Though he realized something else from this, that no matter how powerful Valkorion had been he was still somehow defeated, and that the same thing could happen to Palpatine.

"Even though that being is an unforeseen circumstance, he shall place himself on the mantle that I and your Emperor once placed ourselves upon" Valkorion continued. "Which is?" Shawn asked. "The mantle of manipulating a conflict to the point of emerging from the shadows and seizing power, with underlings capable of using the Force to keep our will pressed hard onto the Galaxy". "Obviously it doesn't always work if you're dead" Shawn retorted and Valkorion chuckled softly again. "Indeed, but that is the nature of those who wade too far into the dark side, the overconfident adherents will eventually fail". Valkorion said before waving his hand and everything went black.

*******Lothal, Star Destroyer Chimaera

Thrawn studied his maps intently in his office while deliberating his next move. Or that was until he received an unexpected visitor. "Excuse me Grand Admiral, But one of the Emperors agents wishes to speak to you" his aide said. "Send him in" Thrawn said calmly and the aide stepped aside to let Vess pass by before walking out and shutting the door behind him. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Kogo?" Thrawn asked. "My concern is that we are moving too slowly, Grand Admiral" Vess said in an irritated tone, "even if Kanan Jarrus is dead that still leaves General Kota as the one to succeed him". Thrawn listened carefully and responded in turn. "Your concerns are correct and warranted Kogo, but strategy takes time, and if the Phoenix Squadron is indeed being led by either General Kota or Captain Syndulla then I must allow them small victories to deduce their methods of attack".

Vess's expression turned sour, "you'd let them slip through your grasp so easily? You must be bluffing Grand Admiral" he said astonishment. "I do no such thing Kogo, after all the surest way to defeating an enemy is to understand them" Thrawn explained, "I am aware that your main concern is of course the Jedi, now that Lord Vader has been summoned away are you certain that you and Stele can deliver the Jedi?". "It seems that petty restraint is not uncommon among my counterparts, like Mendes, Stele is a gentle soul at heart and often holds back his abilities" Vess explained, "I do not". Thrawn raised an eyebrow in curiosity, "Have you witnessed that yourself?" He asked. "I have sensed it" Vess replied, "the Force tells me all I need".

"Ah, yes" Thrawn said in an intrigued tone, "does that also mean that you can trace down the Jedi?". "Without question" Vess replied in a confident tone. "Then tomorrow I want you to lead an attack force on the rebels hideout, which if our probe droids are correct is located in a mountain range to the south" Thrawn explained to Vess while clicking a button and a hologram of Lothal cane to life, with a red dot indicating the place he had been referring to. Vess had a disapproving expression, "I do not answer to you Grand Admiral, only to Lord Vader or the Emperor himself" he said in a warning tone, "so I will go there of my accord, not yours". "As you wish" Thrawn said with a respectful nod as Vess began to head to the door. "Oh, and Admiral", "Stele will be accompanying me too" Vess said while looking over his shoulder before the door slid shut behind him.

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