The Woods

By Shakand

172 28 0

When a dark and disturbing secret is revealed a young woman retreats to the woods, but as she quickly realize... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 6

9 1 0
By Shakand

(Day 3, Madeline)
     I stared into the trees, watching, waiting for the demon to appear before me. Kill me. I waited for death, but death did not come, instead a doe approached me. It stood in front of me, staring into my aching eyes. Why isn't it scared?
     I reached out to touch the doe and it did not move, my hand lied on the side of its face. I stroked its fur gently and before I knew it, its head was resting in my hand. I've never been so close to a wild animal. I watched as its breath left through its nose, creating a fog in between us.
     I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, my side ached and it caused me to groan. My hand closed in on itself and I opened my eyes to watch as the doe wondered off into the woods. Nature is strange, yet it is so beautiful.
     The darkness was leaving and the sun began to return and with it, in the pit of my stomach a pain. A growl of hunger. Food, water. If I wanted to stay alive, I knew that I needed to get food and water, but my body refused to move.
     I knew I could go awhile without food, but I couldn't go very long without water. I tried to stand all of my previous injuries screaming in pain. Falling to the ground, birds flew from the trees. So cold. Everything ached and I wanted to just lay down and sleep forever, not have to deal with being alive, if all life is, is pain.
(Day 2-Night 3, Diane)
     Parker stopped talking and with a sigh and a nod of agreement he pulled into a driveway and began to back out. The pressure returned and began to move to the back of my head. I felt sick to my stomach as I watched the world pass by as this vision began to take over.
"Parker we need to stop somewhere."
"The gas station. Just hold on."
I returned to silence as I awaited the vision, but nothing came, I just couldn't see, but I couldn't open my eyes either. Is she dead My heart raced quickly and I couldn't breathe, I felt a liquid drip onto my leg.
     The truck came to a stop and I heard Parker leave the car, He left me. I would have cried, but was physically unable to do so. I moved my hands to my eyes and began to try to rub them, to see more clearly, but instead hurt myself. Am I blind now? My breath quickened and my heart started racing until I heard the sound of the car door open. I took a deep breath, reaching my hand over towards Parker. His hand fell on mine and then he spoke.
"What's wrong?"
"I can't see anything." I stated as calmly as I could.
"Where do we go?" He responded after a moment.
"Just return to your house."
     I listened to the car rumble to life and felt the car begin to move. What if I can't see again? The thought pushed its way into my mind, but as much as I wanted to forget I knew it was a possiblity, one that could ruin everything, it wouldn't leave my mind. After awhile the car stopped completely and shut off and Parker spoke again.
"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?"
I thought for a moment, If I go to the hospital, it will be a wreck, I'll never be able to save this girl. If she is still alive. I gathered enough strength to respond strongly.
     I listened to the car door open and shut and I unbuckled, waiting for him. My car door opened and I felt his hand, he helped me out of the car and walked us to the front door, I could not see if it was night, but the cooler air hinted that it was. Why can't I see I heard the click of the front door opening and followed him inside, the door shutting behind me.
     I was brought to a chair, my vision still missing. I racked my brain for ideas, but none came that sounded as though they would work. Again I was unable to cry, so I tried to stay strong as I awaited for Parker to talk or for a good idea to come to mind.
It must have been at least an hour before an idea came to mind and although it was a stretch, it was the only idea that seemed as though it would work. I was about to share my idea with Parker, but then I felt a hand on my shoulder. The hand seemed to phase through my shirt and touch skin. I screamed and jumped as I felt the sliminess of its touch.
     Without my vision I couldn't tell if it was still there and I couldn't see where I could run, but I knew it was not when I heard Parker's voice enter the room.
     Parker helped me stand and I felt my heartbeat return to normal. We stood in the middle of the living room for awhile, as thought after thought passed through my head. The what ifs causing me to wish I could see. I rely too much on sight. I concluded as finally I began to speak.
"We need to go back to my house."
"But you said…"
"I know what I said."
     Even though deep down fear had its strong hold, I had to do this. It was the only idea I had, and as long as Parker was here nothing could hurt me. It is trying to make me think I am insane, I can't let it win. Parker took my hand to lead me outside.
"Should we take the truck?" He asked as we walked.
"No, we won't need it."
     We wandered down the street, cars passing on occasion, completely oblivious to what was happening. Finally as I felt Parker stop I knew we were here. My plan contained danger, but there was no other option. No other way to escape this hell.
"Wait outside."
"But isn't it dangerous in there! You can't go in there alone."
"Just wait here until you hear screaming."
"Just wait."
     I started towards the house alone, hands in front of me as I reached towards the front door. My hands fell on metal and I realized it was my car. I moved to the driver's seat and felt for my phone. Finally my hands fell upon something cold and slimy. I pulled back in disgust and slammed the car door.
     As my fingers touched the wooden door to my house I felt it open with ease. I stepped inside, locking the door behind me. I have to do this. There is no going back. I stood still and prepared myself. I tilted my head up and yelled.
"Come and get me you ugly freak!"
     The house seemed to come alive, crashing came from upstairs and I followed it bravely. As I reached the top step I heard the crashing noise in my room. Step by step I made it to the end of the hall, opening my door a rush of wind hit my eyes and I blinked, able to see the monster-ish being staring me in the eyes. They had a bloodied, disfigured face that could invoke a scream from anyone.
     I screamed for Parker. The monster quickly covered my mouth and then I remembered that the door was locked. No! I struggled in its grasp, making it as difficult as possible to hold me. It managed to keep ahold of me during my struggle and I heard Parker at the front door.
"Why is it locked?!"
     Parker pounded on the front door and I wanted to scream and fight, to do anything but stay here helpless. A loud crash stopped my struggling and then I heard the sound of running, shoes on hard wood, coming up the steps.
     I opened my eyes and looked up at Parker with tear filled eyes and my arms wrapped around my legs. I felt so bad about dragging him into my problems, but I still wondered as to why these problems were just now appearing. I felt as though a piece of my heart had been ripped out and been replaced with a chunk of pain.
"I'm sorry Parker. I guess I am insane."
     He knelt next to my crying body, putting his arm around me. I wanted to feel comforted, and I knew I should, but I didn't. I felt more isolated than ever and it pained me even more. I felt like tearing my head in two, to end it, to give up and not deal with anything anymore. But I remembered the girl in the woods, She needed my help. I looked up again at Parker. Our help.
     I allowed Parker to help me stand and we left the house without incident. A weight felt like it was lifted off my shoulders as soon as we crossed the threshold of the door. My mind still felt terrible and thinking seemed beyond my capabilities.
     We walked through the cold night together and after awhile I felt as though we were one. We could get through anything together, but apart we were weak. From now on we do this together, no splitting up
     We finally arrived at his house and went inside. He sat me in the living room and said something, but I didn't hear him. He ran upstairs and after a moment I heard water running. He returned to me and again helped me stand.
"Here, go take a shower and by the time you get dressed I'll have dinner ready."
     I nodded in agreement as he glided to the kitchen. I carefully and slowly made my way to the stairs, scaling them at the speed of a snail. As I reached the top the thought of warm water caused a smile to surface. I quickly entered the bathroom and shut the door, locking it before removing my clothes slowly to avoid hurting myself.
     I stared into the mirror, adjusting my hair as if it mattered. I watched my smile turn to a frown as I noticed the scars on my shoulder. I quickly looked away and towards the shower, reaching my hand in to feel the warm water flowing smoothly over my hand.
     I stepped in as excitement returned, the smile quickly resurfacing. I couldn't stop myself from laughing as the water fell on my skin, washing away the memories of the monster I had just encountered. I took a deep breath before plunging my face into the water, my hair getting soaked in the process, but it felt great to have water run down my face, dripping off my chin.
     Suddenly flashes of the girl in the woods appeared before my eyes. My heart pounded against my chest and my breathing became erratic. I tried to scream but it came out a hoarse whisper. After a minute they stopped and I was sitting on the floor of the shower, holding my knees to my chest. The water continued to come down upon me, but now I didn't feel as though it were washing away my troubles. I just wished it would drown me.
     As I stepped into the bedroom I found clothes on the bed. Why does he have female clothes? I wondered as I slipped them on, feeling warm and comfortable. I looked around for a minute completely confused by my thoughts.
     I clumsily made my way down the steps and to the dining room. The table was a simple square made from wood and one chair sat on each side, also built from wood. A red tablecloth was spread over the table and on it was two plates of food, on separate sides of the table. The smell of chicken filled my nose and the feel of heat from the cooked chicken felt nice against my skin. I sat down on the opposite side of Parker and looked down at the food.
"Thank you for everything." I quickly spoke.
"You're welcome." He said quietly as though in thought.
     We ate in silence, creating an eerie vibe to the dimly lit room. The water felt nice against my burning throat and I could feel myself returning to a better mental state. After we finished and sat for a moment in silence he beckoned me to follow him. I followed him upstairs and into the bedroom.
"You can sleep here."
     He said again as though he was lost in thought, but the look on his face told me that he wanted to say something else, something that was on his mind, begging to say whatever it was he wanted to. I could only imagine as I sat on the bed, sinking into the soft mattress.
"Thank you."
     I said again as he turned to leave, not saying a word as he left, closing the door behind him. I swiftly moved to lay down and pulled the covers over me as I turned off the lamp next to the bed. Tomorrow is a new day. I thought and quickly fell asleep.

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