Won't You Stay? {COMPLETED}

By Chaotic_Energy_420

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Ticci Toby x Reader I do not own most of these characters. Hoodie and Masky (Brian and Tim) belong to Marble... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Eleven

48 2 0
By Chaotic_Energy_420

First Person P.O.V.

I returned to the town of Merdursitty, finding out that a week ago, some guy was found bleeding and missing an eye. When he was brought to the hospital, he was pronounced dead on arrival.

This isn't the first time Merdursitty has seen death. This poor town has had more deaths than a prostitute has STDs. And it's not surprising at all that the body was found inside of Deathsong Forest. Those who go in, never come back out. No one knows why, and those who do know keep their mouths shut in fear.

This whole location is cursed and this town is fukked. That's probably why I'm drawn to it so.

The police search has brought up nothing, and what the public is allowed to know is limited. But, what we are told, is that the man had been on some kind of drugs and was definitely drunk. He had pulled out his own eye, but someone else most likely was the cause of what killed him in the end.

The wound on his side, most likely caused by an object like a hatchet or an axe.

I'm heading to the crime scene, dressed as a cop and pretending to be a woman on duty. I am going to find out what's there and see what they have already. This story, though short, is coming to an end. An end that people won't like. It'll be fun helping everything go crashing down before it's even built that high.

I step into the scene, a few officers glancing at me but mostly paying no attention. They're all too nervous and jumpy about even being in Deathsong Forest to really care about anyone else but themselves.

I walk towards the rock I could see near the middle of the clearing and squat near it, examining the rock before looking closer. There, stuck to it, is a hair that was barely hanging on.

I pull out a glove and baggie, putting on the glove and grabbing the hair. I hold it up and observe it, recognizing the glow of the colour from a female I had seen not too terribly long ago. I place the hair into the baggie and zip it up, handing it over to an officer who had been walking my way.

I flash him a smile before standing and removing my glove, shoving it into my pocket and exiting the clearing. Heading back to the town, I wait to see how much longer the inevitable will be dragged out.

First Person P.O.V.

I walk through the forest, heading to a location so I can keep an eye on the local police officers. I don't want them snooping too close to the mansion, even if they're a long way from it. These people can be persistent at times.

When I reach the edge of the clearing, I see an officer I hadn't seen before exiting. That's odd. A group of officers leave the location, leaving behind two more as they go. As soon as the group is completely gone, I train my attention on the two still in the clearing.

One, a fat looking officer with short black hair and a goatee, looks to the other who is skinny and blonde.

"I swear, we should just cut down this entire forest and leave it at that."

The blonde looks to his partner and frowns at him, shaking his head in disappointment.

"That's not a good idea. Wild animals live here and we shouldn't destroy their home. Plus, the forest would punish us for such things, maybe even for such thoughts."

I watch them argue for the better part of an hour, debating if I should kill them now and leave or not. I choose to end them anyways.

I walk around the clearing, going to strike the guy with the goatee first. Slowly approaching, I grab the man and slit his throat before tossing the knife I used into the other's throat.

Grabbing the knife and standing, I look at the lifeless bodies I had just created. I clean the weapon and pocket it, grabbing the man with the goatee and hefting him to a location I'm sure he won't be found.

As I head back to grab the other officer, I see the group from before has returned. They swarm around the blonde's body, all having expressions of grief or rage. Maybe even a mix of both.

A man in a suit and tie nods to the other officers, who fan out and go to head deeper into the forest. I recede into the shadows then head back towards the mansion. I'd take them all down right now if I felt like it, but I'm in no mood to be fought with right now.

I reach the mansion and enter, looking around for Toby or the chick he had brought back and kept about a week or two ago. We didn't think much of it, considering he didn't plan on her leaving his sight and it's not our problem if she isn't doing anything too bad around the place. All she's doing is existing, so what's to worry about? Except for everything, that is.

When I walk into the living room, I find Jane and a few others watching the news. There was a picture of a face, a face I've been seeing around for the past week, on the screen. The announcer is talking about how she had disappeared last week and a strand of her hair had been found at the murder scene of the druggie.

"Where's Toby and what's-her-face?"

I look to the others as I listen for a response, temporarily tuning out the TV as I'm not really interested.

Jane looks to me, and when she does it's almost like a brick smacks her across the face.

"They just left to town. That's not really good. If they take the girl, she could tell them everything. Toby will most likely take the blunt of it, though..."

She looks down to consider it before I straighten myself, letting out a steady sigh. If the girl is found and she gives out any info, the same will happen as last time. The government will get involved for a while because they're nosy shits, especially when it comes to this town, then they'll leave after about a month because they're bored or simply don't care anymore.

Except, I don't think the government actually ever left, and none of our own guys were with the escaped prisoner last time. Actually, there are a lot of factors that are different from last time. Shit.

First Person P.O.V.

I head down the stairs, (Y/N) right behind me as I head down. We've spent the past week trying to get to know each other, though she's mostly been staying in my room and I've been running extra errands to make it up to Slendy.

As I make it down the final steps, I look to Jane and BEN who are both sitting on the couch and staring at a program on the TV screen. I tell them that (Y/N) and I are heading to town before we exit, making our way through the forest.

It's midday as we walk, the occasional sound of a lazy bird chirping from somewhere around us. Every now and again, a small rodent will scamper between our feet as they run to or from something.

Entering the town, I let (Y/N) take the lead. She wanted to return here to go to a Casey's for whatever reason. I hope that whatever she's after is worth it because this town absolutely sucks.

We soon reach the store and enter, looking around before she runs to a certain section. I stand near the cashier as I wait for her, tapping my fingers because I'm rather impatient. I look to the cashier who flashes me a nervous smile. They must be a normally shy person then or something.

(Y/N) walks over with something in her hand and pays with it before stuffing it in her pocket. I raise an eyebrow before she simply flashes a smile at me. Shaking my head, we exit the store.

We don't get five feet from the entrance before we're surrounded by police cars.

What the Hell?


It just keeps getting shittier-- But, I wanna get to the ending because this book has been on hold and just sitting unfinished for way too long. Plus, I can't wait to wrap this story up with the conclusion I'm planning!~

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