Just Kidding || Jeon Jungkook

By Achillesheelsx

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"If I had a face like yours, I'd sue my parents!" Tears. "Hey, it was just a joke- "Well it wasn't very funny... More

Guide for Group Chats


131 6 0
By Achillesheelsx

Jinae sat in the semetary, still on her knees. "I-is this the problem a-at home he t-talked about?" She whimpered out. "The reason f-for his b-bullying." Tears fell down her cheeks. She removed her mask. "I-I don't know half t-the trouble my family put him t-through- when did he die?" She moved the lilies away from their place to see the date. "1992-2012 ~ 22.02.12."

"That- that was the day after he ran out- he must have been to the hospital." Jinae said as more tears fell. The rain got heavier. "I'll call Namjoon. I can barely stand, nevermind walk." She whispered to herself and pulled out her phone.

"Hey babe what's up-"


"Hey? What's wrong?"

"C-can you come g-get me?"

"Of course! Where are you?"

"The semetary outside of town-"

"Why are you out there babe?"

"I'll explain w-when you get here-"

"I'm on the way honey."

"Bye Joonie."

She put her phone back in her pocket and curled up into a ball under a tree. A few minutes later, Namjoon pulled up in his car. "Jinae!" He called out. She stood up and staggered to the car. "What happened love?" He asked as she got into the car. "Y-you remember how you said Jungkook's brother is in America?" She asked. "Yeah why?" He looked at her. "I-I don't think he ever made it to america- I saw Jungkook at a tombstone- it was his brother's-"

Namjoon leaned in and kissed Jinae. "Namjoon this isn't the time!" She yelled. "I'm sorry-" "Jesus Christ!" She yelled. "Just take me home. Don't follow me in." She looked out the window at the falling rain drops. Joon and Jinae had fights before, but this was their first fight as a couple, they weren't even dating a week yet and Jinae was already regreting her decision. She only accepted because she didn't want to ruin the best friendship she ever had.

Joon felt guilty, but, Jinae hadn't taken off her mask since they started dating, so he didn't think he'd get another opportunity. He took the leap of faith, and right now he's holding on to the edge of the cliff, hanging for his life. Jinae was furious at his actions. Her head was clouded with questions she needed answers to.

'Why did he keep it a secret?"

'Why couldn't he tell me?'

'If he had told me back then, where would we be now?'

'Would we have been a couple?'

'Would he have had an education?'

'Why is he going through this alone?'

'Why do I-'

"We're here babe." Namjoon snapped her out of her thoughts. "Thank you Joon." She put on her mask and went up to her appartment. She slid down the door and started to cry softly. She pulled out her phone and opened Instagram.

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