By Ipkknd-FanFictions

536K 15.5K 445

Arnav's cell rang. Hello Arnav singh Raizada here. Hello...!!! A soft hello Arnav heard this voice after long... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50


10K 265 11
By Ipkknd-FanFictions

It was 5 pm,Hospital Door Opened a lady wearing Black and white lining mini dress which end at her mid thigh, black stilettos, matching black jewellery and clutch,
She walked in elegantly, Looks in Khushi's eyes tells she recognise her pretty clearly. She walked near to Khushi stop right infront of her and slapped on her face.Khushi wasn't much surprise...One more acuusation She thought. Khushi turned her face and look at her with steeling eyes. Lavanya brought her hand forward to slap her once again this time Khushi held his hand. Lavanaya's eyes were spitting fire.How dare you? Lavanaya screeched.Wrong MS WHOEVER you are, it should be me telling you How Dare you Slap me. Khushi said with equal angery tone She pasue for a while then continue again, I can call security in here and throw you out but i guess it won't suit your image better leave RIGHT NOW!!Acutally thats the problem of you middle class low status people. You people try to put your hands on things which are out of your reach. Thats the problem of you middle class people your dreams are very high unlike your class. BETTER GO AWAY WITH THIS SIN OF YOURS!!! Lavanya sneered at Khushi lastly she pointed at Aryan calling him sin.Khushi slapped her once again. I don't allow people to point finger at my son if they are high clas, middle class, or whoever they are. If i don't have money that doesn't mean i will take every shit people throw my way. My son means world to me. ASR and Raizada family means world to me. Lavanya retorted back. World or Family that can cope with your luxurious wishes of your SO CALLED world, Khushi sarcastically spoked. anyways i don't want to talk to you so get lost from here.YOU!!! Lavanya greeted through her teeths, Stay away from ASR if you think you can get him easily I tell you Cheap women You have to LAVANYA KASHYAP.Khushi laughed on her angry and tensed body, tch tch tch, no one here wants your ASR i just need his help t...She stopped when she heard familar angry voice.WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE Arnav roared.Ohh Asr you here, Lavanya looked at him sarcastically Its good you are here. She walked to him and held his arm, Please baby tell her to leave and end this drama give her some money and tell her to go away put and end to this shit. Tell this bitch to take that little ba****d of her an...Arnav Yank Lavanaya pulled his arm out held her jaw inhis strong grip. One more word Lavanya i will forget you are a women. Not a a word against my Son and mother of my Son. DO YOU GET IT. He left her with a pull.ASR Lavanaya exclaim in disbelief. How can you say this boy is your son. She compose herself a little and asked him. ASR never behaved like this with her. he looked at her with fire spitting eyes which held looks YOU.MESSED.WITH.WRONG.PERSON.He is my son because she is my wife. Arnav screamed at her. Khushi snapped her head and looked at him.Lavanya looked at him with utter shocked. Wi...wife...How come you were engaged to me. Well well do you consider it engagement when itwas mere deal for us. You knew it already i was never interested in you ever or this relation. ASR how can you do this. La was acting to be hurt. Lavanaya or Rishab saxena's new girl firend. Lavanya gasp in surprise.Lavanaya do you think i am foolyou are going around with him since last few month. Do you think i don't know...Arnav sneered at her.Khushi has turned her back to them long ago She was acting as she isn't there.Well when you knew how come you use mefor your physical pleasures. Was i some wh*re for you, you consider youself married but everytime to come on my door step with you needs. La retored back Khushi closed her eyes tightly a lone tear escape from her eye. She wipe it as soon as it flowed down.Well What ever youwant to think i give damn about it. It should beyou who should have consider this going around with two mens at same time. Arnav starighten his back he knew it will mess up everything if this topic gets more streched. Well i have certain proves against you that proves your disloyalities against AR.You have been exchanging our designs with our rivals, leaking out infos. Misusing your position of being my Fiance. Aman, Arnav called a man clad in thre piece suit walked in holding a file. Arnav gesture him to show her the file. Lavanaya looked at file her colors changes as she read details. There were five severe cases on her. Which included attempt to murder of her rival Model Sheetal. Supplying drugs, misusing powers and position, leaking Ar's designs, exchanging designs and information with rivals.Asr!!! Lavanya looked baffled.Lavanya its myway or no way as an option for you. I am getting married to Khushi offciallyinfront of this world bring out my secret wedding i want you to be there act the way i want else no one can stop me to give this file to police and most importantly media. Lavanya looked at him her forehead covered with sweat beads. I am ready to work as you say. Good when my work will be done i'll let you go with all the proves. No you can leave. Arnav said in dismissal tone.As lavanaya moved out Payal and Akash came in. Payal rush to Khushi's side.Khushi why was she here, did she said anything to you. Speak up Khushi. Khushi turnand shook her head. Payal held Khushi's chin and saw her left cheek with was red with finger marks. Did she slapped you. Payal said in shock tone.Arnav who was talking to Akash came to her side hearing Payal's voice. She slapped you Khushi, Why didn't you told me earlier i would have give her right piece of mind. Arnav I don't need your help to deal with people and this is normal for me people hitting or targetting me because of you. Khushi spitted fire back on him she was angry hell angry on him. Arnav kept quiet for a while but then he ignored her looked at Payal. Tomorrow Aryan is getting discharged from here. Khushi and i are getting married Day after tomorrow. Akash and Payal looked at him with open mouth. Khushi looked at him with anger. Care to tell me when i agreed to marry to you. She said sarcastically. well do you have an option. He said to Khushi turn to payal and Akash. I don't want to risk my son's life Akash. Whatever i did to Khushi i deserve punishment for that Khushi has a right to do that i won't say a word if she punish me but i don't Aryan to suffer in any way. He looked at Khushi. Please don't let your ego come in between, this time big fat ego can take life of...he left incomplete. Please Khushi i beg you don't turn htis down.Aryan fine i agree you want to do it for Aryan I too want same but why we need to get married. As last time you spent a night with me to complete your bet andprove you are the rockstar of college...this time spend nights with me in my apartment until i conceive later on you can leave no holding commitments, no promises, no relations, no strings, no ties.Khushi i don't want to repeat my mistake again, I regret ... but i don't want my son to suffer, i don't want people pointing finger on my kids. Arnav saidWell i don't want any ties with you, it will only remind me past. Khushi said being stubborn.Payal and Akash were looking at both.FINE!!! Arnav said in angrily. I guess you won't understand it this way. What will you do? she retorted backWell see what i will do. Being a single mother its difficult for you to bring up kid especially in Aryan's case. If you don't agree to marry me day after tomorrow...i have my ways to get Aryan away from you. You he pointed at her, will come running back to me for Aryan. Its indian court you know here power of money can bring you whatever you want, No one will support you Khushi.Payal gritted her teeths but Akash held her and shook his head slowly telling her let them deal it.You Can't do this, Khushi said in disbeliefTry me. Arnav said with victorious grin.I'll kill you Raizada she gritted her through her teethsSure Sweetheart. Arnav said amusedly.She punch on wall angrily yelping in apin relaising she is being stupid here to punch wall. AS wall is much stronger then her.Fine we will marry but i will leave once Aryan's operation is done...Khushi was agitatedSorry you break your dream bubble i won't let you go this time or ever again. She huffed at him anger and walk back to Aryan's side.Arnav mouthed Thankyou to Akash. Where as Payal gave him warning looks. He smirk at her nodded Promising her Khushi's happiness.//*~*~*//Lavanaya was roaring like injured lioness. You have to pay for this Arnav singh Raizada, that Khushi and her son has to pay for taking my position for breaking my dream...She splashed her hands and threw crystal decorations, Her hand was bleeding but she cared less.Rm HouseMaa, be ready i am going to bring Khushi home tomorrow. My khushi will come back to my son with our Aryan. Finally we will get married tomorrow.Arnav was extremely happy Anjali who was goofily smiling looking at her brother who was happy after long.Sia hugged Arnav kissed his forehead. I wish you stay happy always. Anjali hugged him you look very handsome chotte when you smile like this.Well Ma don't you think we should join Papa to bring Aryan back home. Anjali said looking at Arnav with amused eyes. Sia laughed and nodded her head. Hospital.Khushi called mehr in goa. Thankyou mehr please sned me money asap. I need them she was feeling sorry she had to sell her goa house and shop for this She had to sell Mr wadia's given possession to her. She had to do that to pay off Aryan's hospital bill which was almost 2.5 lakhs. For Operation she need more money. House and shop both sell for almost 45 lakhs. She left those money in her bank taking out 2.5 lakhs for hosiptal bill. Khushi had was arranging new apartment on rent which was already done. Her new apartment was near her new shop in delhi. Hospital bill was also arranged.Khushi asked nanny to pack her things and she'll be back in a while after paying bills. Khushi walked out found Arnav coming towards them. Khushi are you done with packing. Khushi Nodded. Lets go then Arnav said happily. Khushi looked at his hands he was holding balloons Khushi's eyes almost Popped out. What?? Arnav looked at her confused. She shook her head. Ok then come quickly we are leaving. I asked Aman to arrange my private flat for you for tonight. You can shift there tomorrow we are getting married Choose the place where you want it to be conducted. Yes Mom and Di are also here to meet you and Aryan. Arnav keep on speaking without looking at her.Khushi could make one thing out, he was too happy at the moment. She followed him quietly forgetting about bills.Arnav asked his driver to take basket and bags to their car. Sia and Anjali too came to meet both. Anjali was happy to see little chottey. She cuddled Aryan in her lap lovingly Surprisingly Aryan didn't protest when she kissed him thrice. Sia kissed Khushi's forehead lovingly and expressed her warm wishes for her and Arnav.Arnav told them its time for them to leave but he want to meet doctor before going. Doctor was waiting for them. He told Sia and Anjali to proceed they will follow them.Arnav and Khushi sat in Doctor's chamber with Aryan sitting in Arnav's lap. Doctor smiled at little family. Mr Raizada Aryan is fit for the while until we proceed for operation, If he gets fever you can come here for check up anytime. If you feel anything unusual you can call me any moment. One thing Ms. Gupta being a mother i want to tell you, Aryan has leukaemia and with these high dosage medicines Aryan's growth will be slower then normal childrens but you don't need to worry about that. Just stick to the diet i gave you for the while i will guide you further.Arnav and Khushi nodded.Thats all for now. Best of luck Mr Raizada I want you to overcome your differences to save your son. Your difference can be sort out after a while as well but if once you loose your son you won't be able to get him back. Khushi eyes welled up Loosing Aryan even these words seems to be scary for her, she don't want to think about this she is a mother will go to any extent to save her little baby.Arnav you walk ahead i'll be back, Khushi said softlyWhere are you going now??Ill be back you go ahead. Khushi said dismissing him and quickly walk towards Reception.Sister, I want to pay off Aryan Gupta's bill can you please pass me receit.Madam your bill is already been cleared off.Sorry?? I mean how can...Nurse gave her wierd looks, who paid the bill? Khushi asked.She checked and Arnav singh raizada.Khushi nodded and left.Arnav and Khushi left hospital they were on their way to Flat. Arnav was happily talking to Aryan in childish voice where as Khushi was looking out feeling angry and possessive. She was feeling as Arnav will take her Aryan away from her. I can't let him come close to Aryan he can do anything. I can't trust him Ari call me papa PUh puhahan baby not puh puh its papaAryan giggled at him Arnav smiled back. He was driving and playing with Aryan.Khushi was getting agitated with him coming closer to Her Ari.Arnav shut up and drive its not safe playing with kid while driving. Arnav was stun for a moment with her tone he kept quiet and concentrated on his driving wondering what happen to her all of sudden.Aman called him.Yes Aman, Good thanksBye.Arnav mood lit up a little after the call. They Reached Apartment. Khushi's luggage was shifted here already. Sia and Anjali were Already here. They welcome Aryan home Breaking Coconut and doing tilak ceremony. Sia held her Grand son kissed him loved him. She was very happy to hold her chottey's chottey. She feeling proud grand mom of this little bundle who was enjoying the attention.Anjali and Sai were treating Khushi as she was some princess. Sia lovingly cupped her face Thanked her for being with them, She kissed her forehead lovingly and took her in her motherly warmth.She told Khushi to call her ma just like Arnav call her. Khushi's eyes welled up she hugged sia cried a little softly.Sia wiped her tears softly. Now its time for you to smile and enjoy your life I can't wait to have you in my house as my daughter. Thank you beta Thank you for this little bundle. For little version of my Arnav. He is exactly like him. Khushi looked at Arnav who was smiling at them With his arm around his di. Khushi gave him angry looks she still remember him paying off hospital bills. Anjali interrupted their eye lock. Khushi Chottey, we organize small mehndi and sangeet function here. Both looked at them surprised. Sia jumped in, We too have some wishes to fulfill so we want Khushi to feel as a bride and feel this is her wedding though you both are getting married hastily. I want it to be proper wedding with all rituals. This was all so sudden, She was drowning in her own turmoil, couldn't see through the situation she was drowning in. Just yesterday she was almost forced into this wedding, today only its her mehndi and sangeet. She never dreamt for this day anymore. She never thought she will ever get married in her life. She had gave up these wedding dreams long back, When Arnav turn his back on her. She stopped living her live it was like she was just breathing and telling her heart to beat else there wasn't and ounce of life in her until the day she wanted to live her life when Aryan came to her life her only hope. Diwali, holi nothing has meaning for her any more, today she will apply mehndi after it seems like ages.Anjali broke her thought telling her its time for her to get readyAn hour later few Close guest arrive there Including Payal, Muskaan. Khushi was getting ready inside she want it to be simple wedding but on insisting on Sia she wear dress she brought for her.mehndi dress
Khushi dressed In Purple choli, White lehga and red and purple dubpatta with gotti work on it. It wasn't heavy one but elegant one. Sia make Khushi to wear Bindi, Kundan bangles and necklace.Khushi was lead out by sia. She looked heavenly beautiful, Arnav was mesmerised by her beauty. Arnav had Aryan in his arms He was so lost in Khushi he didn't realise Aryan was calling him. Aryan screamed on top of his voice grabbing everyone's attention. Arnav. Arnav looked at his son's teary yet anger filled eyes his little cute pout, Arnav couldn't help chuckled at him. He kissed his cheek.What happen champ? Why so angry huh? Arnav asked him.Khushi rush to his side Aryan, what happen is it paining somewhere. Bolo beta.Aryan looked at His ma and Puh Puh, (uff how do i tell him i want to go to my ma,) He threw his arms towards Khushi who took her immediately in her arms. Champ you are mama's boy eh?? Khushi's heart swell in happiness Aryan loves her alot. Whatever Arnav does but Aryan will love her more then him. She kissed his cheek. Aryan put his hand on her face And kissed her cheek. tidher tali daye thi? (Where had you gone?)(I missed her alot, she left me here and now she is back looking princess,) He loved his mother all dressed up in this lehga he smiled at her put her head on her chest. Arnav chuckled at this. Aryan pull his head up & looked at Arnav again turn his face back to Khushi put his head on Khushi's chest snuggled in her warmth Khushi felt happy(oh he is still here i wont go back to papa i want to be with my mama.)Anjali threw her head back and laughed loudly chottey your son is already fed up of you see how he snuggled back to his mother. Khushi beta how will you get your mehndi done. Its ok aunty Sia gave her NOT.AGAIN. Sorry, Khushi said with small smile. Ma i will manage infact he will sleep in sometime I told his nanny to make his khichdi. I'll feed him and then get my mehndi done. Let me help you. Sia led Khushi to to kitchen Khushi laid Aryan in her lap. Aryan was feeling itching with her embroidery he tried to get up from her lap Khushi laid him back Aryan started crying loudly. Sia took him in her lap his skin turned red from his arm with their embroidered dresses. Arnav came in he picked Aryan in his arms. Ohho what happen Champ You are Arnav singh Raizada's son and His son shouldn't cry like this. Mr Arnav Singh Raizada you were same like him so don't fly in air You too cried and wailed alot when you was at his age in fact i got tired of your crying i use to beat you. Sia said in matter of fact tone Arnav gulped at his insult Khushi giggled at this. Khushi why was he crying? Arnav said quickly to change topic.Don't know may be he is sleepy but i can't let him sleep before he eat his food and take his medicines. Give him back to me. She took Aryan back who started Crying again getting Itched with her embroidery. He raised his hands above in air For Arnav to pick him.Arnav picked him aryan got quiet in few seconds, Khushi was burning in rage of jealousy. She so wanted to pull Aryan from his Arms and hide him away from them all. What happen champ why are you crying so much? Arnav asked kissing his cheek. Aryan pointed at khushi Looked back at Arnav Iee hue hai? (it pained me) Aryan again started crying.What? Arnav didn't get what he said.Aryan showed his red arm he spoke angrily, IEEE hue hai (it pained me)Khushi got him. Oww my bacha was paining because my dress. She kissed him. Khushi i take him in my lap you feed him he will indeed give you tough time while eating. Khushi nodded she took his baby bowl Arnav laid Aryan in his lap Khushi sat infront of him. Arnav handed him his Blackberry Aryan happily took it Khushi feeded him slowly. Aryan laid his head on Arnav's Shoulder after his dinner and medication he slept in some time.Anjali and her friends, Khushi's friends were singing songs dancing. Khushi was quiet, she don't know who she should feel about this any more. She was getting married to man whom she loved once in her may be she still love him somewhere but she don't want to acknowledge that any more not now at least. At the moment she just want her Aryan to get well so she can go away from him, his world starts new life with her Aryan and other baby.Khushi...She heard soft warmth filled voice. A touch on her shoulder a familiar touch, a touch she can recognise in million touches. Her body started shaking with her miffed sobs, Her Adam's apple shook. Her breaths were shallow.She turn and saw the person, she took steps back purposely to avoid meeting them.Why today??

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