Cool for the Summer

By QueenJeffette

9.8K 358 500

A modern Hamilton AU. What happens when you throw eleven chaotic teenagers into the same summer camp? Let's j... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

466 19 25
By QueenJeffette

         "I don't think I've ever seen two people fall in love so fast," Angelica noted to Eliza. They were spying on their sister and John Laurens.

"Well, our work here is done," Eliza got up. "Let's leave them to it."

"What should we do now?" asked Angelica. "Gaga ball?"

"You read my mind," Eliza smiled. "But first, mind if I slap on some sunscreen? I burn way too easily."

"You do that," said Angelica. "Meet me at the oak tree. I'm gonna grab a soda."

So they temporarily parted ways. Angelica went to grab a coke at the picnic table. There was already a boy there, she noticed. He looked up at her, and she blushed. He was cute. Like, really cute. Big, sapphire, intelligent eyes. Shaggy brown hair. He was scrawny, but Angelica had never gone for the body builder type anyway.

"Hey," he said. "I'm Alex. What's your opinion on Justin Trudeau?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Do you always start off conversations like that?"

"Yep," he grinned.

"Well, he's not my president, so I'm not an expert on him. But from what I've observed, he's a bit inexperienced and says some dumb things. Then again, we have Trump as our president, so I can't talk."

He laughed. "I like you. You're smart."

They continued to talk about politics for two or three minutes longer, and found that they agreed at most things. Angelica was starting to like him a lot. He had wit and he had brains. Maybe this was her summer crush. Maybe she would get to fall in love like Peggy did.

"It was good talking to you," she told him as she saw Eliza exiting their cabin.

"I'll see you at the campfire tonight?" he asked hopefully.

"Sure thing," she waved as she left.

She smiled to herself. He wanted to see her again. This was awesome.

Her hopes fell as she saw her sister's face, staring at Alex. She looked so wouldn't be fair to take him from her without giving her a chance.

"See that guy at the picnic table?" said Eliza. "That one's mine."

"Is he now?" asked Angelica coyly.

She turned around and made her way back to Alex. She had a plan. Introduce him to her sister. If they liked each other, then cool. If they did not, Angelica wouldn't feel guilty about going after him.

"Hey again," she greeted him. He was chugging soda after soda. Yikes. She needed to get him away from there before he got himself killed. "Come with me."

"Okay," he gladly followed. "Where are you taking me?"

"I'm about to change your life," she replied slyly. It was true. Eliza was such a sweetheart, guys couldn't help but fall for her.

"This is--" she gestured to Eliza.

"Elizabeth Schuyler," Eliza finished for her. "Nice to meet you."

"Schuyler," Alex repeated, looking at Angelica.

"My sister," Angelica explained.

"What's your opinion on Justin Trudeau?" he asked.

The way he said it made it sound like a pick-up line. Angelica stifled a laugh.

"Well, he totally screwed up at the G7. I mean, knowing Trump's volatility and then insulting him anyway? After they barely got him to sign the deal? That was dumb," said Eliza thoughtfully. "Why do you ask?"

"I have a feeling I'm going to like you, Eliza," he winked.

"I'll leave you to it," Angelica teased, easily masking her disappointment.

It was okay. Alex was just a boy, so it didn't matter. Right? Right.

Angelica continued to walk on her own through the grounds, pretending she had a place to go. Eventually, her walking for the purpose of pretending she had a purpose led her to the game courts. She heard voices.

"No, James. We're not playing four square with only three people. That is just plain wrong," said a boy.

"Come on! Please? I really wanna play?" said another boy's voice.

"I could go get someone to join us," a third boy's voice offered.

"I'll play," Angelica volunteered, stepping into their midst.

"Why, hello," said the first voice, who belonged to a guy with a really poofy dark afro. Hot damn, he was cute. He had a sharp jawline, and his eyes were a dark brown that bordered on black. "Who might you be?"

You've got to be kidding me. Twice in one day? Angelica internally scolded herself as she lost herself in those eyes.

"Angelica Schuyler. You?"

"Thomas Jefferson."

He offered her his hand to shake, and she took it.

"Well, Angelica, you certainly arrived at the perfect time," said the second voice, coming from a boy with lively dark eyes and curly brown hair. "I'm James Madison, by the way."

"And I'm Aaron Burr," the third voice introduced himself. He was a tall guy with a buzz cut.

"Nice to meet you all," Angelica greeted.

They began to play. The four of them were equally decent players, so the ranks in the game shifted quickly. They were also, to Angelica's delight, matched in wit. Their conversation covered a multitude of subjects, though mostly politics.

"I'm just saying that diplomacy is the most important part of any government system," Aaron argued.

"I disagree," said Thomas. "Freedom is. More specifically, freedom of expression."

"Liberty is a big deal to you," Angelica observed.

"Yes. I may not agree with what someone has to say, but I'll be damned before they're barred from expressing their opinion."

"I think we're going to be good friends, Thomas."

"Why, Angelica, I do believe you've read my mind."

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