Tried For Error

By CBNellnebach

21.3K 811 184

"Previously known as... Scarletstroke: Girl assassin" * No hesitation * No killing of children * No killing... More

0 | 1 ~ Insane, a bitch, sweetheart
0 | 2 ~ Human sacrifices to the puberty God
0 | 3 ~ Redecorating the walls in brain juice
0 | 4 ~ Dropping her panties
0 | 5 ~ A.k.a. the sexiest man alive
0 | 6 ~ Peace, rainbow sparkles, unity and crap
0 | 7 ~ When I sneeze, my eyes close
0 | 8 ~ Cayden's Otees
0 | 9 ~ "Sitting on top of me"
1 | 0 ~ You look... normal
1 | 1~ Vanilla flavoured ice cream
1 | 2 ~ Twinkle Twinkle little knife
1 | 3 ~ Stalking: intense research of an individual
1 | 4 ~ Beast in the sheets
1 | 6 ~ Mad cow disease
1 | 7 ~ Did you get the license plate on the car that hit me?
Another 'HAVE TO READ' Q&A!
1 | 8 ~ Dear John
1 | 9 ~ Spongebob pyjamas
2 | 0 ~ Appointment with the therapist
Author's note...
2 | 1 ~ Playthings
2 | 2 ~ Dangle a carrot
2 | 3 ~ A shot of tequila
2 | 4
Drowning is not an option
2 | 5 ~ Cat and mouse
2 | 6
2 | 7
2 | 8
2 | 9
3 | 0
Extra chapter
3 | 1
3 | 2
3 | 3
0 | 1 ~ preview (book 2)

1 | 5 ~ Oh my dots and spots!

483 24 0
By CBNellnebach

"Enough!" William screamed, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. "Please, just stop hurting her. I'll do anything... just, please."

William, you idiot.

Scarlett lowered her head for a moment to take a much needed breath of dust-filled-air before turning to stare at him. He was still tied to a chair, untouched and healthy- exactly what she was trying to keep that way, but he was making it harder for her by screaming out something stupid every time Dominique plunged a new torture device in her leg. By now, she was pretty sure that she had lost all feeling there, but she was prepared to launch another insult at Dominique- the only thing that was keeping William alive at the moment.

Dominique ripped the needle from Scarlett's leg for the fifth time that night and smiled.

"You know, this never would have happened to you if Scarlett left poor Chad alone." Dominique told William in an innocent tone as she made her way back to the table. "He was a really nice guy, always doing what was asked of him, never stepping out of place. In my opinion, he didn't even deserve the brutal death she gave him. What makes matters worse is the fact that she disrespected him by leaving his dead body in an alleyway, not even caring about disposing of it the right way; a way we were taught many years ago."

"He was very rude," Scarlett replied dully. "Trying to victimize a poor, innocent woman like myself who just wanted to find her way home. You know what they say... kill a demon today, deal with the devil tomorrow. I am so sorry for your loss, though. Was he a close friend of yours? I know you always liked to develop a personal relationship with strangers, something they could never get out of your system."

"Are you incapable of remorse? Just apologize for killing the brute!" William yelled at Scarlett.

Dominique let loose a strangled laugh and slammed both her hands down on the surface of the table, warping the metal fibers.

"That is so like you, Scarlett! Always asking questions and never begging for your life. It seems like you didn't get the memo, but you're going to die tonight. Whether it be by my hands or one of my members'."

"So I take it then that this is the part where I cry and beg for mercy? To be honest I can not help but want to laugh with you."

Their conversations always went like this. It involved more questions than answers and Scarlett knew it was working on Dominique's nerves, even when they were teenagers years ago.

"That's very immature, even for you. What the hell are you doing here, Scarlett?"

"Well I woke up and found myself tied to this chair with no knowledge-"

"Cut the bullshit! You know what I mean. What are you doing here, in America, with one of Cayden's gang members? I thought you left years ago?"

"What, and miss out a chance to see my bestie again? I would never! All jokes aside though, it is really good to see you, Dominique. Even if it is under these unpleasant circumstances."

"I can't say the feelings are mutual, but on the one hand..." She made her way over to Scarlett once again, empty handed this time. "It really feels good to take out all that pent-up anger and hatred I have for you... on you."

Scarlett saw the punch coming before Dominique initiated it. She hardened her stomach muscles just in time for Dominique's fist to make contact with the fabric covered surface.

"Let's try again. You may have every one of them fooled about who you really are, but you and I both know that you're only acting like this because you're scared."

"Sure. Terrified."

Do not let your enemies know they affect you. Her heart pounded fiercely, but she willed her bones not to tremble. The slightest quiver in her gaze could prove deadly. Knowing who she faced, she dared not back down or show vulnerability. So instead she answered, "Sometimes Silence can be a bliss if in the right context. You know as well as I do that knowledge is the most precious thing of all and thus the information you want will cost you." She scoffed. "Honestly, Dominique... you call that a first hand assassin punch?"

Somehow Scarlett's voice gained a hard edge and she let loose a strangled laugh, one filled with sarcasm and cruelty.

This only caused Dominique to launch another punch, this time just below Scarlett's ribs where she couldn't do anything to lessen the force.

Scarlett bit her tongue, an attempt tried to keep the screams from leaving her throat, the bitter taste of blood filling her mouth.

"Fine, you don't want to talk? Then don't talk. Let's play a game instead, shall we?"

Scarlett narrowed her eyes at Dominique. "If you know so much about my whereabouts then I should be the one asking the questions." Dominique always had a thing for playing games with her victims. Where Scarlett liked to go in for the kill and finish the job as fast as possible, she wanted to have her fun by playing a game with them, but never the good and friendly kind. These games were brutal, deadly and involved violence, a lot of blood and no competition at all- Dominique always won.

"Come on, don't give me that look. It will be fun!"

"You and I have very different definitions of fun, Dominique."

Dominique scoffed and started explaining, acting as if Scarlett didn't just say anything.

"As much as I loved being your host this whole afternoon, you won't give me the answers that I oh so truly desire. You know how stubborn I can get, even if I have to say so myself, and I can only satisfy my needs by playing a game and getting the answers myself. The last thing I need is bad credibility when you go around on a killing spree with my men, but since I'm such a nice woman and you used to be my best friend... You can decide what game you want to play tonight."

"How generous of you." Scarlett's voice dripped sarcasm as she waited for Dominique's next words.

"I know right? So, what game do you want to play first? I have a lot of-"

"Do not get too hasty or excited with your vile games, Dominique. There will only be one game played tonight," Scarlett warned her as she felt around the edges of the ropes bindingher hands behindher back. She was starting to grow restless in this chair. Never in her life did she imagine herself tied to furniture. Maybe in the future when she was old and finally decided to settle down with a kink or two, but that fantasies had different circumstances.

Dominique scoffed. "That is very disappointing. I thought you would at least last a little bit longer than that, but if that's truly what you think..." her voice died off at the end as she smiled in triumph.

Scarlett only chuckled at the hope swirling in her ex-best friend's eyes. "Let us start the game first and I will show you exactly why only one game will be enough for tonight. The results will be... one big suprise for you, as always."

Dominique shrugged her shoulders before clapping her hands twice. "That is fine by me. For our first game we need a special guest."

Scarlett visibly paled as her eyes snapped to William who was slumped over in his chair, probably from all the adrenaline that caused his vagus nerve to pull too much blood from his brain.

Dominique followed Scarlett's eyes and sighed in disappointment. "Even though that's very tempting, no. He will not be participating in our fist game. However, I have high expectations for him in the second one. For now, my big friend over here-" she gestured to the guy who just entered the warehouse and took his position next to her "-will be more than happy to play with you."

"You are sick, Dominique!" Scarlett snapped, spitting on the ground near their feet as she thought of all the wrong things Dominique's "friend" had in mind.

"Oh, don't worry about THAT. Even I don't go that low, but just try not to piss the poor guy off even more than he already is. He's had a pretty rough day."

He is the one who had a rough day!?

Dominique snapped her fingers and big and buffy next to her made his way to Scarlett's side.

"It was really nice to catch up with you again, Scarlett, but I have a gang to manipulate and questions to get answers to. I really hope you enjoy the rest of your night."

With that said, Dominique turned around to leave, but not before saying another thing. "Oh, and remember to wake up your boyfriend before the next game. We don't want him to miss out on all the fun. Afterwards you can tell him that I said he needs to go die in a ditch; I don't like his taste in women." This time she really left, leaving behind a more than satisfied Scarlett, a really angry looking Goon, and a sleeping William.


"Okay this is not funny anymore." Scarlett stated in annoyance as she glared at the goon who was now standing in front of her. "Well, it was never funny for me in the first place, but I have been sitting here for hours and now it is still not funny."

The goon only smirked at her. "It sure as hell is funny to me."

"The only reason you find humour through this sick situation is because I am the one tied up, not you. You might not know who I am-"

"Scarletstroke, professional contract killer of both men and women, famous and most dangerous assassin known worldwide, feared by all. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I have a slightest idea who you might be."

"Good, then you should also know that you are one big joke to me and as soon as I get out of these restraints, I will kill you. However, we can come to a slight agreement if you untie me right now and let both my acquaintance and I go peacefully."

"I'm sorry Princess, but that is an agreement I can't help you with. You see, you killed one of my brothers and left us all to suffer from the pain and longing. This only means that I get to repay you with the same gesture. So I suggest you keep your pretty little mouth shut and let me get down to torturing you untill that fatal moment where you take your last breath."

"Very well then, just do not say that I did not warn you."

The goon scoffed and turned around to make his way over to the table where he played around with a few more torture devices. Scarlett immediately got to work on the ropes keeping her hands tied. Now that Dominique was gone and the goon was turned away from her, she could wriggle her arms and shoulders around more freely to help loosen the ropes.

Just begore the goon turned around to make his way back to Scarlett, she got a firm grip on one of the knots. Just one rapid tug on the rope and her hands would be free.

Now she just needed some kind of weapon...

When the goon appeared in front of her again, he revealed a small dagger with a curvy blade- exactly what she needed.

He positioned the dagger at the top of her thigh just below her stomach before slowly dragging it down. Scarlett kept her face blank, showing no signs of pain even when he made a deep cut over the marks Dominique decorated on her legs only moments before.

When he reached her knee, the Goon dug the knife deeper into her skin before twisting it in a clockwise motion. It hurt. It defenitely hurt, but she was not going to give him the satisfaction.

Scarlett felt relief when he made his way back to the table, leaving the dagger behind so it was still protruding from her leg. She didn't know how long she could have taken this anymore with all her lifeblood already pulling crimson around the chair she was tied to, but at least she had a weapon to end everything right here and now.

As soon as the Goon's back was turned to her, Scarlett moved fast and loosened the rope with one final yank. It fell to the floor in her own bloody mess, but she simply ripped the dagger from her leg before aiming for a new target- the Goon's head.

Her wrist bent backwards, as if she was throwing a dart, and her one eye closed to help perfect the aim. Her other hand gripped the chair to help her stabilise herself and stop the shaking in her legs from all the bloodloss. Once everything was acording to her liking, she flicked her wrist forward with the help of some power in her arm and the dagger went flying through the air just as the Goon turned around.

Ouch, that is not a pretty sight.

"Well, turnabout's fair play." Scarlett shoulders rose in a careless shrug. "You stab me and I stab you."

Even if the goon did see the dagger coming from a mile away, he never would've avoided the weapon with the speed and grace Scarlett threw it with.

Taking in a deep breath, she loosened the ropes around her feet before standing up, putting more weight on her right leg where she had been stabbed only twice. She limped her way over to William and shook his shoulders lightly. That didn't work and lead to the obvious red mark on his cheek where Scarlett slapped him.

William groaned, his lashes fluttering open slightly at first before flying open as soon as he realised where he was.

"Stop!" He screamed and started kicking wildly, trying to shake of Scarlett's hands on his legs.

"William, it is me. You are okay, everything is going to be okay."

He didn't listen to her as tears streamed down his cheeks. "Stop!"

Scarlett groaned when his head made contact with her skull and she finally had enough.


"Shit! Scarlett?"

"Great, you are all calmed down now."

His eyes scanned her face as if he wasn't sure she was really there before swiveling past her to the unconcious and most probably dead Goon on the floor.

"What happened? Oh, my goodness! Is he okay?"

"I am not sure. Do you think people normally just lay down in their own puddle of blood without moving?" Scarlett shook her head at his stupid question as she proceeded to untie the ropes secured around his legs and hands. "Either way, believe me when I tell you that you do not want to know what happened. I think it is high time we go home and get lectured by the boss as well. He is probably worried sick about you."

It was then that William took notice of Scarlett's condition and all the blood surrounding them on the floor. His eyes widened even more. "Me? Scarlett, you're practically swimming in your own blood! You really think Cayden is going to be worried about me?"

Scarlett flinched as she casted a glance down at her ruined outfit. It was splattered with blood and dirt, blended into a horrific shade of brownish-dark red.

"Damn, so much for not ruining Cayden's dress."

"It was an ugly dress anyways." William putted in, pushing out his bottom lip as if to pout. "The one I recommended at first is way better."

"William, seriously? Can you focus here for one second, please? We need to-"

"Oh my dots and spots! We need to get home immediately so that we can call the gang's doctor and get you much needed medical attention!"

"Yeah, about that..." Scarlett scratched the back of her head. "We need to talk."


Dear Chanelle

I have just finished reading this chapter about myself and Scarlett.

I feel like it is very cool and all, but it is a little bit abusive in some ways more than one. I would really appreciate it if you do not put my sidekick under so much torture, because she is an angel from above and doesn't deserve all of this.

Plus, I really need her legs in good condition for my daily training sessions.

P.s. Make me stronger and please give me the biggest muscles in the gang.

The best person ever, William


Dear William

I know that this chapter was a little bit rough around the edges... Okay, maybe a lot and I honestly hope it doesn't affect too many of my readers or characters in a bad way.

The truth is... my friend forced me to write these horrible things. You will know her by now seeing as I talk a lot of stuff (mostly bad) about her nowadays and I blame her for everything related to this book.

She tortured me by making me finish this chapter in a single day just so she can edit it and now my hands feel like sleeping beauties, taking naps for the rest of their little useless lifes.

She's also torturing me more by making me write this stupid letter to you, saying that all that torture Scarlett had to endure was absolutely necessary for the plot. My poor baby Scarlett... I just wish HaroldTU would stop torturing me!

Your creator and also THE best person ever, Chanelle

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