Unexpected Late Night

By rachel_dulay

328K 6.3K 502

{completed} cover by @ mahgadahling Chloe Fisher, The radiant, talented up and coming ballerina preparing fo... More



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By rachel_dulay

I missssss you!!!😭

Shouldn't you be taking your pregame nap??

The mother in you is definitely showing.

Chloe 💙🤙🏽🥰
I've been around chestnut for all of four days and be turned into a mother. Help.

😂 I should be napping thought but I was scrolling through Instagram and came across kalani's post. You better have not strung the lights over the bed.

Nah it's okay, it was just a pic for the gram. Their in storage.

Thank god, my man cave

Smh it's more into a shared living area, and its most likely going to become a baking cove.

....... I'm down with that.

Mike won't.

He doesn't have to know, it'll be our secret.

Oml,I love you. But go nap please.

Fine, I'm going to go nap now. I'll text or FaceTime you after the game. I love you

I love you too, have a great game!!

I was about to take my pregame nap but got distracted on Instagram like always, I had scrolled upon Kalani's post and soon after Chloe's post,

kalanileblanc destroyed your apartment @joellane but you won't regret.
Tagged chloefisher

joellane most definitely not regretting.
williamnylander whipped.
chloefisher we cute, but what was even cuter was that Joel was scared we kept the lights strung over the bed.......
samanthalane only he would be scared about something like that.
cassidylane says it has to deal with his rep? Whatever that means.
luciefisher he's a manly hockey player, he don't want his teammates coming into the apartment and seeing fairy lights.
unknown63 future sibling in laws defending future brother in law.

chloefisher the face of pure success, and love of pizza when your officially moved in. Come home joellane
📸 kalanileblanc

stephlachancee she still looks good sitting on the floor with a box of pizza she most definitely ate by herself.
annikaboron shush are you so gorgeous or what.
jgardnier272 how are you as skinny as you are?!?
lucygardnier don't hate on our baby girl please and thank you.
unknown80 momma bear come out^^^
joellane Beautiful as ever, I'm almost home.

I adjust my tie as I followed John T out of the bus and into the Dallas Stars hockey arena. I had been getting nervous for this game, I don't know why I hadn't been nervous for our last two games so coming to Dallas shouldn't have made me nervous, I had been shifting in my seat on the bus ride here, moving from my fingers, to my tie to the gold chain around my neck which sat there since I was drafted, which everyone if not most seemed to wear in the league. I had annoyed most of my teammates as I shifted in my seat, them asking me if I was okay because they hardly ever saw me shift so much for a game, especially for Dallas who we had faced once this whole season. Dallas usually came to us as well.

I ignored the swarm of reporters as I entered the building, trying to keep my breathing controlled and focus on my music playing. It would be a shame to tell the guys what I listen to before games so I usually end up shutting down my music before I had entered the dressing room, but at the moment Avicii, I mean how could you not love him. His music his great and worse that we'd never get to hear anymore seeing as he had passed away almost what I think is four years.

I rip out my ear buds and start to shrug off my jacket, the room was filled with talk but a surprise I was rarely interacting with my teammates. I hadn't noticed I was zoned out while I got ready when Auston sat beside me, I give him a questioning look. "I should be the one giving you a questioning look. What the hell has gotten into you man? You've been shifty all morning and frankly I'm tired of seeing you all antsy"

"Honestly I don't know"I tell him as I tie up my skates. He sighs.

"Have you taken your meds? Damn I'm turning into a dad for you, I've already got Mitch"I suit jacket was thrown at Auston and landed on his head. Auston rips it off "it's the truth Mitch"

"You love me" Auston only replies with a hum.

"I took my meds"

"Okay, the new dosage hasn't made you like this before so could it be that?"

"Can't a new rookie just be nervous randomly?" I snap, Auston stares at me and chuckles slightly.

"Fine, but I'm always here. I know how it feels"he pats my back and stands up, throwing Mitch's suit jacket back to him. I hardly ever had good talks with Matts because he firstly sucked at them and second we never had a best friend relationship I guess, we are mutual friends. He'd give me rookie advice here and there and that would be it.

Coming back home to Toronto with one win under our belt kind of sucked. We played three games in the last week, we couldn't have won two. We were close to winning the Dallas game but fell short. I knew we would get it later on from Coach on our first day back at practice. I enter the apartment quietly, seeing as it was super later into the night, more like early morning. We had left right after our game in Dallas, only god knows why honestly. I set my keys down on the kitchen counter, dropping my bag down slowly as well. I turn on the back kitchen lights and open the fridge, I smile to myself as I see it stocked. I guess that will be one perk of Chloe living with me.

Suddenly I hear small paws coming into the kitchen and I smile as Chestnut rounds the corner and nudges me, I crouch down and pet behind his ears. He truly was adorable. I pet him for a few more seconds before I look back at the fridge, starving. I notice some left over shepherds pie, which had me a bit shocked considering I knew that Chloe and Kalani had dinner here and surprised they didn't finish it. I heat it up, petting chestnut as it sits in the microwave. After I was done, I set my bowl in the sink knowing it'll just be washed with the breakfast dishes anyways later tonight, I enter the bedroom to see Chloe asleep her back to me. I was already in a pair of sweats and a hoodie so I just took off my hoodie and slide into bed with her, she rolls over just as I wrap my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me.

"Welcome home"she mumbles sleep lace in her voice, I smile and kiss her forehead before I notice she had fallen right asleep again. I kiss her forehead once more before moving around a little and falling right to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to find the bed empty and I hear light movement and hushed voices in the kitchen, I slowly stand up, stretch my ever sore limbs and walk out. As I walk closer to the kitchen, I smell something delicious cooking. I enter the kitchen to see Alex sitting at the counter and Chloe near the stove. Alex gives me a smile and I return the favour. I place my hands on Chloe's hips and look past her shoulder "you seriously do like to cook huh?" I chuckle and kiss her neck, realizing she was was wearing one of my shirts.

"I told you I'd be the one to use your appliances"She teases and I roll my eyes. She was finishing wrapping up some breakfast burritos.

"Do you have an early class?" I ask Alex. He nods as I pour myself some coffee, asking him he if he wanted a refill. He shakes his head.

"Actually doing a small interview for the Raps" my eyes widen and we do a bro handshake.

"Congrats man" he nods "nervous?" I ask before sipping on my coffee.


I shrug "you'll be fine, they may be intimidating but their all nice" he nods as chloe turns to hand both of us a plate with one breakfast burrito each "do you have practice?" I ask chloe. She nods as I watch her take a seat beside her brother.

"I'm teaching a class, and having lunch with your mom"

"My mom?" I ask, confused.

"Oof you haven't told him"Alex mumbles. I look at chloe over the rim of my coffee cup.

"Haven't told me what?"

"Your mom offered me a job for her business here"

"Really?" I try to act surprised, Cassidy and I had talked to mom and she was hesitate but decided to do some research on where chloe had done some co-op and said she would be perfect.

"It's not definite but that's what lunch is about" I nod slowly "you will be fine here by yourself won't you?" She asks and I chuckle.

"I've got chestnut" both Fisher's laugh. After breakfast I did the dishes as Alex left and chloe left with her ballet bag, giving me a kiss on the way out.

I had spent most of the day on the couch, chilling with Chestnut seeing as I was off and didn't have practice until tomorrow. It was nice to have a day off after a long week. I had decided to take Chestnut out for a walk seeing as winter in Toronto was starting to go away but I knew it wouldn't last for long because well for one, it's Canada.

📍Toronto, Ontario
joellane spending my day with this munchkin, let me say. He loves his walks.
tagged chestnutfisher chloefisher

cassidylane why is that he takes care of his and Chloe's dog more than whenever he was forced to stay home with me?!?
unknown30 the fact that she said his and Chloe's dog.....
luciefisher might as well keep him in Toronto with ya'll.
samanthalane you actually took him out for a walk? I'm shocked.
joellane you all have no support in me. cassidylane samanthalane
chloefisher wishing I was home right about now.
cassidylane support my ass, who skips school to watch your games?!? joellane
benpatrick shredded.^^^

After coming home from my walk with Chestnut I had filled his food and water bowl up and he immediately dug in, I sit back down on the couch, answering some texts I disregarded on the walk. A few were from the Leafs groupchat, talking about random shit like always and another was Ben sending memes to a group chat him, Liam and I had. He was a kid, just like Mitch. I scroll through my phone and stop as I see Chloe's new post.

📍National Ballet of Canada, Ontario.
chloefisher feels so good to be back after a long break.
tagged Bloch

kalanileblanc she's back and ready to attack.
unknown96 I wanna know how chloe edits her insta pics
stephlachancee cuteeee
liamken Chloe is Mrs steal your girl marner_93
marner_93 learned to just expect it and move on🤷🏻‍♀️ liamken
Bloch glad to have you back in the studio!!
joellane my girl is a cutie!!😍

I was watching a marvel movie, petting chestnut as he laid on my lap when the apartment door opened and in stepped chloe and Mom. I smile as I slowly stand up and hug mom before giving chloe a quick kiss.

"How was lunch?" I ask, pausing the movie.

"It was good"Mom smiles and places her purse on the kitchen counter, she squeezes my bicep "you look good"I nod.

"Are you staying long ma?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Your sister had a cheer competition later tonight"

"And she's cheering?" Mom nods, grabbing her purse again.

"It was lovely having lunch with you"She smiles at chloe and I watch the two hug.

"Like wise Tessa"Chloe smiles.

"Have a good night you two"We nod and I follow mom to the door, I close it after I had watched her get into the elevator.

"So?" I ask Chloe, she shrugs. I laugh "your seriously not gonna tell me"

"One must always keep secrets"

"Rude"she rolls her eyes as I follow her out of the kitchen and to the living room.

"I see all you did was watch Netflix"

"Nothing wrong with that"she nods her head and places her legs on my lap, laying down the opposite way. "Feet sore?" I ask as I rub her feet.

"Just a bit" suddenly the apartment door opens and we both look over at the open door to see Liam strutting in.

"Don't mind me"

"Why are you going into our closet?" I ask him not bothering to stand up.

"Raps game tonight with a high school friend"

"That's tonight?" I ask, he hums. He had told me he had got courtside tickets for him and a high school friend for a raptors game, I didn't think it was for tonight's game.

"I need to burrow that. Well fuck"Chloe laughs and I smile "Chloe really did move in"

"It's probably in the dresser"I tell him.

"That jacket I always steal?" He asks.

"Oh no, hallway closet" I hear more movement and he walks out shrugging it on.

"Thanks man, see ya at practice tomorrow"I nod and salute him.

"I'm taking it as Liam is your best friend on the team"I shrug and look back at the unpaused movie.

"I guess, I mean I played one season with him with the Knights but than he moved to Oshawa and played for the Gens. We kept in touch thought"

"And Ben?"

"I love him trust him, but I just seem to click more with Liam"I shrug, she nods and slowly sits up. I kiss her cheek as she lays her head on my lap with a pillow. All I ever needed at this moment was laying right in front of me.

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