The Whole Truth

By jaxharlow

448K 20.4K 1.8K

Adele knows she witnessed a murder - what she doesn't know is just how personal it is. ... More

Prologue: Scarlett, 2013
Chapter One: Adele, 2011
Chapter Three: Adele, 2011
Chapter Four: Adele, 2011
Chapter Five: Reese, 2011
Chapter Six: Adele, 2011
Chapter Seven: Reese, 2011
Chapter Eight: Adele, 2011
Chapter Nine: Reese, 2011
Chapter Ten: Adele, 2011
Chapter Eleven: Reese, 2011
Chapter Twelve: Adele, 2011
Chapter Thirteen: Reese, 2011
Chapter Fourteen: Adele, 2011
Chapter Fifteen: Reese, 2011
Chapter Sixteen: Adele, 2011
Chapter Seventeen: Reese, 2011
Chapter Eighteen: Adele, 2011
Chapter Nineteen: Reese, 2011
Chapter Twenty: Adele, 2011
Chapter Twenty-One: Reese, 2011
Chapter Twenty-Two: Adele, 2011
Chapter Twenty-Three: Reese, 2010
Chapter Twenty-Four: Rose, 2011
Chapter Twenty-Five: Johnny, 2011
Chapter Twenty-Six: Reese, 2011
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Dennis, 1996
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Scarlett, 2011
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Johnny, 2011
Chapter Thirty: Reese, 2010
Chapter Thirty-One: Rose, 2011
Chapter Thirty-Two: Johnny, 2011
Chapter Thirty-Three: Reese, 2011
Chapter Thirty-Four: Rose, 2005
Chapter Thirty-Five: Rose, 2011
Chapter Thirty-Six: Scarlett, 2011
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Amy, 2011
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Dennis, 2011
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Reese 2011
Chapter Forty: Scarlett, 2011
Chapter Forty-One: Rose, 2011
Chapter Forty-Two: Scarlett, 2011
Chapter Forty-Three: Rose, 2011
Chapter Forty-Four: Dennis 2011
Chapter Forty-Five: Reese, 2011
Chapter Forty-Six: Amy, 2011
Chapter Forty-Seven: Johnny, 2011
Chapter Forty-Eight: Scarlett, 2011
Chapter Forty-Nine: Reese, 2010
Chapter Fifty: Dennis, 2012
Chapter Fifty-One: Scarlett, 2013

Chapter Two: Reese, 2011

18.9K 652 72
By jaxharlow

Reese must have lost track of time because by the time he finished up and actually had the presence of mind to check his watch, it was already almost seven o'clock in the morning.

Shit shit shit.

He'd be lucky to get the hell out of there without being seen. Not that any of those lushes would be awake at that hour, but people could be outside jogging or walking their dogs or some shit and he definitely did not want to be identified by some soccer mom just because she was out getting her steps in.

He was just going to have to slip out as quietly as possible and hope that no one was up doing yoga or cooking an elaborate breakfast this morning, which didn't seem likely because most of the frat guys and sorority chicks had been partying all night.

Taking one last look at his handiwork, a certain sort of satisfaction flooded his veins. It hadn't gone perfectly, not by a long shot, but in the end, he had accomplished his goal. The thought freed him to turn away, knowing he had enacted justice in the only way that made sense to him.

He took the stairs two at a time, wincing when one of the stairs creaked. Pausing for just a moment, he listened to see if he could hear anyone stirring.

There was nothing.

Being more careful about his steps, he got to the top of the stairs. He turned the knob with his gloved hand before pushing the door open.


Standing by the sink, there was a girl with long, dark hair facing away from him, looking out the window with a glass in her hand. She must have heard the door swing open because she looked over her shoulder, surprise written all over her face. He stood there for a moment like a goddamn deer in headlights. Her eyes were bright and he could see her noticing his shirt and face, and then he realized he'd been in such a rush to escape that he hadn't pulled his ski mask back on!

This was how the whole thing would go down. She'd go downstairs and find the girl and call 911 and she would be the one to tell the cops what he looked like.

Reese was going to jail. For life, most likely.

The idea of whipping his knife out popped into his head, but before he had the chance to even reach for it, she turned back toward the sink, heaving her guts out. Reese was sure someone would hear her, and he didn't want to be trapped in the kitchen with a bunch of frat dudes wondering why he was covered in blood.

So he bolted out the back door.

He got half a block away before he reconsidered his decision. He should have slit her throat when he had the chance. He'd been counting on the Greek assholes to sleep in and not find the girl until he was safely in his hiding place. But now everything was moving in fast forward.

The only good thing was that he didn't see anyone around. He ducked into a parking lot behind Burger King and hid behind a dumpster, wondering what he should do next. Obviously, he had to get rid of his blood-spattered shirt, which was sticking to his chest in an unpleasant, sticky way. But once he got rid of it, people might find it odd that he was walking around shirtless. He supposed it was a college town on a Saturday morning and that he could be doing the walk of shame, but he didn't particularly want to take the chance of standing out.

There were a few cars in the parking lot.

He tried the first one, but it was locked.

The second one wasn't, but there wasn't anything useful in it, just a bunch of trash.

He held his breath as he checked out the third car. There was a duffel bag in the back, which looked promising. He almost didn't want to try the door because he didn't want his hope to be smashed. But he made himself do it because he had no time to waste, and it opened.

Reese grabbed the bag and ripped it open and wanted to shout in victory. There were gym clothes inside, a t-shirt and sweatpants and tennis shoes. After looking around to make sure no one saw him, he slid into the backseat and whipped off his shirt and mask. The Adidas t-shirt was a little tight, but he'd have to make it work. He didn't want to take too long so he didn't go for the pants. There wasn't too much blood on his jeans, anyway, so he decided not to worry about it. He stuffed his bloody shirt and gloves in the duffel bag and threw it back in the car.

Just as he was opening the car door, he saw a guy walking around the side of the building toward the parking lot. Reese swore under his breath and hoped it wasn't the car's owner. But the guy got out his keys and hit the button to unlock the car door that Reese hadn't been able to open. He did give Reese a strange look as he climbed into it, probably because Reese was emerging from the back of a car with no one else in sight. Reese gave him a friendly little wave, which the guy returned reluctantly. Reese could have been a dude just looking for something in the backseat of his car. 

It was fine. Just fine.

Reese stood there with his hands on his hips until the guy drove away. As he did, he heard footsteps approaching the car he just emerged from.

He didn't even look, just sauntered away.

Fuck, Reese thought.

It was not his fucking day.

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