
By biebersselfies

210K 8.8K 4.6K

****CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING**** Justin and Ariana always had a rough relationship. It wasn't until Justin rea... More

Ch. 1: At Lease Someone Cares
Ch. 2: Maid
Ch. 3: Luke's Obsession
Ch. 4: A Real Boyfriend
Ch. 5: Suspicions
Ch. 6: Party?
Ch. 7: Don't Talk About It
Ch. 8: 10 Years Of Lies
Ch. 9: Break Ups Hurt Me Too
Ch. 10: It Really Is You
Ch. 11: Why Did That Happen?
Ch. 12: Guy Talk
Ch. 13: But I Can't... Right?
Ch. 14: Gone
Ch. 15: Make Your Move
Ch. 16: Who's That?
Ch. 17: Go Away!
Ch. 18: Is He Finally Gone?
Ch. 19: "That Secret"
Ch. 20: Troublemaker
Ch. 21: No Word For What I'm Feeling
Ch. 22: I'm Just Fine
Ch. 23: Twins Can Relate
Ch. 24: Regrets
Ch. 25: Friends
Ch. 26: Always Because of Him
Ch. 28: I Don't Want You To Change For Me
Ch. 29: Revenge
Ch. 30: Going Crazy
Ch. 31: Watch Out
Ch. 32: So Irrelevant
Ch. 33: She Wasn't Kidding
Ch. 34: Is He Okay?
Ch. 35: Chaz Being Chaz...
Ch. 36: He Hates Me
Ch. 37: I'm Not Giving Up
Ch. 38: Finally
Ch. 39: At It Again
Ch. 40: Plans
Ch. 41: Progress
Ch. 42: Unexpected Twist
Ch. 43: Not Right
Ch. 44: Tiring Day
Ch. 45: Guilt
Ch. 46: Messing Around
Ch. 47: Learn To Be Strong
Ch. 48: Trouble
Ch. 49: Change
Ch. 50: She Doesn't Know Her Limits
Ch. 51: Almost To That Point
Ch. 52: I Believe You
Ch. 53: You're Not the Only One
Ch. 54: Not Even Close
Ch. 55: So Thats What Happened

Ch. 27: It's Not That Hard

3.8K 146 73
By biebersselfies

Karson's POV

I'm getting fucking tired if Justin getting in our way.

I walked up to Justin angrily.

"Can you just please leave" I spat.



"You invite me and ask me to leave?"

"I didn't invite you. Luke did. And I bet you only came 'cause of Ariana, but she's gone so please leave"

"She's gone? why?"

"Because if your annoying ass okay."

"She still sees me as a fucking jerk right?"

"Pretty much."


"Um I don't know? You fucked up her life for 10 years?"

"I've changed!"

"I don't think so"

"Why can't people look at me as a good person?!"

"Because you started a bad image and kept it for so long. What's the point of changing your image now?"

"I tried."

"Well try harder."

"What more can I do?"

"What more can you do? what have you even done anyways? I haven't seen you do anything. How do you expect people to see you as a good person if they never seen something good come out of you?"

"How do you have a good image?"

"First, I'm new to the school anyways but people like hanging out with me because I don't care who my friends are. You are so picky with your friends you don't get to know anyone else. Like how you know nothing about Ariana."

"I don't like talking to idiots"

"How would you know if they are idiots? you are so judgemental. I get why Ariana wants not thing to do with you now"

"Friends don't have to do anything with my image"

"Maybe not but that's maybe why no one likes you."

"Then why does everyone listen to me when I tell them to move or so something for me?"

"They want to ignore you but if they do, you'll beat them up. They're 'scared'."

"That's funny" he laughed.

"No, it's not funny. You're such an ass and I can prove it to you right now."

"Not everyone thinks I'm an ass"

"Oh really? I can prove it to you right now. After this, you're leaving."


This is going to be so fun to watch.

"excuse me everyone?!" I yelled.

Everyone looked at me.

"We're gonna play a game called... do you hate Justin Bieber, why or why not!" I said, smiling.

The crowd was whistling and cheering. Wow, I guess they really hate him them.


"That's one" I said to Justin.

"Yeah, one out of eighty"

"we'll see about that"

"Amy, what's your opinion on Justin?"

"He's never happy. He's rude and boring. He doesn't like to talk to other people other than his friends and he's just judgemental" she said.

"Everyone hates you" I said.

"That's two people"

"How much proof do you need?"

"A lot"


No one clapped their hands but Chaz. I just laughed so hard inside. it was mean to Justin but he deserved it.

"Fuck you all" he spat.

"Nice trying to 'clean your image'." I said.

"Fuck you too" he said in annoyance. He finally left and now I'm just bored.. there's no one to hangout with.


Ariana's POV

"I'm still laughing at him. It's too funny" Karson laughed through the phone.

"Why would you embarrass him like that?"

"He deserves it."

"Ya but now people aren't afraid"

"And what's wrong with that?"

"I don't know... it's just... never mind."

"Is it because he does things for you when you guys are together? Like if you spill water he makes someone else do it so you don't have to?"

"I want to say no because it sounds rude but kinda..."

"But he's such an ass"

"But you shouldn't have done that"

"I was doing it for you. You said you didn't want to stay because of him so I just got him to leave."

"Thanks, but you don't have to"

"Gotta go, I need to start cleaning up"

"Okay bye"

Justin is bad for me. I shouldn't want him because I don't need him in my life.

Who am I kidding. I miss him more than anything but I'm too afraid to admit it. Why do I want him even if he's a jerk?

Is it because he tried to change for me? but I don't want him to change for me. It makes me sound so selfish and I like him the way he is... even if he is mean.

I want to like him for him... not what I want him to be. A part of me really wants him but a part of me doesn't because he can hurt me again.

But anyways, mom and dad are still really mad at me for saying I really wanted them to die in that car crash. I think dad said mom was crying. It's not my fault they're being complete jerks.

I love them but I don't like how the work their rules. Like I can't hang out with who I want, I hang out with the people they approve of which is just not right.

I'm a human being on earth and like any other person, I have rights. But apparently I don't have rights until I'm 18 which is a year and a half from now.

Yes, I still like Justin even if the whole thing was fake... but I don't know, it's like he changed in a good way. But if I tell dad that, he's gonna kill Justin. Mom and dad obviously hate Justin.

But what will they even do though? all dad ever said was 'I don't want him near you' and when I asked him what he would do if I dated him, he didn't really answer.

But there's something always really weird about Justin. Every time I see him, he seems to always have a bruise. I know it's nothing because he plays a lot of sports but it's always on the same place and it never goes away. I asked him what happened then we were dating and he said it was nothing.

But why should I care?

Justin's POV

"Never talking to anyone in my life ever again" I said to Chaz.


"What do you think? everyone hates me"

"Since when did you care?"

"Since I heard it from everyone."

"Wow... you can't hide your face forever."

I know but everyone has a big ass mouth and they can't shut up"

"Just don't talk and don't say rude stuff. Like how you hate everyone and how they are all 'bitches'... no one wants to hear that bullshit you know."

"Well it's hard if they always act like asses, I just have to make a comment"

"You don't always have to make a comment. Just walk away and leave it alone"

"Being nice isn't my thing. But if it will get Ariana to like me then I'm pretty much good with anything"

"That was so 'aww' yet disgusting bro. Feelings... Justin Bieber has feelings. Oh. My. God."

"Shut up bro." I said, playfully slapping his arm.

"So um... what are you gonna do to prove to everyone you're a good guy?"

"I don't need to prove it to everyone, just Ariana."


"I have no idea"

"You are the worse 'gentleman'. You're actually not even a 'gentleman' more of a roughman."

"What? that's not even a word"

"Well I just made it up so there you go."


"Thank you"

"Gentleman as in what?"

"Bro, why do you always ask me?"

"Because no one hates you"

"I'm pretty sure some people hate me"

"But does everyone hate you?"

"No I'm flawless!"

"You have this charm on girls."

"If I had a charm, I'd have a girlfriend. But no, I don't have a girlfriend because everyone is already taken! fuck this school"

"Not everyone"

"Okay.. everyone I like"

"Who do you like?"

"Well... Miranda is taken. Sarah is also taken. Emily, taken. Tracy, taken. Janis... eh I don't like her."

"Wow bro, you like 5 girls?"

"I said I don't like Janis. And no. I just choose someone after I find out they're taken but u guess they all are and I'm just a loner like you."

"I'm not a loner. I can get a girlfriend"

"Or can you?"

"I can dumb ass."

"Says the guy who threw away Jasmine and didn't give a shit about her. She could be on drugs and you wouldn't know because you couldn't care less about her and what she does."

"Jasmine was just... more of a friend. not even a close friend. Just a friend."

"Then why bother dating her?"

"Because... remember the dare in 5th grade"

"Are you serious? when we said you had to date Jasmine for 5 years, we were joking"

"You said you would give me $50, which you did."

"I did?"

"Well Ryan did but still"

"What do you expect? I was like.. I don't know? 9 maybe and I don't know about love. I don't know what it can do to a girls heart. I never had a girlfriend in my life. But at lease I know how to be nice"

"That's exactly what I mean! you are nice! how are you nice and and such a dumb ass at the same time!?"

"Um... I don't know? didn't Karson have this talk with you?"

"You were eavesdropping?"

"I don't know if I heard wrong... but didn't she say something about how every girl wants a gentleman to love them and not a jerk or something like that. Or make her feel special, like you don't see any girl but her or something like that?"

"How would I remember?"

"Maybe this is why you are bad at tests. Just follow her advice. Listen to her. Make Ariana feel special. Do things for her and help her even if she doesn't need it."

"She may not need it but she won't want it."

"What do you mean?"

"She dropped her book and I helped her pick it up but she was all like 'I could have picked it up myself' and being mean?"

"Bro, you don't know what mean is. Trust me."

"Okay then, she was being annoyed"

"Yeah, maybe. How about you buy her a different flower everyday with a note on it and don't stop. Don't even write your name. She doesn't have to know it's you."

"Yeah maybe."

"Maybe my ass. Just do it!"

"Why would I maybe your ass?"

"'Cause you're a pervert"

"What the fuck. I'm not even kidding. What the hell did you just say?"



"I knew you were gonna say that"

"Just do it asshole!"

"Okay okay. Geez bro"

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