Something Better - Hope Mikae...

By -GossipRiley

258K 8.2K 2K

"So wait for me; the the world is changing. Underneath, the ground is shaking. You and I were meant for somet... More

Part One
1 - Where You Left Your Heart
2 - One Wrong Turn On Bourbon
3 - Ne Mi Quitte Pas
4 - Between The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
5 - Don't It Just Break Your Heart
6 - What, Will, I, Have, Left
7 - God's Gonna Trouble The Water
8 - The Kindness of Strangers
9 - We Have Not Long to Love
10 - There in The Disappearing Light
11 - Til The Day I Die
12 - The Tale of Two Wolves
13 - When The Saints Go Marching In
Part Two
15 - Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn
16 - We're Being Punked, Pedro
17 - Hope is Not the Goal
18 - Malivore
19 - Mombie Dearest
20 - Death Keeps Knocking On My Door
21 - Maybe I Should Start From The End
22 - What Was Hope Doing In Your Dreams?
23 - There's a World Where Your Dreams Came True

14 - This is the Part Where You Run

9.1K 265 197
By -GossipRiley

   "We should stop."

   "Why? Am I boring you?"

   "No, no. It's just... you've got class, and Waverly could be back soon." 

   Eleanor watched the girl in front of her roll her eyes, seeming unfazed by the idea of being late for her next class, or the idea of Eleanor's roommate walking in. The Carter girl had a right to be worried, given the lecture she received from Waverly the last time she caught them. Over the past two years, Eleanor had learned Waverly was not afraid of voicing her opinion on things, even if it a matter in someone's personal life. 

   It was trait she'd clearly picked up off Ashton, who is known for not keeping quiet when he has a opinion on things. 

   "What? Scared she'll tell people you're sneaking around with the Dark Lord?" 

   She gave the brunette an eye roll of her own. "No, P. I'm scared of Josie finding out." The mention of the Saltzman girl made Penelope freeze for a moment, being caught off guard by the mention of her ex-girlfriend. "Lizzie would skin me alive." 

   "Will you relax? No one is going to find out." Penelope assured her, tucking one Eleanor's blonde strands behind her ear. She then pecked her lips against hers, and got up off the bed, tidying up her appearance. Within seconds, she was back in her pristine state. "Are you coming to the party later?"

   Eleanor sat up, hugging Miss Cuddles to her chest. "Party?" 

   "Yeah, down at the mill." Penelope nodded. "The seniors organised it. I think the entirety of the upper school are going." 

   She considered the idea for a moment. Parties weren't really Eleanor's thing, not lately. Unless MG dragged her along, she'd hide out alone in her room, watching shows on Netflix while eating junk food. It was a habit those around her were trying to break, though so far, they weren't having much success. 

   "I'll think about it." She answered, not meeting the Park girls eyes. 

   "Hmm." Penelope hummed knowingly, before opening the door to leave. She walked right into Waverly, who stood with her arms folded over her chest, looking between them with narrowed eyes. While Eleanor groaned and threw herself back on her bed, Penelope merely smiled at the Sloan girl, before brushing past her and walking away. "Bye El."

   The room was silent, and Eleanor glanced at Waverly, who's expression made it clear she was anything but happy. 

   Covering her face with a pillow, she let out a sigh. She knew exactly what was going to happen next. "Three, two, one..." 

   "Are you kidding me?!"


   The word of a new student joining was going around the school like wildfire. Between lecturing her for her secret meetings with Penelope Park, Waverly had told her about it, as she was determined to drag the Carter girl outside to meet whoever it was. Knowing she wouldn't give up, Eleanor reluctantly agreed, and tied up her appearance. She straightened the school tie around her neck, and pulled a cardigan over her white blouse, which was tucked neatly into her skirt. She pulled up her white socks, that came up to her knees, and slipped on her combat boots. 

   Rules about uniform were rather relaxed at the school, and students made the most out of the options they had. After Waverly gave her the once over, helping tidy up anything the Carter girl missed, the two linked arms and made their way outside. Lizzie and Josie were already stood outside, with bright smiles plastered across their faces, as if butter wouldn't melt. 

   Though, got on the wrong side of wrong of them, you'd face the devil that lived in both of them. 

   In front of Doctor Saltzman's jeep, two boys stood, one looking rather dazed and confused. Beside him, stood a boy Eleanor recognized instantly, who went by the name of Landon Kirby. It had been a while since she'd laid eyes on him, after moved out of Mystic Falls not long after she returned to school. Doctor Saltzman stood one side of the two boys, and Hope Mikaelson stood the other, her gaze instantly falling on Eleanor as she appeared. 

   "Welcome to the Salvatore School." Lizzie greeted, smiling in the direction of the two boys. "We're your tour guides."

   "I'm Josie." Josie continued. 

   "I'm Lizzie." The blonde twin picked up, nodding between herself and Josie. "We're sisters." 


   "Fraternal. Obvs." 

   Waverly gave them both an amused smile, and extended her hand to the boys, which both of them just stared at instead of shaking it. "And I'm Waverly. Not their sister, obvs." She smirked in Lizzie's direction, who merely rolled her eyes in response. "I'm another one of your tour guides."

   "Rafael, why don't you go ahead with the girls while I talk with Landon?" Doctor Saltzman suggested, though he didn't have much of a choice. 

   Upon their Fathers words, Lizzie linked her arm through one of Rafael's, and Josie linked her arm with through the other. "Morning, Hope." They said in stereo, as they caught the Mikaelson girl, who was still staring at Eleanor. 

   Hope forced a smile in their direction. "Morning girls."

   Lizzie leaned closer to Rafael. "More like despair." She muttered as they walked away. 

   "I heard that." 

   "No you didn't!"

   "Didn't have to." 

   Eleanor was ignored the bickering going on between Lizzie and Hope, her eyes narrowed on Waverly's retreating figure, who waved bye to Carter girl with a smirk. Clearly, this had been a ploy to leave her alone with Hope, and she didn't appreciate it in the slightest. Eleanor planned to just walk away, but Landon Kirby quickly got in the way of those plans, as his eyes finally landed on the familiar blonde girl. 

   "Ellie?" He questioned, his eyes searching her up and down. 

   She offered him a small smile. "Hey Landon." 

   "So, let's get started." Doctor Saltzman announced, and began to walk ahead, Hope following straight behind him. Eleanor stayed at Landon's side and walked with him, avoiding meeting the eye of the Mikaelson girl as she walked by her. 

   Landon rose a brow at the action, seeing the awkward tension between the pair, but Eleanor simply shook her head and brushed it off. Instead, she watched his eyes go wide with a smile, as he looked at everything they passed in the halls of the school. 

   "I'm curious, Landon-" Alaric cut himself off, and stopped two of the younger students, who'd been chasing one another down the hall. "--Slow down." He scolded gently, before sending them on their way. He then put his attention back on the Kirby boy. "Were you aware of us when you lived in Mystic Falls?"

   "I knew Hope and Eleanor went to some fancy boarding school." He replied, looking at the two girls. "People in town said it was for troubled rich kids..." His voice trailed off, as he spots a girl levitating boxes in the air, using only a flick of her hand. "No one in town mentioned anyone her could do that."

   Grabbing his wrist, Eleanor leads him into Alaric's office, away from all of the students he was getting distracted by. "No one in Mystic Falls knows much about us." The headmaster explained. "We blend in, just enough...Participate, contribute, just enough...Keeps people from asking too many questions." 

   That made the boy raise a brow, wanting answers. "What is there to know, exactly?"

   Alaric looked toward Hope and Eleanor, who both shrugged in stereo. Of course, Hope looked at Eleanor, and Eleanor didn't look back at her. She kept her focus on Landon, occasionally looking at Alaric. Though, while Hope was expecting it, it didn't mean it didn't hurt every time it happened. 

   Alaric caught it but said nothing, frowning at the two girls for a moment, before continuing. "Well, I usually have a speech prepared, carefully unpeeling the layers of magical history, but it turns out most people have read Harry Potter and are actually cool with me skipping the tee up."

   "You're a school for magic?" He asked incredulously, taking the seat Alaric offers to him.

   Alaric sat behind his desk. "We're a school for the supernatural, which covers a lot of territory." He corrects. "Everyone here has something that makes them special in ways the outside world can't understand." 

   Still in a state of disbelief, Landon looks between Hope and Eleanor, who'd been standing quietly in separate corners of the room. "So, what are you both?" 

   "Complicated." Eleanor answered cryptically, looking down at the ground. Pulling a smile onto her face, she gave Landon a final look, knowing exactly how is talk with Alaric was going to end. "It was nice seeing you again, Landon." and then slipped out of the room to go to class. 


   Eleanor avoided everyone after that. When classes were done, she got herself something to eat quickly, before making her way back up to her room. With Waverly still off, doing who knows what at this point, she decided to make the most of the peace and call someone she knew would cheer her up. She laid on her bed, with her laptop open in front of her, a genuine smile on her face. 

   "It's like living with a animal." 

   "Hey! It's not my fault you didn't house train me." 

   Eleanor giggled, as she watched Jacob and Ashton bicker back on forth on the screen. After everything that happened, when Eleanor came back to school, so did both boys. When they graduated, Jacob decided to carry on his education and go to college. Ashton, however, decided that wasn't for him. So, when Jacob left Mystic Falls and moved to New York to attend NYU, Ashton followed him. While the Carter boy studied art and design, the Keeton vampire spent his time exploring and having fun, making the most of what the large city had to offer. 

   While Eleanor and Waverly were sad to see them though- and Waverly admitted she was sad, despite how much Ashton teased her for it- it wasn't like they never saw them. The pair visited as much as they could, and they talked practically everyday on the phone or video chat. 

   "He has a point." Ellie pointed out, making Ashton smirk. "You aren't being a good pet owner, Jacob." 

   Jacob gave her a playful glare, and nudged Ashton in the side. "Stop grinning." 

   "Make me." The vampire baited. 

   Jacob flicked his wrist, and Ashton fell to the floor with a yelp, while Eleanor covered her mouth to stop herself laughing. She then watched as Ashton stormed out sight of the camera, muttering to himself, and then was met the sound of a door slamming shut. Though, both siblings continued to laugh, knowing he was just being over dramatic and would eventually reappear. 

   Most likely with his mind set on revenge, or smirking over the revenge he had already taken. 

   "Now he's gone..." Jacob trailed off, and put on a serious expression. "Why are you spending your Friday night calling me? Shouldn't you be out doing something?"

   "Well, there is a party tonight." She admitted, and quickly shook her head as she saw the look that grew on his face. "I'm not going. I'm no mood for a party."

   "You are never in the mood for a party."

   "Well, being alone and brooding is a staple of my species." 

   "Don't pull that crap with me. I live with a vampire, and I know for a fact that stereotype is dated." He told her firmly, earning a eye roll. "Plus, you aren't any regular vampire, El." 

   "Really? I never knew." He gave her a look. "Sorry, it's been a long day."

   He gave her a reassuring smile. "It's fine. Look, go to that party tonight. What's the worse that could happen? If you get bored then leave early." He then smirked toward her knowingly. "Besides, won't Penelope be there?" 

   Her eyes widened in alarm. "Waverly snitched, didn't she?

   "Of course." He stated bluntly. "She text both of us two paragraphs on why Penelope Park is the female reincarnation of Cade himself, and how you belong with Ho-" Her eyes narrowed, and he quickly cut himself off from finishing the sentence. "But, yeah, she snitched." 

   Rolling her eyes, Eleanor muttered goodbye and turned off her computer, cursing Waverly in her head. Laying back on her bed, her eyes glanced aimlessly around the room, as she thought out her options in her head. Go to the party, or stay in her room alone all night. Waverly's absence meant she most likely went to the party right after classes ended, so waiting for her company was pointless. 

   Her eyes flickered to the clock on the wall, and upon seeing the time, she huffs out another sigh and makes her way over to her wardrobe. Maybe going to the party would be a good thing. So, she switched her uniform for a plain black dress and a maroon leather jacket, but stuck with her knee high socks and combat boots. Pulling her hair up into a ponytail, the Carter girl looked herself up and down in the mirror, trying very hard not to talk herself out of going. 

   Like Jacob said, what's the worse that could happen?


   As it turns out, the party wasn't as bad as Eleanor thought it would be. Immediately upon arriving, a drive was thrust into her hand, before MG dragged her to talk with Faye Richards and some other vampires. She didn't pay much attention, as soon the conversation fell onto vampire films, and she quickly grew bored. 

   She loved MG. He'd always been so kind to her, and was very helpful after her transition. But his knowledge on film, TV, and comic books greatly outmatched hers. So, while he blabbed on about the many inaccuracy's in Twilight, Eleanor and Faye just watched him in amusement and drunk their drinks. 

   She ended up running into Landon once again, but she caught him after his short conversation with Raelynn Jade, and he was ready to get away from the Salvatore School after that. The Carter girl briefly remembered Raelynn from two years ago, since she was the one that forced Landon to ask her to dance, after she turned him down upon seeing his longing looks toward her. It was a surprise when Raelynn became a student at the school, but apparently the girl was a werewolf, and the accident that triggered her curse stopped her talking to a lot of other students. 

   In fact, seeing Raelynn out of room unless it was class time was a rarity. 

   "She set you on fire?" Eleanor asked in disbelief, looking up from the book she'd been reading. 

   "Ask anyone! They all saw it." Penelope stated, looking slight angry and slightly impressed. Apparently, after Penelope made a move on MG to annoy Josie, the Saltzman girl retaliated with literal fire. 

   Eleanor certainly hadn't expected this tale to start off her day the next morning. She examined Penelope's now short hair, which she'd had to cut to get rid of the singed ends. Waverly, who'd been finishing getting ready when Penelope stormed in, had snorted in laughter and quickly left the two alone. 

   "I'm not sure what you want me to say, P." The Carter girl admitted. "Did you expect Josie to ignore the fact you stuck your tongue down her best friends throat?" She then frowned. "Which, by the way, wasn't necessary." 

   The Park girl smirked at her. "I mean, I would of kissed you, but it wouldn't of had the same effect. You and the twins barely get along as it is." 

   She didn't get chance to reply, when a knock sounded on the door, and before girls looked to see Hope appear in the doorway. Penelope's smirk grew at that, and left almost instantly, leaving Eleanor glaring after her. Taking a deep breath, she cleared her face of any expression, as she looked toward Hope. 


   Hope frowned at her cold tone, but once again, she expected it. "I need your help." She began cryptically, making the blonde raise a brow. "You were at the assembly this morning, right?" 

   "Yeah." She nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm not sure what Landon stealing has to do with you being here though." 

   Glancing over her shoulder for a moment, Hope shut the door behind her, then held up a piece of paper. The Carter girl recognized Freya's handwriting scribbled across it, and then realised it wasn't a spell that would be approved of by any teacher in the school. Black magic was deeply frowned upon at the Salvatore School, and those who attempted it always got caught, though most witches at the school weren't stupid enough to try. 

   Unless, apparently, you were Hope Mikaelson. 

   Seeing the look that made it's way on her former friends face, Hope quickly spoke. "Look, if I thought I could trust anyone else, I'd ask them. But I don't, and I know you'll be able to learn the spell easily." Her tone then changed slightly, a hint of bitterness appearing her voice. "Plus, I can make sure Josie never finds out about you and Penelope."

   Eleanor blinked at her in disbelief. "Are you blackmailing me?" 

   "No." She shook her head. "I'm just...looking for a kindred spirit in revenge."

   Visibly annoyed, she took the spell from Hope's hand, ignoring the small smile that appeared on her lips. Their relationship was a far cry from what it was two years ago, and while Hope had tried to fix it, Eleanor refused to make any effort. 

   With what caused them to fall out, she didn't expect her to. The Mikaelson girl just wished she could talk to her, as she knew if Eleanor took the time to listen, she'd find out things that could make everything right again. Setting up everything they needed, the two girls sat crossed legged on the floor, and began to start the spell. Hope killed the rat they needed, and cut it so it bled onto the paper, which the Carter had scattered with the right herbs. 

   The pair exchanged a small glance, before they took each others hands, and closed their eyes as they began to chant. "Inveniet hostium et tenebrae. Inveniet hostium et tenebrae. Inveniet hostium et tenebrae." They chanted in unison, Eleanor's hands glowing as she siphoned from Hope. "Inveniet hostium et tenebrae. Inveniet hostium et tenebrae. Inveniet hostium et tenebrae." 

   Flashes happened for both girls, as they caught glimpses of someone that looked to be Landon, sat with on a bus with his head down. Both girls mutter as the flashes cut off, not showing anything they could use to track Landon. With the knife in possession, he needed to be found before anything bad happened. 

   "I got it." Eleanor says, as another flash happens, showing a sign. "Route 29. Near the state line." The visions then show Landon again, and Eleanor's eyes furrowed in confusion, as the Kirby pulled something glowing from his jacket. "Is that the knife?" 

   "Yeah." Hope nodded, just as confused. 

   "What's it doing?" 

   "I have no idea."

   The light illuminating from it got brighter and brighter, making the visions less and less visible for them. The spell stopped, and they dropped the gasp on each others hands, staring at one another in confusion. 

   Eleanor had yet to realize, the worse she'd discussed with her brother last night, was all still to come. 

Welcome to Legacies! 

We are one episode in, it is two years since The Originals for Hope and Eleanor, and a lot has changed. The girls aren't friends anymore, Eleanor is sneaking around with Penelope Park, and Landon has started the question everyone has when watching Legacies. 

What the actual hell is he supernatural wise? Cause that boy clearly isn't just human. 

(Oh, and we met Faye Richards and Raelynn Jade, my babies for my upcoming Josie and Landon fanfics)

I know this chapter has probably left you all with a lot of questions, and I promise, they will all get answered as I write more of season 1. Also, expect longer chapters, as Legacies episodes are lot more to write then TVD or TO episodes. I'm not sure why. 

I hope you all enjoyed! 

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