A New Snake

By Ivy-Marie

26.3K 1.1K 104

Harry Potter starts off his Fourth Year going to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys, a happy reprieve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 25

405 22 1
By Ivy-Marie


The four weren't able to meet until that Sunday. It was a busy week and the first week always meant homework, homework, and more homework. They hadn't been able to discuss Harry's idea, much less talk about it with the rest of the group. Finally, they got together at the edge of the Forbidden Forest to talk through their plan. Hermione brought plenty of parchment, quills and ink and a little something to transfigure into a short desk to put on her lap.

"Alright, let's get started." She said, dipping a quill and hovering it over some parchment. "First, we need to get some school-friendly rules in order."

"What about the form of communication? I have a feeling that will be more difficult to figure out."

"I already have a few ideas, some better than others, but while we're together, we should collectively decide on a rulebook of sorts as well as who will be teaching. Has anyone had the chance to talk to Professor Snape yet?"

"Harry and I," Lily chimed, "have tea with my father every Wednesday evening. We asked him then, explaining the situation, and he agreed if we could get everything necessary together, he would have no problem supervising."

"That's great. So, that's one problem down. Next, we can start with some basic rules and guidelines now, and elaborate on them later if need be. Now, let's begin. First of all..."

~ ~ ~ ~

They all sat at lunch, tired and feeling as of their brains were fried. They had gotten the rule list finished. All that was left was to revise it, but they decided Lily, Harry and Hermione would do that during their Free Period the next day. Harry and Lily nearly forgot about Slytherin Quidditch Tryouts taking place after lunch. And they would have had the Potions' Professor not came to remind them both. They stuffed themselves quickly as they could and rushed out to the pitch to try and get some practice in before the tryouts. It was nearly half an hour before any other Slytherins made their way to the pitch, led by the team captain and Malfoy.

"Ready to lose Seeker Status, Potter?" Malfoy walked up in all his swagger.

"You wish, Malfoy." Harry laughed. It was clear that there was far less hostility then there had been in prior years. It wasn't perfect. They weren't skipping arm in arm around the Quidditch Pitch singing, but it was better.

"Alright. That's enough chit chat for now. Get in your groups. Those trying for Seeker, to my left. Those trying for Keeper, to their left. Chasers, next to them. And finally Beaters, to my right. Get your brooms and into your groups."

Here, Lily and Harry split up. Lily moved to the chaser group and Harry moved to the Seekers. And Quidditch Tryouts commenced. Beaters went first—the Captain wanted to get dealing with Bludgers out of the way. She chose a group of five finalists which she would decide from and they would have their answers by Dinner or Breakfast at the latest. Next were the Keepers then came the Seekers. There weren't very many trying for Seeker. The only truly noticeable ones being Malfoy and Potter. The captain let out the Snitch, blew her whistle, and the Seekers were off in a flurry of twigs, dirt, and grass. Most of them chose to show off their skills, not focusing on where the Snitch was or where it was going, but Harry and Draco were neck and neck, just behind the Snitch. They flew around and around the pitch, the little golden ball keeping just out of reach. Round and round they went, not allowing the other to get ahead. The others had given up. Because of all their showing off they were far too behind to catch up with the other two. It looked as if no one would get the Snitch and they would be flying around the Pitch forever. But the Snitch took a sudden turn towards the ground and Harry—being used to requiring fast reflexes, was hot on its tail and Malfoy was ever so slightly behind. But he quickly caught up. They were getting closer and closer to the ground and Malfoy was looking a little nervous, but Harry urged his broom to go a little faster. Gasps and screams were heard from the other Slytherins and they got closer and closer to the ground.

About 10 meters from the ground, Malfoy bailed, choosing to land safely back with the group, "If Potter wants to get himself killed, he can be my guest."

Harry kept on, and less than 2 meters from the ground, he caught the Snitch. He quickly pulled up in the sharpest turn he's ever made. He flew around the pitch a little while to decrease his momentum so he could land safely as the other students cheered. Malfoy looked utterly gobsmacked as Slytherins cheered all around him and even the captain looked impressed. He landed carefully and handed the practice Snitch back to the Captain to return to its box.

"I think it's already clear who won the Seeker position. Congratulations Mr. Potter. You will be a great asset to our team." She turned to address the rest, "The Seeker Try outs are finished. You may all leave, and better luck next year. The rest, you will hear from me by Dinner or Breakfast tomorrow. Go shower and enjoy the rest of your evening. You're dismissed."

The group split and Lily found Harry again. They were joined by their friends who Harry hadn't noticed had been watching from the stands. They all congratulated Harry, but let both Lily and Harry break for a shower when they got of whiff of them—especially Harry. They all rejoined by a tree next to the lake. It was starting to get cooler, but in a way that was pleasant. They chatted idly about Quidditch and Wizard's Chess, and classes.

Hermione had started scolding Ron about not having already finished his homework for the weekend when Harry saw something move at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Lily asked what was wrong as he stood up. He didn't answer her. HE didn't know why, but something was drawing him to the edge of the forest. Perhaps he should be more wary, but he had his wand at the ready, and he couldn't have kept his feet from moving forward if he'd wanted to. So, on he walked. His friends followed him closely, trying to get his attention, but failing.

He stopped in his tracks when he saw what he had been drawn to. It was a snake. A baby, by the looks of it. It was hurt and bleeding. Blood seeping into the crevices between its dark green scales. Harry gently knelt down about a meter and a half away from the poor creature. His friends stopped behind him with a gasp, which alerted the little snake. It tasted the air in Harry's direction and carefully, sluggishly slithered its way towards Harry.

"Young Speaker, I beg your assistance." It spoke to Harry in Parseltongue before collapsing in front of him. He carefully took the little thing in his hands, cleaned it up best he could with the hem of his robes, tore off a clean strip from his sleeve, and wrapped it around the snake's injured midsection. He tucked it into his robes and carefully carried it to Hagrid—who was the Care of Magical Creatures Professor—to see if he could do anything. When Hagrid saw the little thing, he quickly took it into his hut to properly warm it up. He carefully unwrapped Harry's make-shift bandage and got some things he saved in case he found an injured creature in the Forest. He was quick to work to help the little creature and in a short amount of time, the snake was snuggly tucked in a sweater Hagrid had knitted especially for the snakes—Hermione had been kind enough to teach him to knit when he asked—and wrapped in a snake-friendly bandage. Harry was holding the poor thing as it woke up and it began moving.

Words: 1,364

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