I'm All Yours, Klaus (Book 2)

Von BeckySmolder

17.1K 509 347

Danielle Rodriguez has spent the last three weeks in Spain with her girlfriends, living wild and free like a... Mehr

CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 9
CH. 10
CH. 11
CH. 12
CH. 13
CH. 14
CH. 15
CH. 16
CH. 17
CH. 18
CH. 19
CH. 20
CH. 21
CH. 22
CH. 23
CH. 24
CH. 25
Book No. 3 - OUT NOW ‼️💛🌈

CH. 3

1.1K 27 18
Von BeckySmolder


Tuesday, January 10th
9:05 AM

I woke with the sun beaming in my face, making me snap my eyes close almost immediately after opening them. But in that short two seconds I caught a glimpse of my doting boyfriend turned on his side, wide awake, propping his head up in his hand, and blue eyes on me. I smiled softly at the realization. "Why are you watching me sleep?"

"What's wrong with watching you sleep?" He replied. A hand came up and swooped hair from the side of my face to behind my ear, making me grin harder and open my eyes to look at him.

"Don't you know how romantic that is? I thought yesterday was all the sweetness I was gonna get before badass Klaus was back," I teased.

"Well, he is back. I have a few people to track down. See if someone knows where Elijah is. But, that doesn't mean I can't be romantic for the love of my life."

"You know I'm okay, right? You don't have to keep worrying about me anymore. I'm safe. I'm with you. Mikael is hiding away somewhere. Okay?" I frowned, placing a hand on his bare chest and rubbing affectionately. "You didn't lose me. You saved me. I am fine. I am healthy and strong. I am also an adult so you don't have to keep babysitting me."

Klaus sighed, nodding. "I know. I just... I could've lost you, Danielle. You have no idea how scared I was. How much I feared you being more hurt... or worst, finding you dead... I don't ever want to put you in danger like that again."

"I know, babe, but I'm a big girl. I am also you're girlfriend and practically the entire world knows it. I'm a target. I'm always in danger. That's been made very clear now. But Klaus, I'm okay with that. As long as I get to be with you every single day for the rest of my life."

"I love you so much, baby girl," Klaus said and I smiled. Before I could speak he cupped my face in his hands tugged me forward to place a kiss on my lips. "I want to stay in bed with you all day. Kiss you all day. And touch you everywhere—"

"Klaus," I cut him off with a giggle. "No. You're not wasting another day without even looking for your brother. Stop coddling me."

"I'm not coddling you."

"Yes you are!" I laughed, sitting up in bed with him following suit. He crossed his arms and pursed his lips but didn't bother to argue some more. "You did it back in Mystic Falls when I got hurt and could've died... You coddled me for days. And you're trying to do so now, which isn't okay because you have things to do. Important things. Elijah is missing. You can't drop all of your responsibilities because something bad happened to me."

"Fine, I'll leave you alone!"

He went to climb out of bed and I just barely caught his arm before he walked off angry. "Klaus, come on. Don't take it in such a bad way. I love how sweet and caring you've been. Thank you for putting me first. But you did it. You already saved me. Now you have to prioritize our time together because you're relieved I'm mkay and saving your older brother."

"I know. I feel so bad for not looking for him already but the idea of leaving you alone for even a second has me worried sick about you. I can't do it."

"You have to," I said, pulling him back down on the bed. He sat on the edge and I  moved to sit beside him. "Do you know every single moment I'm not with you, I know there's a chance you're life is in danger? Do you know how terrified I was when that stake went through your back? How I thought I lost you? How my stomach dropped and the world froze and my heart pulsed in my ears with fear, grief, and heartbreak? I know how hard it is to be away from me. I struggle with that every day. But I have so much faith in you that I know you'll be fine. I have faith in myself that if you need saving I will make it to your rescue. All I'm asking is you learn to do the same and accept our crazy life."

"For a thousand years I have avoided love because it made people weak... And here I am, irrevocably taken with you to the point I'd know I'd give up my own life for yours without hesitation and that scares the hell out of me."

My brows rose with his strong confession. I knew he would do anything to save me, but I also knew he didn't just peacefully live for a thousand years. He's tormented with pain and battles of surviving. So for him to say he'd give up his life for mine, scares me too. In a good way. The way falling or being in love is, the way it's supposed to be.

"I'm not going to lie and say I'm not your weakness. I know I am. And I know that's hard for you with your experiences to accept. But you also love your siblings, your child, hell, even Hayley in our crazy family dynamic. Don't make me any different than Elijah. When we save him, you're going to let him be because you know he's okay then. And if he needs you again, you'll be there and if you need him he'll do the same—"

"No. You are way different than Elijah and Rebekah. You're human. You're fragile. I have not had a thousand years with you."

"Sometimes they're fragile too and they need you," I retorted.

"But they cannot die!"

I licked my lips, nodding slowly. "Is that what this is about? Your fear of me dying?"

"Stop trying to be my therapist. We're done with this conversation. I have wolves and witches to track and interrogate. You will stay home. Don't leave this house today. Do I make myself clear?" He asked, standing up now and a foot in front of me.

"The only thing you've made clear is what an asshole you are. Don't talk to me like that or tell me what to do. I'll come and go as I please, Niklaus," I spat. "Unlike you, I'm not scared of the big bad world for a teenage human girl! Or how weak loving you so deeply makes me!"

Klaus in a flash had me pinned to the bed. My wrist pressed into the bed, held above my head with a tight grip of his right hand. My back flat against the memory foam mattress. And my legs dangling off the edge. Klaus' body hovering over mine. His legs on either side of my right knee. "How scared are you now?" He panted, eyes on my lips before meeting mine. I raised a brow at him and he used his left hand to turn me ever so quick onto my right side before smacking my ass harder than ever.

"Ow! What the hell?" I yelled angrily.

"Feeling vulnerable yet. Try to get out of my grasp," he said. Out of pure anger I tried to knee him in the crotch but his legs squeezed around my knee to the point it felt like he was crushing it so hard it would break. "How weak are you now?"

"Pathetically," I said. "For loving you so much I'm letting you hurt me right now to prove a point. This is abuse, Klaus."

He chuckled, letting me go and caressing my cheek. "No. That's a human being victim to all the supernatural riff raft in this city. I am terrified of anything bad ever happening to you. That will never change. But if I promise to try to show you the same respect and not be so over protective after an incident, will you promise to please be patient and cooperate with me when I am?"

"I promise," I assured, pecking his lips.

"Then you'll do as I said? Stay in today while I start the hunt for Elijah?"

I scowled but nodded, "only today. I'm going out tomorrow. Alone."

"When? Where?"

"Don't know," I said. "But you just promised not to be the coddling, over protective boyfriend just because I got kidnapped the other day."

"Fine. Fine. Do whatever you want tomorrow. Okay? I'm going to get ready and head out shortly."

"Mmm. Can we shower and have breakfast together before you go all badass and I don't hear from you for the rest of the day?"

"Sure, love," he chuckled. He helped me sit up on the bed before lifting me into his arms. I giggled, wrapping my legs around his waist and placing my hands on either side of his neck before kissing him deeply.


Tuesday: January 11, 2012

Dear diary,

I got home 3 days ago. A little after midnight on the 8th. The moment I got back I was tossed right into the drama I had missed for three weeks.

The night I got back Klaus and I didn't really talk much about my vacation. Which turned out to be alright after he revealed that his entire deceased family was back from the dead: his mother, Esther; his vampire hunting father, Mikael; and his oldest and youngest brothers, Finn and Kol. We didn't discuss that too much because Klaus and I realized we had three weeks of sex to make up. And we did.

He also knows about my belly button ring, my bleached hair and tattoo cause he saw both. I told him about pole dancing which got him excited. And it was all good. I was glad to be home with him.

It was only hours later that day we got a move on with reality. No more kissing and talking and cuddling under the sheets. We were on a mission to find Mikael who had been under a spell of Davina's. Of course now that everyone knew he was alive and here to kill Klaus she ran off with the vampire hunter. Klaus spent all morning hunting her down to find out she was at some house owned by her family. Of course I didn't know he knew until he revealed it to me and Camille. He had before that told me we were going to need her help. I thought it was to find Davina. But no. Klaus knew before we seeked Cami out where Davina was hiding. He was really "tricking" her into an invite to come on a three hour drive with us. And the moment I figured out he wanted her company, I was livid.

Hell, I didn't want her to go at all. Klaus of course doesn't understand my problem with Cami. It's not personal per se. I mean we were good friends before when we worked together at Roseau's. And she was always nice to me. When we first met she had said she knew I was his girlfriend. She seemed even happy to meet me cause he told her about me in their talks before I moved here. Maybe it bothers me I don't know about all their discussions from then. I have no clue what he's confided in her and if he's told me also. I have no idea what he said to her about me either. There was a lot unknown about them before I was in the picture. I didn't meet her right away and it was out of sight, out of mind.

But now? I notice everything. The way she stares at him. The way she talks to him: soft and gentle like she's the only one he can trust, then hard and stern like she has a hold on him so he'll do what she asks because she's the one that's asking. Maybe I'm insecure about it all... but there's not a single doubt in my mind she has feelings for him. Like when Klaus was telling her Davina had Mikael and was asking for her help, she was staring at his lips and watching us longingly with jealousy in her eyes.

But skipping that because it'll make me angry if I recall it in so much detail. I was so upset with the idea of her going and then Klaus shocked me. His excuse for her coming was to use her to convince Davina to play nice. Klaus after noticing how upset I was told her not to come, telling me this year his resolution was to be a better boyfriend. It was all sweet and dandy until the first 90 minutes of the car ride was 50 minutes spent talking to her on and off the phone for literally no reason for her calling besides to ask if we were there yet and say Davina is dodging her calls over and over. Which we already knew!!!

So I made Klaus stop at a dive bar. I went in, promising to come right back out but I didn't. Klaus came in angry with me for taking so long. And I called him out on his relationship with Cami. He surprised me again when he opened up. I had to agree not to be so soft and "girlfriend-y" which I think I did well. Apparently when I gave him affection and told him I didn't care about his past made him not want to tell me more because he cared what I thought of him. I don't know if he'll ever get it. I don't care about his past. I care about now and our future. About he and I. How we treat each other, how we work together.

Anyways to make a long story short we found Davina's hideout. She was there with a boy toy we came to find out later was actually Kol in a new body. Klaus had used that old torture blade on Mikael instead of the stake. That plan backfired because Mikael was strong enough to pull it out himself and then kidnap me. Klaus of course came to my rescue but hours later. And the two fought. Klaus got staked in the back through the heart I barely saved him in time. God, just remembering that makes me tremble. I could've really lost the love of my life. My baby. My Klausy-kins.

He felt the same way about me because for the rest of that day he coddled me. He wouldn't let me out of his sight nonetheless his arms in fears of something bad happening to me again. That's where problem number two strikes. We argued yesterday morning about him thinking I was fragile because I was human and him being excessively protective and overbearing after I got hurt. My main problem besides that it was annoying, a little offensive, and hypocritical because every second he leaves me to go do something alone I have to worry about him getting hurt or going missing or his life being threatened. The problem was Elijah was abducted by his mother. We didn't know it was her at the time, that's why Klaus was supposed to be looking for him and not babying me.

Eventually we compromised: he would start looking for Elijah alone and I would spend one more day in the house where it was safe enough for his liking. That was yesterday. I was cooped up in the house. I spent the day unpacking my bags from my Barcelona trip. And now today, I feel refreshed for a good day ahead. It's bright and early, Klaus just left out minutes before I opened my diary. I'm going to get out the house today. Maybe get my nails done. But I am going for a run. I need to get out and get some fresh air and some exercise.

I need to focus on me a little bit after the last couple of crazy days. There's more of those to come, I'm sure. For starters Klaus didn't find Elijah yesterday. His mom and dad are both out their somewhere...

Happy 2012 to me :P


Wednesday, January 11th
11:30 AM

I frowned as I entered the compound to hear a loud piercing scream. I rushed around the compound, following the noise to the study. Hayley already standing outside the open doors.

"So, I see your interrogation went well?" Hayley asked.

Klaus stood in front of a long side table that held a large crystal bowl filled with water he was using to wash the blood off his hands and forearms. "It turns out these witches are delicate creatures. No matter! As I suspected, my mother has Elijah captive," Klaus answered.

"Great. Let's go find them."

Klaus shook his head and moved to the door to look between her and I. "Esther is too powerful. She won't be easily found. I need to draw her out," he replied, starting to slide close the doors to the study.

"Wait, where are you going?" Hayley questioned.

"I'm going to change my shirt," he said forcing an obviously fake smile through his frustration. "And then I'm going to find my brother. Danielle, would you like to come in here with me?"

I nodded, stepping around Hayley and sliding into the room. "Klaus, let me come with you!" Hayley pleased.

"I know you want to help, Hayley, but you can't. My mother is wretched. She will target you in order to thwart me, and I can't very well save Elijah if I'm busy saving you, can I?" Klaus asked.

Hayley didn't respond with anything but an eye roll so Klaus with a smirk, slid closed the doors in her face. "So while I was out, you brought home and killed a witch during an interrogation?" I asked.

"I've been home for an hour, yes. Wasn't hard to kidnap that big bloke," Klaus said, nodding to the dead body on the floor.

I kept my eyes off the deceased, shivering in disgust. "Can you refrain from killing innocent people?" I sighed.

"Love, no one is innocent."

"You know what I mean! He didn't deserve to die because he didn't answer your questions."

"You don't even know what was said. Maybe he said you look hot in those little shorts," Klaus smirked.

"Flattery will get you nowhere," I laughed.

"You're dating a murderer, get used to it, love," Klaus said, wrapping both of his arms around my waist.

"Whatever. It's gross. Can you not do it in our home at least? I mean there's a pool of blood on the floor that you need to clean up."

"Mhm. I will. After you kiss me."

"Uh, no. There's still blood on you," I refused him. He chuckled and held me against him with one hand at the small of my back while the other wiped at his face.


"No," I giggled. "You successfully spread it some more. You're making me sick."

"One kiss."

"You're lucky you're cute," I grumbled before pecking his lips as quickly as possible. "I just went to the gym for a good hour or so, got my nails done, and picked up lunch. I didn't know you were going to be home... but I got a sub we can split it you have a minute to spare."

"Mhm. You want to come with me to burn my mother's real body after?"

"Ew. But, sure. I don't want to want to sit in the house all day like yesterday," I said pointedly.

Klaus rolled his eyes, letting me go. "I'm going to dispose of this mess. Meet you in our room?"

"Mhm. I'm going to shower. Join me."

Klaus pouted suddenly, "so no more staring at your legs? Wear more shorts."

"No. It's not that warm out today."

"You're such a tease."

"I wore this for the gym," I reminded him, gesturing to my outfit. I was in a white crop top that read 'BOSS' and short grey cotton shorts. Besides that I had on a multicolored, striped windbreaker jacket and black and yellow Nike's. "Not for you or anyone else to ogle over my body."

"You're gorgeous and you're mine. I'm always going to ogle."

I blushed, biting back a smile, "just meet me upstairs when you're done cleaning this mess."


Wednesday, January 11th
1:00 PM

"That was exhausting," I sighed. I tossed my shovel to the side and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

Klaus chuckled while he yanked his mother's coffin out of the ground with much ease. "Hand me the gasoline, love."

I did as told, picking up the red canister we had filled up prior to coming here; here which was the backyard of the destroyed plantation house, the one Klaus brought me to the first time I came to New Orleans. "Are you sure this is going to work?" I asked my boyfriend, handing him the gasoline.

"Do you hear those birds chirping? My mother's signature move. Damn starlings."

I snorted. "You got the matches?"

He hummed "Mhm" right before he began recklessly pouring the gasoline all over the coffin. So I took a step back. "Are you watching this, Mother? Nothing says I loathe you quite like desecrating a corpse!" Klaus shouted out.

He finally put the canister down. I'm sure it was empty now. Then he took out the matches and quickly struck one. He held it out, ready to drop it when a new voice came from behind us, "Niklaus!"

We both turned to see the male voice belonged to Elijah. He was walking into the house before we could even greet him. Klaus took the few steps to me and took my hand. He then tugged me forward to follow after his brother. Once inside, we spotted Elijah behind a burnt grand piano. The suit cladded man tapped a few keys that rung out perfectly. Elijah smiled to himself before looking up at us. "Brother, you seem troubled. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were worried."

Klaus scoffed, dropping my hand as he grew angry already. "What has she done to you?"

"A thousand years of murder and mayhem and mother believes she can still save our souls," Elijah sighed. "She wants to talk. Perhaps we should listen?"

Klaus smiled devilishly and this dark look flashed in his eyes. In the blink of an eye Klaus snatched a small end table off the cluttered ground and threw it at Elijah while yelling, "Enough!"

I jumped in fright as the table went through Elijah and crashed into the wall with a loud bang. Elijah suddenly disappeared. "What's happening?" I frowned in confusion.

"Esther's petty illusions," Klaus told me before knocking over more furniture in his rage. "Esther! Where is Elijah?"

Just then an older woman came through the doorway, watching him silently. She had dark skin and dark hair. Eyes lighter brown, but were calculating as she moved them from him to me. "Babe?" I called for Klaus' attention.

Klaus snapped his head around to see me but then doubled back to face the woman that had joined us. "Danielle, this is my mother who inhabits someone else's body. Esther, remember my lovely girlfriend? I'll only warn you once not to touch her if you want to live another second," Klaus threatened.

"I remember you," Esther smiled. I smiled back uncomfortably and gave her a solid nod. So much had changed since the first time I met her in her original body back in Mystic Falls when I came to see Klaus to tell him I was pregnant.

"Where is Elijah?" Klaus questioned, moving to my side and wrapping an arm around my waist.

"He's preoccupied at the moment. I'm helping him find his way. But, not to worry, I'll return him to you. All I ask is that you hear me out."

"You expect me to sit through a sermon of your lies?"

"I have lied in the past, to my shame. But, I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm in the process of making Elijah into the man he was meant to be. And, I intend to do the same for you."

"Mmm," Klaus hummed disinterested. Esther walked around the room, taking in it's burned presence.

"This plantation, ruined by fire. How sad, not to mention symbolic. After all you never intended to build a true home here. Even as Hayley carried your child, as Rebekah and Elijah sought to defend you, your thoughts were focused on only your conquest of the Quarter. Tell me, how did that go?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Is this some sort of motherly critique?" I scoffed.

"Yeah, please feel free to choke on it," Klaus spat.

Esther glared at me and I gulped. I didn't mean to interrupt but I didn't want to drag this out. We needed to find Elijah. Not waste anymore time. That and I hated judgmental, righteous parents who haven't been around yet want to tell you all about yourself when they have no idea who you really are.

"I mention your failures only to make a point, my dear. You've endured several lifetimes of misery, never mind the suffering you've caused others, even to your own blood. You yourself remain trapped in a perpetual state of despair. I have come to offer you a means to escape that cycle."

"And that's about all the hypocrisy I can take. I suggest you give me my brother before I get angry," Klaus warned.

"Such hatred. It breaks my heart to see you like this. The boy I loved—"

"Your love was a curse, an affect you feigned. The truth is, you're not better than Mikael, and like him you seem to have crawled back from the grave simply to ruin your children," Klaus cut her off. Her eyes widened in surprise at the mention of her husband. Or was it really ex-husband? "Oh! You didn't know! Yes, the Destroyer has risen, brought back to kill me by the witch Davina. Surely Kol has revealed everything to you? Or is mother's  loyal little boot-licker not quite so loyal, after all?"

Esther grumbled to herself, looking at the ground before responding to her son. "If Mikael has returned, we will need to deal with him."

Klaus began laughing, nudging me. "We? Is that a joke? Do you hear this nonsense, baby girl? The only we is me and you. Right? Or me and Elijah. Right?"

"Right," I mumbled awkwardly.

"Am I to forego centuries of hatred for my evil mother in order to join her in besting the very demon she herself allowed to raise me?" Klaus asked her this time.

"I am not evil, Niklaus," Esther huffed. "I am your salvation. And Mikael? He was not always a demon..."

She trailed off with this long look on her face. One I recognized from her son. The look that said they were reliving a distant memory. "Long ago, he loved his children with all his heart... He doted on your brother Finn, but it was our first-born, Freya who was the apple of his eye," she smiled to herself.

"You really think that saccharine recollections of anicent history will have any effect on me at all?" Klaus asked.

"What I think is that you have gone mad from centuries of hating your parents. But, if you join me now, I can grant you peace. And, should Mikael return with the intent to harm you, I will strike him down myself."

I saw my boyfriend's brow quirk. He was intrigued. As his jaw clenched I knew he was going to remain stubborn. "That's quite an offer. But, you know, I've never needed any help when it comes to killing parents."

I gulped then. Esther remained calm, rolling her eyes as if he was just a teenager acting out and saying things he didn't mean. "You reject me out of hatred, but I have something stronger. I have the truth about your father. Not Mikael, you're real father."

Klaus looked shocked for a moment and while he processed her words, she slipped out the back door. "Klaus?" I whispered, moving to take his hand in mine. "You okay?"

He nodded. I pulled him along outside back into the backyard. We walked all the way over to where Esther stood by her dug up grave. "A thousand years ago, in a fit of rage, you wrapped your bare hands around my neck and squeezed until I died. Do you even remember why?" She asked.

Klaus squeezes my hand so hard I whispered. He dropped it instantly then and took a threatening step closer to his mother. "Let's see... You turned us all into monsters. You cursed me, denied me of my hybrid nature, you lied to me about my father—"

"It's that one above all," she stopped them, smirking like she won the lottery. I grimaced and took a step back. She didn't know Klaus well enough to read him. She was assuming now. And Klaus' rage would only ignite in response to her arrogance. I full on expected him to bite her head off now. "You killed me because I kept you from ever knowing your true father."

"My hatred for you runs so deep, it's difficult to pinpoint it's origin. Maybe I hate that I'm the product of a whore's lechery?" Klaus growled out.

Esther's face changes to one of anger herself and she took a step closer to him and as quick as lightning had raised her hand to slap. "Hey!" I screamed.

"Watch your mouth! You will do well to remember that you are still my son!" She exclaimed.

I rushed to his side, pulling him away from her while I shot her the nastiest glare I could muster. "And you will do well to remember that he's a grown ass man now. He may not hit a woman but I will," I warned her.

She raised a brow and looked away. Klaus stroked my head then kissed my cheek. "I need you to calm down. I'm okay," he whispered in my ear. "Look at me please, baby girl."

I turned my head to meet his eyes. "I'm calm," I stated.

He smirked and cupped my chin in one hand, pulling my face to his. He placed a gentle kiss on my mouth, dipping his tongue in to brush against mine for a teasing second.

"Ahem," Esther coughed. We pulled away and I sighed. I crossed my arms while stepping back from Klaus. He needed to be between us because with one more annoying sentence out of her mouth I was going to punch her.

"You judge me evil, yet it was your lust that made me what I am," Klaus told her, picking the conversation up right where it left off.

"And not once have I ever regretted the love I had for your father. And, you have never known the truth of how that love came to be, or what happened in the months after Mikael and I lost your sister Freya to the plague. There are no words for the loss of a child, as you well know," she said. I turned away as soon as Klaus' pained eyes glanced back at me. "After Freya died, Mikael was inconsolable. Compelled by his grief, we were forced to pack our things and set across the seas. Eventually, his despair would drive us apart, and that's when I saw him for the first time—your father. I'd never seen a man like him. Powerful, yet wise, but loved by his people. And because Mikael had chosen to leave me alone in his grief, shunning me from his life, I found myself drawn to another."

"Spare me the sordid details of my origin."

"During Klaus' grief and pushing me away I kept it in my pants," I grumbled under my breath, going ignored by them both.

"I only speak the truth," Esther declared.

"Then tell me this, mother: Why did your Adonis abandon his son? Why did he allow me to be raised by a monster who hated me? Why not claim me for himself, raise me among the wolves? Or, was he as ashamed of his bastard as you were?"

I winced then. Klaus brushed it off like it didn't bother him, but all his torment stemmed from his mommy and daddy issues. He had no idea how loved he was, without any of them. Mother, real or step father. He had his siblings and he had me, and I thought he flawed perfection.

"No, no, no. He loved you. It was I who forbade it. I knew if Mikael had learned of my infidelity, he would've destroyed us in his rage. I had no choice.... When I learned I was with child, I went back to Mikael. I told him I was having his baby. He showed no joy, but neither did he suspect the truth... When you were born, it renewed his spirits. Because of you, we were a family again!"

Klaus stepped away as she stepped forward. "A family built on secrets and lies," Klaus spat.

"Oh, you were my secret joy! And, to protect your secret, I denied you a life with your father. But what if I could make up for all that? By curing you of this sickness that's infected your soul? Wheras I put Kol and Finn into the bodies of a witch, you I shall place into the body of a werewolf! So you can live out your days as what you were always meant to be!"

Klaus spun around so his back was to her and he faced me while replying, "What could possibly make you think I would agree to such a thing?"

"With mortality, you could start over. You could have a family of your own. You two. No other woman. Happiness, peace, all the things you have long been denied?"

"Enough!" Klaus yelled, turning back to face her again. "Tell me where Elijah is, or I will kill you, in this body or any other you choose to jump into from now to bloody Armageddon!"

He took slow steps towards her and out of nowhere she held her hand up and he got thrown back. Klaus was on his knees, fighting against her magic. "I had hoped there was some part of you that yearned for an end to your vicious ways!" She screamed. But, if you are determined to perpetuate the cycles of the violence to which you have become accustomed? Well, then, I'll have to accommodate you."

Klaus pulled himself to his feet right as she balled her hand into a fist. With one little arm circle, Klaus' neck snapped and he fell to the ground unconscious. I was instantly at his side, dropping down next to his body. "Wake up," I pleaded before slapping his cheeks to no avail.

"It's no use. He'll be out cold for awhile. Why don't you and I talk?" She suggested and I scoffed.

"There's nothing to talk about," I said.

"You're mortal. Why can't he be the same?" She asked me anyways.

"It's his decision," I snapped. I pulled Klaus' head into my lap, stroking his scruffy cheek.

"You love him, don't you?"

"With all my heart," I said softly, rubbing my thumb over his soft lips.

"Last time we met you were pregnant," she reminded me. "You love him so much you let him make you give up your baby? Can you imagine how much of a safer environment it would be for you and for a future family together if he didn't have a constant target on his back? If he was mortal. If he was a werewolf so he could keep some of his strength and power he so desperately values."

"I had an abortion because we weren't ready to be parents. It was a mutual feeling," I informed her. "And not that it's any of your business, but Klaus and I do plan on having a family in future. And no one will jeopardize that. Not his enemies, not his family. No one. Because the next time I'm pregnant I'll be ready. Klaus will be ready. We will be thrilled. And anyone who threatens the safety of our family will be put down."

She studied me for a long moment before nodding. "Believe me, Danielle, there's nothing more I want for any of my children than to have the very life I took away from all of them. The chance to have a family, keep their humanity attached... I am sorry for Niklaus' loss—"

"Than why were you behind the witches plots to sacrifice his child? My step daughter. She was our first child in our happy family. Why would you try to take that away from him?"

"There are things I can't tell you. There's stuff you all don't know about. You have no idea of the pain that would've came if Hope survived. The power in that mortal child would have attracted something so strong it would have ruined you all."

"What?" I frowned in confusion.

"I said too much already."

"That's why you want Klaus to be a werewolf? If he's less powerful, his next baby be be too. But I don't understand. What would have ruined us? What would want or need the power of an innocent baby? For what? To get back at Klaus?" I asked and she sighed, walking away with her back to me. "No. To get back at you! Huh? This is your fault isn't it? Something would have came for his daughter. What? Who? Tell me, Esther!" I screamed, standing up as I came to this dark worrisome realization.

"I can't tell you!" She yelled back, spinning to face me again from a few feet away. "You understand now. That's what matters... And if Niklaus, the immortal and nearly invincible hybrid has another baby, it will be powerful enough to attract that same danger. So long as his blood and mine run through her. Witch, werewolf, and vampire blood. Will make him or her an unstoppable tool to use."

"For who? Klaus would never take advantage of his child. So who puts my future babies at risk? Huh?"

"Niklaus is waking up."

I glanced back at Klaus' body on the ground to see his arm twitch. "You're telling me it wouldn't be safe to have my own children with him because of yours and his bloodline? Making him a werewolf is good enough to keep his and our kids' power off the radar to attract some big bad force?"

"Yes. I'd put him in a new body. One belonging to a werewolf. No witch blood. No Mikaelson blood."

"Dani?" I heard Klaus call. I gulped and took a step back to him, helping him sit up. "Baby girl?"

"Shh. I'm here. You're okay."

"And you?"

"I'm fine," I said weakly. Klaus nodded and grasped his head before pushing himself up to his feet with one hand and my help.

"Apologies for the headache. Were you dreaming?" Esther asked, breaking him and I from our moment.

"I was remembering the day I found out who my real father was. Only that was after Mikael slaughtered him," Klaus retorted, dropping his hand that held his forehead and placing it in mine.

"My darkest hour. Had you yourself not killed me soon thereafter, I doubt I ever would have recovered," she said sadly. She pulled something out of her cardigan. A pocket watch. "You woke earlier than I expected. No matter. It is time."

"Time for what?" Klaus and I asked.

"You said you wanted Elijah. He's sleeping. Chained to the wall of a tomb in Lafayette Cemetery. I've lifted the spell that hides him. You are free to take him home. Now his own mind will work out his choice for him. When he wakes, he'll make his own decision. Every single thing I've said to you tonight is the truth, Niklaus. You too, Danielle. Whether you both choose to believe it is up to you."

Klaus turned to me and pulled out his keys from his jean pocket. "Take the car. I'll get Elijah and meet you at home," Klaus told me while handing me the keys to the Range Rover.

"Okay," I whispered. I stepped closer to him and placed both my hands on his cheeks. "I love you, Klaus. More than anything else in this entire world."

Klaus smiled slightly, "I love you too. Are you okay?" He asked me and I nodded but tears had filled my eyes before I could stop it or hide them. "Hey, hey. Why are you crying? What did she say to you? Tell me what's wrong?"

"Later. We can talk later," I sniffled.

"Okay," he said, kissing my forehead. "I need you to calm down and drive safely home. Alright? Can you do that for me, baby girl? Cause I don't want anything happening to you."

"I'll drive safely," I promised, wiping my eyes. He gave me a soft kiss and then he vanished from my eyes.


Wednesday, January 11th
10:30 PM

"Klaus," I frowned as he came storming into our bedroom. "What took you so long? And where is Elijah? Please tell me you got him."

Klaus shot me a dark look and my brows raised immediately. He wasn't okay. I sat up in bed, watching him start stripping himself of his clothes. "Baby, talk to me. What's wrong?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"I had her! My hand was right around her bloody neck. I should've snapped it. I wanted to end her then and there. But I didn't want her to hop in a new body," he mused angrily, walking into en suite in nothing but his boxers.

I got out of bed, following him. "She was there when you went to get Elijah? Why? Is he okay? Was it a trick?"

"A setup," Klaus said more calmly. I waited for him to continue but instead he went about brushing his teeth. I slid up next to him, wrapping an arm around his waist and resting my head on his arm as I looked at our reflection in the mirror.

"God, we look so good together," I smirked and his lips tugged up. He finished brushing his teeth and then surprised me as he turned to me, picking me up before placing me on the countertop.

"I don't want to talk about it right now. All I want is your body against mine. If that's alright with you," he said, spreading my legs so he could stand between them.

"Yes," I agreed immediately. I could use some steamy sex to take my mind off all the drama of today. "Under one condition."

Klaus raised a brow while sliding one hand up my thigh, slipping under the large oversized shirt I wore to bed with nothing but cotton panties. "What condition?"

"I want you to make it last all night. I want to forget my own name nonetheless this shitty day. And I don't want to be able to walk in the morning."

Klaus smirked, pulling my panties to the side and rubbing a finger up and down my folds teasingly. "Done... You know, I want to be in you so bad I would've gave you anything you desire."

"Like what?" I asked suspiciously, biting my lip as his fingers pinched my clit causing my hips to thrust slightly.



"Too late, baby girl. Ask me tomorrow night when I beg to have you again."

"You don't beg," I scoffed.

"I will if you make me."

He was smirking at me now. I squeezed his face between my fingers on either cheek. My thumb against his left cheek and my middle and pointed on his right, squeezing so his lips puckered. "I love you so much," I said before pecking his lips.

"I love you more," he said after I let his face go. And then his hands tugged my shirt over my head. "No more talking."


Thursday, January 12th
9:00 AM

"Love, wake up," Klaus' voice came through while I was gently being shaken awake. "Come on, Danielle. Wake up."

"I'm up," I croaked out, opening my eyes to see him sitting on the edge of the bed right in front of me. "Why are you waking me? I need all my beauty sleep."

"You're absolutely stunning," he retorted, leaning down and kissing my forehead. I smiled, reaching a hand out to rub his thigh nearly in front of my face. "I made you breakfast in bed. That's why I'm waking you."

"Breakfast?" I gasped excitedly. "Why are you so damn sweet?"

"Because I didn't know how sore or tired you'd be after last night. I wanted to take care of my baby girl."

I blushed at the look he was giving me. My stomach got butterflies too. His eyes admired me deeply as if I was the most important thing in the world. "Thank you."

Klaus nodded and got up. He grabbed a tray off the nightstand and I sat up in bed so he could place it over my lap. "You eat. I'll talk."

"Yeah, what happened last night?"

"I went to get Elijah at the cemetery where I ran into my father. My real father—"

I began coughing on my eggs in shock. Klaus frowned, handing me a glass orange juice and rubbing my back. "Your what? She didn't," I frowned.

"She did. My mother brought him back so he could teach me how to be a 'better man'. How to be a wolf... If I took her up on her deal which my father claims to know nothing about. Anyways, I left him angry, went to save Elijah who is under some sleeping spell which we have to break. And when I saw my mother next I was furious. She thought my father changed things. That I would forgive her... But he doesn't and I can't, I won't ever forgive her. I hate her. She's the reason Hope isn't safe here. The reason I lost my daughter. She came after her own blood—"

His voice was raising with rage so I grabbed his hand as he was pacing along my bedside. "First off, calm down, please. Second, sit down. There's something I need to tell you now. About your mother."

Klaus looked at me confused before sitting down by my feet. I sighed, looking down at my plate. "What did she do? Did she hurt you? Don't tell me she convinced you—"

"Just listen... She admitted, or well hinted at why she wanted... she wanted Hope... dead."

"Excuse me?"

"She basically told me there was someone else who wanted to come for our little girl. To use her power. Someone or something that has your mother terrified, Klaus. She wouldn't tell me... But she did something. It's her fault. Because any baby you create will be a tribrid. And someone wants to use their power. Your mother said they would ruin us all if they came. And—"

"And you believe her?" He cut me off. I studied him for a moment but didn't respond right away. I could hear the anger in his voice.

"Yeah, I do actually," I finally answered him. He scoffed and stood back up. "This is serious, Klaus. Your bloodline is a target for someone. For some reason your mother never explained."

"She got to you. She's scared you into thinking we could never have kids. Did she say our children would be safe if I got a new body, a new life?"

"Yes," I sighed. "But it's not about that."

"Danielle, I don't have time for this 'let's have a baby' talk. Okay? My brother—"

"I'm not asking for a baby!"

"Aren't you?!" He screamed back.

"I want kids one day and I want them to be safe. So yes, I'm taking this seriously as should you. Because if you look around there's not a child under this roof! Can you take a moment to see that maybe this is the threat on your child? The reason she's not safe. Why she isn't with us?"

"Because of my mother!"

"You're letting your hate for her cloud your mind. Don't you want to know why she wanted to hurt her own flesh and blood?"

"She has tried to kill all of her children."

"And now she's giving them new lives."

"So you want to take it?" He spat. "I thought you liked me as I am. What happened to that? Your love is limited if I can't give you children?"

"My love is limited if you don't care if we have children," I retorted.

"And I told you we will."

"What ensures they'll be safe?"

"When I kill my mother—"

"If she's the threat can't she plot her way from the other side?"

"The other side is destroyed. When she dies, she'll be gone."

"Then let's hope your mother is a liar and that she's our only threat. I'd hate for you be wrong and for our lives to get more fucked up," I scoffed.

I put the tray of food on my nightstand and climbed out of bed angrily. I headed to the ensuite to shower when Klaus grabbed my arm, stopping me. "Don't be mad at me," he said.

"I'm livid. Maybe your mom isn't the only liar. Because I thought you wanted to have a family with me. But the idea of that being taken away doesn't matter? Let go of my fucking arm so I can shower and relax before I pack my damn bags."

"And go where?" He asked, squeezing my arm just a bit tighter. Almost enough to cause me pain.

I scoffed, shaking my head. "So you don't deny it? You don't care if we have kids?"

"I care that I have you," he stated.

"It's not fair! I love you! I want children one day! I don't want to give up everything to be with you, Klaus!"

"Danielle," he sighed, hugging me to his chest and holding me tightly as I tried to push him away. Tears fell from my eyes as he tried to calm me down. "I do care about our future. I do want children with you. Okay? And there's not a damn thing or person in this world that's going to stop us from having a baby. When we're ready. When it's safe."

"What if your mom's right? We'll never even know if we're safe. And what if we're not? Even with her and Mikael dead. What if it's not safe?"

"Baby girl, you're worrying too much. If my parents aren't the threat then we'll find who is. And I'll kill them. Nothing is going to keep us from having a family."

I nodded slowly. "Promise?"

"To knock you up? Yes."

I laughed at his word choice and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Good cause I want to be pregnant with your baby in a few years."

"Want to practice?"

"Mhm," I hummed, pressing our lips together for a lustful kiss.

~Picture: Danielle on January 11thIn her outfit she wore to the gym that Klaus liked

Sooooo what do you guys think? Esther has a dark secret. Dani believes it and is afraid while Klaus is stubborn and unconcerned. But since the subject is a family, wouldn't mini Klaus' and Dani's be so cute?

Am I the only one ready them to have a baby? But I also think they should wait 😅😅

More family drama coming next chapter! Let's get some votes on this and get the ball rolling for this book, I wanna make this a series to the end of the Originals? How does that sound?!

If you liked this chapter leave a colorful emoji for Dani's rainbow windbreaker 🥭🎨🌈


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