Free! One shots

By OrangeMeerkat

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(Requests Open) any ships welcome written by Aza_chan_reads & Orange Meerkat More

Fight (SouRin)
Blush (MakoHaru)
Secrets (SouRin)
Confessions (Natsuya x Ikuya)
Sharing (SouRin)

Book part 1(AsaReiNagi)

311 2 8
By OrangeMeerkat

It all started with a book.
That damned book..

Many years ago, in Iwatobi there was a thriving swim club, filled with students young and old doing what they loved, even if there was one student who didn't want to be a part of it anymore but this time we aren't telling his story.

A red head boy, named Asahi, had convinced his friends to go to the swimming club together and form a team, although it took a lot of persuading and a lot of annoyance from a certain pinkette. The swim team would be fun! maybe a little dysfunctional with all the internal conflict but that could be fixed, they just all had to become closer as friends!

Things would have been pretty good, but Asahi had a small problem, he suddenly couldn't swim crawl for the life of him. It was so sudden and it made him confused, Nao told him it possibly could be something mental.
The hothead became determined to find a solution and get better so he went to the place filled with knowledge: the library!~
If only it were that easy, there were so many books on mental health he didn't know which one to choose.

"Aaargh! Why can't I find anything!?" Asahi yelled in frustration messing his hair. "Please be quiet we're in a library" came the annoyed voice above the redhead. Once he looked up he saw a blue haired boy with red glasses, around the same age as him, most likely in a grade bellow his own. Asahi grinned widely when he saw the boy and stood up suddenly.

"You look smart! hey can you help me?!" he yelled as if he didn't know he had to be quiet in a library. "Shhh! don't be so loud" whisper shouted the blunette, quickly becoming embarrassed, did this kid not have an off switch? "And what makes you think that? Don't jump to conclusions".

Asahi laughed sheepishly and began talking again, a little quiet this time "Sorry, it was Because of your glasses, but please can you help?". The kid sighed and pushed his glasses up agreeing to help if it would keep the hyperactive boy quiet. "I need a book that will help me swim" the redhead stated with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"If I knew about I book like that believe me I would have gotten it!" he hissed looking away from Asahi.


"Never mind" he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. Asahi took this as he should probably continue explaining " I was able to swim just fine yesterday, but suddenly today I couldn't!"

"Can that really happen?"
"Very serious"

"Hm.." the blunette went into thought for awhile before quickly picking out a few books and handing them to Asahi. "Here, work on your mental health first, these should help" he stated proudly, a smile beginning to adorn his face.
"By the way my name is Rei, keep that in mind for when you need more help" _Rei_ said, a small grin on his face. Asahi felt heat raise to his cheeks and a big goofy grin spread across his features as he quickly hugged the boy "Thank you so much Rei! My name is Asahi! I'll definitely come for you for help!".
After squeezing Rei tightly he ran off, but got scolded by the librarian for trying to leave with the books without a library card causing Rei to facepalm and stifle a small laugh.




*Present Time*

"I am a genius, I am a genius, I am a genius!" Asahi repeated to himself over and over again, just like he did when he was little. He was obviously worried, and rightfully so.

Asahi was preparing to meet with Rei, an old friend. They had lost connection when Asahi moved but had a surprising reunion, both absolutely delighted to see the other. The red head brushed his messy short hair and put on the nicer clothes in his closet, he was going to confess to his glasses wearing friend.

Dear reader maybe you're a little confused, since they were little Asahi had developed a huge crush on Rei but couldn't tell him before the move, having seen him again those feelings were re awoken. Now here we are, a nervous yet happy red headed puppy finishing his preparations to go meet who could possibly be his partner. Asahi quickly finished a grabbed his bag before running out of his house, being older he would pick Rei up from his house.

                     *smoll time skippy*

Asahi felt a pit form in the middle of his stomach because once the door had opened he was greeted by not only Rei, but Nagisa, he didn't remember the other saying that they were living together; his poor heart can't handle the shock. Rei smiled sheepishly "I apologize if I took too long, I was helping Nagisa with some stuff" he said rubbing the back of his neck as he stepped out of the house, Nagisa pouted before piping in "Ahhh well sorry I asked for help hmpf! But make sure to come home before it gets too late Rei-chan!!" from whining like a kid he turned into a nagging w̶i̶f̶e̶ best friend.

The redhead forced a laugh as he wrapped an arm around his old friends shoulders "Don't worry, I'll protect the kid!" he said with pride, puffing out his chest. Nagisa laughed while Rei let out a startled yelp before also giving in and laughing. The two left and got into Asahi's car and drove off. . .

           *Another skip because your current Author Aza-chan is a lazy piece of shi-*

The two had spent the day walking around the town, talking about what they had done during those years without each other. They talked and laughed, visited a shrine and bought some street food. It was an amazing day, until now.

Asahi stopped by an area where the two could be alone and they could admire the sunset, he took a deep breath and began speaking "Rei...Theres something important i have to tell you..". Said bluenette looked up at Asahi with a curious gaze silently telling him to continue.

'Those beautiful eyes' he thought, 'Those beautiful eyes will be the end of me'. "Ever since we first met, I thought you were the most beautiful boy I had were smart, kind and fun to hang around" the red head continued, slowly placing a hand on Rei's waist and pulling him slightly closer. Rei's eyes widened, 'this can't be happening' he thought, "What i mean to say is...I really like you, maybe even love you, Rei..." Asahi finished slowly leaning in for a kiss, the beautiful sunset behind them.

But what he felt weren't a pair of lips against his.

Rei had placed his fingers on Asahi's mouth, stopping his kiss from reaching him, sadness evident in his eyes as he began to speak "I'm so sorry, Asahi....I had a feeling this should have been one of the first things I said but.."

"I already have a boyfriend, me and Nagisa have been dating for a long time now..."

And just like that, Asahi felt his fragile heart completely shatter.

Helllooooo everybody and thank you for reading :D this story is only just the first part, you'll find out what happens to our poor little Asahi then.
In the mean time, I hope you enjoyed this~ - Aza-chan

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