The Hunger Games Assassin

By BiancaEvans2

319 5 3

This is a Hunger Games Fanfic, the title says it all. This is the story about a girl from the capital girl wh... More

Prologue: Apprentice

74th Hunger Game Parade

108 1 0
By BiancaEvans2

The tributes:

Ebony's POV

I'm training for my second year hunger games while waiting for Plutarch to bring me the list of new tributes. During the 73rd hunger games I killed four tributes. I've mastered my knife throwing skills. But still practicing hand to hand combat. I wanted to become a peace keeper. My parents wouldn't hear it though, so I am going help my uncle Cinna design outfits for his tributes. It's his first year doing this and he was given district twelve.

"Training again I see" Plutarch states and I turn to face him.

"Do you have the list?" I ask him as I remove my gloves.

"Yes, you know you should of really chosen an apprentice by now" he tells me.

"I don't plan on dying this year" I tell him.

"No one ever plans it, which is why they all train an apprentice before their first game. You didn't and are about to go into your second game. It's rare for someone to survive two games and none have survived their third" he reminds me.

"I've told you, after my second game I will choose an apprentice" I remind him. "List please" I say and he hands it to me. Ignoring the others I go straight to district twelve tributes. "Hm our first ever volunteer from district twelve. An archer judging by her build and the boy looks strong" I state.

"You think one of them might be a new winner for district twelve?" Plutarch asks me curious.

"Maybe the girl, but I won't be making any bets just yet" I tell him as I look over the other tributes. Just then a call was coming in. I recognize the code and accept the call.

"Hello Black Beauty, I finished the up-grades to your suit" Beetee states. I smile at his nickname for me.

"Thank you, I expected it delivered by the time the tributes arrive" I tell him. "Your payment will arrive during the tribute interviews" I add. He nods his head and we say our goodbyes before hanging up.

"Aren't you suppose to meet your uncle soon?" Plutarch asks me.

"Yes, he wanted to do some last minute altercations to the outfits he designed" I state. Then go change into my everyday clothes and do my hair. "See you at the victory party, if not sooner" I tell him smiling. Then leave and catch a ride to parade grounds.

Once there I show my ID badge and am lead to my uncle. Who gives me a big and I smile hugging him back. I didn't get to see him much growing up. So when he offered to take my under his wing as an intern. I went for it straight away. Now I see him three - four times a week.

"Have a good morning?" he asks me.

"Yes, sorry I'm a little late uncle" I say smiling sheepishly.

"Oh it's fine, you can help me do Katniss' outfit" he states and I give him a fake confused look. "She is the female tribute from district twelve, actually she volunteered" he explains.

"No way, that's so cool. There's never been a volunteer from district twelve before" I say in fake awe. We finish her outfit and go to met her. We then go to the office to wait for the groomers to finish with Katniss. She soon enters the room in a robe her hair still up.

"Hello, Katniss. I'm your stylist, Cinna and this is my intern / niece Ebony . Is everything alright?" he asks her.

"Well, yeah, but you both look so..." she tries to find the right word.

"Different? Yeah, I get that alot. That's why I'm a designer. I know all the styles and how to work with them. Plus, I don't see what's so great about capitol fashion. It's a little... what's the word?" uncle Cinna asks us.

"Overdone" she and I say while I smile.

"Oh, yes. Overdone. Can you take off that robe? " he asks her. She removes it and he starts to examine the work the prep team did.

"Who did your hair?" I ask her smiling.

"My mother" she answers.

"It's beautiful" I tell her smiling.

"Classic, really. And a nearly perfect balance with your profile. She has very clever fingers" Uncle Cinna states.

"Thank you. You're new, aren't you? I don't think I've seen you before" she says.

"It's my first year in the games" he tells her.

"Which is why I'm here, he thought it would be great work experience for me" I state.

"So you were assigned district twelve?" she asks us. While I hand her back her robe.

"No I asked for it, lets have a chat" Uncle Cinna tells her. We sit down at the table and begin to eat the food provided. "So, Katniss, about your costume for the opening ceremonies. My partner, Portia, is the stylist for your fellow tribute, Peeta. And our current thought is to dress you in complementary costumes. As you may know, it's customary to reflect the flavor of the district you come from" he explains.

"So I'll be in a coal miner outfit?" she asks.

"Not exactly" I tell her smiling. "You see, Portia and my uncle think that coal miner thing is very over done. No one will remember you in that. And they both see it as their job to take the District Twelve Tributes unforgettable. So rather than focus on the coal mining itself, they're going to focus on the coal. And what do you do with coal? You burn it. You're not afraid of fire, are you, Katniss?" I ask her smirking. She shakes her head.

Once she was in her outfit we send her to be with Peeta. So that they can board their carriage. "Would you like to press the button?" Uncle Cinna asks me holding the remote out to me.

"Thought you'd never ask" I say smiling taking the remote. He then goes to see them and I listen to him through the mike. I press the button on his signal and it worked. He is so happy. The parade went great and I returned home. Tomorrow I'd be help my uncle prepare Katniss for her interview.


Picture above of Ebony and picture on the external link of Cinna.

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