Waiting for You (COMPLETED) (...

By 20mburgess

18.6K 500 419

College is hard when you're away from home. Adrien struggles at his college outside of Paris; he misses his f... More

a u t h o r s n o t e
T W E N T Y - O N E


942 22 46
By 20mburgess


Marinette had called her the next morning to tell her that Adrien had asked her out, but she was seriously regretting the decision. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Alya, it's just a date," she breathed, twirling a strand of hair on her finger. "It's really not as big a deal as you're making it..."

"Wha- just a date- NINO, are you hearing this?" Alya said loudly. Marinette could almost feel Nino's sigh through the phone.

"Babe, chill a little, okay?" He said lovingly, "you're more excited than Marinette is. Which, by the way Mari, you should be very excited. I've tried to get it through his thick skull since high school that he liked you." Marinette smiled.

"You think he's liked me since high school?" She asked softly.

"Girl, it wasn't obvious to you?! You're literally the only person besides Adrien himself that went to our school that didn't know he liked you," Alya insisted.

"You know, I honestly can't argue with that," Nino laughed. Marinette blushed a little. He's liked her since school?

"Okay, Mari, I love you, Nino and I both do, but we have to call Adrien and YELL AT HIM FOR TAKING SO LONG TO FIGURE OUT HIS FEELINGS," Alya said firmly.

"Ah-Ah," Nino said, "correction: you have to yell at him."


"Alya, come on... don't bother him," Marinette said, a tone of worry in her voice. "I don't want him to get upset with me or anything, thinking I'm going around telling everyone..."

"Mari. Why in the world would he get upset that you told your best friend that he asked you out? Huh?" Marinette could almost see Alya put her hand on her hip as she said this. "Girl, you're trippin', you know that?"

"I agree, Mari," Nino sighed kindly, "loosen up a bit! I'm sure he's just as excited as you are." She could then hear another phone ringing in the background. "Oh, wow. Perfect timing."

"What?" Marinette Asked.

"He's calling me right now," he laughed. Alya gasped.

"Put him on speaker!" She said excitedly, "don't tell him we have Mari on the phone!"

"Alya!" Marinette scolded. She heard a beep.

"Hey, Adrien, What's up?" Nino Asked.

"Hi, dude," he said, sounding happy. "I have some exciting news!"

"Oh, really?" Nino faked ignorance. Marinette was beet red, feeling very guilty. She could hear Alya stifling giggles.

"I... Uh... I asked Marinette on a date last night," he said sweetly.

"Oh, wow, dude! That's awesome!"

"Yeah, I know. I'm so excited," he said lovingly, "she's so amazing... I honestly can't believe she said yes." Marinette took in a soft, surprised gasp.

"BOI." Alya lost her restraint. "ARE YOU THICK? Oh wait, YES YOU ARE. Do you realize how long that girl has liked you?! Not to mention, how long you've liked her?!"

"Love, chill, Alright?" Nino pleaded.

"What? Thick? I'm not thick!" Adrien defended. "Wait... how long has she liked me?"

"Since sophomore year, you numbskull!" Alya yelled.

"Alya!" Nino scolded.

"IM SORRY, I'm just REALLY EXCITED THAT MY CHILDREN HAVE STOPPED BEING DUMB." She took a long breath. "Okay, I'm calm now." Even though no one could see her, Marinette was hiding her face in embarrassment. It was quiet for a moment.

"I think you scared him away, babe," Nino laughed.

"Nope, still right here..." Adrien said, "just processing the fact that she's liked me since... since sophomore year?"

"Yeah, it's true, you dummy," Alya laughed. "Why don't we ask her?" Marinette's eyes widened. Alya better not- "Hey, Mari? Why don't you go ahead and tell Adrien how long you've liked him?" Marinette practically stopped breathing.

"Wait, What?" Adrien said, dumbfounded. "She's there?"

"I have her in the other end of my phone," Alya explained. Marinette could hear the mischief in her voice, and she boiled. "Come on, hun, tell him!"

"I- Uh- d-uh..." she tried to find her words. She gulped in a large breath and forced the words out. "Sincesophomoreyear..." There was a silence on the other end. Finally, Adrien spoke.

"...Really?" He said softly.

"Yeah... it's true..."

Adrien ran a hand through his hair, blinking and letting out a long, surprised sigh.

"Wow... I guess I am thick..." he said with a small laugh. "I never had any idea." They were all quiet again.

"Well, now that we've established that the two of you are blind..." Alya chimes in, "I think the two of you need to get ready for your date tonight. Go get yourselves lookin' sexy!"

"Oh, Alya..." Marinette sighed. Adrien laughed.

"Alright then. Bye everyone," he said.

"Bye, dude," Nino responded

"Bye, Adrien," Marinette said softly, "see you tonight." Adrien smiled.

"See you, Mari," he said, then disconnected.

"Alya, you are an evil little wench," Marinette half joked. The girl laughed slyly.

"Oh, shut up. You love me," she said. "Now, go get ready!"

"It's just barely two o'clock!" Marinette remarked.

"Yes, and you haven't even gotten a dress, or gotten your hair and nails done!" Alya exclaimed.

"You know I can't afford all that! I'm a freaking college student, Alya!"

"And that's exactly why Nino and I will be paying for it," she explained.

"Wait, we will?" Nino said confusedly.

"Yes, we will," Alya asserted. "And, I've just decided that I, as your best friend, should be there with you along the way!"


"Nope! Already on my way," the incessant girl stated before hanging up the phone. Tikki let out a small giggle.

"Gotta love Alya," the kwami said sweetly. Marinette sighed with a smile.

"Yeah... She may be really intense, but I still love her."

Meanwhile, Plagg was trying to help a strangely nervous Adrien choose an outfit that would impress Marinette.

"Plagg, she's a designer. A visionary. I can't just wear any old suit!" Adrien said as he rifled through his closet.

"Come on, kid... don't you think you're way over thinking this?" The kwami sat on the side table next to Adrien's bed, nibbling on a chunk of cheese. "You heard her... she's liked you for years. I don't think she's gonna judge you much for what you're wearing." Adrien was only half listening. He let out a groan of annoyance before turning around and throwing his arms up.

"I'm a freaking model! This should be easy for me!" He plopped on his bed letting out a sigh of frustration. Suddenly, there was a knock on his bedroom door. Plagg quickly hid away.

"Adrien?" The voice asked. It was his father. "Are you in there?" Adrien's head turned towards the door as he moved to a sitting position.

"Yes, I'm here," he said, running his fingers through his hair. Gabriel opened the door and took a small step in.

"How have you been?" He asked plainly. "Is your old room still suitable for you?"

"Yes, it's fine, father," Adrien nodded.

"Excellent." There was a small, uncomfortable silence. "Ahem... well, Natalie has informed me of an opening in my schedule tonight, and I was wondering if you might join me for dinner."

"Oh," Adrien sighed, "actually, father, I have plans tonight."

"Right. Of course," Gabriel nodded, "with... that boy, Nino, I'm assuming? Or perhaps Chloé?"

"Uh... actually, I have a date tonight," he said simply. His father's eyebrow raised.

"A date?" He said plainly. "I see. With whom?"

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng," the boy answered. "You know her, right? She designed a few things for your lines before, and she's taking some college design classes with your protégés."

"Ah, yes... I know her. She's a very talented girl." Gabriel rubbed his chin with a simple nod. "Where are you taking her tonight?"

"I was thinking that brand new restaurant down the road," Adrien said. Gabriel nodded again. He glanced around at the clothes strewn around his son's room.

"Are you having trouble picking out something suitable to wear?" He asked. Adrien nodded with a sigh.

"I'm a model. I should be able to figure something out to wear on a date," he said dejectedly. Gabriel hummed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He walked farther into the room, straight to Adrien's closet.

"Well, she's a designer, so you should dress to impress," he said, rifling through Adrien's clothes. The blond boy blinked in surprise at his father's actions.

"Wha- father, you don't have to help me," Adrien said, "I'm sure you have more important things to attend to."

"No son of mine will go on a date with a girl such as miss Dupain-Cheng and not look his very best. Now, sit down while I find something for you," Gabriel insisted. Adrien sat in shock for a moment. He suddenly found himself smiling, watching his father help him with something as mundane as a date. Gabriel pulled out a pair of black, straight leg pants, a white turtle neck, and a denim jacket. He laid them next to Adrien on his bed, then went back to pull out a pair of black oxfords. He hadn't seen those shoes in years. "There." He handed Adrien the shoes. "Now, get dressed. And use that new cologne Natalie put on the vanity in your bathroom this morning."

Adrien sat, still in shock for a moment. He blinked, then looked up at his father. "Thank you," He said simply.

"Of course. Knock her dead, son," Gabriel said, and Adrien swore he saw just the faintest hint of a smile. He watched as his father left his room and gently shut the door, still reeling at what had just happened.

"Wow, the big man finally showed you some normal human-fatherly attention," Plagg mumbled as he came out of hiding. Adrien ignored him as he changed into the outfit that had been chosen for him. He was now in an even better mood than he had been before, and nothing was going to ruin it.

"Alya," Marinette interjected as Alya dragged her into a small boutique down the road from her apartment, "this is really so unnecessary. I have clothes at home, and if I wanted to get my hair done, I'd pay for it myself!"

"Absolutely not! I have been waiting for this day for literally years. Just let me have this, okay?!" Her best friend insisted. Marinette let out a deep sigh, relenting. They began to rifle through the many racks of colorful clothes. Marinette's eye eventually landed on a simple, pink skater dress that had a thin layer of lace under the skirt. She held it up for Alya.

"What about this one? It's pretty cute," she said. Alya's eyes narrowed as she inspected the dress. She rubbed her chin, then shook her head.

"It's pretty, but too... expected," she said simply. "You need something that'll blow him away." They both kept looking for a few more moments until Marinette heard a loud gasp. She looked up to see Alya tossing a black dress in her direction. "Try this on right now!" Marinette blinked surprisedly. She didn't even know what the dress she was now holding in her arms looked like, but at this point, honestly, she just wasn't questioning anything anymore. She made her way to the dressing room, and undressed. She took the dress off the hanger and held it out in front of her. With a shrug, she put the dress on. She could already tell as she pulled it over her head that it was definitely form fitting. After she had pulled it down all the way, she looked in the mirror, and her eyes widened at what she saw. The dress was, as she presumed, skin tight—accentuating her curves in all the right places. The top of the dress was fabric crossed over her chest, covering only what it had to, leaving a rather large area of her stomach bare. It came just to fingertip length on her thighs. She looked herself up and down, and blushed at the thought of actually wearing this out in public, and Adrien Agreste seeing her in it.

"I can't do it," Marinette shook her head as she walked back out of the dressing room after putting her day clothes back on.

"What do you mean you 'can't do it?!'" Alya scoffed. "It's sexy!"

"Yeah... too sexy," Marinette hung her head. "Stuff like that doesn't work for me." Alya looked at Marinette for a moment with a dead face before she dramatically put her hand on her hip.

"Put it on again, and show me," she ordered sweetly. "We'll see if this 'works for you' or not." With a sigh, Marinette relented. She put the dress back on and reluctantly walked out of the stall with it on. Alya's face lit up in awe as she walked out. Marinette's face turned pink.

"See? I should get something more-"

"Day-um, Girl!" Alya said excitedly. "You look hot as hell!"

"Really? I don't look awkward?" The blue eyed girl asked softly.

"Not at all! You look like a Queen," Alya praised. She let out a small tsk. "And you said you couldn't make it work."


"NO." Alya held up a finger. "You were wrong. You're gorgeous." She led Marinette back into the dressing room, standing her in front of a mirror. "Look at yourself. You are absolutely stunning."

"You really think so?" She looked herself up and down. "Do you think Adrien will like it?"

"Girl, he's gonna fall head over heels all over again," Alya nodded. Marinette looked her own reflection in the eyes. She was beautiful. Stunning, as Alya had said. Her mouth raised into a pleased smile.

"Okay, lets get it," she nodded. Alya cheered aloud, leaving the dressing room to let Marinette change out of the dress. They both walked to the checkout counter, and Marinette gave the cashier the dress so she could ring it up. Alya threw in a nice pair of strappy, black heels.

"That'll be two hundred dollars," the lady said. Marinette's eyes went wide as she turned and gawked at her best friend who casually inserted her debit card into the reader.

"Alya!" Marinette tried to stop her. "That's way to expensive."

"Girl, don't worry about it," she waved her hand. The machine beeped, and she took her card out of the slot.

"It's two hundred dollars!" Marinette exclaimed. Alya let out a small chuckle.

"Honey, you know my blog has been raking in money for years, and Nino sells music. With a combined account, we're making bank for college kids," Alya explained as the dress and shoes were bagged and handed back to Marinette.

"You're really making that much money?" Marinette gawked.

"Well, Yeah, especially since we have our day jobs, too," Alya nodded.

"Huh." Marinette said as she and Alya walked out of the shop.

"Alright, now, hair and nails!" Alya shouted as she linked her arm through Marinette's, dragging her down the street to their favorite spa, Spa de Palais de Luxe. They both got full mani-pedis, facials, and got their hair styled. They sat and chatted like teenagers again, and when they were done, Alya didn't tell Marinette the total of the check. Marinette did, however, make Alya let her pay for at least one hundred dollars out of the cost. They negotiated and decided on her paying seventy-five. Finally, after eating a quick snack, they went back to Marinette's apartment. Alya had Marinette put on a shower cap ("Gently! You'll ruin the curls!") and take a shower, making sure to thoroughly shave. After she did, she put on a bathrobe and walked into her room. Alya had gotten all of Marinette's makeup out and readied it for her to use. She patted the stool in front of Marinette's small vanity mirror.

"Come on, girl! Let's beat your face!" She said, beckoning her to sit down. She did so, and Alya immediately started in on her face. After about forty-five minutes, she was finished. Marinette looked into the mirror, and she was beautiful. She now had long lashes, a beautifully blended smoky eye with a sharp, knifepoint cat-eye, blushed cheeks, and deep, red lips. She had just the slightest hint of sparkle emphasizing her cheekbones.

"Wow," She said, dumbfounded. Alya smiled.

"Wow, indeed," Alya nodded. "Now go put on the dress!"

"What? Why? Adrien won't be here until-"

"Seven o'clock?" Alya Asked.

"Yeah. I have plenty of time," Marinette said, walking to her bed and sitting on the edge.

"Huh, that's funny, because your clock says it's six fifty-five right now, so..." Alya shrugged sarcastically.

"What?!" Marinette hopped to her feet. She quickly grabbed her dress and threw it on, along with her new heels. She ran to the mirror and checked her hair, moving a few of the long, curled strands back into place. She turned to Alya, holding her arms out. "How do I look?" Alya had already had her phone out, and raised it to take a picture.

"Hot as hell," She said. "Pose!" Marinette smiled and put a hand on her hip instinctively. "That's going on my blog!" Before Marinette could protest, her intercom buzzed.

"Hello, my princess," a familiar voice said, "your knight in shining armor has arrived on his white horse. Well... in a black limo, actually." A flash of strange recognition went through Marinette's mind, but before she could think too deeply about it, Alya squealed excitedly.

"A limo! You're in for a night of luxury Mari!" She exclaimed. "Go on! Get down there!" Marinette blinked as she began to sweat nervously. She rushed to the door and pressed the intercom button to speak before she made her way downstairs.

"Hi, Adrien! I'll be down right away!" She said. She quickly glided down the stairs, which surprised her, considering her tendency to trip over anything and everything in the known universe. She made it to the door and stopped in her tracks. She stared at the doorknob and took a long deep breath. "Here goes..." She whispered quietly to herself. She reached out and slowly opened the door to see Adrien, smiling and looking handsome as ever. He looked up and down her body, and his face flushed pink. He looked up and met her eyes.

"Wow. Mari, you look..." he shook his head in awe, looking her over once more, "you look incredible."

"Oh, um..." she tucked a strand of curled hair behind her ear. "Thank you. You do, too." They both looked at each other for a moment, smiling as they took each other in. Alya walked out of Marinette's room and leaned against the banister next to the stairs, watching the two like a proud mama.

"Well, the carriage awaits," Adrien half bowed, gesturing towards the limo. Marinette giggled with a raised eyebrow as Adrien looked up and smiled at her. He stood upright and offered her his arm. She took it, and just before they could step out of the door, Alya spoke up.

"Bye kids! Have fun!" She called down. Marinette and Adrien both waved at her. Right before the door could close, they heard an added shout. "USE PROTECTION!" Marinette's face turned bright red. She looked up at Adrien and smiled apologetically, but he just laughed.

"That's Alya for you..." he shrugged with a smile.

"Yeah... definitely Alya..." Marinette said willing the blush on her cheeks away. They walked back towards the limo with linked arms. He opened the back door for her, and once they were both inside, they headed off.

"So... Where are we going?" Marinette turned and asked him after a few moments.

"To that new restaurant down the street," he smiled, then rubbed his neck. "Is that okay? I thought it would be a nice place to try, and we could talk and really get to know each other even more... it's really fancy, but not too fancy... I mean, I've heard the food there is really good, and-"

"Adrien," Marinette put a hand on his shoulder, "it sounds wonderful. This is all amazing." She gestured around the limo, and at him. Adrien let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding and smiled at her warmly. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and leaned down, kissing her gently on the head.

"Mari, you're so beautiful," he mumbles into her hair. She blushed and leaned into the warm touch. They rode for a while like this, both leaned into each other, Adrien's head leaning on Marinette's. Finally, they reached their destination. Adrien offered Marinette his hand as she got out of the car. She looked up at the restaurant, and her eyes went wide. As they walked in, she glanced around at all of the golden embellishments and fancy dresses. She almost felt out of place. But, when she looked up to see Adrien smiling down at her and felt his hand in hers, she knew she was where she needed to be.

"Reservation for 'Agreste?'" Adrien said as they walked up to the Hostess. She glanced down at her computer screen with a small smile.

"Yes, Of course, Monsieur Agreste," she gestured to another hostess, "Amelie will show you to your table."

"Thank you." They followed Amelie to their table and took their seats, Adrien pulling Marinette's chair out for her. Once Amelie had left Marinette giggled.

"I see chivalry isn't dead," she teased.

"Only the best for the best, Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng," Adrien winked. He reached across the table and took her hand. "I'm really happy to be here with you tonight, Marinette."

"So am I, Adrien," she blushed, "you have no idea. I... Ive waited so long for-"

"OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?" A shrill voice yelled suddenly. Everyone turned to see a woman pointing out the window towards what appeared to be large, green, oozing monster. It turned its gaze on the woman who cried out, sending a beam of bright green light towards her. The woman then turned to another woman sitting at the table with her with hatred in her eyes. She stood and pounded the table, her skin growing green.

"You! You always act like you're so humble and so happy all the time!" She yelled, pointing at the other woman. "I hate you! Your life is so perfect!" She pointed at the woman, and before she could say anything, she crumbled to dust. The woman then began to angrily gaze around the room.

"Oh my god!" Adrien cried. He began to stand up, but glanced back at Marinette. He didn't know what to do. To his surprise, Mari looked more annoyed than frightened.

"Seriously! Now!" She spit. "My first date with Adrien freaking Agreste, and an akuma attack happens?!"

"I don't get it! Ever since I came back, akuma attacks have started happening again!" Adrien said worriedly. Marinette furrowed her eyebrows and clenched her fists. She looked up at Adrien's worried eyes, surprising him with her fighting gaze. The now green woman began to either vaporize other people or turn them green like her. She closed her eyes and sighed.

"Adrien, I have no time to explain, but we have to get out of here. There's something you need to know, and we have no time to waste." She stood up and swiftly grabbed his hand, dragging him out of the restaurant before he could say anything. They ran in between buildings, and she looked him in the eye.

"Mari?!" He said, very confused. "What the hell are you talking about? You need to hide! There's an akuma out here!"

"Please don't freak out," she said simply. "Tikki, spots on!"

Right before his eyes, Marinette turned into Ladybug, his childhood friend and love of his life. He couldn't speak. Mari. Sweet, small, kind little Mari... was his ladybug!

"Y-y-you're Ladybug! Mari, you're Ladybug?" He exclaimed. "How could I be so blind?!"

"Like I said, no time. We have to get you somewhere safe," she insisted.

"But, Mari, Wait-" but before he could say anything, she scooped him up, and they began yo-yo'ing through the Parisian Sky.

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