House of Anubis: Wadjet's War...

By KurtDestin

739 40 19

Completed? [✖️] #77 under House of Anubis (Since 8/14/16) #1 under House of Anubis: Wadjet's Warning (Since 8... More

I. House of a New Beginning
II. House of Worry/House of Warnings
III. House of the First Mystery
IV: House of the Ring
V. House of the Book
VI. House of the New Osirian
VII. House of Sides
VIII. House of Mara
IX. House of Sibuna/House of Joy
X. House of Sands
XI. House of War: Part 1
XII. House of War: Part 2


28 2 2
By KurtDestin

Authors Note:
Hey guys! I can't believe it's been over two years since I updated this story! It's crazy how fast time flies by. I have some good news concerning this story . . . Drum roll please . . . CHAPTER 13 IS COMING VERY SOON! I'm so excited to announce this and have wanted to get back on this story since the little cliffhanger I left you guys with back at the end of 2016. I just felt like I needed to rewatch the series before I could continue. So after a long time, I finally bought the ENTIRE series on DVD off of EBay, watched it all, reread my story on here, and am now preparing to begin Chapter 13! I don't know how many of you are still following on this story, but I hope that you're as excited as I am about this!

PS: I plan on fixing a few things from Chapter 9 and forward because as I read through the story, there's a couple things that didn't correlate with the show too well. Anyways, it's mostly small comments so when you continue with the upcoming chapters, it won't change anything. That's all for this disclaimer!

See you guys soon!

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