Her love

By Nottodaysatanz

256K 6.9K 2.6K

"Yes Papi!" I tease... "Damn Kat, if you keep talking like that I'm gonna have a hard time leaving!" He laugh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 10

10.6K 317 104
By Nottodaysatanz

       "Kat!" I hear Tinny screams as I walk into Santi's house.

It was early Saturday and Santi usually had work later from 2 to 10. He started school 2 months ago coming back every weekend to work and see me, though it felt like he only came back to work.

On Sundays he'd work from 8 until 4 then head back to school around 6:30pm. His first class on Monday didn't start until 9am.

Between his busy schedule we usually found time to hang out but as the weeks went on it seemed harder and harder.

"¿Qué pasa mi pobrecito? What's wrong with my poor baby?" I responded as the 7 year old ran up to me.

"I'm not a baby, Kat. And Stephie is being mean to me again!" Tinny replied giving me a tight hug.

"Mean? I told the little brat to do the dishes!" Stephanie yells from the kitchen.

"She hit me with a spoon!" Tinny defends.

I look at Stephanie holding a wooden spoon in her hand and looking annoyed.

I smile to myself, "Tinny, please go help your sister with the dishes. I'm sure she won't hit you again."

I look up at Steph, "No promises." She mutters to herself.

"He only listens to you and Santi, I swear." She tells me.

Tinny worshipped his older brother and looked up to him as though the sun rose and sent because of him.

"Speaking of... Where's Santi?" I ask her.

"At the shop."

"But it's only 10:12?" I say checking the time on my phone.

"No sé, he left at 9 this morning. He probably wanted to pick up some extra hours."

"Ok, thanks." I smile disappointed.

I felt like I was constantly chasing him and trying so hard to spend time with.

Ugh, I feel like such a nuisance.

"I'm sorry, Kat. You know Santi." Steph says.

"Yeah, it's ok I'll probably see him later. Oh by the way Julie, Ayo, and I are having a movie night tonight at 8 wanna join?"

"Yeah, sure."

"My house, bring a blanket. I'm gonna go clean and cook before my mom gets home and starts yelling."

"Ok, I'll see you later."

"Bye Tinny!" I say waving goodbye.

"Bye Kat." He runs from the kitchen to me and motions for me to lean down, though he was only a foot shorter than 5'2.

"Call me when you get rid of the porquería (rubbish)." He whispers handing me a piece paper and winking at me.

"What did Tinny just give you?" Steph asks laughing.

I hand her the piece of paper smiling.

Damn little man was slick!

"This is our home number!" Steph laughs.

I grab the piece of paper from her and pocket it.

"Stop he's cute." I defend.

"Ok, I'm leaving. Bye!"

"Bye boo!"

I walk down the street a few blocks before I feel a sudden urge to look at the piece of paper I've been holding onto in my pocket.

'Call me - xxx-657-9873'

I laugh, "At least I got one González man."


I'm moving around the living room getting ready for our movie night when I hear my phone vibrate on the table.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey Kat, please don't kill me." I hear Julie plead on the line.

"Kill you? Why would I kill you?"

"Please don't be mad." She pleads again.

"Mad? Julie get to the point." I say anxiously.

"I told Johnny about tonight and he invited himself."

"That's it?" I ask knowing there was more.

"Yeah and I was with Alex so he says since Johnny's coming it's no longer a girls night and he invited himself also." She says.

I wasn't surprised Alex was very protective of Julie and used any excuse to be with her. They meet when she went on a college tour at Treston University in September.

Alex is a sophomore business major there and they meet when in the residential cafeteria, needless to say it was now in Julie's top 5.

"Great now all I need is for Ayo to invite Nick." I say sarcastically.

"Um... About that." I hear Ayo say on the other line.

"No!" I say annoyed.

"Please girl I'm sorry!" She says.

"You will be soon. We never hangout just us anymore." I complain.

"I know and I'm sorry."

"Fine, but y'all better be here soon and bring candy!" I say giving in.

"We're outside!" They say in usion.

I walk to the door and see them standing on the steps. I glare at the guys as they all walk in smiling.

"Play nice Kat we brought the goods." Johnny laughs ruffling my afro like I'm a child.

I glare and try to bite his hand which he pulls away quickly.

"Down girl." He says laughing.

"Boy are you trying to lose a finger? Cause unless you're looking to braid my hair that's what's gonna happen to your hand." I reply.

I turn to Nick and Alex expectantly, and they point to the bag of candy on the table.

"You gentlemen are always welcome." I say happily.

"--With candy--she means, otherwise you guys would still be outside." Julie jokes.

"Hey a welcome is a welcome." Nick replies giving me a hug.

"Hey Alex." I nod to him.

I didn't really like him at first, I thought he was another preppie that thought they deserved the world. Stereotypical I know but he went to Treston which didn't just sound snobby and elite most of the students were exactly that. And though Alex wasn't snobby he was definitely part of the elite. Boy was rich and humble!

But dude was the definition of brooding yet it was cute how he hovered over Julie. I only ever saw him smile when he was smiling at her.

"Hi." He replies politely.

I grab a pack of mini snickers and join Ayo and Julia in the kitchen.

"Yo have you heard, Jessica is pregnant." Ayo spills.

"No!" I say shocked. "Is that why I don't see her at school anymore?" I grab the small tub of corn kernels from the cabinet and a three bags of microwave popcorn.

"Options." I say smiling and turning to hand Ayo the bags.

"That and her family is moving to Kensey." Julie replies adding 3 tablespoons of oil to a large pot.

"Bcause she's pregnant?" I ask pouring corn kernels in the pot.

"No, but maybe." Julie replies unsure.

"We're watching the Equalizer." Johnny say coming into the kitchen.

"Fine but if we start with action we end with a chick flick." I shrug knowing he'd prefer not to watch any sappy romance movie at all.

"Evil." He says, "but I'm smart action first, you guys will probably be knocked by the time the first movie is over."

"Here," I say handing him two bowls of popcorn. "White bowl is microwave and red is stovetop. Steph will be here soon."

Me- Hey girl where you at?

Steph- Around the block be there soon

"Steph said she's around the block and I think she's by herself. I'm worried." I tell them.

"We can go meet her." Johnny suggests.

"Yeah, it's to dangerous." I reply grabing my jacket.

There was another kid that got jumped to weeks ago on Miles Street which was a block from my house.

I text Steph that were coming as I close the door with Johnny in front of me.

Me- Johnny and I are coming to get you

Steph- I'm almst ther lol you worry too much

Ignore the text and start walking in the direction of her house with Johnny.

We spot her instantly, but she's not by herself.

"Santi." I say suprised.

"Kat." He says with a small smile on his face.

He looked tired and stressed.

Gosh I'm so self-centered.

Why didn't it occur to think about how stressed Santi was with everything on his plate.

"How are you?" I mentally slap my forehead because of I'm stupidity.

His smile grows, "I'm good." He replies pulling me to his side.

"Steph said it was only girls tonight." He says in my ear while glaring at Johnny.

I don't know why but he's been very agressive towards him since the beginning of the year.

"It was until Julia and Ayo opened their mouths and invited Alex, Johnny, and Nick. Are you coming?" I ask hopefully.

"I can't I have Calc. homework due tonight at 11, I'll stop by later to pick Steph up though." He replies.

"Okay, I'll see you later." I look and see that Steph and Johnny had slowly migrated away from us towards the direction of my house.

"I'm gonna go catch up to them." I say pulling away from him.

"No I'll walk you to your house, I have some time."

I smile, "Okay."

We walk 3 minutes to my house, our hands locked.

"Lo siento. (I'm sorry)" He says looking down at me.

I wrap my hands around his waist, "It's ok, I understand."

We stay there for a minute or so before I try to pull away but are held tighter.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah," he replies, "I just missed you."

He pulls back giving me a quick peck.

"Go inside its cold out here."

"Ok. Bye Bye."

"Bye." He replies as I enter and close the door behind me.


"Hey, " I feel my pillow shift as it nudges me. "Wake up."

"Is it over?" I ask. I was wedged between Johnny and Julie and my pillow was currently Johnny's shoulder.

"Yeah its 11:13." Johnny tells me.

"Hey we're gonna head out." A sleepy Ayo manages to say.

"Okay. I'll see you Monday." I reply.

"You heading out too?" I ask Julie and company.

"Yeah, but I'll see you guys soon."

I hug them both goodnight, hugging Nick and waving Alex goodnight.

Alex didn't seem like much of a hugger.

"Okay just us I guess." I say to Johnny and Steph.

"I just texted Santi." Steph says.

"Okay I'm gonna go home too." Johnny says.

"You drove?" I ask.

"Yeah I knew the love birds would leave together." He says pulling out his keys.

"I need to pee." Steph tells us.

"TMI Steph."

"Sorry." She laughs running to the bathroom.

"Oh I have you scarf in my car, I forgot to bring it." Johnny says.

"It's fine I'll go with you and get it." I reply.

We make our way to his car parked on the street and he opens the back door and pulls out my  maroon scarf.

"Thanks, I thought I lost it." I say gratefully.

"Are you okay Kat?" He asks.

"Yeah why would I not be?"

"Nothing you just seem stressed." He says stepping closer.

"I'm fine, just a lot to do with my college stuff. You know." I say truthfully.

He was acting weird. Open my mouth to ask him what's wrong but close it when he reaches out to my head pulling something out.

"You had a fuzzy from the blanket in your hair." He says.

"Thanks." I say hugging myself from the cold.

"You're fucking adorable, Kat." He says smiling.

"Look... Johnny, " I start.

"It's okay I know I have no chance but just let me try."

Before I can register his words I feel him grab my face as his lips settle onto mine.

I pull away in shock. "Johnny--"

"I'm sorry--"

"¡Qué meirda! (What the fuck?)" I hear Santi yell behind me.

In a second he reaches us and slams Johnny into his own car.

"Santi don't." I yell to get his attention.

He ignores me and slams his fist into Johnny's right cheek.

I go and grab him from behind and as soon as he feels me behind him he steps back shaking in anger.

"I'm sorry." I whisper to him.

He pulls my arms off him and steps away from both of us.

"This what happen when I'm gone? Why he invited here?" Santi asks in disbelief, his speech changing in his anger.

"No, of course not. Look that's not what happened."

"Fuck, what happen then? Huh?"

"Look bro, it's my fault." Johnny responds holding his face.

"The fuck it is, mama guevo! (Cocksucker)" Santi yells slamming Johnny onto the car again.

Santi kisses his teeth, shaking his head bye releases Johnny and turns to leave.

"Santi wait!" I yell.

"Wait for what Kat?" He says full of frustration and anger.

"Bro, I did--" Johnny tries.

"Shutthefuckup!" Santi responds turning and about to charge at Johnny once more.

I step in front of him, "Please, you know I would never do something like this."

"I can't, Kat. Not right now." He responds.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his keys. "Give these to Steph, I'll walk home."

I put my hand out numbly, taking the keys.

Watch Santi walk away silently and turn back to my house with tears brimming my eyes.

"Kat... I'm sorry." Johnny says.

Yeah, sorry comes after the fucking damage.

There was no point in taking my hurt and anger out on him.

"It's okay, I'll uh see you Monday." I say walking away.

I enter my house and give Steph the keys. "Santi told me to give these to you, hee walked home." I tell her my vice barely above a whisper.

I go and grab a blanket wrapping it around me as I sit on the couch cuddling a pillow.

"Kat what's wrong?" Steph asks.

And the dam breaks the tears don't stop coming through the hiccups and runny nose.

Steph hands me pieces of paper towel as I keep crying.

"I'm sorry." I say through tears, I hated crying in front of people, because I hated when people cried and I couldn't do anything.

"It's okay, you need anything?" She asks.

"No I'm okay, you go home. Thank you."

"Call me if you need anything, we'll talk tommorow. Okay?"

"Yeah, goodnight."


"¿Qué haces? (What are you doing?)" Steph asks me.

"Packing." I tell her zipping my duffle bag and grabbing my backpack.

"You look like trash." She replies.

I ignore and leave my room to go downstairs.

"¿No tienes que trabajar hoy? (Don't you have work today?)" She asks.

"Voy a volver a la escuela. (I'm going back to school.)" I tell her.

"¿Lo que pasó contigo y Kat? (What happened with you and Kat?)"

I ignore her question not sure how to answer and walk to my car as she follows me.

"Dígale a mamá regresé temprano, school work. (Tell mamá I went back early,) Bien?"  I say putting my bags into the car.

"Bien, pero vas a ignorar mi pregunta? (Okay, but are you going to ignore my question?)"

I turn and go back to the house and  wake Tinny.

"Niño, me voy. (I'm leaving.)" I whisper to him and he shoots up alarmed.

"No!" He states as though it's final.

I smile, "I have to go, volveré el próximo fin de semana. (I'll be back next weekend.)"

He nods his head. "Okay."

I give him hug and head downstairs.

Hug Steph goodbye and go to my car.

I wanted so badly to check on Kat, to talk to her, to hold her, but I couldn't.

I wanted to strangle Johnny for daring to lay a fucking hand on her, for touching her.

Fucking pendejo.

But I was too angry not to kill him by accident, and in a way this was better for both of us for now.

I should've been there... But I wasn't...

Yeah life happens lol. But maybe they never had a chance? Who knows?
Have a goodnight y'all!💞
Like, comment, enjoy.😘

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