The Soul Flower

By seasong15

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Falling in the darkness around him, he tried to remember everything that has happened to him through his fogg... More

Chapter One: Encounter
Chapter Two: Flowers and New Friends

Chapter 3: ???

463 30 3
By seasong15

-In another place-

A monster appeared next to the being responsible for this multiverses ruin. The creator of aus laid beaten and broken before it. He had tried to save his creations from it, but the power from the void was too much for the short skeleton. The monster looked sadly down at him, knowing that he will have to feel the pain of all that he created, falling apart. Forever lost to the void.

The creature that stood before him looked as if it was melting and almost constantly glitching. It had fur patches and scales that seemed to be dripping. Spines of bone ran down its back all the way to its wip like tail. It turned around to look at the monster with its skeletal dragon head and glowing blood red eyes. It grin widened at the monster as he frowned in return.

It opened its mouth, and spoke in a gargally, deep voice. "Do you still wish to know why im here, Doctor?". The monster glared at the being before him, as if accusing it of something. "Oh dont look at me like that." The creature rolled its eye lights and sighed. "If they only gave me what I wanted, then I wouldn't have had to do all this."

The monster continued to glare. "I know what your gonna say, I could have just gone after it after it left the portal. But. Thanks to these pitiful monsters I cant sence it anywhere!" The monster looked like he would hold his forehead in annoyance, if he had hands. The creature stole them from him when it first arrived in his multiverse.

The creature moved to tower over the monster. "You don't understand, Docter. I need this one. Not the other ones. This one is different." The monster rose a brow bone at that, wondering what makes this destroyer any different than the other it went after. "Ah, what would be the fun in telling you it now." The creature stood up straight, looking smug and proud with its nose pointed up.

The monster looked annoyed at it and turned around and walked away. The creature deflated at this and opened an one way portal to other multiverses. It stopped at one that seemed to have an underfell as the main universe. It looked at its code for a minute before grabbing the broken creator from the floor and carelessly tossing him into one of the nicer aus in that multiverse.

"I'll come get you after I find your other half. This universe doesn't have a creator nor a destroyer so im sure it won't be that hard." It said to him, even though it knew the poor skeleton couldn't hear him. It moved to other aus, looking through them curiously.

Hearing foot steps behind it, it glanced over its shoulder expecting to see Docter again, but to its surprise it sees a grey child. Turning around, it bends down almost to the childs hight. The grey child looked like a monochrome Frisk.

Curious, it made its teeth larger and snarled as loud and as threatening as it could. The child gasps and flinchs in fear as they shake. The child quickly straightened up and put a brave face on. "Where did you send him?" The small child asked angrly, proud that their voice didn't waver.

The creatures face went back to normal, looking amused by the child. "Sent who?" It played dumb. The child huffed in anger. "Ink. The one that was fighting you.". The creature gave a wide sharp grin. "Oh, do you mean that pest that kept pestering me?" Its voice was full of sarcasm and amusement.

"Where is he?" The child more demanded than asked. The creature fained thoughtfulness as it held its chin with one of its hands. "Hmm, you know, I just cant remember. He was over there bleeding a minute ago. Oh where could he have gone." It laughed at the childs growing irritation.

Giving one last cruel smirk at the child before it, it turned back around and shut the portal it was using. It then slashed at the air with its razor sharp claws, making a tear to the Void. It looked back at the child before saying," We'll play some more later. For now, I have to find a grumpy Docter Gaster." and dissapeared in the tear as it closed up behind it.

The child smiled victoriously. Their plan went almost perfectly so far. Some managed to sneak into the portal after Ink when the creature turned to face them. Though, they were not expecting Ink to get thrown into it in the frist place.

They just hope that their friends will be alright, as they made a portal back to the Omega timeline for the ones who didn't get into the portal in time. Its the only safe place left in their multiverse, and now that the creator and destroyer have both disappeared. There isn't much time left before it all dissapears.

Chapter End~

I had a lot of problems trying to make this chapter. Lol. Finally made one im happy with XD

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