Bitter Winter

Por eveningdownpour

37.6K 1.9K 140

It wasn't like I was surprised. This was just the way things were. I've always believed that you just have to... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - 18+ Warning
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

2.7K 141 4
Por eveningdownpour

Saying the packhouse is absolutely enormous would be an understatement. I'm faced with the biggest building I've seen in my life - and as we draw closers curious packmates attempt to steal a stealthy glance at the alpha's new mate - who is, completely ungraciously, walking as close to Dayn's side as humanly possible. Unfortunately, one of them is brave enough to approach, a large, muscular beta. My grip on Dayn's hand intensifies exponentially, but he isn't phased in the slightest. "Xavier, don't get too close, ok? Do you remember how Owen was when you found him? He's had it worse than Owen", Lisbeth's voice calls from behind me. Dayn lets go of my hand, which makes me whimper a little bit, but uses the free hand to wrap his arm around my shoulders. The beta, apparently named Xavier, stops disappointedly but I feel guilty for already letting my packmates down. Xavier waits expectantly, waiting to see if we'll get any closer and stop to say hi.

Purposefully, I step towards Xavier, hoping Dayn will follow my lead, which he obliges. We stop a little bit away from Xavier, and bursting with excitement, he lights up and greets, "Hi! My name's Xavier - I'm in Tess' pack. What's your name?" Surprised at his Green eyes, I realize that Beta blue and Omega Yellow make green, the way Dayn's Alpha Red makes Orange with my eyes. In my old pack, no one had an Omega mate at all, so Green and Orange are new colors to me. Xavier's friendliness surprises me, I'm not used to big warriors being warm. Somehow, I'd thought that the pack wouldn't be as nice as Dayn's friends, but here was Xavier.

I do my best to channel Dayn's confidence, draw myself up to my small full height, and respond, "My name is Joshua Rane, I'm your Luna. Nice to meet you." I do my best to pull my face into a smile, and Dayn is surprised at my confidence, but my resolve crumbles again and a tremor runs through my body, fully aware I just told someone much bigger than me that I outrank them. Dayn runs his thumb along my small deltoid, back and forth.

Mentally, he speaks, "Luna - I love that. You're my Luna and if anyone has problem with it they have to go through me. Stand tall, stay confident, no one will hurt you here. I'm so happy you're trying so hard, you're so strong." His words wash over my brain, spoken directly into my mind carrying emotion across our connection.

Back in the real world, Xavier looks worried, and hurriedly reassures, "Don't worry! No one here thinks lesser of male Omegas, you're not gonna get picked on. Not like Dayn couldn't put a stop to it easily, either. I accept you as my Luna - I'm happy that Dayn has one. Without Dayn's pack my mate would be dead, I owe him everything. I'm sure that you have the same kindness Dayn does, and I nor anyone else here will spurn what Dayn has done for us. Dayn hates acting above us, there's no "alpha eats first", he doesn't use alpha commands on us, and he doesn't hurt us when we mess up. He has a kind soul and I'm sure someone mated to him has the same compassion - I'm happy to have you as my Luna."

I look at Dayn and he shrugs and casually responds, "I don't think I should be above any of you - I'm just me. I'm your leader, not a tyrant - beating you guys up when you're late to dinner or something is disgusting and any alpha who does that is a sick coward. I'm not afraid of a fight with an alpha if he picks on smaller people, though." Dayn's voice is lower now, nearing a growl, and his casual expression has given way to a sneer, "I know respect beatings aren't uncommon in other packs, and I don't give a fuck - I hope they challenge me when I make my claim so I can show them what it's like on the receiving end."

Xavier laughs and ponders, "When was the last time you really kicked the shit out of someone?" I watch the gears turn behind his bright eyes and finally he exclaims, "Brandon! It was Brandon, wasn't it? When he showed up for Noelle and tried to beat up his pack Omega Owen his first day here. Good thing Tess was there, just in time. God, that beatin' wasn't pretty to watch - dude didn't even know how to fight, just always relied on his alpha size, which doesn't help much when you're a head smaller and eighty pounds lighter than another alpha."

Dayn doesn't share his enthusiasm and shifts uncomfortably, and mutters, "You think I liked doing it to him any more than you liked watching it? It had to happen - he wasn't gonna understand how shitty it feels to have someone utterly bigger than you just fuckin' jump you, how you don't know when it's gonna end, how utterly hopeless it is, how you can't even try to defend yourself. He'll finally think about what it feels like to have that come from the person who's supposed to protect and lead you. He sure straightened up after that, especially cause Luke and his big heart took care of him and cleaned him up after I ordered everyone to leave him. Pretty sure that tore Luke up till I realized he was pushing through it anyway and it was destroying him and lifted the order." Dayn tenses again and smacks himself verbally, "I'm such a fuckin' idiot, I should have known Luke wouldn't let someone suffer, he's too stubborn."

Xavier reaches out and touches Dayn's elbow, eyes full of concern, and reassures, "Hey, it's ok. I'm willing to bet that Brandon would thank you for it now - he's real kind to the Omegas like all the other alphas here. You did what you had to do, it's not like you wanted to hurt Brandon. You wouldn't have gotten through any other way, he told you that. You'd take a hit for him and he'd take one for you, too. He's part of the family now."

Xavier turns to me and pleads, "Being an alpha is hard, and Dayn hates doing what he sometimes has to do. I've never seen him hurt someone when it wasn't absolutely necessary, he's a good alpha with a kind heart. He has to do tough things sometimes, and when he has to do them within his pack he usually takes it harder emotionally than the person who received it physically. He needs you just as much as you need him - just be there for him when he needs it.

I'm pretty astonished at what I hear - even for someone like Dayn, not considering themself above the rest of the pack is unfathomable for me. Furthermore, Connor and Damen had told us that an alpha naturally loves violence. Why were the alphas here immune to that? Why were alphas voluntarily submitting to another alpha? It just didn't make sense at all. Xavier giggles and begins taking off for the pack house, calling, "Don't want to be late for dinner and have my alpha beat me!", over his shoulder.

Dayn sighs, and then a chuckle escapes. "Maybe I'm not doing so bad", he smiles as Xavier reaches the pack house, energetic long bounds moving him in no time at all. A lot of other Weres are watching now, curiosity heightened by Xavier's display. Dayn tightens his arm around my shoulders, drawing my shoulder into his hard side, and finally gives up and sweeps me off my feet with his other arm, carrying me upright against his chest, hugging me against his warm, firm chest. His chin falls onto the nape of my neck and he nuzzles, rubbing his scent onto me. Before I realize it, we're entering the pack house, but Dayn continues hugging me close. I know that as an alpha he needs to show the pack that I'm his, I can feel it spilling over. Weres have stopped what they're doing at the sudden scent of their alpha's pheromones flooding the house, and I can feel their eyes on my back as Dayn continues rubbing all over me in his arms.

Dayn gently plops me onto a long bench, and takes a seat right next to me. Instantly, his arm is back across my shoulders, pressing me to his side where I fit like a coin in a slot. The pack orbits our section of the table, but no one seems to be brave enough to approach until a GQ perfect couple approaches our table; a medium height blonde with a body meant for women's swimwear arrives holding the hand of a tall, grizzled man who looks like he was probably in a couple war movies. He was about a head shorter than Blake, but still easily a head and a half taller than me. He was clearly well-muscled, even for an alpha, but not eye-poppingly so like Blake or Dayn. Actually, given the people orbiting out table, it really looks like the whole pack is very fit, even for Weres. Dayn lifts his head and greets, "Hey, Brandon and Noelle. Come to sit with us? Is Charlie coming for dinner?"

Surprised, I blink and my thoughts kick into gear. Given their purple eye color, and the names Brandon and Noelle, that has to be the same Alpha Brandon that Xavier had been talking about outside. Surprised at the extremely warm attitude after the humiliation of a beatdown in front of his pack, the name Charlie almost slips past me, but then I pause - who exactly is that? As if I'd spoken his name aloud, Noelle sighs and laments, "He's finally down for a nap, and I know he shouldn't be missing meals in his state but he's barely slept." Brandon, meanwhile, finally looks from Dayn to me, and his eyes shoot open in surprise.

I begin to shrink back, aware of his previous treatment of Omegas but he quickly reassures, "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. My pup Charlie's an Omega too - you're just real bitty, even for an Omega, and it's kinda funny to see Dayn's big dire ass next to you. Dayn wouldn't let me even get close if I wanted to hurt you anyway. You shouldn't worry - Dayn won't let anyone touch any Omega, can't imagine what he's like with his little Omega mate." Brandon smiles and I feel the tenseness dissolve, and I focus on Dayn's calming scent blanketing me. I finally understand why he was scenting me so hard - it's going to help with nerves from the overly athletic Weres filing in.

Noelle and Dayn smile, and Noelle gently corrects, "Our pup."

They both beam with pride, and I can nearly feel the ray on my face, but Dayn interrupts, "Is he sick again? I thought he was finally getting better." Noelle frowns and Brandon's grip on her hand noticeably tightens, pride falling to a look near desperation, and I know their answer before Noelle even opens her mouth. Softly, Dayn apologizes, "I'm really sorry. If only I'd sent a patrol earlier-"

Brandon, with a stoic expression, shakily interrupts, "Don't be. You couldn't have known someone was going to abandon their pup at the edge of our territory for presenting a male Omega. They knew we could give him a better life and they fully understood the risks - a couple days alone in the woods wasn't good for a little pup's health, but he'll make it, and here if anyone puts a hand on my pup I'll tear their throat out. He's got a better shot here and it's because of YOU, Dayn. I won't listen to you apologize." Brandon stops, and a tear rolls down his cheek before he takes a deep breath and continues, "Lord knows you've done better than I have."

Dayn's expression frowns into worry, and he argues, "You can't hold that against yourself anymore, Brandon. You're different now, you adopted an orphan male Omega and are raising him as your own!"

Brandon's stoic expression falters, and wistfully, he argues much more quietly, "You know we can't have kids - the Universe gave us Charlie as a blessing, but it doesn't make Owen not piss his pants whenever I'm around. It doesn't mean Spence doesn't have him wake up crying in his arms a year later. It doesn't mean that I get a pass for what I did to Owen because it doesn't make Owen's scars disappear. Hell, you know Spence'd tear out my throat if you wouldn't stop him. He probably doesn't even trust us with Charlie."

Noelle adds gently, "Dayn, there's very few people who have nothing to apologize for, and you're one of them." I can feel Dayn's doubt and insecurity through the bond, eating at his soul. Slowly, carefully, I wrap my arms around his sturdy torso and hug Dayn, channelling how amazing he really is, sending how much confidence I have in him. In this moment, Dayn feels a lot smaller than his larger-than-life body. Internally, we fight a battle, and I try to show him how genuinely amazing he is, his strength and determination to do the right thing. Dayn's worry and self-doubt are nearly contagious, but I can't let my angel feel like this. I squeeze him as best as I can with arms that are much more flimsy than his chest, and nuzzle his side with the top of my head and side of my face. Noelle and Brandon both look concerned but finally Noelle interrupts, "To answer your question, we're just gonna take food back in case Charlie wakes up. I'm glad you found your mate, Dayn. If anyone deserves a mate, it's you."

More and more Weres accumulate at tables as Noelle and Brandon exit, but few even go close to where we're seated - until another Alpha couple walks in. A tall, muscular golden boy walks in dressed in a smart blue polo and Khakis. He's definitely taller than Brandon, but much closer to his height than Blake's. He's accompanied by a slightly pudgy Omega with messy, dark hair, not much taller than me. It's kind of strange how somehow I feel a little safer with all these huge alphas around, but the my wolfy side, which has remained so dormant for my whole life is now pumping strange instincts into my head. The powerful alpha presence in the am manifests in the bonfire of energy flowing through the pack house. The alpha's blonde, short curls bounce ever-so-slightly with each step and his smile is so genuine as he holds the hand of his mate it puts a smile on my face too.

"Room for two more?", the Blonde alpha calls as he walks over with his mate. His build is somewhat of a halfway point between Brandon and Blake, but for some reason my urge is to relax, not cower. I can't tell what it is, but I just want to sleep with my mate next to my pack, who make me feel safe too. I don't even know the Blonde Alpha's name but I already feel relaxed around him in addition to all the overly-muscular warriors in the room. My big worry is that they get enough to eat, and maybe making sure they have enough warm clothing.

Dayn grins and waves the both of them over, and they take seats across from us. The dark-haired Omega introduces himself as Owen, and the Alpha who looks like a Quarterback introduces himself as, "Spencer, but you can call me Spence."

Eyes on me, I introduce, "My name is Joshua, Joshua Rane. Nice to meet you both!"

Owen brushes the curtain of hair covering his eyes aside and shyly half-whispers, "Nice to meet you, Luna Joshua."

Spencer grins and winks at Dayn and teases, "See, bro? I'm magic! But seriously - congratulations, if anyone deserves the beauty of mating with your other half, it's you."

Dayn chuckles, "Thanks Spence."

Spence lights up immediately and cheers, "You didn't argue it being that drinking ritual! That means I win!"

I laugh at Spence's antics and Dayn joins in, and then a giggle escapes Owen. Spence pouts, and jokingly bemoans, "Owen, you're my mate, you can't laugh."

Owen laughs for real this time, not attempting to stifle it at all, and says seriously, "You're so cute."

Spence laughs now, much deeper but with the same tone as his mate, but quickly goes stoic and serious and begins to chide, "Hey, I'm a tough masculine alpha", but loses his composure and slides back to laughter. Owen and Dayn laugh along with him, but once it dies down Spence turns to Owen and brings one of his huge arms up for a chaste caress of Owen's cheek. Owen blushes and attempts a rebuke but Spence cups his cheek and brings his head down to shut him up with a kiss. While they're occupied, I ponder why the fitness average here is so high. Owen's a bit pudgy, and there's a couple people I can spot that aren't so fit, but the spectrum of body types in here is not wide. There's lanky but not hungry, pudgy but not fat, but mostly just a range of men that look like they could all be underwear models or bodybuilders; and most of the females range from swimsuit models to female bodybuilder, too. I wonder if Owen feels as out of place as I do.

I'm pretty acutely aware of how my ribs poke out from my skin under my shirt and how I'm not tall enough to be lanky, or even look healthy enough to be lanky. I'm probably the furthest from healthy in the room, sitting right next to the most massive chiseled brick shithouse in existence. Bringing me back to the real world, Owen and Spence stop eating each other's faces and Dayn returns his arm to encircle my shoulders, feeling my emotional blip. It's almost like ping-pong, just a minute ago I was trying to make him feel better.

Suddenly, my alarm bells flare, as I realize an inky splash of am has crept up on me in plain view, and I stare into the face of a man who somehow blended in despite am I've never seen anything like before. He's dark haired and about the same height as an alpha, but his frame is smaller but incredibly well-built and toned in his own right. He's wearing a leather jacket, but somehow it doesn't attract much attention despite the casual dress of nearly everyone else. Something about him makes me a little afraid but also not entirely confident his presence is really there at the same time, and my mind works to try to solve the puzzle as he approaches holding the hand of an incredibly buff dude with a dirty blonde quiff and a tank top who could easily pass as an alpha, and IS taller than my old alpha. Strangely, their eyes aren't orange, green, or purple, or a plain red, yellow, or blue - they're pitch black. I wrote off Dayn's Golden eye color as a dire thing after hearing about that whole thing from Lisbeth, but they'd definitely said Dayn was the only one. Just who the fuck are these people?

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